HomeMy WebLinkAbout08301989-! City of Sebastian POST OFFICE BOX 780127 n SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32978 TELEPHONE (407) 589-5330 FAX 407-589-5570 AGENDA SEBASTIAN CiTY COUNCIL SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD JOINT WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1989 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET~ SE,BASTIAN~ FLORID~ ALL PROPOSED ORDINANCES AND INFORMATION ON ITEMS LISTED BELOW MAY BE INSPECTED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL, 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA. PURPOSE: DISCUSS UNLICENSED CONTRACTORS WORKING IN THE CITY Mayor Votapka called the joint workshop to order at 7:02 p.m. The Director of Community Development led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL CITY COUNCIL Present: Vice Mayor Robert McCarthy Councilman Lloyd Rondeau Councilman Frank Oberbeck Councilman Robert McCollum Mayor Richard Votapka CONSTRUCTION BOARD Present: John Laman Dennis Dernbach Mickey Capp Charles Neuberger Chairman, Gerald Carey Also Present: 4. PUBLIC INPUT City Manager, Robert McClary City Attorney, Charles Nash Director of Community Development, Bruce Cooper Chief Building Inspector, George Bonacci Deputy City Clerk, Sally Maio Construction Board Secretary, Kathy Nappi MOTION by Oberbeck/McCollum I move we waive established agenda procedures and open the meeting for discussion. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 5-0. DISCUSS UNLICENSED CONTRACTORS WORKING IN T~ CITY Councilman Oberbeck opened the meeting by stating that he had requested this meeting as a result of concerns expressed by the the Construction and Code Enforcement Boards regarding unlicensed, uninsured and unregulated contractors working in the ctt~whtch has made it virtually impossible for contractors paying appropriate employees~ fees to compete with the former regarding.housing prices. He went on to say that he would like to discuss, at this meeting, enforcement of various codes established by state statutes and the organization of the Buiiding Department and the use of its funds. The Director of Community Development stated that his department is aware of the problem, the city needs to adopt a more stringent ordinance giving the city more authority over contractors and that current inspection 'and administrative personnel were not sufficient toenforce licensing. Discussion took place on Councilman'OberbeCk~s ~c~mm~atio~.th~t_~h~. Building Department be'set up ~ an en~erpr~se"funa'.~at-.he'saidwas inaccordance with Florida StatUtes,. Th.'e city Manager..r~commended that Council request, an' opinion from the cityt.s auditors regarding this matter. Councilman Oberbeck requested that the city.provide eac~ Councilman with a copy of the 1988 supplement to FS ~ection 489,~which he said spells out-contractor requirements and penalties. Attorney Nash said the problem was lack of manpower.and a need to amend current city codes to implement changes to FS Sections 489 and 162. Discussion then took place on possible remedies to the situation and draft of an ordinance modeled on the Palm Beach County ordinance presented to Council at a previous meeting. Input was given by Council members, Construction Board members, Assoc. General Contractors representative Stevan Hall, Department of Professional Regulation Investigator Specialist Darryl Fruth, Louis Green, Wayne Tozzollo, and Henry Fischer. During this discussion, Vice Mayor McCarthy was excused from the meeting from 8:57 p.m to 8:59 p.m. Mayor Votapka called recess at 9:10 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:25 p.m. All members present at recess were present at recall. There being no more public input, City Council and the Construction Board continued their discussion on possible remedies to the problem. CounCilman Oberbeck referred to a letter from Attorney General BUtterworth regarding use of Building Department revenues and requested that Council request an opinion from the Attorney General inquiring whether the city is-in Violation of state statutes. No action was taken. Attorney Nash quoted 166.222 FS regarding contraints for uses of those revenues although he agreed with the Clty Manager that the city's auditors should look into it. MOTION by McCollum/Rondeau I: move we request the city auditors to review the appropriateness of use of Building Department revenues in accordance with FS 489. ROLL CALL: Councilman McCollum - aye Councilman Oberbeck - aye Councilman Rondeau - aye Mayor Votapka - aye Vice Mayor McCarthy - aye MOTION CARRIED 5'-0. City COuncil authorized the Construction Board, in cooperation with city staff and City Attorney, to work on an ordinance regulating and enforcing contracting procedures in the City of'Sebastian and bring their recommendations back to City CoUncil at a future workshop;. In addition, the Construction Board was asked to make a recommendation to Council regarding additional personnel for the Building Department and possible sources of funding. Ste~e Hall recommended that Council educate the public, through the media, regarding use of unlicenced contractors. Discussion continued on current methods of enforcement. MOTION by McCarthy/Rondeau I move we adjourn the Joint workshop. VOICE VOTE on the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Votapka adjourned the Joint workshop at 10:10 p.m. Approved at the 1989 Council Meeting. Richard B.'VotaPka', Mayor Kathryn M. 'O~'HallO~an, City Clerk