HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHAPTER #203 l; LAN t~ i:'.&:,.~..~ I f,,, G~iNE~AL
[.,, V.t-: ,~,.......> ~'-:~,. ::, ,?';T L ,x ILl ~ I ~:~:',. t~; ~.. ~
;~i,.,,. ~, ici:..~ ,~ii..,,,~ ~ ~ -'4 , '~:,~,,'"~' "~,.,hL. ! ~I~.,~' ~ .. ..... ~"}~ : ~'~*:;.~.,, ~ (UY I~.:L, IVIi ?UA! .... '
1~'L,(''; 1':I; ,.'
~ : ...... v~..,,dt ,:..evelopment t/~lttie:, Inc.
fran~h. - -.,,,, -'; "' Genez'~t .
v '~;: '~."~,...,.'~. C:~;~ra~ ..... evel~ment Utilities. Inc. . a Florida eor~raaon.
hereinafterc.~.,,,,:.d....: ,- the ('"ompazw, ha:,~ arJt~lied~,, for a francMse :ft~r a .public water system
to be ,operated i:~: eb~;tian l.;i;~hlands~ 'Twin h,ake~ ,~rea, wi~lh~, the cerpo~te
of tM City ~i ?ebar~ttan~ i~ian Biver ounty. ,~:~'lorida. as fur,~er de~med in legal.
2::,). , 'i',~5:'[,(:~- ';,:~ OL E, for and irt co.ideation of tim rnUtuat cove~nts~
agreements of ';he kartiets here~, herei,n~ker ,~et forth, and ir! iuriaer con;;ideration
of the mutual b,::m~afits a~ advan~gea accruing to the said pa, rt[e::~ hereun¢:ier, the :
:Lec[19n' 1:. '.,~:~here it~ hereby granted to ~e C, om~ny 'for a period:~ thirty
nlain~in a, pub'tic ,watex, r system within the limtt~ of f;ebastiax~ .:i,~i. ghhn:d::~, 2~ln Lake,.,
~:,,i~.a, tn I~ian ,}'liver County, 'Ftori~,, and in connection therewith, to Co. truer,
main~in and re~x~iz~ water line~, conduits, hyd~nts, s ~rvice pipes, pumping
di~tr'fbuting wa~-,:~r, ia such areas; to make housing and building co~mectiom: upon.
place,., in said area, s; to re.air, replace, enlarge or extend th,i ::amc, and to carry
.... ~ ~.,~,
th~ coadition¢ ,:Z~ '~:hi::~ 'franchise,
~ranted by ihi~:~ fr.:litc~se, the owner
bridge~.~, and p~bi~.:, 91s. ces~ and wi'ih :' aaa or~ble egress from a.n.:}~ ingrea~:~ to abutting
,~ n~ ~:~,a or relocati~n of ~:.~ facilitie~ s~ll ~e :'-<~2de in ~ompliance with
stlch rule~:; :",'.::::.d '
riel SO ~re;:,:,.,..::i~.t~ij: a:~ ~O interf~z.e wl~h ~he proof operation o't' Com~$ facilities
and set. ce;.;; provided, ha~e~ever, ~t plan~,; for said [o~tion o~' relocation of ali
good condition x~:.' it was at the time of such exca'va~ion. ~l"~t [n ~e e'~ent the C'om~ny
doe:~ no:. a~; ~:: ~' ..... ~.~. ;:3~,,: ~?aaso~bly pra. c'~icabl:e,,..~mke the replac~men~ at the Com. pany'~
.t.. optio~ haw ~ '~'
slay, at ~ ~' ' ,'"' ~uc.t work done and any moni.~ ~:~:pended th~:~to s~ll
constitute a Hen upon ':'.[:o'~:pa~,~s facilitie~ a.n~.~ rewmues under the ..,~sions of
tibia franchic e.
