HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD #218ORDINANCE NO. ~ ANORDINANCE GRANTING A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO INDIAN RIVER CABLEVISiON, INC., TO OPERATE AND MAINTAINA COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM. IN THE CITY; REGULATION OF ITS OPERATION, RATES, PAYMENTS, SERVICE, CONSTRUCTION, AND MAINTENANCE; CONTAINING CERTAIN PROHIBITIONS; PRESCRIBING CERTAiN..PENALTiES.~ANDPROViDING.ANEFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINEDi BY THE .GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA: section 1. ShOr~ Title. This Ordinance Shall be known and may be 'cited as sebastian Community Antenna Television FranchiseOrdinance.' Section 2. uelfi~itions. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following terms, phrases, words ~and derivations shall have the meaning, given herein. when not'inconsistent with the conteXt, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include .the plural number. The word"shall" is always mandatory and not merely direCtory. a. "State'" is the .State of Florida. b. "City" is 'the city of Sebastian, Florida. c. ,,company" is INDIAN RIVER CABLEVISION, INC., a Florida corporation, the grantee ~of rights under this ~Franchise Ordinance. Florida. " '' body" Governing is the City Council of Sebastian, e. '"person" is any person, firm, partnership, associa- tion, corporation, .company, or organization' of any kind. f. "System" shall mean the lines, fixtures, equipment, attachments, and all appurtenances thereto which are used in the construction, operation and maintenance of the community antenna televisi~on system herein authorized. L. B. VOGELLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW · 2140 l0TM AVENUE · VERO BEA(3}t, FLORIDA SeCti.on.3. .Gr.a.~t:~.o..flAuth'orl'y :-' NOn EXclu'sive. There is hereby, granted by the 'City to the company the 'non-exclusive righ~ and privilege to conStruct, erect, operate, and maintain in, upon, along, acrOSs, .above, over and under, the s'treets, sewers, alleys, public ways'and .public places,' now laid out or dedicated and all eXten'siOns thereof and additions .theretO in the 'City, wires, poles', cables', :underground conduits, conductors and fixtures :neCess'ary for the maintenance and operation in the City of a community antenna teleVision system for the reception and distribution of' television signals :and ene.rgy,' ifrequency modUlated radio 'signals, and commercial visu'al and aural signals which are 'nototherwise'herein prohibited. TheCompany shall' have 'the 'right in the op'eration of the System to make attach-' ments to City owned property at such :rates and upon such terms and conditions as shall'-from time to time be determined, by the gover'ning bodY. The 'rights .herein granted shall extend to any 'area anne:X.ed to the 'City and the company shall be bound by . the same. rules 'and regulations as to such area as are iotherwise herein or hereafter provide The right to use and occupy said streets, all'eYs, public ways and place's for the 'purposes 'herein set forth,shall not :be exclUsive,' and the'City re.s'erves the 'right to 'grant the use of stree'ts,' alleYs,: .public w.ays, and places to any person at .any time 'during the period of this Franchise Ordinance. The Company shall have the: right to. enter into agree- ments for the 'attachment untO 'and use °f facilities' '°wned and operated by public utilities' operating with 'the City, whereby the'company sh. all strictly comply with the'terms, Pr°visions and restrictions 'of said ~greements, and copies 'of all agree- ments made with'other public utilities 'operating within the' City shall be placed on file"with the City Cl:erk's office im- mediatelyupon their eXeCution. - 2 - L. B. V00ELLE · ATTOi~EY AT IAW · 2140 loTM AVENUE · VER0 BEACH, FLORIDA Section' 4 C~o~l'.i~anc.e~ wilt'h LawS,' Reg'ula~ti'ons 'and · 0rdinanc~es. The'Company shall, at all times 'during the life of this Franchise 0rdinance 'be .sUbject to all lawful exercise of the ipolice 'power by the 'City and to such reasonable 'r~gulation as ~the 'City shall hereafter by ResolUtion or 'Ordinance pr.ovide. The 'construction, .operation and maintenance of the system by the 'company shall be in full compliance with 'the National EleCtric Code of 1962, and as from time ito time 'amended and revised. SeCtion5. com~a~y'Li~ability a~ndIndemnification. a. '~Liabi'lity Covera'ge. It is~expressly understood and : - agreed by and between the'Company and the 'City that the COmpany shall save the 'City harmless from 'all loss ~sustained by the City on account 'of any suit, judgment, eXecution, claim, or