HomeMy WebLinkAbout10171978SF. BASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD Meeting'~6f Tuesday, October 17, 1978. ~kll members present. Motion by Merle Hasson, seconded by Clint Hale that we accpet the minutes of October 10, 1978. All in favor, none opposed. First item of discussion was the "grandfather clause." Each member of the Board had their own interpretation of this paragprah. Some agreed with others, while still someone else's interpretation was different. This poses great problems, as we have applications, that have been submitted, and because we cannot agree on an interpretation, we cannot act on them. At our'next meeting, October 25, 1978, we will have our attorney, Buck Vocelle, and We will ask of him, at that time, what his legal interpretation of this "grandfather c~use" is. After the Board makes a decision on an application, and that applicant is,'.not~satisfied with that decision, he can appeal to the City Councill If an applicant is not a grandf~ather, then he has to meet our require- ments. If an applicant is a ~randfather, then we have to make our decision in what capacity this person will be issued a license. Motion by Ed Paluch, seconded by Merle Hasson, that the names of all the persons who have been approved by this Board be a matter of record in our minutes. All in favor, none opposed. We still dealt, at length, on the matter of Robert White. ~o~.~*~ made a motion, Chris Kirrie seconded it, that we notify this man that he has qualified for a carpenter sub-contractor's license. Five members on the Board were in favor, two opposed. Chris Kirrie~'~.made a motion, Huston Trippseconded it, that we write a form letter to all those who do not qualify under the grandfather law. This letter will read: Dear Sir; You do not qualify for a grandfather's certificate in the City of Sebastian. For information to qualify you otherwise, please con- tact the Building Department. Huston Tripp made a motion, Chris Kirrie seconded it, that acoording to the information presented before this Board, Hugo Loseke does not qualify as a'general contractor Four members were in favor of this motion, three against. '~Chris Kirrie made the motion that we shelf any applications, that we cannot come to a conclusion on, until~such time as our attorney can be present. Ed Paluch seconded it. Ail in favor, none opposed. At the meeting of October 10, 1978 we eliminated several different categories. Grace brought up the fact that we have already issued certificates in these categories. The Board told her to refund the monies received by those persons. They include: Certificate #1031 and #1098 in the category of Garage Doors. Certificate 91037 for the category of Windows & Doors. Grace will write a letter to these persons and send them a refund check. Also, Grace will write a form letter to all those persons who have s~b- mitred insurance certificates, but not in the amounts required by our ordinance. At this meeting we approved the following applications: Gerald Yeitter - Aluminum Specialty F. T. Sicilia - Landscaping Charles B. Power - Aluminum Specialty Leiand K. Peek, Sr. - Drywall James G. Moran - Electric Will~ H. Roode - Insulation A. E. Mumm - Earthwork Gregg Palmer - Electrical and HARV Billy Adams - Aluminum Specialty James Cash - Electric and Plumbing