..... , ...... ~.ompan~' and it~
li,~nited in its c~.r,:'~:;~ :,.~,;' services famished
schedu!c of eharg'e:,:z -g!~¢h al~ll ba presented t~ and a prove"~ ~y :'mid (:it~. The
init~l water rat¢~ a~ ~ .......
made a ~rt icz'::,:,>:/.', ~,~11 be ~e rate',:: in c:ff,:c% pu~uant to 'i,~: grant until u~o~fied
or c~nged 'by thc,
of charg~,~.~,"~ ~,',',. fb,~,~ City notice in v,,, r
aforesaid, ~he i,.;:,ty ~,,aall autho~:ae and hold n public hear,ma and wi~ 30 ~ys after
~such public hearing, ii' 'the City shall deell~;~e to act, then ~e C'om~ may for~wi~
~m~t tnt~ effect ~.a~ch a?~endment or c}am~:'~ of ~:~eheduie, It i~; ~,~nderst~d and agreed
~ion, or ~st ,~vith t~e .,~i;i~y a good and ~;;ufficlent Surety Bond,, for a peri~ d 90 aya.
In ti~ ~vent the Ci'~ ~ouid deny '~he raiae at any time darin~ i~'~s ;~ ~s period,
~lse. Ho~veva~, ~.;.~on t~ expiation of ~e ~mld 90 day ~ri~ thc =',~oniea colt. ected,
if no ac~on ~a ~keu by ~e City titerato'~ore, 'tlmll become the i~nd::~ of tlie Con~ny
a nd there s~[l ~e no fur'iher ~lifation on ti,c: part of the Company to e~crow any
u'lon~e~ or in the ,:,~ae of a !:~urety ~ond, zaifl ::~urety Bond will no ionger be in force.
~d been gra~lt~d.
operate :¢aid waie't :;yatem wid'~ an atlowance for a fair ret~:~'n ~n. the fa~,~" value of ,the
Com~s PrOt~r'~y ¥~ed and usef~ in iur~n~ water $ez'v~e~ ~n'd v~,ith an all,aries
fol., '~ainte~e an~ cp~l"a'~{~a oi tae (:o'mpan~ and ~ an all~a, nce for th, e ~'epiaee=
includ~ ~1t pip~ tine:,~ valves, storage tank~, ~'aa~hin~ and ~(tuipn'?ent and t~ wirer
aystems ~n~ ~appurt~r~a~ices t~reto ~d in ~ne~l all parts ~nd poi~ti~ ~ the water
systems ~ tha~ entl~'ety and ~11 ~xes of e~e~' ~escription levied o~ tmpo~".c.}d on the
all~an~e ~ a .('a.l~:,' return on th~ fair ~lue of ~e C~m~ny~a pro~as aa asceraaed
~'bitrators ,'~ .....
..~,~ ,, t be, bo,'ne by th<.,~
kny t2:.. or ~ ~t<~..a ~' .... TM ~.~:~t)o:~c.~ b~ an~ gove:n:nm~ta~ (~0tho:ity~ onthe ~ ompany
from ot~=. ¥' h~dlvidual.., co~oration: , o,' b'~x~:iine:.-:~..a'c in ge,.e.~ at, :'nay b,,~ appoz'tioned
,:no:g th,.,, ....,, .. ,,-.* "- ,, - ....... ,.,.,' a' ": dir?ct tax ,. pon thug "on.,um'.:r,: i~hout rw.,;ox'~ to th;2 "i~y
~oz [o~)l',:~,[..',::;~,oi~ to i:':,o~g:a~, e ~,h,,~ ", o~pa~O.,'~::-
~ecJion i.' '. i'l,: ("o'alpa~ he: eb~ speciiicall~ agi'.:.~e;;~
and opern, t i.:.-"~ of the :ranchir, ed public 'tter <y~tem it will,
: ,~asonably ,~:ufficient, adequate arid efficient service shall be
furni: h::: by r'omp~.nv eni:,agee o:,, the effec'tiva d~te o~ thi~ o~innr:ee in tee
i thin the <":cq':>,'.~rate li~i~,., -.erred by such ~ys,tem.
