HomeMy WebLinkAbout10141997City of Sebastian 1225 MAiN STREET [] SEBASTIAN. FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE ($61) 589-5537 ri FAX (561) .589-2566 CITY. OF SEBASTIAN SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD ~.S,.OF REGULAR MEETING ~-~s o~ ~~ ~=, ~/~/~ ? 7 ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY G~RRY K~E~, SECRETARY CITY OF SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 14, 1997 Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: EXCUSED ABSENCE: ALSO PRESENT: ~PPROVAL OF MINUTES~ MOTION by Cccrlc/PaqueCce Thomas Ceerle Michael Herbig Pierre Paquette(a) John F. Heame, Sr. (a) George Bonaeci, Building Official Ann Brock, Recording Se~rotary (September 9, 1997) Michael Holdridge Chron. Jerald Smith William Doyle I make a recommendation that we approve the minutes from the September 9th meeting, 1997. A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carried. O.L...D. BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: BLOCK EXAM: Mills, Barry $. - Swimming Pool Commercial Mr. Barry Mills, 4684 N. U.S. #1, Vcro Beach, FL was pre,scm and was sworn in at 7:03 P.M. by Chnm. Smith. MOTION by Ceerle~oldridge I make a motion that we approve Mr. Barry Mills to take the Block Exam. Roll call: Michael Herbig - yes V Ch. Thomas Cecrle - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes William Doyle - yes Michael Holdridge - yes Chnm. Jerald Smith - yes CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1997 Roll call was taken. 6 - 0 motion carded. Murray, Sr., Michael L. - Master Electrician Mr. Michael Murray, 565 Futch Way, Sebastian, FL was present and was sworn in at 7:05 P.M. by Chnm. Smith. MOTION by Holdridge/Cecrle I make a motion that Michael Murray, Sr., take the test for Master Electrician. Roll call: Pierre Paquette (a) - yes V Ch. Thomas Cecrle - yes Michael Holdridge - yes Michael Herbig - yes Chnm. jerald Smith - yes William Doyle - yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carried. Byron D. Duke - Carpentry Mr. Byron Duke, 1064 Royal Palm Blvd., Veto Beach, FL was present and was sworn in at 7:07 P.M. by Clmm. Smith. MOTION by Holdridge/Cecrle I make a motion that Byron Duke be eligible to take the test for suer Catpentxy. Roll call: V Ch. Thomas Cecrle - yes Michael Holdridge - yes Michael Herbig - yes Chnm. lerald Smith - yes Pierre Paquette(a) - yes William Doyle - yes The vote w-as 6 - 0. Motion carried. VIOLATION HEARINGS: None MOTION by CecrleA-Ierbig I make a recommendation that we bring up Board Matters at this point in the ~ and A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carried. BOARD MATTERS: Chnm. Smith welcomed Mr. William Doyle as a new Board member for Building Contractor. Chmn. Smith commented that City Council followed the Board's recommendation for designating Board members up for reappointment into the proper positions on the Board. He noted that CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1997 tomght, the Board needs to elect a Chairman and Vice Chaimum. NOMINATIONS: Michael Herbig nominated Thomas Cecde for Vice Chairman. Michael Holdridge seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations, and Thomas Cecrle was declared Vice Ch~irtmm. Michael Herbig nominated Jerry Smith for Chairman. Thomas Cecrle sec, ended the nomination. There were no other nominntions, and Gerald Smith was declared Chairman. BUILD, ING OFFI..C. IAL MATT..ERS: 1, Michn~! Abt - requesting to be exempted from taking the excavation exm for the City of Sebastian. Clmm. Smith declared a conflict of interest and removed himself from the dais, and submitted a form 8B. Vice Chnm. Cecrle c~ed t~ meet~ at this point. Michael Abt, 9020 106th Aw., Veto Beach, FL was present. Mr. Bonacci, Building Official, commented that if Mr. Abt follows the format that he submitted, there should be no problem with getting an occupational license. He noted that Palmetto Tractor Service has a similar business. He also listed the types of work projects that Mr. Abt would be permitted to do, as well as the ones he could not do under this license with the County, and he must regis~r with the City Building Department. Vice Chnm. C~rle asked how this activity would be mouitored, and Mr. Boua~i r~poudcd that Code Enforcement officers, and City Building inspectors would know ff there would be any violations, as well as tho bu~ themselves. Vice Chnm. Cecile reminded the applicant what the ccmsequences would be if a violation o~curs. MOTION by Holdridge/Herbig I make a motion for Michael Abt to he able to do his business of brush hogging, tractor service on the recommendation of George Bonacci, Building Official. At this time he's not required to take the Block Exam as long as he doesn't do any excavation. CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, 1997 Roll call: V Ch. Thomas Cecrle - yes Michael Holdridge - yes Michael Herbig - yes William Doyle - yes Pierre Paquette - yes The vo~ was 5 - 0. Motion carried. (Vice Chum. Cecrle turned the chair back to Chaimum Smith. He commented that he plans to do the same type of work and that was why he vacated the chair on this issue.) 