HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHAPTER #137A e e e .... --........;.. AN ORDIN/\]\JCE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAi'l, FLORIDt., REUUING TO FEDEHAL OLD AGE f"..ND SUHVIVORS INSLJHANCE. OD1I T hl LI }JCE-: ~\j()' ;.1 2? .; Cl 1"\1..-' _ 1 -.J ~1" ~ 1........ -L..:::..-L.... fl An ORDINANCE DECLARING THL POLICY AND PURPOSE OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLOHIDA, TO EXIEl,lD IC) THE EiJiPLOYEES AND OFFI:. CIALS OF SAID CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORID/'. , NOT fXCLUDED BY LA~J, NOR HEREII'-IAFTEP, EXCEPTED, TIlE BENEFITS OF THE SYSTEI-:: OF FEDERAL OLD AGE /\ND SURVIVOHS I I NSUFLANCE , AS ,;TJfHORIZED BY THE FEDGlAL SOCIAL SECURITY ACT, N.lD PJ.ilENDliiENTS THERETO, UPON THE BASIS OF APPLICABLE ST/\TE AND FED::RAL LAWS OR HEGULI\TIONS; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTII'.JG THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS AND f..\MEI\!DN:ENTS THERETO' 'iJITH THE ST/..TE i\GEtJCY f.:JJrHORIZED TO ENTEH nno SUCH AGREEMENTS, FOR COVEHAGE OF S/'...ID EI'ilPLOYEES Ai'[) OFFICIALS: PROVIDING FOR VJITH- HOLDINGS FROl.') S/-'J.AHIES AND V!AGES OF EJiPLOYEES AND OFFICIALS OF SAID CITY SQ COVEHED TO BE l\:!\DE !\ND PAID OVER /\.S PHOVIDED BY APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDsRt\L L;,\IS on EEGUL'\TIONS: PEOVIDINC; TH/\T SAID CITY SHALL J\PPEOPRIi":."TE !\IllJ PAY OVER Ei,iPLOYEH 'S CONTRIBUfIONS i~ND J\SSi:SSJjENTS AS PROVIDED BY APPLICABLE ST1\TE OR FEDERAL LA'NS OH REGULATIONS: PEOVIDIl\:C TH/\T SAID CITY SH/\LL KEEP RECOHDS AND ),jt.K:: REPOHTS AS REqUIHED BY APPLIC/\BLc STATE OE FEDERAL LAViS 08. IEGULA- TIONS; BE IT OHDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLOHID.'\, AS FOLLO;'JS: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be the policy and purpose of the City of Sebastian, Florida, to extend, effective as of January 1, 1954, to the employees and officials thereof, not excluded by law,nor excepted herein, and whether employed in connection with a Qovernmental or proprietary function, the bene- fits of the system of Old Age and Survivor's Insurance as autho- rized by the Federal Social Security Act and amendments thereto, including Public Law 734 of 31st Congress, and by Chapter 650, Florida Statutes 1951, as amended; and to cover by such plan all services which constitute employment as defined in Section 650.02 of said Chapter 650, performed in the employ of said City by em- ployees thereof, except service of an emergency nature, service in all classes of elective positions, service in part-time positions, and service in positions the compensation for which is on a fee basis. Section 2. The Mayor of the City of Sebastian, Florida, 1S hereby authorized and directed to execute all necessary agree- ments and amendments thereto with the Florida Industrial Com- mission, as State Agency, for the purpose of extending the bene- fits provided by said system of Old ^ge and Survivor's Insurance to the enployees and officials of this City as provided in Section 1 hereof, which agreement shall provide fOfr su ch methods of ad- '.. 'II ministration of the plan by said City as are found by the State '0, -1- Ie e . ." Aoencv to be necessary for the proper and efficient administration ~ , thel'oof, cine! shall be eff e cti ve VJi th resp ect to servi ces in em- ploymont covered by such agreement performed after the 1st day of January, 1954. Section~. Nithho1dings from salaries, wages, or other cor;lpensation of 8Liployees and officials for the purpose providl?o in Section 1 hereof aTe herE~by authorized to be l:1ado, anc, shall be made, in the amounts dnd at such times 2S may be requireo by applicable State or Federal laws or regulatiofls, and shall be paid over to the State Asency designated by said laws ormgulations to receive suc~ amounts. Section 4. There shall be appropriated from available funds, derived from the general fund, such aQounts, at such times, as Eiay be required to pay promrtly the contributions and assess- r!:ents required of the: City as employer by applicable State or l:::ederc;l Ll\:vS or regt\lations, \Nhich shall be paid over to the L,v.J- fully designated State Agency at the tiQ8s and in the manner pro- vided by law and regulation. Section 5. The City shall keep such records and make SUeri reports as 1I1ay be required by appli cable Sta te or Fc.::c:,eral laws or regulations, 2nd shall adhere ta the regulntions of the S tat e A~) e n c y . ,'.~ectior) C). There i~; heTc:by exclu6ed fron " . Tin s ordinance any autrlOri ty to rnake any agreement 'iri. th respect to any posi tion or any cLlployee or official now covered, or authori zeci to be covered, by any other ordinance or law creating any retirement system for any employee or official of the said City. Section 7. The City of Sebastian, Florida, does hereby adopt the tenns, condi tions, requirerllents, reservations, benefits, privileges, anti other conditions thereunto appertaining, of Title II of the Social Security Act as amended by Fublic Law, ~o. 734, ~3lst Coni.;ress, for a.nc on bchulf of all the offi cers ano employees thereof anti of its aepartments and agencies, SJve 2nd except any of such officers and employees now covered or authorized to be covered by any retirement system provided by law, and further excepting any official or employee who occupies any position, office, 01' c~j,lployment not allthoTized to ~)C covered by applic;:.ble IlIlr.. -2- ". ie e . ",. .. State or Federal laws or regulations, or \..-:1'lOse servi ce is spc:cif- ically excepted in Section 1, hereof. Sc:ction 8. E.C. Peterson, City Clerk of the City of Sebastian, is llereby dcsignatc:d the custodian of all sums with- held fron the cQlapc:nsation of off.icers and employees and of the appropriateci. fund~, for the contribution of the City, and !:.C. Peterson, City Clerk of the City of Sebastian, is hereby made the withholding and reporting agent and charged with the duty of main- taining personnel recoros for thc: purposes of this ordinance. Section 9. This ~rdinance shall be in full force and effect iwnediately upon its passage anti approval or upon its bocomin~J a la'N wi thout such approval. Y' Passed and approved this,2/~_ day of 214-. 1954) ~..,....-.............."..",,-,.~-,.,-,.._.._. <<$- J~--/~___ . z-r/Y,c----. :\ttest: ~} ~ {~( ...,f' ..T .....~:: ~ ~ ~~_..1--~...-".J~~ City Clerk Clerls~~s \:..Qrtific..s.ig I hereby certify that the above is a true an~rrect copy of Oroini...nce No. i:?2 passed (}no approved the~ day of '7J(7 -, 1954, and that it has been published according to law and is now in full force and effect. ~.'-:J'" ~".;; ..'t'" ({?~ I J' ... . ..-'. .r". _. ,. r _ . ._ City Clerk ... -..:J-