:ecl!on 6: c lie Company :~hati publi~:~h rules and re, g, '!alien. governing
shat! c'ontai~ provi,:[o~ governing the termination of its services, 3aid m~les
regulation:, :,ay bo a,:'telided by the :'or::pany at any time, but :ach amendments
~:;halt atao be . ,:bject to the a. pprovai of the said City. The i:::iiai rules
.vagutatio~ described in ,'>chedule (" attachec hereto and r~de a part hereof
shall 5',,> the rule:.: ,m.d regulation: in effect pursuant to this grant until modified or
ehangec by ~ite parti,~;.
-et. ti."'<: 7: iNi.".IVI L. AL .~,":. ::]} ...... %".:": E':::I '1-'! C:'.[~tI~I7. ::: ; .'~ t:.i Ct}N:'~:.:: '-
i,,.z vpei-<,~ f2'o;':ting on a s~trcet whez ei~ w~t~r distribution se~ice is
,: ........... the improv'em.ents upon: ,.eh premis~ m the :'~anner herein
or by ,:,'mcr ia':: of the c':lt,7 provided. Any per, on convicted o: violatinj thi, section
~e¢~;lon 8:_ Fire 'Hydrants. The ~Ompany shall is,om time to time, install at
no cost to the City, fire hydra, ts along the water main to be constructed in the Cit~,
in sach n~mbers m~d at s~ch loca:io~s as may be designated by the Clt~ and in con-
/orm~ce ~.v/th the accepted stm~dards of t~e ~ational ~oax. d oI Fire Untl~rwriters.
The Compa~ ~hall deliver sac~ water ~n sach quant/t/es as will maintain a
static water ?ressure equal ~o torty {40) pounds per sq~ar~ inch at the fire hydrants,
~d in accord~ce with the Code of S~andards of th~ l~ational Board of Fire Under-
writers. However, the Oom~arA[ does not g~ar~tee that the supply of w~ter to be
distributed to sach fire hydr~ts sh~11 be at all times consta'nt or ~aintained at the
pres~Are s?ec/fied aSove; it being understood tha~ te=~orar~ cessation of del/very
of water or droo in w2ter pressares a~ any ~i~e cause~ by ~ Act of God, fires,
strikes, casualties, accidents, necossar~ maintenance work, bre~downs, damage
to mac~nery ox' !ines, c/vi1 or ~[litarv authorit~~, or bi ~iot or other ca,se beyond
the control of the Co~p~y, shall not constit~tte a breach of the provisions oi thi~ s~b-
p~ra~ral~h or impose liability ~pon the Comply to the City or to it~ inhabitant~ or
w2ter cons~ners therein.
Section ~; ADDiTiONAL O~DINANCES. The City agrees to pas~ all
antes necessary or s~tiable for both the reason.able ~rotection of the right~ ~d ~2rop-
erty of the Company ~d to enable the Co~p~y to enforce a~y oi its reasonable rules
~d regulations for the m~agement, o:~eratio~ and control of t~e services to be ren-
dered by the Company hereunder and :o ~a~s any reasonable ordinance or ordiuauces
that wi~ll 't~ necessary or suitable in owder to fully confirm to the Comply the
herein or hereb[ ~a~ted or intended so ~. be.
Sect/on i0: The Company ~hal! ~ot, at any time, transfer, a~si~r~, ~.:~-:- ~-
it~ riEhts In ~/' oi its public water system or its franchise herein grated to
an[ ~erson, firm ~r corporation, without the consent of the Git~~ Coanci! of the
Cit[ of Sebastian; ~aid consent shall ~ot 'be withheld unreasonably.