2. Clark Water Co. - requesting the City to consider changing their, requirements on licensing for Swimming Pool/Spa Cleaning. Mr, Gerald R. Clark, 608 Sembler St., Sebastian was present representi~ his Company. 'He gave a presentation and commented that the State has finally changed the requirement so that small businesses like his can now do pool cleaning without having to obtain a full Pool Contractor's license. He spoke of running a pool vac and chemically treating the water without changing any equipment, strictly cleaning and maintaining the water. Mr. Bonacci suggested that a separate Occupational License be established specifically for this field and he noted that he would check on the proper procedure to follow to accomplish this. Chnm. Smith asked that a copy of the list of tested and untested trades be furnished to all Board members. Mr. Bonacci suggested that Pool/Spa Cleaning be added to the hst of un-tested trades. MOTION by Cecrle/Doyle I make a motion that we put Pool Cleaning Service as an untested trade in the list of Occupational License. Roll call: Michael Herbig - yes Chnm. Jerald Smith - yes Pierre Paquette - yes Thomas Cecrle - yes Michael Holdridge - yes William Doyle - yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion cam'ed. MOTION by Cecrle/Holdridge My second motion is that we approve Mr. Clark - or recommend Mr, Clark get a Occupational License as per Statute 489 part 1, item L, to be able Pool Cleaning Service under this Statute in the City of Sc~. Roll call: Michael Herbig - yes Thomas Cecrle - yes Pierre Paquette - yes William Doyle - yes Michael Holdridge - yes Chmn. lerald Smith - yes 4 CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 14, '1997 The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carried. (Michael Herbig left the meeting at 7:40 P.M.) Mr. Bonacci brought up the issue of the installation of manufactured homes. :He noted that the State does not license the installation of these homes - the Department of Motor Vehicles does thi~q. He informed the Board that in the northern part of the State of Florida, there is a requirement that the dealer or the installer must bring their decal numbers of the particular unit that they will be installing to Building Departments which provides evidence that their licenses are current and they are in good standing. He suggested that the City of Sebastian adopt this same policy and require the DMV decal be brought to the Building Department at the time of permit application. Mr. Paquette commented that FMHA will now have a policing system on the road statewide to cheek the set-up of these homes to make sure that they conform. They will do inspections and run the decal number through their computer, and immediately know who did the set-up. He also noted that as of October 1, 1997 the fine is $1,000 for any improper anchor installation- per anchor. He also noted that only IH and DH installers/dealers can do installations, and they must.take a one-day course which updates their knowledge of the procedure, and which he took last week. MOTiON by PaqueUe/Ceerle I make a motion to oblige all the dealers and installers who pulls the permit to turn in the · serial number of the State decal for Mobile Home Installation at the time of application of the permit. Roll call: Pierre Paquette - yes Thomas Cecrle - yes. Michael Holdridge - yes William Doyle - yes Clmm. Gerald Smith - yes The vote was 5 - 0. Motion carried. m COlm sco ,,.iN S¢OR BOOK: William Doyle and Pierre Paquette recorded the scores in the scorebook. Chum. Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:00 P.M. (10/21/97 AB) City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET [] SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-557 [] FAX (561j s~,B,~S~ CONSTRUC~ON ~0~ ~G~ O~OBER 14, !~7 - 7:~ P.~ CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF ~$: REGULAR MEETING I~LD 9/9/97 OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: BLOCK EXAM: MII~S, BARRY S. - SWIMMING POOL COMMERCIAL MURRAY, SP~, MICHAEL L. - MASTER ELECTRICAN DUKE, BRYON D. - CARPEKrRY VIOLATION HEARINGS: BUIldING OFFiCiAL MATrERS: 1. MICHAEL ABT IS REQUESTING TO BE EXEMFrED FROM TAKING THE EXCAVATION EXAM FOR THE CiTY OF SEBASTIAN. 