HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD #201-(28)'ORDINi CHAP'. BE IT 'ORDAINED, BY, ,THE' SEBASTIAN, FLO'RI DA, .a s 'fol lows D. 0 ~E.R NO.' ....... · ~I'TY COUNCIL 'OF THECITY OFI · 1. The'following is proposed amendment to. the'Charter· of'the'Ci:ty of Sebastian: "ART i.CLE' '.I I JU.RI S'. ".SeC'tlo n.' 2 '.' 01 '( 2 8.) To purchase','.acqui equip,' maintain-and op field's,' hangars.,'aviat buildings,' runwaYs, de shOps, oil and fuel ts appurtenances for the craft, and to acquire within the corporate 1 the boUndarieS thereof and use' for such purpo by the -city', w~e. th'er o nation, .pUrchase' or le and enforce 'reasonable the. use' of such munici directorS,. airport man neCtion with such oper in connection with the )ICTI.ON'AND POWERS' Airports ~e,'.take.,. hOld, eStabl.ish,I construct, ~ratemunicipal 'airports.,: landing ['on.terminals and adminis'tratioh pots , warehOuSes,, garages'., repair ~ks or stations, 'or other necessary ase of airplanes 'and other air- pr lease .any and all' 'real property imits', or within ten (i0) miles 'of , for such'purpose; to set apart se any real property owned or leased r not originally' acquired by. condem- ~se for another purpose'; to. adopt rules 'and regulations governing )al 'airports; to. emp'l~y airport lger.s, .employees or agents in con- ~tiOn; to impose' fees 'or charges use of' such airport or airport facilitieS;', to sell' '~aso'line or other supplies'necessary in 'connection wi.th'!th'~ 'opemation of such airports';' to · provide 'lounges.,: eati'~g places.,' refreshment parlors 'and other .'faci%i'ti.es. in ~onneCti'on with'suchmunicipal air- ports';', to. let 'or le'a~e '.to 'Private' persons .or corporations portions 'of.' th.esaid'~irports:for, b~ild'ing sites, hangar space',' conces, si'o~s or )ther. uses for a term not :to e~c'ee.d forty (4.0.) years, to' ~reScribe'.and promUlgate .reasonable rules' and regulations or the .operation of such airports, and to exe'r~ise sup'er~ to accept and receive governments.:and any b~ maintenance, operation facilities.." 2. ThePropOsed amend in this ordinance shall be'pla neXt general ,election held wi.% 3. Upon adoption of charter by. a majority of the e Such amendment, said amendmen.~ ision and control of' such operation; grants 'from the. state and federal dy politic for the construction, and management of such airport men.t to: the city. charter contained ced to a vote of the. ieie'Ctors at the. hin the City of Sebastian. aid propOsed amendment 'to the city lectors voting in a referendum upon shall be incorporated into the Charter of the City of Sebastia] %h.e revised charter wi'thlthe.De' the reVise'd Charter shall 'take 4. Ail ordinanceS, or herewith 'or inconsistent with · are hereby repealed. ~, .and the City.'Cl:erk shall file )artment' of state, at which time ~ffect. )arts 'of ordinances, in conflict Le Provisions of this ordinance, ATTEST: Ci'ty. Cl'.e~k . I HEREB~CERTIFY ithati~ c'~arles S.'~~ MaY he f°r.egoing Ordinance 'was. duly passed and adopte'd by' ]th'e '.Ci.ty. council ,o f' the. '.City o f SebaStian, NOTICE IS HEREBY ~N that on November 19, .19.73, :at 7:00 o'clock P.M., at the C: Hall of the 'City of Sebastian, the'following propOsed ordi]lance will be. considered for adoption: . Ordinance amending t]~e charter of the City of Sebastian as to §2:.01~, .Paragraph '(28) Airports, to let or lea. se 'to p~ivate person's or corPora- tions portions of thai 'airport for .building sites,  hangar space, conCes:~ions or other uses for a ~term not to exceed f~,rty (40). years. A copy of the propOsed ordil at the 'City Hall of the parties may appear at the to the proposes ordinance. may be inspected by the public of Sebastian. Ail interested and be'heard with respect CITY OF SEBASTIAN,' FLORIDA By: . .Florence L. phelan ~ity'clerk PUBLISH: No.vember 4, .1973 AN ,ORDINANCE' AME! ORDINANCES 'OF TH] ,FL[0:RID~',,' '.KN:O~TN,'' Ai BE IT iORDAINED.BY THE CIT! FLORIDA, ASFOLLOWS: 1.' Chapter 7, Section' 7- Sebasti. an, .Florida, known as tl amended to include .the 'followil ~DING CHAPTER 7 OF THE . ~''Ci:TYOF SEBASTIAN,' COUNCIL 'OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, ,' .of the Ordinances 'of the City of e.'Building Ordinance, .is hereby ag fees for electrical permits:' serVice 'changes up to from'201 over' 800 amps Additional air condit Service'change 'and small'additions Complete. remodeling o rewiring oflbuiidin 200amps O0 'amps ' e ' ~'on r r - $4'.00 - $16.00 - $i.00. each 100 amps - $4.0O - $4.00: plus 15¢ '. peroutlet - Same as neW wiring and eleCtrical 'installations 2.. All other provisions of the Ordinances 'of' the 'City force land effeCt. 3. This ordinance 'shall' its:passage.' contained in Chapter 7, .SeCtion 7-3,' of' Sebastian, shall' remain in full be'Come.effective'immediatelY'upon F. E.u~ne cragg,~ ATTEST: City cler~ I HEREB'Y CERTIFY that No.~ice of Public Hearing of the fore- going 0rdinan6e was given in aCcordance With 'Chap~er 166.04.1 'of 'the'Flo.rida Statutes',' that said public hearing was held in the City Hall of the 'Ci'ty °f.-SebaStian, F1Orida,i at 7':00 °''cl°'ck IP'M' on Monday, June 10, 1.974, and~that vthe 'foreg°ing Ordinance was duly. pass.ed and adopted by th,~..City..coUncil..ofl.the City of Sebastian, Florida, on the '~day of"'~i '~'~' : , 19'7.4.' C'~i%y clerk 3. This City