Section 11: Th~ Oon'~t~ar~F shall, at ali time~, crc:sci and save harmless t~e
Git/ of Sebastian, /rom all d~age ~d loss ari~in~ /rom, o~ of, ~r by reason oi the
constr~ction, operation or maintenance oi its ~aid p~btic water s[~tem. It is further
a~reed that the Cit~ of Sebast/~ i~ coml'~letely indemnified relative to ~
sustained from either ~ropert/ or ~erson by reason of the constrict/on, operation or
:~ction ....: It i.: :.;:pect~i:,::~.liy :':?:reed that in the ~vent ~he Florida
:,':;.id (""'o-'-',gany~. and
Section ""'-
'the ('ftv hez'eby r,;:serve,,~ the rif'_'h* a:: .:~.~.~ ~fte.,. the e~iratiou
........ ~ this: ;:'~nt ~s provided
~urc~.;-:,. re;': :roved on the occ:a,:i<>::;~ of the 31~ih .%nni. va':'/:z:y date. [n the
there ts c~n:'::<:i with re,ferenee to ~e :.'~urc~se price, t~e fit, y ~$ aa option to
purc~se said Company by an app,'aid'ed eval.ation to b~,~ det:~rmt~d by ~ree
appointed b,¥ th~ other two aDpx'ai::.'. ~::<,
cue appointed by [:'~.':~ :'"ompe. ry, and on~
t:pon the ~ir _::::rket vaJ. uaSon of the ('..¢_.,m,I~n~' at the time ~ ~,~ puruhase.
:,~c,. :on ~ ,_. ~. hat within,.m.,'"" ~'-t~',, ( "("
sa~ ':"'-to. of thf. :.:"mi:n;, :.;o'::p::,~5r, .- ::~:ece?e::rr: ~:n.:J n.': .'..3.'n':,- ::-hal! pay to tk:: City
and itr~ · _.::~:,o~'~: an ::.;~un$ Whi,::h added to th~ amount of ai~ City m;~e,,:, licenae~::
and o~er i:..",:~sitlon~ levied of i~.~:po::.,ed upon the F"OmF, ar:y~.::, ~:~rc, f:,~:-ty, hu,gi~,~:~: or
from ~e sale of water semite to i-e~f, dant~ and commercial eu~:.tomers wi~n ~et
corpor::>.~.~, [i,:r,'iD ,'.:,f the Granto:', bu; exciudin;s connection e~rges. The payment
herei~: :..:h::[l Es.-. in addition to any ':axe~: tc be paid by
~':c,.ti.:::~ [6: ':he [ailur'e~ on :he ;~art of Ctoa:~n:;,~ to r,.omply i.n any sub-
sta~tia: :.'<~.; ?act ,~,ith any of ~h~- ,~rovl.":ic.~r.~: o'[ thb: or,itu:ut::
feiturc 0.f i:h,. :::z'an: but ns: :::u<'b, fo:feiture .:hall take e~X:~c': ii' the i'easo:~blene::::: or
· , ' - ~ ':,,..~',, .... :.. '",, . "':~ :i:' .'¥ :" ,'::~"'1~ .... .. ']'~ ......
"' ~ "'~ '~+": ' ' "' '"" ~ ' ' ,.':. i !':' _ ::!!'il :~:, ]: :
p, opx~ety thereof l,~ prote~ted .by "~, ~ ~ '
,~,o._,~pa~ until, a court of competent jurfsdlctioa,
be anJ 'the ~ame a:;~~ h~'eby x'ep~ai~d.
:~ec'[,i,gn~:~ :' ::..,~verability '" .... la" declared he~reb3~ ~:,~ 'b~ Lhe L~gi~lativ~a
of ~is ordlna,~:~,,~::,~ i~: h~Li', invalid. '~h,~ re~'a~nde~~ ~ ~i~e orair~c~ shah not be effected.
