HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-78-03CHAPTER NO. ' :' ' ' AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING CHAPTER, 7 ,OF THE ORDINANCES 'OF T~E..C, IT¥ OF SEBASTIAN,. FLORIDA, KN,0~N, AS. THE BU~ILD, IN.G ORDINANCE WHE.REAS,' the City ,Council 'of the 'City. of Sebastian, Florida, is deSirous of providing for and maintaining adeqUate. :drainage. ~i,thin ~the. '.City,. of Seb,~stia. n:,, .and ~SLE. REAS,' .the. '.City CoUncil 'of the 'City. of Sebastian has the henef~'.t of a report from the 'building inspector regarding the' drainage ;of s.t'reet, s: bY means 'of swale' ditcheS,' .and .~HE, REAS, ,the, City`. ,Council 'of the City, of Sebastian deems it :in the. best public inte~rest ~to protect proper, drainage of its s,treets and public, roads;' NO~,~ THeRE.FORE, BE IT 'ORDAINE,D. BY THE 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA, as 'follows :' 1. It 'shall; be 'unla~f.ul to obstruct .the natural flow water or drainage '.of water, by,' a~mean~,:--i-nc,l.~i~ constr'.uction, exc'avati~on or fill Qf 'land. 2. All' driveways 'leading 'from publi'c roadways 'over. a swale ditch~ .that w.'~ll' 'accept a drainage pipe or formed concrete :drain that .i.s not less 'than 96 sq.. inches will have a drain. At 'no time ~ill 'a drain be .leSs :than 8" high '.or opening less 'than 12, in, width or ,le'S~s than ~the. specified 96 sq.i inch '. opening. Any' ,formed concrete drain shall; be: '.reinforced with . 6x6x10 wilre 'mesli '.and ska~ll· have 'a minimum of 6" of concrete 'on top and, not leS~s 'than 4, thick Supporting walls.' The 'preferred construotion is as :per sketch:. Ail o%he'r, driveways 'tka.t '.lead ·from publi'c roadways over a swale ditek 'th~.t does ~not permit ,the. ··aboVe. sq., inoh '. drains, ge '.speCifications shall be'. Constructed to'. permit free flow of water, at, '.swale' ifor base ~draina,ge PurposeS .' 3.'· All 'ord~'nance~,i ,or parts 'of ordi,nanceS,~ in ,conflict . her.e~iltk ',or 'inc'onaiste~t .wiltk, '.tke Provisions of this ~ordinance, are, '.h~r.eby. repealed. 4 .'~ Tkfs, ordinance .sh~ll become ,effective immediately upon .its passage.· ATTEST: Pat FlOOd, Jz~. , iMayor I HEREBY' CERTIFY tkat NO. tice ',of P.ubli'c Hearing of the.. foregoing Ordina~nce 'Was, given .in accordance, with '.Chlapte,r 166.04,1 of th~ 'Florida StatuteS,'thatsaidpublic hearing was 'hei,d in the.City Hall' of the ',Cit~ of Sebaatian, Florida, at ',. ,~ o'clOck'P,M, on' '~~,: ~ · , ~ ,, and that ,the fore- , ,go~ng, Ordinance,'~aa duly passed and, adopted by, the'City ,CoUncil of tke'c~ty ,of sebastian,,!Florida, .on ,the"~day of 19'78. · .~, clerk.