HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-77-02ORDINAN~ ~E NO. CHAPTE2 ~ NO.'' AN '.ORDINANCE ESTABLZS] iFOR ~.THE! MUNICIP~L~ CE~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE FLORIDA, as 'follows: 1. The 'following established for tbe 'municiPal Tke 'cemet~ery until'sunset.. (.2')' All.'g~aveS m~ in .charge '(C.it~ clerk)i. (13) Graves must point.~ (.4.). Th~ vaultcc shall exer.cise'Care~to proteCt sprinkle'rs, etc., and shall bE (5} The .cemetery keep reCords.as required. (6.) The 'vault cO~ shall 'remove .all dirt ~from .ad as 'he Completes :clOsin9 of gr hauled to spoi.1 site as deS. ig] ~(3.). The',.vaultcoI sha. ll exe~rcise Care in drivin onto' platted lots'to haul fil by. use''of timbers, plywood an( provided tQ adjacent, grave sit gear while 'on .pla'tted grave'si to roadway.. {ING. RU.LES AND REGULATIONS' ~TERY :OF 'THE, :CITY :OF :S.EiB:AS:TI:AN CiTY CO,UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, ~'S,'and: regulations "are'herewith 'cemetery ,of the.City, of Sebastian. shall be Open daily from 8:00 A.M. ~st 'be ,located bY. SeXton or person )e'at .least five .fee. t .deep at loweSt . 1pany and/or contractor (gr,aveldigger) all grave markezs, monuments, ihe.ld liable'for any damage iincurred. se'Xton or person ,in charge Shall ~any and/or contractor ('grave'digger) acent.:grave markers, monument, s,' etc. .ye siteS. SUrplus 'dirt shall be . ~ated by sexton or person in charge.' ]pany and/or contractor .(grave 'digger) his'vehicle'from cemebery roads and/or vault'.: Adequate proteCtion other approved deviceS shall be"' s.s.' i Vehicle shall remain .in low .tes 'and: proceed slowly in and: out · (8) The vault Lcon shall' 'remove his 'tent '.as 'soon ceremony .and clo'sing of grave (,9) The, 'vault con shall notify the '.City Clerk may. 'be'. 'encoUnt~ered. (10)'. The 'vault ~co~ shall be given a copy of this qui,rement s 'therein. (11)~ The cemetery insPect and approve excavat,ior. contractor (grave digger) (12)'. The 'ceme~elry courteous 'to~ all' who come his duti'.e s .' (!-3~' The cemetery accept ~gratuitieS 'from anyone.. will be Performed for all'. (_1.4)' LOts. 'or. grave burial ~of the hUman dead. Onl grave Site excePt in the. ~caSe infant;~ t~o children in ~one TWO markers for this 'type bUri are 'placed. side bY side (~15) No burials' ab (1.6) All 'cemeb~ery marble,~ or granite, and shall attact~.ents shall be 'abOve ~the be pe~itted, provided, hO~e of unit 1 of the Sebastian ~cem ~slabS and above ~ground markers ~any and/or contractor .(grave idigger) ~s practicable 'after comple~ion of Site.. lpany and/or contractor (grave digger.) other official 'of any probiem that panyand/or contractor (graveldigger) 'ordinance .and be .guided bY .all re- seXton or person in charge shall s 'and clOsing by vault ~company .and/or sexton or person .in charge .shall be. waY., keeping in mind his'required sexton or person in charge .shall not . Anyservicelthat ~can be.performed, SiteS. shall be used only for the~ y one interment shall be made in a of the ifollowing: a mother and offin; one:interment .and one!cremation. al will' be 'permitted, provided they o~e ~ground in vaults'shall be Permitted. ~lat marke~rs shall be eithe.r bronze, ~eflush 'with ithe.'~ground. No permanent marker. NO slabs of any kind will r,.to preServe~theilhistoric nature atery, and where ithere are existing ,' reStorati~on of eXisting slabs 'and above~ '.gr.ound markers, will' be P Additional sl be permitted i.n unit i 'only wh above, iground markers 'and withi existing ones and with. '.the 'app (.17'). Ail' interment to'. have: 'a cOncrete. Vault or o~ stalled before:, burial. (~18) Before '.any. ma. shall be presented for approve City Hall'.' (_1.9') All' permanent four months :(_1.2'0 '~days)' after b~ a hardship, for presents 'any sp'~ settled, etc. , .special iconside: special 'consideratilon .should b~ Cemetery committee,'..City Hall, 32958. (_2'.0)' Ail markers si each. other.. (~2.I)' whenever a li~ desired, .arrangement.s 'can be 'mi type '.and. placement las 'deSignat~ (_2.2)i No. treeS,· ~pla] or removed eXcePt hY ,the. S.e:Xto~ authority to do so' upon any gr.