I her~:>'by certi,[y that ~e i'or~o~ o¥'d!nance wag l~. t:~sea by '~e ~. ty
/f ********'"'*"*
ardi~nce ~ ~e bulletin boa~ in the City Itall of ~e Ci~ of Sabastian, FlOrida
after ~azage of said ordnance on first r~g' and at least five days befor~ the
~saage ~ said ore.nee on second rea~ng, and i posted a frae co~ of said
ordinance on ~he b~letin board in the City }Lall after fi~l
'Jebasflan 'Hi~la'nda U~t ~, Plat B~k 6, i~ge~ ~6 and ~6A; and
Beplat o~ ~'ortion ,,.~f ::~ebastian I-fighland~,:~ U~t 9, l ~t B~k 7, page 2;
recorded in '~h,e p~lic recor~ ~ ~dian I~.iver Couniy~ /lortda.
~ a~ton~l cArge of one-~lf .~e m.i~mu~n
v,/a~l' :.:.;~rvioe ct~rge t~r each
Tlaese rule:.: x.'..:rl rec~:k~,tions are a pitt oC ,.h.. :fate schedule.: :,'.'~l,:!.ic~ions and
.~f .;pecific wr?.+.c,.~;~ a~¥z'c;amen~, to the
,.::hant[e to each and ever), consumer
1~ ~.i~e e'~'¢n~ '!,kat a portion of th~ae r~.:i, es and reg~tlo~s
t~tional oz' 'v',,...~d l',~'~r ~ny reason by an}' eo~ix-t of competent juric,.';ic~,ion, such deeisi~
~1t in no wa~' aff~:-~:i the validi~ of tile remainin~ ~rtio~ o! th,~t rul~:s and re~~
a'~ ~e ~fice of ~e Co:-npar~,. ,~,pplication8 a~'c accepted by the
~:-? i,h~- :7.omp~i~' to r-e:r,.P~r ~,'~: ",t- :~ervtce other th~,:~ ti~.~.. ?~hich is ~en
lva. il~t¢ie from ira exlating wat~r pr~uction and distribution ~uip~nent
a~d .,~er'vica l~ea.
i he .,~:~ptica~tt ~hould be ~:,e~'.::~.}.: lo ~'ende~' to ~:h~ C'o:w,:-",ny the correct
~r~e, .utr~2~ address, a'r~d 1ot ,~n(t block nu:~':~ber xt wDich ~ter
~'vi(~ is to l>e rends]rod..
~,~c?:2~; "ater service ,~. ft~:'~fi~h~ ~ly u~n
ai~llo~ appli~on or agreement accepted by ii~:~ ~.'om~n~ ~ ~e
con~tlo~ ~ su~ a~li~tion or ~gr~em~nt
con:~r~,r:~r as well a~i~ :&.>o~l the ,. 'ore,ny. A cop~ o~ e~'~ ~pplication
or a~f, ree.,r~ent fo~ war,set acce.:.,led by the i-..?ompa~y will be fum~hed
to the applicant on requea'~,
Ap.~licanta~ bY A~ent.~ - Application for water se~ce requested by
~tr:'..n~'~;~ 'f~arh~er:~:hip~, ~m~oe~lon~, co~or~iton~ and ..... ~.hers,
l'~o 'te~d~:~',r~d only by d'~.~!v au'~hori:aed · 'e"
~ ~, partly:.,,. ~" hen wafer ~e~ce
a, ~o ,.~ or aareemen~ entered into be~een
~ ~ ,.u. mctel, the u'~e of a;tc:h water
[ :9:~u[~ny and an a~ent of the ~ -~
~"fncl,¥rj. of the azree~aent or e. greement~ centered ~'~to ~etween
~c [h~ ,'['~on~ny and t~er w~ch such water ~ervfee [~ rendered.
