HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHAPTER #125CHAPTER NO.
Section !. For the purposes of this ordinance the term
"absent voter" shall be construed to mean any qu~llfied and regis-
tered elector who, on account of physical disability, is unable,
v~Ithout a. nother~s assistance, to attend the polls, or any qualified
and re~:istered elector, except persons confined in a prison or Jail,
who is absent or who expects to be absent from the City of Sebastian,
F].orida, during the entire period the polls are open for voting on
the day of any election or primary election because of compelling
business reasons. Any such absent voter may vote at any election
as hereinafter provided.
Section 2. At any time during the forty-five days next
precedtn~ any election any such voter expecting to be absent on
the day of such election from ~he City of Sebastian, Florida, may
make application, to th~ City Clerk of the said City of Sebastian
either in p.~rson or by maiN, upon ~ bl~nk to be furnished for that
purpose by the City Clerk of the City of Sebastian, Florida, for
tthe official ballot or ballots to be voted at such election; pro-
vid. ed, that the said application may be made upon a blank prepared
by said voter, where the said application is substantially in the
form required b? this ordin~nce; ~-md provided further, that any
written request of a voter for ~.n abse~:~tee ballot v,~hich sets forth
st,~tutory ~rounds for makin~ .?plication for such ballot shall be
accepted as a bona fide ~?p]_ication if th~~ signature thereon ~grees
~.~ith the signature of such voter on the registration books of the
City of Sebastian, Florida. Such application blank, shall, upon
request th,refor, be Immediately sent by said City Clerk of said
City of Sebastian, Florida, to said absent voter by mail or shall
be aelivered to said voter upon application made personally at the
office of said City Clerk of the City of Sebastian, Florida. Such
application blank shall be tn substantially the following form,
and aha!! be signed by the ~pplicant and witnessed a~ herein required.
Application for absent voter's ballot.
~, ....... , duly qualified s~d registered
~s a .... elector of the..~._ ..... . ~ City
of Sebastiam, and State of Florida, and a .... ,
not confined to prison or jail, and e~ecting to be absent from the
said City of oebosti.~n on the day for hol~mng such election because
(check appropriate reason):
(1) I am physic~-~lly disabled and ~nable ~.~ithout the ssstst-
~nce of another to attend the polls on election day (2) I
exp*et to be ~bsent from tn City of Sebastian during the entire
p,riod the polls are open for voting on the day of election because
of compellin~ business r~as~ns ond can not with_ut m~ifest incon-
venience vote in person, I hereby m~e application for an official
ballot, or bal!ot~, to be voted by me at the election to be held in
the City of Sebastian, Florida on
Send "absent voter's" ballot to me at
office, county, city address, if any
,~dd, ress of applicant
Date .
In witness ~he~eof I have n~reunto set my hand and. seal
this the day of
Signed and sealed in presence of:
Svrorn to and subscribed before me
My commission expires:
(Si~natur~ Of Sbsent v~°ter)
Notar u or other officer
authorized to administer oaths.
In primary elections, the City Clerk of the City of
Sebasti.~.n, Florida, will supply the elector with the ballot of the
party in which he is registered and no others.
Section 3. Upon receipt of such application blank, filled out
and signed as ~bove provided, the City Clerk of the City of Sebastian,
Florida sha~.l file tI~e sa.m~ ~n his office ~nd shall enter the name
of the applicant a.nd the address to which such ballot or ballots
are to be s~nt, upon a llst or record to be kept by such City Clerk
of sai~ City of S~bastian for such purpose, to~ether with the date
of recelvtua ~h. application, the date of mailing or delivering the
bal]~.ot or ballots to ouch voter, the date of receivina- the ballot from
such voter, and such other information as may seem necessary or
ad.vi sab! e.
Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of
_ Sebastian s.b all,
as soon a.s the printer delivers the ballots for a precinct in which
.~oplications for absent voter ballots have been received, prepare
the first numbered ballot for the first apPlicant, the second ballot
for the second applicant, and so on. The City Clerk of the said
City of Sebastian, Florida shall initial both stub no. 1 and stub
no. 2 an~. shall enter the name of the voter in the place indicated
for the voter to sign. If the applicant appears in person he shall
sign stub no. 1 the same as if he were voting at the polls on election
day. The said City Clerk shall then detach the ballot and stub no.