~ a course necessary. (_2'3)I EnclOsureS. 'of hedgeS, ditcheS,' etc. shall not Grave 'mounds will not be. p.ermit (.2.4.) Artificial fl( to' remain until. 'they become ~fa( ,=rmitteLd. ~bs. :and. above. ':ground markers will ~=~e. ither.e "are existing slabs and the .same family plot with .the. ~oval of the iCemebery committee... :in .the'..cemetery shall be required ie'.r permanent :type .grave '.liner in- ~ke.rs 'shall be install:ed, a plan to. the '.City. :Clerk at .the '.Sebastian markers shall be ins.tailed within ~ri.al. Where '.this 'regulation renders · · ,Cial problems, i.e.' an estate not .~ation will be .given. Request :for made '.in writing to. the Chairman, P. 0. Bo'x '12'7 ,..Seb.asti:an, ~Flo'rida ~all bein a line '.consistent with . ~ing memorial 'tree or shrub is ' ~de with the 'City .Clerk .as :to size,i . ~d by the. lCeme~ery .committee.i ~ts'or shrubs'shall~ be Planted,. pruned. or person in charge WhO shall have ye site when he may consider such any nature isuch as fences, copings, be allowed around any grave .site. ted.. >we.r arrangements will be permitted [ed or unsightly. Fresh iflower, s' will remain until uns.i'gh.tly. (.2.5) NO work :of unleSs. 'approved by .the. Cemete work 'or ins.tailing markers. (~6) . No.. gravel .sit. their grave 'sites 'for a remun~ interest the. rein be. 'valid. eXc~ of Sebastian. No lots 'shall (_2,7.)', An easement for water, sp.ri.nkl:~r system, (_28) ' Paup:er grave paupers may be 'permitted with 2,. A violation of an shall be'..cons, idered a violati Sebastian,: .and any person, bUg violation of said ruleS. 'and rE penalty imposed by. court not exceeding 90 ':days. 'imprisonmen~ bUsineSs in :the '.cemetery of tk 3.' Ail prior ceme;~er~ or parts. 'of ordinances, in con~ hereby rescinded. 4. This 'o. rdin~c.e. its passage. I HEREBY CERTIFY that approved and passed bY the' '.Cit Florida, this''/~; , , day of ATTEST :' · City Clerk' ~y kind may be. 'done 'on grave .sites' .-'y COmmittee 'PRIOR to'. starting such 'owners 'shall allow interments 'on ration, .nor shall any transfer of Pt bY written, consent of the. '.City. )e. bought 'or sold for sPeCulation. ..s 'reServed along all, 'gr. ave '.site'. lineS. '.sites 'and permanent markers for 'authOrity of the '.Cemetery .Committee.' of the iabove' '.rules' 'and regulations · n of the :ordinances' 'of the City< of ,~neS.s' 'or corporation adjudicated in :.gul.ations 'shall',' .in :addition to any ;xceeding $500..00..fine .and/or not . ., be idenied the right to do further ;e. iCity~ of Sebastian. :ordinances and all 'other ordinanceS,' lict with '.the iabove pr.ovisi'ons 'are . become effec.tiveimmediatelyupon th.e:foreg.oing Ordinance Was 'finally y Council of the city of Sebastian,. ~~r~.i ;: ' ' : .... , .1.977.' Florida I HEREBY CERTIFY that foregoing ordinance was, give~ of the'. Florida ,Statutes 'on', the, 'Uero Beachl PreSs Journal,' in the' ".city 'of sebastian, Flo held' in ~th~, City. Hall' 'of the 7:00,. O'clOcki'P.M. on the . that ~said ordinance passed on 19'77,' and that 'said ordinance and, was 'adopted. bY the. '.City C Florida, on': : : 'Notice ':of' Public Hearing of the.. ,in accordance with 'Chapter 166.04.1 ~./.~~:,~'~/ .,. 1.9.77.,. in a ne~s,p'aper of gen.eralcircula'tion rida; that sa:id public hearing was City of Sebastian, Florida, at. ~ .day of''~__, .1,9'77.;'~ _ first reading on '' ~!.:~ ., . Passed on second and final reading ouncil 'of the 'City of Sebasti. an, City ,clerk . :~]:C~ OF PU~L]~C ]~JtRI'XG 1977, £or ~he purpose entitled: ~ 0~i~ EST~ ~ear~nq at 'l:he Sebastian Ct.~,y Hall, o'clock P.M. ~ ora ~ soldering ~he ado of an Ordinance ZlJHTHG RULES AND F~ETBRY OF ~HE ¢~Y OF ante may be inspected by the public ~ o£ Sebas~Lan, Florida. / All intez~s~ p~t~es may appear at the Meting and'be hoard with ~espeo~ ~o the pFoposod ordinance, CITY OF SEBASTXAH, FLORIDA ..... bi~y Cler~ · PUBLISH