,, .,.:,~?,~,i~,,~L - r ~n ~pplic-~:t,:[cn fc, r ~nnection and t~,~'~,'~,-on o~ ~'ater, a
the a.'~'~ount ,:~f' :~aid ~,';~. ::~it to be Eov:,;:~r~'z.n~.] by tka aize of the
Ion:"/*::' '.:~ co~umer, at which time the said dego~lt. :ices ~y ~debt-
:'~dr~e:~z t~ ~h~ Company,: ~h~.U, be reflmded to the con~fnl~e~. The
':omp~.~ may use :~ai,~] de'po",ft, while in the ~,:: ~es~i~n 'of the
i,':,rAc,, interest shali be allowed at ~e ~te roq:ttired by ~e Florl~
I'.'ublic Ut2i~iet~ Com~isaion co~erini each acco[mt w~ ~s been
active ~ix (6) consecutive ~,,.~.~hs or Longer t:b. rough J~
~,tartln[[ with Angst !Pi1.
," On the i~flal ~t~oli¢~tion for connection and turn on of water.
,~overnr~ by ~tpeclal raiea ~et .Jp by the Company t,O cover ~pecifted
ar~$, ~ r~ut~d ~ t~ Commm~. The said scl.vice c~rge will
not 'be returned to the torn'mar or applied In ~ayment ot a~ x~ter
,,~,[,~ ~ervtce~ discontin.'aed at the requeat of c~.~limer, ~ere
will 'be a reconnectio[~ c~rze of ~::~;3, O0 if ","
per~ ~ :,:~ :'~ e u ¢~ ring ~lm r
w, orktn~,~ hours. Aiier re~u~r working hours, tiaa ~mrae w~l be
jS, ~:~. for each request,
Ltmi~tion ot Use - :/ater service purcl~sed from. ~he Company
or ~z!,.erwi~e dJ,~pcz:~e of soch water service supplied by ~e Core.ny.
- ate~ c~arvico '/urnt:.d~ed ~o ~he c~u'mer s~l~.[I [~ff rendered directly
...c .. te~nt~ or oth~,rs, e.r~ under no ch"cuq::~t~nce'~ ~11 the
or c:":'~,~ov~:~'~ion in~'[~it ~':u te~'s ior the p~rpose of ?o remeterin~ said
· ..~ ,, ~ ..... is a ~,,~....~ t~ a.:i~'f~continuance until :,~ch unauthorized
; ~,';~.,k~iu.: a,~d rate ~-~',h':a~i~a:~ and rei~burse:'ne~t m fui. i ~."~',ade to the
,'~ -'r'~, ~,' ~." incurred foe' cie~rical work. testing
0 7~*t~¥ f~F all
.i,iff~!~i[~Y. of ~ervice - ,~,h~. C'cmpany will at at~ 't~:nt~:~ m~e r~aso~mble
ditii~;enc:e to provide con'tim~oua water service, fnctudmg water pressure
,gl, able to the corm umer io~ failure or interruption ,~f continuous water
::~e~ice. lhe C~mpany a~itait nc.t be liable for any act or cmis:~ion
ov c~tber ~nditions b~yond Com~ny"s control.
l;,~.~ ':~:d~'nnt~;,,, .... . on f.o~,sur:~:: ;~ '_.~~- ,~ hah ~ consumer requests
.... : :;'[~a~W to t~li a fire t~,/~rant on consuo.'~r% property, the
conau.'n':r :;hall pa> 'l:ha ('oi~i~l',y for ~aid hyavant, cut-off val~s,
a :'n, onth.~> ct~rge cf ~5. C,., for th~: ~:~iand-by strvic~ oi said fire hydrant.