demand whatsoever' arising out of ~the 'construction, operation, and maintenance 'of the System .by the iCompany. The icompany agrees to maintain .and keep in full forCe ,and effect.at all 'timeS. during the 'term of this 'Franchise '0rdinance sufficient liability insurance coverage 'to proteCt the 'City against any such claims, suits, .judgments,. executions, or demands in a sum not less than $100,0.00.00 per person as to any one 'claim,' $300',000.00 as to any one 'accident 'or occur, rence, and not leSs than $100'000-.00 for property damage as 'to any one accident 'or occurrence. b. workmen"s'Compensa'tilo'nC~oVerlag~.' The Company shall also' maintain in full f°rce and effect throughout the duration of. this FranchiSe 0rdinance sufficient workmen's compensation insurance coverage 'to adequately and f'ully protect .its agents and employees as irequired by law.. c. P.ermanent~Payment,a~nd p~erfo~rmanc~e'iGuarantlee. The' Company .shall' furnish a cash or' surety bond through a Class A insurance company authorized to do business in the State 'of Florida, to the'city, in the sum of' $1,500'.00, which shall L. B. VOGELLE · ATTOI~NEY AT LAW · 2140 ~O'~ AVENtIE · VERO BEAGI{, FLO]{ID.A remain in full force and effect throughout the terms of this Franchise 0rdinance t0 guarantee the Payment of all sums which may become due to the City for .rentals, insPections, or work performed for the benefit of the Company under this Franchise Ordinance by any of its provisions,' and to guarantee to the City operation and transmission within the times specified, and: such 'bond shall ~uarantee to the 'City ~the performance by the company of all the provisions 'of' this 'Franchise ~0rdinance and all laws, .rules 'and r~ulations herein permitted to be adoptedand enforCed. and bOnds as-are required .of' the Company in this 'Franchise · Ordinance shall be Written by a ~Class A company .or companies authOrized and qualified to do bUsineSs in the State.' certifi- cates 'of' all coverage irequired shall be promptly filed bY the Company with ithe City. section' '6. ' conditilo'ns o'n 'Street Occupancy and ~system .~Co.nStru.cti~on. ia. ''Use'.' ~All 'transmission and distribUtion structures, lines and equipment ereCted bY the 'Company within .the'City shall be'So' located as to cause minimum inte~ference With ithe proper use of streets,' alleys,' and other pubiic ways and places 'and .to cause minimum interference with!the r~ghts 'or reasonable convenience ~of property owners wh° adjoin any of' said streets, ~alleys,' .or other public ways' and placeS.. ib.i' 'ReSto'rati'on. 'In case of any disturbance of pave,' ment, sidewalks, driveways,' .or' other surfacing, the company shall, at its own expense and .in a manner approved bYthe Ci~y,~.rePiace and rest'ore Such iplaces so disturbed in as good condition as before said work 'was commenced, and shall main- tain ~the restoration in a conditi'on approved bY the 'City for the 'full period of' this Fzanchise ~0rdinance- L, B. VOCELLE · ATTORNEY AT LAW . 2140 10TM AVEATiIE · WERO BEAO}I, FLORIDA c. ':Relo'ca~ion. In the ieVent that at any time during the.period of this Franchise ~0rdinance the 'City shall' lawfully eleCt to: alter or change ithe. grade of any street, ialley, or other publi'c waY, ~the icompany, .upon' reasonable notice. ~bY the' City, .shall remove, .relay, .and relocate its equipment at its own expense. d. ~ 'Pla'c'ement off'Fixtures. The'company shall not place ' any fixtures 'or equipment where the 'same Will i.nterfere with gas,' ielectr:i¢, ~telePho.ne 'or water lines', fixtures, and equip- ment, and the location by .the ComPany of its 'lines 'and equip- ment shall: :be in such manner as to not interfere with the usual travel on' said s't:reets,' all~eYs,' and public ways and the 'use 'of the same by gas, electric, itelephone,~ and walter lines and equipment. e. "'Temppra.ryi~ 'Removal~ 'of Wi'.re's'i for ~Building .~ovi'ng. The Company shall, .on the !requeSt of':the Ci~ty, ~temp'orarilyraise or lower its wires to permit :the moving of buildings. f.' No Proper.ty ~i'gh~.: NOthing in this Franchi.se Ordinance shall grant to: the'Company any right to property in City owned property,, nor shall :the 'City be' compelled to main- tain any of its property any longer than, or in any fashion other than in the.'city's'.:judgment its own bUsineSs'or needs may require. .g. ~:p.er~i%s/E'~seme!n~s,i!a~d A~re'emen'%s. The City shall not'be:required to assume'any.responSibility for the se:curing of any rights-of'waY or eas'ements,' .nor' shall the 'City. be resPonSibl'efor seCuring .any permits'or agreements with iother persons 'or uti'ii'ties. SeCtion 7.' ;CO~s'tructio'n! 