2 from stub no. I and shall as soon as possible forward by mail,
post,~ge orepaid, or shall de~.fver personally, one of such ballots
(or if there be more than one kind of ballots to be voted., then one
ballot of each kind) to ~ach applicsnt for absent voter ballots from
the City of Sebastian, Florida as shown by the llst provided for in
the prec,dfn~ section, provided such applicant is properly registered.
But said. City Clerk of the City of Sebastian, Florida shall not
receive ~:~ppltcatlons for absent voter ballots later than 5:00 o'clock
in the a~fternoon of the fifth day preceding any such prim~ry or
election. In counting, the day of the election shall not be counted.
The sai~ clerk sha]_! enclose ~,~ith such ballot or ballots ~ retu~
envelope properly addressed to h~_mself and beartn~ upon the back
~_iae thereof ~. printed statement in substantla].ly the following
I, , d.o solemnly declare that I
am a resident of the precinct of the City of Sebastian,
in the County of ............ , State of Florida, and
have been a resi~ent of such county or city for six months and of
this State for one year a~d am entitled, to vote in such precinct;
that the enclosed ballot ~as marked by me personally and_ enclosed
in this envelope ~nd sealed_ by me without being exhibited to any
other person.
Tn the presence of:
(two witnesses)
(~ignature o'f absent-~oter]---'
The printin~ of such statemant s.hall be so arranged, that
the signature of the absent voter and the two witnesses shall be on
lines across the flap of the envelope. After placing the ballot in
the envelope it shall be sealed and the absent voter shall sign and
the two ~.~'itnesses shall then sign at the place indicated, thereby
certtfyin~f that the person who signed the same is persona].!y known
to them ~ -~
~.na that the name signed as the absent voter is the ccrrect
name of the absent voter.
Section ~. The City Clerk of the said City of Sebastian,
Flori~a, shall slso enclose with each. ballot or set of ballots sent
to each absent voter separate printed instr~ctlons to be furnished
by them contatntn~ substantially the following: ~Upon receipt of
the ballot or ballots herewith enclosed you will proceed to mark the
same in accordance with the instructions, then fold each such ballot
so that the stub, bearinf~ the initials of the City Clerk of the
City of Sebastian may be seen without unfolding the ballot. Place
th~ ballot or l. al!ots~ · in the envelope enclosed herewith and securely
seal_ the same. Make out the statement print~d upon the back and
sigr~ have the same si~ned by t~zo witnesses v.~ho have seen you sign,
place the neceo~~,~o..~ ~ostage_ upon the anvelo~e_ . . and deposit the same
~ ~ .~ _ provla~.d for
tn ~h postoff~ce or ~n some ~'overnme~t receptacle
the 5eposit of ma~l matter, or deliver the same personally to th~s
office so that the absent voters ballot will reach the City Clerk
of the City of Sebastian, Florida, not later than ~:00 o~clock
the afternoo~ of th~ fourth ~ay preceding any such primary or election.
In counting, the day of the election shall not be counted.
Section 6. Upon receipt of such bal..lot or ballots, the
absent voter shall tn secret mark it or ~h~m tn ~ccordance with the
printed instruction, shall fold it so the stub c~ be removed with-
out unfo!~inff and ~nclose it or them in the envelope provided there-
for, and after sea!in~ the envelope he shall fi].! out, sign and have
the same stained by two witnesses w.ho h~v_~o a saen._, the voter sign. The
absent voter shall then Place on the envelope the necessary postage,
and shall deposit it in the postoffice or in some ~;overnment recep-
tacle ~rovide5 for the deposit of mail matt=r or deliver the same
'~ersonally to the office of the City Clerk of the City of Sebastian,
so that such absent voter's ballot will be received by the said
City Clerk before ~:00 o'clock 'in the afternoon of the fourth day
preceding any s~ch primary or election.
Section 7. The City Cl_.rk of the City of Sebastian shall
safely ].~:eep in n~,_ office until election day any envelopes thereto-
fore received by him, eontainin~ ~h .... marked ballots of any .absent
votar, and he shall, before the opening of the polls on election
day, or as soon thereafter as may be possible, deliver such envelopes
to the election inspection board in such absent voter's precinct,
together with the sisjn~d applications received by him from any
voters of such preclnc~ and his Iisi or record kept relailve thereto.
