HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHAPTER #172 O0~TY, STATE 0F ~ORIDA' ~R~ ORDAiNS~ '
THAT 01~TER 1~8 0~ T!iE ~ '~ ~ '~ -"'~ ~ -
.~, ,4I .... t DUE ?UBLIC NOTICE
,~,~.~r~ Vi, 0LATIOI;~
1, Outdoor advertising display aeana any letter, fii~re,
cha~c'~er, mark, paint, ~arquee, si~, desii~, poster, pictorial,
picturo, 'urade-~ark, r~ading aa. tter or illuminated surface whioa
sn~ll be ~o const~mted~ 7 ~. , ,~t-- h~ Imint~d, erected,
fastened 6r ...,~,~c ~ed in ~ nam~er whatsoever so that the s~e
shall be uced for 'i~b..c~ attradtion of any ~,ersor,. or the public, ~d
which is displayed in any manner whatsoever out of 4oors,
hereinafter referred to as sig~s.
2. Ornar, mnt,al lighti~ means a~kv kind of reflective or
exposed .~.ll~.,.ax.n~:~tlo~: of bu. ildia~s, sigma or l~dsc~a.p~'~'~, pro-
vided -tke sou. roe of light from incandescent flood lights or spot-
lights is .~o:,.~:~-~,~,~__~ shielded from the view of any, motorist.
3. Painted or surface leZteri~ on any commercial buildiz~
s~ll not require ~
p~rz~.s, provided tha~ such letteri~ does
not exceed :~;.% area of 100 square feet, ~d that all copu on said
si~ refers to the business, carried on within the said buildi~,
4, ' Tenl~ora~r signs as hereinafter referred to
9, 14, and 15 ahal not require per~:~its.
5. Only business district directio~ml signs [~nd civic
organiz~r~ions signs may be erected on public property a~d then
only provided per~ission fro~ the City Co~%cil of Sebastian has
been ob"'~:~i:~ed i~ior to t~ ~i~ce~ent of such si~s. ~ such
si~$ sh~il not ~xceed 12 square feet in area.
6. ~?.':. siflms sha~ll be erected, reconst~oted, structurally
altered~ used or aaint~.~.~lned i~'~ the C3_~ of oebast~an which do not
comply ~:~."~h ~;ll 'the regulations established by tl~s ordinanc~
and no s:[.,',:ns sh~.ll be erect~.~d in ,;..~e City of Sebastian ~n~til ~
applicat, ion ther~¥for ~'~'s been ~ze~ on forms prescribed by the
Oity Co~cil.
7, Aj?plication for a permit to eredt sidms shall fully
desoribo tbs 'type, purpose and ~aterial of const~otion.
ap]~?lication shall be acco~p~ied by a drawi~ shawi~ the di~ensions,
its loo~.~ .......... with respect to sidewalk s~r~d property lines, its
elev,~tz~., above t.'~e gro~n~, ~he ~aes~n~ of its sup[['~ort ~:~nd strength-
eniac, t.~.:~e lighting' syste~, if to be lighted, and th'~ property on
which th~ ~' ~
o~.~.~ :~s proposed to be erected. Eao~'~ a~.~l~lioation for a
sign to ~s er,acted on w:~c~ property sh~ll be~ acoomp~ied by a
written s~atSment of the owner of' the property on which the
is to bo erected, givi~ the o~ers' permission for the ereoZio~_
,~=~z~. All ~lj~plications sh~ll be accompanied by a fee of
$ o.oo.
sz~,~ sh~ll ~ erected ~.t the end of any de,d-end stree~
or o~ th~ i~,~c~.de of ~ny street c~e Where such loc~tion will ob-
struct th~ v~lon of az~ ~otorist. Interse~tio~. sij'~'~s must bo
elevated a ~ini~t~ of 5 feet sbove Ero~d level.
9. Church ~.~ institutional directory 'type si$~s s~re ~e~,~pte~,
from tho ~rovisions of this ordinance except th~:~t they s~ll be
li~ited tn size to 12 s~are feet.
. .~.~. ~r~s A-1 ~rioul'tura~, R-1 residential singlef~.~ly~ .....
and R-~ m~tiple f~mily districts, signs of not more thaz~ 8 sq~re
feet are ~er~itted~ m but shall be placed ~ot laess "~hs.n 25 feet from~
the property lines, and may be illu~inated providl~ the source
such illumination is totally shielded from view' beyond the property
~: 11. No sign containing an area in excess of 300 square feet
mMay be erected or maintained within the city limits.
12. In C-1 commercial and M-1 industrial dietriots, no
isign may be erected within ~..5 feet of the right-of-way of any
..public street or alley except that this provision shall not apply
to signs erected in such districts which are devoted exc!usively
to the advertising of the business being conducted upon the prem-
iises where such sign if located; provided further that such signs
fare not so constructed and maintained so as to obstruct the view
of the pedestrians or operators of motor vehicles in the use of
the public streets, thoroughfares, and sidewalks of the city.
