HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHAPTER #11 (2) CH~TER NO. ' N AN ORDINANCE FOR THE ~STABLISHMENT AND COLLECTiO OF REASONABLE CHARGES!FOR THE COLLECTION AND DIS- POSkL ?F GARBAGE, TRASH, RUBBISH OR OTHER REFUSE BY TH]~ CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHE~$, the city of maintaining and oDerating a s~ posal of garbage, trash, rubb~ ;ebastian, Florida, is presently ~rvice for the collection and dis- Lsh or other refuse, and WHEREAS, the City of ~ehastian is desirous of establishing and collecting reasonable charges for said service from every person, firm or co...rDoratioD w~tose premises are served thereby, an4 ~{HEPJ~AS, Florida StatUte 167.73, 1967, grants the City of .Sebastian the authority to establish and collect said charges, and WHEREAS, the City COuncil deems it in the best public interest of the City to enact reasonable charges fo~ the collec- tion and disposal of garbage, trash, r~.bbish or other refuse; NOW, T~E,~FOP~,,, BE I~ ORDAIneD BY Tile CI2D~' COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF SEBASTIhN, FLORIDA, as follows: SECTION_______~i. The City!of Sebastian shall continue to maintain and operate a servi( of garbage, trash, rubbish o~ limits. SECTIO~. The City of trash, r~bbish or other r~ City of Sebastian shall prow once a week at residential h, twice a week at business loc~ ~ECTION 3. Garbage, must be readied for pick-up adopted by the City of $ebas for the collection and disposal other refuse within its corporate of Sebastian shall provide pick-up ~fuse at least once a week. The ~de pick-~p of garbage at least )mss and churches, and at least ~tions within its corporate limits. trash, rubbish or other ~'e~use ~ccording to the Sanitary Code tian, and such other rules and L. ]ri. VO(_;ELLE · ATTOIiNEY AT I.,A_,5¥ · :2_,140 lOTM AVENkiE · VEIIO DE.A~SH. ~LOI~i/,)A. regulations as the City Counci A. Garbage will b ~ of Sebastian may promulgate. ~ placed at road's ed%~e in water tight containers not exceeding, 30 gallon Capacity. Containers should be rinsed and sprayed ~requently to control fliesand other insects' Cans with hol~s in bottom should 'be replaced. B, Crass tri~mings shall be placed in plastic bags or other non--returnab!e containers. Rocks, dirt, stones or i CCh'tarn-rs, are prohibited · ~ _ ruptmre ' ~ ' other artlcle~, which may · C. Small limbs a~d twigs will be picked up, provided they are cut in lengths not t; exceed four feet and tied in bundle~. ~a~d bundle to be nO greater than 12 inches in diameter. ~. I,arge limbs, ~sed appliances and other debris, %~iI1 be picked up twice a year, non~aily in April and, October. SECTION .~. It shall tras~, rubbisk or o~¢r refus S~CTION 5. It shall rubbish or other refuse withi unlawful to d~p any garbage, within the City of Sebastian. be unlawful to burn garbage, trash, the corpora, re limits of the City cf Sebastian, except az set forth in Ordinance No. 209, regulat- in~ open fires. 3 33 AA. The City,Council deem~ the following to be reasonable charges to be paif to the City of Sebastian for the use of its service by each p~rson, firm or corporation whose premises are served therebp': Residential homes .... Supermarkets ...... Restaurants ......... Gas stations ....... Small bu~inesse~ ...... Motels and Trailer P~rks~ 1 to 12 units ...... 13 to 24 units . ~ .... 25 to 36 units ..... 37 to 48 units ...... All others not specifi~ally pay at the rate Of $80.00 p~ one business shall not exce~ SECTION 7. Chu~che~ $30.00 per year 360.00 per year 80.00 per year 72.00 .per year 60.00 per year 80.00 per year 160.0~ per year 3~0.00 per year 640.00 per year )rov4ded for by this ordinance, shall year. The ma~i~um fee charged any d $640.00 per year. and non-profit corporations shall be exempt from the payment o~i~ charges by 'the City of Sebastian for the collection of garbage. Exemption from said payments for qarbaqe collection shall be ~ranted upon proper petition filed by such church or non-profit corporation with the Clerk of the C~.ty of ~ebastian. SECTION 8. The 9aym(~nts for garbage pick~-uP shall be collected annuallv by the City of Sebastian with no reduction in charge for part time service. The Clerk of the City of Sebastian shall mail bills for garbage collection to all home owners, businesses, firmz an~ co~orations on the first day of May of each year. Dayments the date of billing. Upon. tl ~ays fro~ the date of billin assessed against the 'person, ~ust be ma~e within thirty days from ~e failure to pay within thirty ~, a penalty of I0 per cent shall be firm or corporation whose premises are served~ ~.nd %. ..... ~ ss:trice shall be discontinued until the charge is pa.t.c~. A delinquency charge ~,lu~ penalty may be re .... covere~l by ~ue process of i~. SECTION 9. ParticiDation in the trash and garbage pick- up sha].l be compulso~ for ~11 residential home~, churches~ small businesses, fi~s and co~orations located within the ~rate limits of the City of Seba. t~an. SECTION 10. Industrial processing wastes and ref~se fro~ construction work shall be re~ved by the o~er~ occupant, operator or contractor crea~ing ~e same as the case may be. Spent oil~ or orea~es zhalI be re~ved by the o~er, occupant or operator of the premises, SECTIOn. t__1. This ordinance ~ha]! be effective as of March 1, 1972. All ordinances, or herewith or inconsistent are hereby repealed. ~arts of orolnance.., in conflict :h the provisions of this ordinance, - 3 - I ~IEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was finally pas~ed, by the City Council of the City of Sebastian, Florida, on ~.~he ' daM of February, 19 7¸2. The foreaoing Ordinan of ~ebruarv~ 1972. I 'HEREBY posted a 'true copy of the fore- going Ordinance on the bulle~in board of 'the City Hall of the City of Sebastian, Florida, ~fter passage of said ordinance on first readin~ and at least five d.~ys prior to ~assage of said ordinance on second reading, land I posted a true copy of said ordinanoe on the bulletin bo~rd of the City Hall after final passage. - 4 -