HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHAPTER #114 m.' ..... ~' -~" '-~ .... i'.i' ~"~'%'~ '"'-~'~'~ ~'~t~'
SARI ~%1:~ N0-i~l..C~o 'giTi~[i .... !~ C.L_;. ~
N'[}-iS~N,~'OE ~}'tTi~ii~ THE CiTY OF SBitASTIAN,
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li~,.~; 1I' 0i~DAI~ii:Z) Z~,Y %'~rL ,.,~Z ..... , AND Ci C0~,,CIL T~L:, CiTY OF
S{5otion 1. A sanitary nl~isance is herev~lt]l defined
to be the oo;;~m~isslon of an~ act by an indi~ldeal~ organization
or cor~)oration~ oP the keepin:?, n~nSainins~ propagation~
existence or pe~n~issmon of ~.nythins~ ~,}~ an indivleeal~ organiza-
tion oP coPpoPation~ 'b~ whioi'~ tile health oF life of an individeal
oP t~le health oP lives of Ind~vid~als Nlay be threatened
disease may be caused.
Section 8. No individua!~ organization oP corporation
shall con~mt any act OF Sttf!{'eF, keep or maintain anything22 ,z~hich.'
is a sanitary n~isance within the City of Sebastian, Plorlda.
Section 3. No]..ndiv2d~ai" ': ' ' ' , organization, or oorpora, ti~.l,n
shall t~%rov~ or .place any l'ilth¢ the con~en~s of oesspools~ offal~
sarba~e~ foul {'~'atel',, rei't~so from manu, faotorios~ ul"ine~ stable
;~nere¢ decayed animal or ,,~o.,:'letablo ma~ter or other offensive
substances detrimental so health ~pon any private promises¢
street¢ avenue¢ al!ope side~valk¢ s~tteP~ p~iollo reservation
opo~l lot within the City of Sebastian, Florida¢ nor sk,,all any
ind. ivldual~ organization or corporation sui'rer or pe:~m'~ any
s~dch offensive s~.~bstances {ietri!nelltal to be tin-o~?n or placed
upon or to remain upon any preniises sitt~ated in She City of
Sebastian, Plorida~ ovfned by oP occepied by oP in ti~e custody
and control of st]ch indivlo, eal, organization or corporation.
Section 4. It shall 'be a sanitary nuisance under this
Ordinance for any in¢iividual, organization or cor!~oration to keep
or maintain any surface closet or prz~y used for 5he de['~osit of
human e~creta wit,%in ~he corporate !z~-~s of ~he Ci~y of Sebastian,
Florida, unless such surface closer or privy is fly-proof in
construc~lon and is maintained in strlc~ conformity with the
r~les and re/[~u!ations of ti'~e State ]~oard of Health of t~e S~ate
of i~lorida and any i~divzdual, or[,~anization or corporation maiz~-
tainin~(~ any such s~rface closet o~~ privy contrary ~o this pro-
vls~on of this Ordinance s~.mll be guzlty of a violation of ~his
Section ~. Any ~ndzvzmual, organization or corporation
violatin[] any of tho ~rovlslons of ~his Ordinance shall, upon
conviction thereof, bo fined by a fine not ~z~ceeding Five Hundred
Dollars (~j~00.00) or by imprisonment not ea~ceedzn[~ Sixty (~]0) days,
el~l~or one or both at the descrction of ~he Cour~ ~ryin[~[ the
Section 0. Ail Ordinances and par~s of 0rdinanc~s in
conflict herewith are heraOy repealed.
Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in full force and
effect irmuod~a~e!y ~pon i~s passa.-je and approval ~y the I/layer or
upon i~s becoz~mn([ a lar rithou~ such approval.
I h~reby c~rtify ~hat the for~soin~[ Ordinance was duly
passsd ~..~y t~e City Counczl on the~ ~ day of January,
City Clerk
President City Council
I hereby certify t~at th~ fore,:ioins Ordinance was duly
passed ~y 't~"~e City Ceunczl on ~he /~- day-- of January, 1949.
City Clerk
The £oresoing Ordinance approved ~:' ~e
of January,