All marked ~bsent voters~ ballots received by the City Clerk of
the City of Sebastian after the ~.ead!ine set at ~:00 o'clock in the
afternoon of the fourth day preceding any such primary or election,
shall be plainly marked by him with the time and date of receipt
f n~
sha]_l b~ ~'~ .
· ~=..c. in his office No application for a.n ~bsent voter's
ballot shall be received or an absent voter's ballot handed out
to such voter after the deadline provided in section ~ hereinabove
set forth.
Section 8. Upon the receipt from the City Clerk of the
City of Sebastian, Florida of any envelope containing the marked
ballot or ballots of an absent voter, the election inspection board
sha]wl verify the legality of such vote by a comparison of the signa-
ture to the statement printed on the back of the envelope containing
the ballot with that upon the registration book; by an ex.~mfns.tion
of the re~istratlon book to see that he is a registered voter en-
titled to vote in the particular election; and by examination of
the statement of such voter to see that the same is properly filled
out and ~.ritnessed.
Section 9. If upon such examination of the envelope containing
the absent voter's ballot or ballots, it is deters_lined by such board
that such vote is illegal, then such vote shall be rejected, and.
thereupon some member of the board, shall, without opening the envelope,
mark across the face of such envelope "rejected as illegal". Said
envelope and the bal]..ot or ballots contained therein shall be re-
tained and preserved, in the manner now provided by law for the re-
tention and. preservation of official b,~!lots voted at such election.
Section lO. If upon such examination of the envelope con-
taining an ~bsent voter's ballot or ballots, the election inspection
boo.rd shall determine that such vote is ]_egal, the member of the
board receiving the ballots at such election shall open the absent
voter's envelope, t~ke out the ballot or ballots therein contained
and, if the initials on stub no. 2 ~on such ballot or ballots are the
initials of the City Clerk of said. City of Sebastian shall, without
unfolding such ballot or ballots, detach from each such ballot the
perforated numbered, stub, and shall deposit each such ballot in the
proper ballot box. The clerks of election shall note upon the poll
lists the fact theft such voter voted at such election by means of
an absent voter's ballot.
Section ll. The provisions of this la~f shall not be
construed so ~.s to prohibit any absent voter, returning to his
place of res)dence from voting in person. ~Ithin his precinct
at any re6~ular or special election or official primary eleotlon,
notw~thstan~ing that he may have ma. de application for an absent
votar~s ballot and. the same may have been mailed to him; provided
that such voter has not ~vai].ed himself of the privileges of an
absent voter, as provided by this law, and voted any such ballot
mailed him by the City Clerk off the City of Sebastian, Florida,
and provided also that he returns such ballot or ballots, if received,
to the election inspection board in his precinct. In case any
absent voter hal. lot is so returned, it shall by said board be
m~.rked "cance!].ed" and placed in the regular box with other cancelled
ballots. ~y voter voting at any election both in person and by
means of ~n absent voter ballot, or who shall attest so to ~ote,
shall, on convlct~on, be punished as hereafter provided.
Section 12. _~y'person violating any provision of this
ordinance sha].,] upon conviction thereof be punished by fine not
exceeding ~00.00 or by imor!som~ent for a period of not more than
si:{ty days or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion
of the court tryinF the offender.
Section ].-3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in
con.~]_ict~ h. ~ ~..~ith~ ~ ~ ~r~ hereby re~a.].ed...
Section 1[~. This ordinance shall be in full force and
effect imme~].iately upon its p?.ssa~e and approval by the Mayor or
by ~ts becoming a~ ordinance ~..~ithout such s~proval.
, , ~ , , . . . . . ,
~ hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly ~
pas's ed by~he~City~_ Council of the City of Sebastian on the
day of , 1950.
City C~_erk '
To the Mayor of the City of Sebastian, Florida:
I hereby certify th?.t the foregoing Or.dina,rice was duly
pasaed, by tn.. City Council on the ay o , 1950.
T,he foregoln~ ordinance approved by me this//~ day of
, 1950.