HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD #215A~ ORDINANCE RELATI.~G TO i,'~IISiCAL OR ENTERTAI['ii'qENT FESTIVALS, PROVIDING FOR DEFII~ITIONS, REQUiRI~,~G THE CI]Y COUNCIL TO ISSUE 3PECIA~ CNT~RTAIN~ENT PER,FLITS FOR THE I~OLDING OF ANY ~qUSICAL 0,7 ~NTERTAiNra~T F~STIVAL; SETTING ST'A~':DARDS FOR 1-HE ISSUA~CE O~ 't~E PERFITS; PqOHIOlTtkG OPERATIO~: OF A~:Y FESTIVAL FOR [~,'~C;?E THAN E~GHT (8) IICURS .OlTHOUT 1NT~RVEI':I~G TuJENTY-FOdR (24) I~OUR P~RIOD; PROVIDI~G THAT CHILDREN ~'fJDER THE AG~ OF i7 AT;-E~'~,~DING SUC~ FESTIVALS IqUST SE ACCO~,IPANIED ~Y FARENT OR GU..qDIAN~ AUTHORIZING THE SETTING uF FEES; PROVIDING PEN~,LTIES; P~:~OViDI[~JG FOR SEVERAStLiTY OF P~OVISiONS; PROVIDING FOR LI~ERAL. CONSTRUCTIONI AND PROVIDi['~G .tN ~FFECTIVL DATE. BE IT ORDAINED F~Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLOR I DA; Section 1. This Ordinance ±s enacted pursuant, to Chaptsr 6!:)-234, Lams of Florida, 1969~ ~nd Chapter 69-32, Lams of Florida, 106':!, for t:h~ purpose o? providing necessary reg~Jlat~on of any ga~haring off groups or i~-~dividu~:.~ls for tbs purpoos of listening to o~ participation in ent:::~rtsinment ~.:~hich consisto :rimarily of musica! rcnditions conduct~0d -'- , ..... ~ enclosed s~ruc'~ure in the interest of W'~e public health, safety and ,.~elfara of 'cms citizens ~nd z haoztanto of tho City of Sobastia,'~, Florida. SecLLort 2. ~f~en used in this ordinance, the follomSng mords shall mean~ ~,q~sical or entertainment festiv~i or festival shall mean any gathering off groups or individuals fio~ the purpose off listening to or participation in entertainment ~hich consists primarily of musical renditions conducted in open spaces not mithin an enclosed structure. Section 3. No person~ Firm, corporation ar partnership shall stage, promo~e~ or conducb any musical or entertainment festival in tho Oity of Sebastian~ Florida, unless he shall first secure from the Council s special entertainment permit, for said festival. Section 4. Said permit shall no~ be issued unless the folZoming conditions are met and the follotuing ~:lmns submitted to the Council. (a) ,'~ plan flor adequa~ sanitatio~ facilities and set,~age disposa~ approved by the county health officer; (b) ,q plan for parking facilities ~hich are not '~/thin the ~:rea of the festival and a plan flor the transportation of the patrons from said parking facilities to the festival area~ approved 'by the Cindy Council. (c) A plan for adsquate medical fiac~lities, approved by the county haa!th officer; (d) A plan for the provision of adequate security and 'traffic control in and around the festival area, approved by the Sheriff of (e) Full disclosure must be made by the promoters Lo the 3card of the financial backing of the feetival and the names of all persons or ' groups ~ho mil! perform mt maid festival; (?) Any other reasonable condition set by the Col:nell in ~ts discre Cion. Section 5. Under no circumstances shall any person, firm, corporation or partnership operate any festival uhich mill continue for more than one eight (8) hour period mithout o tmenty-four (24) hour rest period before any continuation of the fes'kival. Section 6. i'!o child under the age of 17 years shall be admitted i':o any festival unlees he ia accampan£ed by his parent or guardian. Said parent or guardian shall remain !~ith the child at all time s. Section 7. The Council may assess a reasonable fee for the issuance of the permit provided in Section 3. Section~?