HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-78-02ORDINANCE: .NO. CHAPTER NO. AN 'OR~I:NANCEi ON LITTERING.,,' SET.TING .FINE,S. FOR .VIO.LATION ARD. SET. TING AN EFFE.CTI.VE DATE BE. 'IT ORDAINED. BY THE '.CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, .as 'follows :' SeCtion 17'14 .of the Ordinances 'of the '.City of Sehasti:an i.s h-erebY..amended to include ithel .following provisions: 1 .' De~i!nltiOns :' ('_a.} Litter means 'any. garbage ,'..rubbish,'..lawn clippings ,' cans., hottl'es,' containers, trash,' .refuse,~ .and papers, including but not .limited to: discarded machinery, building materials,' furni- ture ,'..applianceS,' .automobile~ 'and other, vehlcleS, .and similar ohjeC.ts:.' An item s~all be Consider.ed to be. 'discarded when it can no longer be used for the. purpos~ ifor which '.it was 'originally' or manufactured,/when, it :i.s incapable :of locomotion under its' 'own or power,/when it 'has, 'been suJ~atanti.a'lly wrecked or demolished as 'a result of a collision ~or ~pset,'. for when it has :only salvage-Value. w. he.r.eby parts :thereOf are kePt :and. used for the. rePlacement '.and repa'i:r of other items. (~,}i person means 'any in~_.divi'dual,' .firm, corporation, . or unincorporated association. 2. It '.shall be Unlawf.ul 'for any person to' throw,, discard, place,'..or deposit .litter in any mann,er or amount whatsoever in or on any puhlic high~ay, .road, stree~, alley., thOroughfare ,'..public righ~.-:of-way.,, sidewalk,'..vacant or adjoining lot,', parks. 'or other public PlaceS, .except '.in containers 'or areas lawfully provided therefor, It shall be '.unlawful 'for any person to throw,, discard, . place .or dePosit any~ litter .in .or on any lakes., rivers, streams, canals-, basins, coastal waters 'or other body of Water or any part ~ thereof. 3.' Any person violating any ·seCtion of this ordinance ··shall be '.guilty of a violation of a municipal 'ordinance ~of the. ·.City of Sehaatia. n, .and upon conviction .may~ be '.fined by. imprisonment no.t. to exceed six (6.~' montk~ 'or fine not to' eXceed $500.'.'.00,. [or both. 4. Ail 'ord~~, W~h. '~s 'ordin~,.. or tncon~ist~t wi~. '.the. ~provisions 'of ~is · ordinance,' are, 'h~y 5 .',, T~s ordinal..~11 he, me ':effeCtive. ';i~ediate',iy: upon~ its. passa'ge .~ Pak '·Plo'od, Qr,, .Mayor ATTEST:. Cilty .cI~rk,' I HEREBI CERTIFY tkattke'.abOve~ordinance'was 'enacted as' an emergenc~' ordinance Pursuant '.to F.$.~ 16'6,041,'('4.):, andadopted by tw~tk~rds 'of the member~'of the',Counci!.of the'.cityof sebastian on tke /~day'of March,'. !978, City clerk