:1%.~ mon~hly stz~nd,,-by char~-~e ::':'~hal! con~inu~ so len2' as ~aid ~ire
- :}'.he consumer's ptW~z~ appur~us and
,equiDment shall be eeleeied, ing~lled~ used ~nd ~aintained in
a, cco'rdanee with standard practice, conformable to ~hc tales ~d
re~fa~ions of the C~pany, ~,nd ~ full complie, n~ with,aR ~ws,
Com?:~,ny shall noi be re~pon:~ibte for their main%'e~nce and ope~tion.
tb.,r~ ~-q!',t to di~conti, n~.e o,¢ wi~W, old water se~tlce t~ ~;ucth ap~ratus
~nsumer's ins~Ra~on, w~eh will mater~y ~,f/eet the proper
made without written conaeit~ c-f tb.e Core.ny, ?:.'}lo ~n~u~e:' wi~
be IL~bte for any c~n~e res~,ltin~ f~m a violation of thia rule.
it,t:.:L~,Hation or chang~ a~ll be insetted upon
local .aovern'men~ or other i-u!es as may be iu e~ioct. '¥' here
or ordi~nees. ~e Core.ny e~ot re~I' water aec!cc ~,ti! such
t.ns~e~tton ~s been made and ,formal notice of appr~al ~ the
in~-~,:>:iing authori~ has been :received by
'~.h~,.~ ("~'mpanv reserve~ the ri~i tO inspect consu~:~r~s ins~llati~
v~ior to renderin~ wac. er .......... , ,m.n~., from t~m,~ to time ther~fter.
but ,,~t{'u~nes no respon~iib~ity whats~ver for any portion thereof.
L,d...¢~,d.~y_tcL..~...~o_?._~,~/ .- The eons,sum er shall indemnify, hold harmless
.,:~t- .... -.'~i,oc.,,:.~,,....., _, :..ui, t~, cost o~ e~p~e for 1o8% damage or' ~ur~ to
w,..er by the
Pr.>: ....., '~'~[on'" of CTonn~nvh:~ ]rot, er~ - The consumer ~hall properly
,.~'haU permit no-om~ but th¢~ company's agents, or ~raon:~ authoriz~
I..n t}"t~: e-ver, t of any lo~::~., c.~r d':c'v, age ~ propar"'[2z .:)f the C'om~ny caused
~"~,..,, .... c.~. ~ ~,ri~;ing out of careless.ass, neglect or misuse ~ the consume,
in;,' "~v,,':h damage s~}! be ~.t~ by the eo~umc
......... ~,~ at ail rea;;ol~ble hours to the Dre;'t~%:~ o~ ~e consume~
~',r, ?he pur~ae of kratallin.c. ~uaintai~ and fia':pecttng or remO~
C'-' '".~,~-',~';; oro~.'~rty, r~ding ~',eters and oti~.,~.~ pur~es Incident to
~r%y',-~,mce under m' t~rmi~ati~ of ~e Co~q~s agree "nent with ~'
Cormum. er agrees t~t t~ eaaement or right of way ~ w~ ire
,a ...,,~,~a!ned ~he Com~y~a ~eoperW will be kept free of
'.r,',,. ,.,',,,,, fences and other obstructions,, and if thr~re exists any such
~b .......... , ..... , the Comp~ ha.:~ the right to remo~ a~me wtthoat
~ ~anted to the Core,ny, a~d wi~out c~t 't~ thc (:'om~, all
neee~:a~ for rendering ~ water se~ice.
[~.i!ltng ~,~eriods - Bitl~ for water t~ervlce w:[1.l }.:c ~endered monthly
'/~ill~ .~,re due when rendered and sial! be ~ns~dered aa received by
.... .t~,.,,,~ ~o wat~r ~ex'"'vioe address or some
conc~ umer when delivered 0;' ,:.,.~,;.,
....'""~;.. ....... ·, ~".. by r::~,.~.~o~, .,'¢ c ~.'~::o~t'['..".~.anee of waf:.~:~ ..... "~ ''~'~'''.~ ~ the conquer
w~ ?.., in addition to the w~ter bill r~ed .,~:~:t~,?, t~e~e s~lt
~"~::.,r<:v~ ! b~, the <j'i~/ ~[ ~ :.t~av,..~.an,
the aU ..att~ of water ~ 'the eo~umer,
r~h_._.._, ..... .... ~f,,.. ('e~~_ , . _ ._ - ' ..... ~':~ c,~,.an~¢ of ocm~t,~ mcr ~,.,ea place on
' n': r,t":.',.,'~iaes ~m.~p}J. ed ~:VF th.~'~ C.,ampany ~i, th water ~ e~ce, t~.
