HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHAPTER #15 An Ordinance to Prohibit the Runnin~ &t Large o~' horses,~ o&ttle,' hog~, mulel, cheep sad go&ts,' of any ~ge or sise,' within the Corpor&te Limits of the Town of Seba4ti&n! F[orl~o Be ~t Ordained by the II&yet and Town Town of Seba~tianl Fl~rl~: Sec,, Th&t the runnin~ &t Council of the large of horses, o&ttle,' hog~, mules, sheep-e~d~ go&ti, of any age within, the oorpor&te limits of the Town of Sebastian, Florida, be, ~nd the smae is hereby,' prohibited. Soo, 9. That a~l horses, c&ttle, ho~$, mules, lheep and go&ti,' Of any ~go or si~o, found running at l&rge within tho corporate limits of the Town of Sebutian shall be' impounded by the~m&rthal, or any other police officer, of said town,' a~d without delay the town m&rehal, or,' in his absence,' any other police officer of said town, sha~l notify the owner or owners thereof, if known, or his or her agent, if the same be known, of the impounding of the said &nima~l or &nimals. Aud if the owner, or his or her agent shall not be known, the officer aforesaid shall post &t the g~te or entrance to the pound where such animals are confined,' and at the door of the Council Room, · nd at the postoffice of said town, an &dvertisement or notice, in printing or wxitlng, describing such animal~or &nimale lo impounded, and therein notify all persons concerned th&t said aaimal or a~imale, if not claimed, ~nd all oha~ges and ex- penses of impounding the same are not paid within three daTs there&fret, giving the d~te thereof, will be sold &t such pound to p&y all costs and charges and expenses of taking and'-im- pounding the same, and thereupon,' after notifying the parties either in person or by notice aforeeaAd, the Town M&rshaX sh~ll three days there&fret, and on the d&y mentioned in s &id notice, prooeed to sell laid animal or &nimall to the hAgheot and best ]:ldder for oaeh, and :d~o' after the lale of any animal or animall (named in Seotion I of thil ordinaaoo) the owner shall,' after pzoTing hi, or her claim,: be entitled to tho amount above all ooltl &nd expenlel of impounding &nd lale Of laid ma2, or &nimaXi. The laid lale lh&ll be made between the houri of eleven otclook a.m. a~d three o~olook p.m. of laid day given in laid notice, Sec. 3. That all animall lo impounded under the pro- viiionl of thit ordinance ihall be delivered to the owner, hll agent or lerv&nt, upon payment to the town marlhaX, or other police officer for the benefit of the town," the mum of $ ~ ~ per each day or pa~t of d~y such animal il ~mrpounded, Sec. 4. The officer receiving the money for the im- pounding of any animal or anim&ll under the provition of thil ordinance ihall pay the la~l to the Town Clerk and take hil receipt for the lame, Sec. 5. The Town Marlhal,'- or other police officer, is- 'pounding any animal herein mentioned, ih&ll be allowed the colts of feeding a3xd w~terlng the laid animal or animall not to ex- animal driven into laid pound under the provilionl of thil dinance} the laid lum'to be paid by the Town Council al and in the lame manner al other billl. Provided, however, that no feel or ooItl Of feeding or watering any animal herein mentioned lhall be paid to the Town Marshal or other police officer until all moneyl oolleoted~ by him under thil ordinance shall have been paid to the Town Clerk, a~ provided in Section 4 hereof. Sec. 6. The Town Marlh&l shall keep a record in a book, to hl furnilhed by the Town, of aA1 ~nimall impounded under the proviliont of thil ordinance, giving the date of the impounding, the dilpolition made of lame,' and, if iold, to whom, the amount lold for, the date of the tale, the name of the owner of luch anita&l, if known, and & full doscrlption of such &nimsl. Sec. ?o All ord4nanoee and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed, Sec° 8° This ordXnanoe sh&ll be in fu~l fforoe and effect immediately ~pon itl passage and approval by the Mayor. ! Sereby Certi£y that passed by tho ~01~ Council the tho fore~oin8~ ordinano® ~wu duly ...... - _ Attegt: TO t~..h~::-Mayor of the Town of 8ebeatXsn, lflorXd~: ! hereby oertXfy that the fore~oin~ ordXnanoe wsa duly passed by the Town Couno$1 on tho /~d~ of February, 19~50 Approved by me thts ~'~y of February, 1925,