'Appro'Va.%~ by' ~C~ty' CorreCti:on 'of~Uefe'Cts~. EXcept for'individual service drops,.the Company shall not :erect any pole, .run a line, make'any attachment, nor shall any conStruction of' any kind be 'commenced withOut the - 5 - L. B_ VO(~Ei,LE · ATTORNEY AT LA~%r . ~140 IOTM AVENUE · VERO BEA.OH, FLORIDA · prior approval of .the governing body, and the City shall have and maintain the 'right to' inspect the Construction, operation and maintenance of the system by the 'Company to insure the proper performance 'of the 'terms of this Franchise Ordinance. In the event the 'Company shOuld violate any of the .terms 'of this Franchise '0rdinance or any of the rules 'and regulations aS may be''from time to time lawfully adopted, the City shall immediately give 'to the ~company ninety (90)~ days written notice ~to correct such violation, .and in the 'event the'Company does not make such correction within ninety (90.) days'from the receipt of such written notice, the City may make such 'c'orrection itself and charge ithe cost of same to the 'Company. section 8. Numb'er ~o~f Channels. The Company will install for the operation of the 'system in the City an ALL CHANNEL SYSTEM capable of transporting and relaying all twelve VHF channels, FM and UHF channels, and the Company shall place into operation not less than twelve .channels available to the sub- scribers to' this system in the City and the Company will continue to maintain and rel-ay to the subscribers to this system in the City not less than twelve channels, unleSs 'the transmitting tele- vision station or stations causes 'or curtails its tr.ansmission by act 'of God or other cause not within the control of the Company. The Company shall 'make the national television net- works, ~ABC, NBC and CBS available. Section 9. 'Regul~a'ted Public Utilities. The company shall not use the system to interfere or conflict with services offered by public utilities' regulated by the .State. Section 10'. Service ~S~andards. The Company shall maintain and operate the system so that there will be absolutely no interference with television reception, radio recePtion, telephone communications or other installations which are now or may hereafter be installed and in use ~by the City or any L, B. VOOELLE · ATTORNEY AT LAW · 2140 lOTM AVENI~E · YERO BEAOH, FLORIDA persons in the'City. SeCtion 11. ~.~C0~P~ny i~Rul.es. The Company shall have the .authority to PromU!gate .such rules, regulations, terms and conditions governl g the'conduct of its~ .bUsiness as shall be reasonably ~necesS.ary to enable .the Company to exercise its rights and to perform its ~obligations und~er this ~Franchise Ordinance and .to assure an uninterrupted service to~ each ~of all its customers, provided, .howe~er, ~that such rules,' .regulations, terms and conditions shall not'be'in conflict with the provisions hereof and shall ~be SUbject to the approval of the governing bOdy. SeOtion 12.. Ra.t~eS! .t~o Cust~me.rs.. During the first three years 'of the '.ter'm created bY this Franchise 'Ordinance, the 'company will charge"$I4..95 for' an attachment fee and a $4.95 monthly char.ge.for a single Standard outlet to an individualcustomer. Multiplelattachments''during the first three years 'of the 'ter'm 'created by' the Franchise 'Ordinance shall be $I4.95 for' each additional standard attachment, more than one,' and the monthly subs~criber rate shall be~ $1'00 f°r each individual outle~ in eXcess 'of one. The company may not require a customer to continue to' receive 'the ser'Vices 'of the icompany any lo~ger than such .custome'r may desire. After the first three years.of.the '.termcrea.ted. by this 'Franchise~Ordinance,attach- ment fees 'and monthly subscriber rates may be increased by. the ComPany, provided,' however, .that said in.crease s'hall no% exceed the per'centage increase in the 'cost :of' living as sh°wn bY statistical data in ~the .Consumer 'price 'Index for Services ~EX- clUding Rent as published in the Bureau of Labor. Statistics, Mo.nlthi~~ L.a~bo:r~ ReVieW,..Compiled by. the' .Bureau o f Labor Statistics of ~the ~United Skates' ~Department of' Labor. section 13 ,pr~feren.tl.a~,orDis:c. rimina't:or~ ~Prac'tic'es Prohibii~ed. The iComPany ~shall not, as 'to' rates, charges, or - 7 - L. B. VOOELLE · ATTOlil~EY AT LAW · 2140 l0TM AVENUE · VERO BEAGI-I, FLORIDA r~g.UlationS,' make ~or grant any p~eference or advanta.ge 'to any person, nor sUbjeCt any person to any prejudice or disadvantage. a. 