*l'~',reof sh,:~t~ Be .U[v,'? at ~e office: ,-,." t~e Co~m,~a~v not
i,.:,ln ~k~'ee days ~)z'ior a th~ date of c~ng~a, by the outgo~g
c<'~, t~,mer~ who wil'~ be held responsible for alt water ~e~ce used
aut~ .
nay b~., transferred fz'oc'~ one
~.~vice location ~,'.~ another, ii' bo;h
:>mpany. Con:: u-m: :- ..::epo::it may
ul. aa on ervice and :ieters
'-,-::icr:: - All . ater m,2ter~ %~t:di be iurnis~:i'~ed by anra remain the
pxope;:ty of the :'ornpany a.n<: -ha!i be acce<.;~,~:~.[e to aha ;...ual,ct to
accessible location. ,~hen the Company consiOers it a~v~ble
.. itl~i:."; ;Ixe premix;es ~o ~u aezve~i, at, equate ant proper space for
tile h~.:"[::diation oi meter::~ an<; other similar
"eta>. ~ est . ~andard ~I ; ccuiacy - i~o rnete~ '.~.:i bi}
tim ~:.~iereat of goou -ater :::erv'~ce, the Company - 1!1 employ eve~'y
practicable means to :naintain the commercial accura~ oi its
:, rather, the consume~ ma~ request ~at the compa~ meter or
meter~: u~ed on consumez"~ px'oper~ be checi~ed for accuracy;
! ae ca..~z-ge for saio te:~t ::hail be $5. od and ~a~'.. <,hard~ :~halt be
[~id by conaumer at the ~ime he s~l.l make af)piication lot saic
tec~t, : onaurne~ will be notifieu b7 the (_;o~-npan7 of time and place
of tae t,~,::s-~ ~o he cnay be present, ii metez' ias found to be more
2% in favor of the Company, the saio ~5.00. ~h:3~li be rzturned to
consumer, ano an adjustment of th~ bill .in r~.~'~t].o~ ~o ~ percen~
c~rgec~ in ~xc~ss i'o~~ th~ previous ~:::onth only, '~/ill b~ credited to
~Ai~ .~ a~e~_{' Throu~ L;fete_~'_ - i"~a~ portion o~ consuz'~'~ r's installation
for water se~ice s~ll b~ so arranged that all ',Nater set'vice shal~
~ass i. hroug~ the meter. ;~o te~pox-:~ry pipes, nip'p,?:~, or ~pacers
are p~z~mitt~d anm under n~ circumstances are connections
which ~.~a~ ........
p¢i m..~ ~ a~er '~u b:/-pa.'.~:.~ the meter or ~.~e~e~n~ equipment.
Unaut2~,:~,i~_,ed Conn¢ctiont' - :i~' cormec~ions to the ,~'
~:V/',:~;t~2~ f'~r ~,.%nyp' uI'~'~OS¢~ .C ~'15~;:-~OeV¢l" :~'e tO b~ ;:l]adc o~; by
e:'n~t, oyees. ~nauthori~eu cormections render ti~e s~vice
~o immediate discontinuance '~vithout notice and %atcr service
no~ be z:¢~:~'¢ored un~it ;~uch unauthorized connections ~ve been
removed ~nd u~es~ settIement is n~d¢ xn fu~l for ail -t~,~a%¢r s~rvice
estimated b~~ ~e Company to have been u;~ed by reason of such
ura¢,fl:,orized connection.