All signs erected or maintained in the City aha~l confoEa
to the building, fire and health regu~.ations of the City which are
now in force and as such regulations may be in the future altered,
changed or amended. And in addition thereto must conform to the
following regulations:
a. No swing signs of any size are permitted.
b. Signs attached to the side of any building shall
not exceed the overall outside dimensions of the side
of the building to which.they are attached.
o. No signs using a high voltage flashing illumination
are permitted.
d. On computing the tota~ area allowed for any signs,
so as to ~e viewed as one advertisement sha~l be con-
strued as one sign and limited to 300 square feet in area.
eo All signs erected on the roof of any bull.ding shall
have a minimum c~.earance of 1 foot and a maximum
clearance of 5 feet from such roof unless such h~ilding
is constructed with a parapet wall in which event the
minimum and maximum clearance wha!l be measured from
the top of such parapet.retaining wall.
f. Signs in C-1 commercial and M-1 industrial are per-
mitted to overhang the sidewalk to within 18 inches of
the curb, provided there is an established sidewalk and
curb and that such signs are elevated not ~.ess than 9
feet above the sidewalk.
1$. Temporary signs advertising the construction of improve-
ii. ment of property where such signs are located may be erected in
any district, provided such signs do not exceed in area of 12 squar~
"feet for each advertised engaged in such construction of emPloy-
ment and that such signs are not illuminated.
15. No peri, alt shall be required for signs containing an area
of not less th.tb~ · six square feet to be erected in A-1 agricultural~
R-1 residential or R-2 multiple faaily districts, provided such
signs co~ fo~ to the provisions of this ordinance and are used
solely for advertisi~4~ ~;he property for sale or for rent.
16. All ~ig:~s located within 'the City' of Sebastian not
'~ ~ Ord-~nanee s~t the time of
confor~i~.~; with the ~rovisions _~ this
its fm~.~.~! ~ ....
~,,: .... ~.~_:,~ shall be re~o~ed or recon~tructed by the owners
co ....... orn heretiC, th withiz~ ~'~ee ~.onths ffrom the date
off the ~inal passable of this ordinances.
1 7. Si~s .~mvi~ a total a~ea ~ excess off ,.$0 sQ~:re feet
. -~ · ~
shell be restricted ~h~o the city liaits to t~'~o~,e individuals,
pmrtnershil)s o~ corporations whose office or place of ous~ness is
maintained ~-~it~:~n the Cit~ of Sebastian. A local agent or repre-
sentative for a se~ice~ pmoduct, or fa. cility~ e~zmot apply for
a pe~it -~o ~.~dver ,~se flor a~- service, product~ facility or com-
modity whose address is not within the City Limits.
. .~.j.~ ordinance shall not a,Z~!~ tu ,,~, e]~ected or
placed :..o:~ ~;.ha followi~v~ purpose:
a. Directional si~s for traffic fu~ished ~or the
State, Co~ty or City.
b. Sitns to identify street n~:~e,,~ or Flaces or signs
furnis.hed by any departzent or b~eau of the Gow.~-
ment of the United orate.
19.~w,o '~2erson shall build, ..paste, ~:,rint~ or fasten a~f ba~er,'
si~ printed ~atter on any advertisement or notice of a~
kind wh~tsoev,~r, or 2~use the same 'to be done on a~y curbstone,
~ele~ai, h or powem pole, hydman~, parJki~.~,/:f ~e~er, brld~e or any
other thin~ located within the limits of any ~reet or public
right of way within the City of Sebastian, except by per~ission of
the City Council.
7:"?~' : ~": ~ %, m"' ' ~ ., . .
1. All applications for signs shall be accompanied by a
fee of $10. Per;~;its will be renewable on ~n ~rmu~l basis ~t
a cost of $10 per sigm and the period covered shall be July 1st
through June 30th. Double faced si~.~s, on a si~;gle standard
shall be considered one si~ and only one side of such sign will
be included in computing square feet area.
The City Clerk of the City of ,>eb~otian ~s authorized
to order the :re,_oval:of anz sign erected o? ;~mintained in the
0ity of <~]ebastian which, subsequent to 90 days following the
final Dassa.,;e of this ordinance, does not eo~.,.ply with the teE~s
and oondi[~ions of 'this ordinance. The tl,,r:,_ sna] .... issue a notice
owners aa",- reclaim any si/,:ns r ...... o~ed by theCity upon payaent
of removal ~a.d stora(.f~ ehar,~e~ ~,,ithin 90 d~ys .~-/;' ~;he red, oval notice.
Thereafter, tmclai,ed sijns may be disposed of in accords, nco
the provisions of the laws of the City ~f Sebas.t~an pertaini~
to ~uc].ained articles.
Ali. Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith
ar~.. hereby repealed.
~,..~ Ordinance shall be in full force and effect iazediately
u',2on its final pamsa, i/e by the Mayor or, 'o'j/ its
out suc.h approval.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly passed
by ~e.-~ity' Council
of the City
~he _~ day of
To the Mayor of the City of Sebastian, ~loz'ida:
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinsnce w~%s regulsrly
passed by th~ Oity Council on the _ day cr .... , 195~.
~,o~~~tnanme'~"an~oVed hv me th:.s
~i~v of