'Gro.sS ReVen'ue~ Tax. The 'Company shall pay to' the City ~three 'i(3~)per cent of the !gross' revenues' .received by the comPany immediateIy from the operation of the system. The rate 'shali continue unless a new .rate 'is' mutually agreed upon bY the 'City and the 'Company. b.''Ma'n~'r'of~P~me~.t. All payments as~required by the company to the City shall be made quarterly ~and shall be due Within thirty .(30)days 'after the ~close of the preCeding three monthS'period. SeCtion. 15.' '.~ePo~'ts.. A semi-annual isummary rePort shOwing..grossrevenuesreceiVed bY the'Company'from the opera- tion of the system within the City during the PreCeding six months" period and such Other information as the City may .re' quire in support of same, shall be given to the City bY the company. The Company bookS' of operation shall be open to the City and City representatives for the purpose'of establishing gross' revenues at 'all reasonable time's'. Section 16. iTra~sf'eri'P'rohibi!ted. The Company shall not' sell 'or transfer its plant or system or'any portion thereof, nor' any right, titl'e,..or interest :in the Same, .nor shall the company transfer any rights ~under this 'Franchi.se Ordinance to any person without pti'or approval of' the. governing body. section 17.~Qura~tion oflFranchis'e!grdinance- This' Franchi'se :Ordinance shall, remain in' full' force 'and effect for a period of' twenty .(2.0)years and may be .sUbject to renewal by the City bY negotiations with the 'Company: for an additional ten '(I.0) year period' not' to eXceed a total of thirty (3.0) years including the initial twenty year period. SeCtion 18."'Pep~alties. ShOuld the icompany, its L. B. VOOELLE · ATTORNEY AT LA~N · 2140 10TM AVENUE · VERO BEAOH, FLORIDA successo'rs or assigns,~ violate~ any of the Provisions of this Franchise Ordinance or any reasonable 'rules and regulations or .other laws, .or shOuld the Company fail to prOmptly perform any of the Provisions hereOf and fail to operate, the iCOmpany shall forfeit 'all its 'rights her.eunder to' the 'City and forfeit the bond, after written notice 'to the company and continuation of such violation, failure 'or default for a period of mo~re than thirty (3.0)days. 'In the'event the 'Company is adjudged bankrupt or' in the event of a suit for ben~efit of creditors, all rights herein, given to the 'Company, shall', ~at the option of the City, be forfeited and terminated. SeCtion 19..' SeParabi!ll~ty., In the event any section or part of this Franchise ~Ordinance shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not 'affeCt ~the remaining SeCtions 'or portions of this Franchise ~Ordinance. If the 'terms 'of this Franchise should conflict with 'any laws. 'or regulations now in effect or hereinafter adopted bytheFederal Communications 'commission (Or' any other governmental agency now existing or to be formed issuing rules and regulations affecting teleCommunications) the State or thelUnited States Government,~ ¢°mpliance bY the iC°mpany with such rules 'shall not cause a forfeiture of this Franchise. section 20.' s'erVice !to Cit~. The company shall provide one. free. Connection to a municipally owned or leased building within the 'corporate limits of the City. SeCtionl. 2i.~E.~feCtivel Da'te!'.-!'A?ce~'ti~p~ by Company. This Ordinance Shall become effective immediateiy upon its adoption bY the. governing bodY. Upon the adoption of this ordi- nance,i the Company shall' ~ile With the City .Clerk its written acceptanceOf .the terms,, provisions and conditions of this Franchise ~Ordinance,i its' insurance 'policy or pOlicies, and its bond or bonds as required bY this Franchise Ordinance,' within ten (10). days after said adoption. Otherwise, this 'Franchise ~ 9 - L_ B. VOOELLE · ATTORNEY AT LAW * 21,¢O 10Tr~ AVENUE * VERO BEA.GPI, FLORIDA Ordinance shall be Void and 'of no effect,' and the Franchise rights, privileges and authorities given the Company her.eunder shall 'cease. This Ordinance is null 'and void if the 'Company has not b~gun operation and transmission on or before March 1, 1971. In the event operation and transmission has not be.gun on 'or before March 1, 1.97i, beCause of Act 'of God or reasons not the fault of the COmpany, upon application to the City by the Company and for good cause shown, the Company may have an additional 'sixty (60) days to belgin operation and trans- mission. Sec·ti·on 22. New iUeVel~opments. It shall be the policy of the City liberally· to amend this Franchise upon application of the grantee, when necessary to enable the grantee to take advantage of any developments in the field of tr.ansmission of teleVision, radio signals 'and cable ·T.V., which will ·afford it an opportunity more effectively·, efficiently, comprehensively or eConomically to serve its customers, provided, however, that this section shall not be construed to require the City to make any amendment. SeCtion 23.' SerVice S~andards. a. The Company shall· maintain and operate the system and render efficient ·service in accOrdance with ·the rules and regulations as are or may be·set forth bY the Council, provided, hOwever, the ·company shall· operate ithe System so that there will be'no interference with ·television recePtion, radio· reception, telePhone Communications or other installations which ·are now or may hereafter be iinstalled and in use bY the ·City or any persons 'in the ·City.. b.