HomeMy WebLinkAbout12091997aCity of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET D SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589'5537 [] FAX (561) 589-2566 CITY OF SEBASTI.AN SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF BOA. RD MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APPROVED AT MEETING HELD ~JEI~LY ANN BRACK, RECORDING SECRETARY CITY OF SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 9, 1997 Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ~ PRESENT: EXCUSED ABSENCE: VC Thomas Cecrle Michael Herbig Pierre Paquette William Doyle ALSO PRESENT: George Bonacci, Building Official Ann Bra&, Recording Secmary Michael Holdridge John ~e, Sr. Chnm. Jerald Smith APPROYAL OF MINUTES: (11/18/97) MOTION by Cecrle/Hearne I make a motion we ac, cq~ the minutes from the November I 8th meeting of the City of A voice vote was taken. 6 - 0 motion carded. ~}LD BUSINESS: None NEW ]~,USINESS: BLOCK EXAM: DAVID LAUTERBORN, Jl~ RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR Mr. Lauterbom, 1745 14th Ave., S.W., Veto Beach, FL 32962, was present and was sworn inby Chron. Smith at 7:05 P.M. Mr. Lauterbom noted that he is presmtly unemployed and just moved to Florida on November 21st. MOTION by Cecrle/Herbig I make a motion tha~ we approve Mr. Laumbom to the Residential (ConUactor) Exam. Roll call: Michael Herbig - yes Chnm. Jerald Smith - yes Pierre Paquette - yes Jolm Heame, Sr. - yes CONSTRUCTION BOARD MINUTES OF REG~ MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1997 Michael Holdridge - yes The vote was 6 ~ 0. Motion carried. VC Thomas Cecile HOUDYSHELL, jAMES E. / MASTER ELECTRICIAN Mr. Iames E. Houdysbell, 22 Starfish Drive, Veto Beach, FL 32963, was present and was sworn in by Chnm. Smith at 7:08 P.M. Mr. Houdyshell noted that he is not workin_,~ at present. MOTION by Holdrid~earne I make a motion that Mr. Houdyshell be ¢ligiblc to take thc Exam for Master FJecUical. Roll call: Michael Hcrbig - yes $ohn Heame, Sr. - yes Pierre Paque~e - yes VC Thomas Cecrlc - yes Michael Holdridge - yes Chnm. Serald Smith - yes The vote was 6- 0. Motion carried. VIOLATION HEARINGS: None i~.U..[LDING OFFICIAL MATTERS: Mr. Bonac~ called attcnfion to a sheet ofpaper, Exhibit A, that he passed out to all Board Library and upon checking some reference books, proceeded to write on several of the book pages and also tore pages out of the book and then blamed this on Kathy Nappi from ~ ~ Mr. Bonacci noted thai Ms. Nappi had beon conlacted by Ms. Lynn Walsh, Hcad Librarian about Mr. Bonacci noted ~hat ~ wife offl!e man came to the Building Depamnent inquiring about a roofing license test, and because they could not afford the reference material, Ms. Nappi suggcsted that they go to the Library and check a particular book for information. Mr. Bonacci n~ed that after knowing Ms. Nappi for thirteen (13) years, he knows she would never direct scmecne to write in a Library book and tear pages out. He also indicated flint he wanted this Board to be aware of Mr. Bonaeci then referred to a letter from Anna and Kazimicrz Rodzie~cz, copies of which were passedto all Board members. He noted that this house at 125 Midvale Terrace was pcrmittedon 6/9/94, and the County has been ~ to get the owner-builder to finish it up and l~t i~ on the tax CONSTRUCTION BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1997 unable to finish this house and have contacted a Realtor to sell it. He referred to State Statute 108.4.2. which indicates that the house must be lived in or vacant for one (1) year after Certificate of Occupancy is issued under owner-builder status. He suggested transfoning rig own~~ status to the Schmucks and indicated that he could not make this decision, but this Board has the authority to make thc decision to release the house to the prospective buyer for complefio~ or not. Ho introduced Mr. & Mrs. Schmuck who were pre, seat, as the prospectivo buyers of this property. He also indicated that the house is approxinmtely 95% complete and the new prospective buyer wants to complete it as an owner-buyer, which ~xmld be accomplished in a transfer of information within the Building I~parUuent. Mr. Doug Schnmclg 507 Jackson Street, Lake Whales, FL., explained that he can go to ~ on December 15th, 1997, noted the different conUacts that he has arranged to compl~ this house, and indicated there are no liens'on the house. Mr. Bonacci indicated that the last inspection done on this house was one and one-hslf (1½) years ago, and no inspected work has beon done since. He also noted some Code Enforcenumt issues that Mr. Schmuek indicated that he can have the house eompl6~i by December 22 and it will be.ready for a Certificate of Occupancy. The Board discussed this issue. Mr. Bonacci noted that in this instance, the Construction Board can act in the role of Board of Adjustment and Appeals through Section 108.4.2 ofthe Standard Building Code, 1994 Fxlifion. MOTION by HeameICecrle I make a motion that we act on George's recommendation to issue a variance, I guess, for completion of the house, (for Mr. Schnmck) at 125 Midvale Terrace in Sebastian, for Mr. Schmuck. VC Thomas Cecde - yes Michael Holdridge - yes Michael Herbig - yes Chnm. Jerald Smith - yes Pierre Paquette - yes John Heame, Sr. - yes The vote was 6- 0. Motion carried. Mr. Bonacci noted that the secretary can do up a memo through the Board stating the decision and listing all names of all parties. BOARD MATTERS; Nono CONSTRUCTiON BOARD MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1997 ATTORNEY MATTERS: None RECORD SCORES IN SCOREBOOK: Mr. Cecrlc and Mr. H~ig recorded tho scores in the scorebook. is MINUTES T,,,0,,,p, UBLIC:None Chmn. Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:26 P.M. (12/10~7 AB)