~. Anyone 'J~i~o violates any ~ection of this ordinance si~all, upon conviction thereof, be punished by fine not to exceed :i$500.00 or by impr£eonment in the county jail not to exceed sixty (60) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each violation shall con- sti~uta a separate offense. The Council may bring suit to restrain, e~oin, or othermise prevent violation o? this ordinance in the Circuit Court of Indian River County. Section 9. It is declared to be the intent of the Council that if any secliion, subsection, ~entence, el~:~use, phroso or por'~ion of this ordinr~nca is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court or competent jurisdic'~ion, s,,ch portion shall distinct and independent prevision, ~:ncl such ho!dinC shall r'~ot aff'ec~ the vaiidi'~y of ti~e remainir~g portions h~reo?. Section i0. The provisions of this ordinance shall be liberally constru~d in order to of reaCtively carry out the purposes of this ordinance in th~' interest of Lhe public health, ~..elfare and safety of the ci'~izans and residents of the City of Sebastian. Section 11. This ordinance shall bs in full force and effect immediately u~or~ its paenage and approval by the ?~ayor or by its becoming a la~I ,~ithout such approval. I hmreby certify that the foregoing Oroin~nce ~..~as de!y passed by ths~cy Council of the CiI:.y of Sebasti~n on day of ....~ ~ 1970. To the i'.]ayor o~ the City of Sebasti~n, Florida: I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordiaanes ~',as regularly passed by the City Cou~'.cil on the ~day of .... , 1970. of Thq fore~_~oing Ordinance approveW by mo this - 3 - Aid ORDZNANC£ RELATING TI) ~US~CAL ~ [NTERTA~N~T Ci~ CO~C~L TO iS$~ ~[CIAL [NTERTAZN~NT P[~ITS F~ THE HO~ZNG OF ~Y flUStCAL OR [NTERTAZN~NT FESTIVAL; ~TTZNG ST~D~DS FOR THE ZS~C[ OF T~ ,~[RFlZT81 ~ZBZTZNG O~RATZ~ Or ~Y fESTIVAL r~ NOR[ TH~ E~GHT (8) HOURS aZT~UT INTERVENING T~N~-FO~ (24) HO~ ~ODj PROVIDING THAT CHZ~EN ~KR T~ A~ OF ~? ATTENDING SUCH FESTIVALS ~UST BE ~COflPANZED aY PARI[NT ~ GU~DZANI AUT~ZZXNG T~ ~TTZNG er ~ODZVZNG KNALTZESt ~OVZDZNG r~ .~VER~Z~ ~ ~V~D%N'C ~ [FFECT~VE Bi[ IT ORDAINED BY TH[ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF* $[BASTiANt FLOFlZDAt Seot~Lon 1o ThLs Ood%nenoe tm enacted po~euant to Chapter 6g-234~ L~we of rlorlda~ 1969~ and Chepta= 69-32~ Lawa of rLotld , rot the putpoae o~' providing neeae~e~y ~egulat~.ofl or any gaf. he~ng open apee~e not. mLthf, n an oflelolmd mt~uokua~ ~.n true fmko~eat of' the pub:Lie health~ eatery md .~%e~e of' the a~t~zone ~d ~nhebJ. tant~ et'. appeared by the eeun%y hemZth offtml (o) A plan for edequeko eodJ. iMl fee;LL~Lt,t~If, mp~ove,d by the eeunt, y gue~dLmn, eon~o~ ~n ~d m~o~d ~he ~e~va~ m~ea~ approved by ~he XndXan R~ve~ ~yj (e) ~u~ ~eoXo~uze mus~ ~e ma~ by the p~o~ez~ ~o ~he t~nano~X booking o~ the ~it~va~ and the na~$ or g~oupe ~ho ~L~X perform at se~d ~est~ve~l ~y o~t ~eas~ab~e ~ndL~on ee~ by the Co~eL~ Ln ~.~on 5, ~ no .~z=~o~8 ~all any =o~po;e~on o~ p~net8h~p ope~e~ ~y tee~ve~ whAuh i~Z moro ~h~ one e~gh~ (8) hour peF~od I~u~ e ~uon~y-tou~ (24) pe;~od before ~y =on~nuut~on of ~he a~ted to ~y ~es~va~ ~leo~ he 1~ ao~an~ed by his Sa~d paten~ o~ gu~d~an .hal~ ~e~n .~h the o~ld Sootton 7. l~o £ounqL! may aeoeso a ~oamoneble j.ee j.o~ the ~o.~noo oF ~ha peFm~ ~ov~ded ~n bo~on 3. bo~n 8. ~y~o m~ vlola~o ~y M=~ o~ thai ordlnenoo oha~, upon uunv~tofl ~heteof~: be p~lohod by f~fle flo~ to exOeed S50O.O0 o~ by ~teofl~ Lfl ~ oo~y Ja~l no~ to exoeed o~x~y (~0) deyo oF by bo~h eu=h ~lna end ~t~m~ont. (ach v~o~etlon sha~Z mt~tu~o ~ ~para~e offend. T~ Co~ ~y bring s~t Lo enJo~no o~ o~he~u~M p~vonb v~o~a~on or ~hAe otd~nance ~n the Co~ or ]nd~afl SoctLon 9. it Lo deoia1~cd to bo ~he ~ntent any seot~ofl, sub.crOons ~nt~ee, alauu, phra~ o~ port,on o? th~s ordinance ~8 rot ~y rea~n hold ~nval~d or ~aonet~tut~onel by ~y ~uzt OZ oo~et~t juz~odt=tton~, such po~lon shall be d~oS~n=~ and InMpondont p~ov~olon~ ~d b~on ~0. Tho p~ov~ono ot this ozdtnance Ln tho tnbreut ~ ~ p~llc heaI~h, uelr~e and ~ety a~ the ot[tzens end reetden[o et the CIty of Sebaotl~, effeot lmmdlately upon it. pea.age and approuaZ by the ! h~g`eb~ eeg`~7 ~hat the fog`mgo~ng O~d~nanc~ mia duly pas~id by the City Counell of thl City of hbeettan m~ the day of'.~"~-"~, . 1970. / I hezmby eeg`ti?y that the ?og`e~eing Ordinance ~ae ~egula=ly pe.m~d by the City Ceunm&~ on the ~ey o? 1970, The fog'ego;Lng O~dinan~ appg`ovmd by me thi. /~.~ .... day of lg?o.