2. CLARK WATER CO. IS REQUESTING THE CITY TO CONSIDER CHANGnqGTH]~II~ REQUIREMENTS ON LICENSING FOR SWIMMING POOL/SPA CLEANING. ATTORNEY MATTERS: RECORD SCORES IN SCOREBOOK: MINUTES TO PUBLIC: ADJOURN: NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ri SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (407) 589-.5330 ri FAX (407) 589-5570 PUBLIC MEETING CITY OF SEBASTIAN 122S MAIN STREET ..INDIAN RIVER COUNTY THE SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, INDIA~ RIVER COUNTY, FLORID& WILL HOLD THEIR RF~ULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1997, AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS. ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD'OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. NOTE: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT(ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THIS MEETING SHOULD COHTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF!THE MEETING. TWO OR MORE C1TY COUNCIL MEMBERS MAY BE IN ATTENDANCE OF THIS MEETING. PUBLCMTG.DOC FORM gB MUNICIPAL AND NAME MAIUNO ADDRES~ DATE ON WHICH I(O~i~ OCCURRED VOTINm CITY i-I I, IDDMM~Ii s~ ON COUNT~ CI OTHER'LOC'AL AGENCY IUBDIYISIOI~, This form is for by..ny per . ,erving,, the cou?y, city, or o her 10c i i.or 8ove. on .,. bo.rd.. council, commL~ion, ~uthority, or ~ttee~..R~ eqmdlY to member3 of ,dvisory and non-ldviK~ ~ whoare pre~mt~ with a vOting conflict of interest under Section 11~3143l, Florida Statutes. . i:' Your responsibilities under the law when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will ~ ~,~. ly depen.ding on whether'you holda" elective or appointive position. For tttis, feason, please pay close attention to tl~ hlbt~ns on this'forM .:.~ before completirig., the reverse. .. side and filing the form. ,~....~.: ~ ' INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WiTH~ECTION 112.3143. FLC A person hoidin~ elective or appointive county, municipal, or otber,lOml public ofl'~c MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a=,mc~ure which inures to his special, private gain. F.~h,~tsJ or appointed local officer also is which inures to the speqal gain of a ~(~ than a government organization or subsidiary of a co~~_:?.....l~ ?led}; .~ to private gain of a business associate. Com~isainnsrs.~~/~t agencies under F,$., and on~voto.basis are from voting in that capacity. officers of independent special tax districts elected on a ~ not prohibited For purpo~s of this law, a 'relative" includes only the officer's father, motMr, sOn, daughter, husband, wife, fathor-in-iaw, mother'ire'il law', son-in-law, and dau~hter-ln,law. A 'business associate" mmms any person'or entity engaged in or carrying on a bushi~S ~nterprise with tbe officer as a panner, joint venturer, coowner of property, or corporate .shatehOM~',~(W~ the shat, of ti~ ~orporation are not,listed on any national or regional stock exehanF). ELECTED OFFICe: In addition to abstainin~ from voting in the sitnatiom described 'above, you must discio~e the PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly slating to the ammnbly rite nature of your interest in the,moasure which you are abstaining from voting; WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by eomplating and::,filing.this form. with the.pe~mt,,rmsponslbie '.for recording thominutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the ~. APPOINTEDOFFIC~S: Although you must abstain from' voting in the mtuations, described above, you otherwme may perttcl~ in the~ mat.ters, However, you must disclose the nature of the confliet before making any attempt .toinfluen~o.the docision,,,~'otally or m whether made by you or at your direction. YOU iNTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE'THE DECISION PRIOR TO ~H~MEETING AT ~ VOTE WLLBE-TAKEN: · You mtmt complete and file this form (before' t) with tile ~peeson responsible recording the minutes Of the meeting, who will incorporate · A copy Of the form must he providod immediatOiy to the other mmn~.4,of tim, a~y. · The form must be rend publicly at the next ~'tt~. ,. ,:,the'rf0rmis ~. · ou must msc~o~ orally th~ natur~ of your'conflict in, the measurb'l~fofe l~rticlim~ ' _: .... ' i :,' ' · '; · Y. ou must ¢omelete the form and.file it within IS days after tim vote occurs with'the perlon ~~,for re~ordin" the '"" meeting, WhO must incorporate the form in the mln.~ -- ..... · .,. ..... .. : g minutes of~ ' '"" ' ' ....... '~ ' ' ' ........... ,~ . ]" I DI~LOSURE OF LOCAL, OFFiCER'S INTEREST (a) A ~sum ~me or will co~ ~fom my a~ncy whkh (ch~k om) ~ inu~ to my s~al p~vate ~in; 7 .... _ . inu~ to tN s~ial ~in of my ~ a~hte ............ -- inu~ to t~ s~al ~in of my m~fi~, . . .. inu~ to.~. ~1 ~in of ' ~Om I am,~In~; or ' ' . . .~=, by : _ inu~ torn ~1 ~in of .. . . . . -' - ..... wh~ ~ the ~nt or~ni~on or ~u~id~ty of a p~ wh~ ~ m~i~ me. ' (b) ~e ~um ~fo~ my a~y a~ ~ ~tu~ ~:my ~fin~ in~ in ~ =] ~' Date Filed / ' Slffffature .... DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM ' '~ SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN FORM fB.10-91 . .. _ - ...