· The Company shall ·carry all signals ·of every tele- vision station wherethe icommunity antenna ·teleVision ·system tower ·or· towers and antenna equipment are located within the Federal ·commUnications commission· approved predicated Grade B L, B. VOGELLE · A'rTORN'EY AT LAW · ~140 10TM AVENUE · YERO BEA(3~I, FLORIDA contour line of· that itelevisi~on station,·or such ·other rules and regulations aS may be required by the Federal Communications Commission'.. The television signals ~at no time shall be altered, interrupted, lot blacked .out. in any way by the Company. The ComPany agrees to abide 'and be governed by any and 'all' rules and regulations· promulgated by.the.Federal communications Com- mission'or' Which may be PromUlgatedbY the ·Federal Communications Commission in the future. c. TheCommunityantenna tel.eVision system shall maintain at all times: 1. Use all band equipment capable of passing the entire iUHF teIevision and FM radio SpeCtrum. 2.' Equipment that passes standard colOr'teIeVision signals without visibleld~gradation and with 'no significant phase shift and no Visible ~effect on· color fidelity and intel- l!gence. 3. provide a minimum leVel of 1',0.00 microvolts ~at the ·input terminals of each 'teIevision reCeiVer .on .the'line,. across 300 ·ohms. 4. Provide ithat the system and all equiPment be designed and rated for 24 .hOurs per day continuous operation. 5. Provide 'a signal-to-noise ratio of. not less· than forty-six deCibels, if the Signal-to-noiSe ~ratio received at the' antenna site 'is at least forty-six deCibeIs. · 6. provide 'a teleVision signal with a hum modula- tion le·ss than three ·per· cent. 17. Use components having voltage standing wave ratio of 1.4'.or' less.' '8. prOvide !an inter-modUlation distorti°n not to eXceed minus forty-six deCibels. 9. ·Provide ·that the plot of gain versus frequency across any six megacycle channel is to be a flat plus or minus deCibeI. -11- L. B. VOGELLE , ATTORNEY A.T LAW , 214C) l0TM AWENIIE · VERO BEAGH, FLORIDA d. The'company shall provide and keep accurately calibrated teSt equipment 'on'hand in the City at all times for the 'testing of all :service:and operational standards outlined · in this 'Ordinance 'and shall.'conduct these' itests as requested by the 'City under the 'supervision of a City representative .in order to establish ithe level of performance of the system. e. provided, hOwe~er, nothing contained herein shall be inconsistent with the rules and regulations of the Federal communications commission. Section 24...'S'elr~i~'e:M'a~nag'e~. The company shall provide a s'ervice manager and shallhaVea local public telePhOne listing so' that the Public may .call in complaints at any time. The manager shall be on ca11'.24 :hOurs .a day to reCeive reports and notices 'of disruption 'Or impairment of serVice.' Such a serVice· manager shall not be required to reside in the City, howeVer, he Shall be'located so as. to.be able to: provide ~prompt and efficient serVice to the SubSCribers to the system. section25...Repe:al.~Co:nfli.ctingi~0rdinances. All ordinances or parts of ordinances'in conflict herewith !are to the 'extent of such iconflict hereby repealed. I HEREBY CERTIFY that .the' 'foregoing: Ordinance was fina. lly passed .by the 'City council of the City of Sebastian, ATTEST: L, ]~l VO(JELI~E . ATTORNEY AT LAW · 2140 10'" AYENUE · MERO BEAOH, FLORIDA The' foregoing 'Ordinance was ~approved byl me .this day of' ' """ . . , 1.970. Mayor' ) City of' Sebastian4 Florida. Ii HEREBY CERTIFY that I posted a true copy of the foregoing 'ordinance on the bulletin board of the City Hall of the City ~of SebaStian, Florida, 'after passage of said ordinance on first reading, and at least five :days before ithe passage of said Ordinance 'on second reading, and I posted a true. copy of said Ordinance 'on the 'bulletin board of the CItyl Hall after final passage. L. B. VOGELLE · ATTO]~/~EY AT h~W- · 2140 i0v" AVENUE ' VERO BEAOPi, PLOi~IDA