HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHAPTER #30Chapter An Or~inaace Providing for the Issuance and ~le of Interest Be~rin~ Tlm~ ~r~'~nt~ to be ~ ~s ~lty of Se~atian, Be It Ordained by the Ma~yor and City Council of the City o~' Sebastian, Flo~ida~ Sec. 1. That under =nd by virtue o~' Chapte~ ii15§ of the laws of Flo~ld~ =nd of Section 85 thereof~ Tt~ ~r~ta of the Ol~ of Seb~%~n~ Flori~, in ~e ~gre~te s~ of Ten Thousand ~ld Ti~ ~arr~ts sh~l be n~bered 1 to 10 lncl~iv~ sh~tl be in deno~l~tioa of 19~6, ~n~ s~ll be ~ue one Wa~ta shall be~ ~nte~est a~ the r~te cf ei~t ps= cent per ann~.., lntereat ~ay~le Sec. B. Both the .principal asa lntsre~t of s~i~ Tl~e Warr~nts shall be p~ya~ mt the offt~e of the Olty Tr~$~e~ of the City ~f Sec. ~. Said Time ~rr~nts shall be ~igned by the Mayor, oountersi~e~ by the President of the Ott70ounall, ~nd by ~e City Clerk, who ~hall affix the Olty Time Warr:;~nts s~ll be in ~e follO~ fo~m, exoep% 0I?¥ OF 8 T,~& ?E S OF A~ E~ I Ct A SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA TIME WARRANT No. 1 t ~ $1000,00~ THE OZTY OF 8EBAS?-iAN:, FLORIDA, ~ ~ hereby ~roml~es to ~7 ~o ~he ~ea~ar ~he ~ of .... - .... O~E rHO~S~ D,~L~S ($1 ,~0) ......... - on the ~Sth ~i~ of J~e, 19~7, with ~nterest thereon at the rate of ~l~'h~ ~er cent ,~er ~nn~, payable seml~nn~ll~; both -~rinclpal and interest ~'~ya~le at the offioe of the Clt~ Treas~er of th~ Oity 11155 of the Laws of Flori~, ~d ~n o=d. in~noe of ~e Oit~ of Sebastian, ~orl~, duly ~dopted~ ~d it ~8 hereby been ~y oo~plled with ~d th&t thi~ Time ~arr~n~ every debt and limit pre~or~e~ by ~,e Con~ti~uticn an~ lm~ of the anJ attested 'by l'~s Clerk, this 25th ~ay of June, (Corporate Seal) Counterel~ned: Bee. 4. The Time Warrants herein provided f~r may be sold at private e~le, provided they ~re ~t ~old fo~ l-ess ~n p~r~ or they ~y be mold ~ the hi~est bidder, after ~vertleemen~ for two ~uoces~ive weeks Xn ~ newepapez ~u~l~hed In Indian R~ver ~ty, Flor ldo. ~ shall Be u~:'~ for an~ ~c~ p~pose. ~ec. 8. It ah~ll ~e ~e ~uty of ~he City Oo~oXl to asoess mn~ levy ~ ~x on the ~le property ~n staid city for the ~urpoee of o~ning tnterea~ ~nd rmia~g ~ ~Xnking f~ forthe p~ent of the Time W~rmn~a ~rovt~ed for here~n, which ~ ah~ll be levie~ m~ collected ~ the s~e ~nnar ~a other ~es. ~eo. 7. ~1 ~rdin~noes ~nd ~rt~ of or,in-noes In conflict herewith ~re he~e~ repe~. Sec. 8. ~ls OrVille s~ll be In f~l force ~ effect p~ae~ b~ the OXY2 ~cil the To the M~yor of the City of Sebastian, F19rld~l I hereby certify that the fore~Xng Ordlr~noe w~ d~ Approved by ~e~ th~a ~l~t ~y of