HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-85-16O~DIN~CE NO.
WHERE)L~, The City of Sebastian rinds it in the publ ic interest to ellsure that
Sebastian Lakes Ut.ilitg Company a. dequatelg prov.ide h igh-qual itg water and sewer
)wastewater ) s~rvices;
WllERE)L~, The City of Sebastian finds it in the public inter~-st to retain
regulatory authority over the water and sewer u£ilities, to the ext~nt allowed by
law, because of the over-riding public health, safety and welfare considerations
associated with the provision of this service;
WtlERE~-g, The City of Sebastian finds it in th~ public interest to retain con-
trol over the use of public rights of way by water and sewer utilities to ensure
against .interference with the pub;lc convenience, to promote aesthetic considered-ions,
to promote planned and effici~-nt use of )imited right of wag space, and to protect
~h~- public investment in right of way property;
WHEREAS, The City of Sebastia~ f.~nds it in the public interest to ensure that
high quality water and sewer service is maintained through a responsive complain=
WHEREAS, Grantor is desirous of having made available to its citizens, in
return for va;uable consideration certain water and sewerage facilities of sufficient
size and capacity ~o serve its citizen,s at reasonable rates, and constructed in such
a manner so that at such time as the Grantor may desire to purchase said facilities,
that prospective purchasers of revenue bonds of the Grantor to be used in acquiring
the funds to make such purchase can be assured that the facilities are adequate and
satisfactory and will produce revenues capable of retiring said revenue bonds;
WHEREAS, Grantee has indicated to Grantor that it Js willing to undertake the
installation and operation of such facil.~ties under a franchise from Grantor; and
WHEREAS, the provision of such water and sewerag~ facilities is in the best
interest of the health, welfare and safety of Crantor's citizens;
fo I 1 ows:
SECTION lO~. Definitions.
A. "Grantee" shall mean the Sebastian Lakes 'Utility Company, its suc-
cessors and assigns.
B. "Grantor" shall mean th~ City of Sebastian, its successors and assigns.
C. This Ordinance shall be known as the 'SEBASTIAN LAKES UTILITY COMPANY
SECTION 102. Grar~t of Authority.
Grantor hereby grants to Grantee the right to construct, maintain lift stations,
force m~ins, manholes, sewerage treatment plant and other appurtenances, upon, along,
under and over the roads, easements, ways and streets wi[bin the limits of this fran-
chise, as its business may from time to time require in accordance with established
practice with respect to water and sewerage construction and maintenance for the
purpose of providing adequate ~ewer~9~ co]]ection and treatment serv.~ce$ to Granto~
and its successors a~d to the ~nhab.~tants within the limits of the french.isa.
SECTION 103. Limits of the Franch.ise.
A.11 persons, firms or corporations within and limited to the areas described
and designated in Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance are hereby granted the privilege
and right to receive from the Grantee water and sewerage serv.ices and all services
.incidental or necessary with respect thereto, and the Grantee shall not refuse to
provide such sewerage services to any person, firm or corporation whomsoever for
any reason whatsoever.
SECTION ]04. Duration of Franchise.
The term of this franch.ise shall commence with the effective date of this
Ordinance and shall continue and remain in full force and effect $'or the per.led of
20 years; provided however, should the Grantee surrender or abandon the operation
and maintenance thereof, or fail to complete and put in operation the system as
demand requires, or fail to comply with any of the provisions hereof, then in
either of said events .this franchise shall be forfeited, and the Grantor shall be
entitled to purchase by voluntary ag. reement, or take by condemnation or by power
of eminent dome.in, in accordance with Section 132 hereof, all property used and
useful in the exercise of this franchise, situated within the limits of this franchise.
SECTION 105. Grantor Supervision.
~?~e foresaid construction, maintenance and operation of said sewerage facilities,
both as to those portions of the same located within the limits of the franchise,
shall be subject to the approval of Grantor and the plans and specifications for
all 'of such construction shall first be approved by the same before construction is
commenGed. Grantor or its employees, officers or agents shall have the right to
inspect the above-mentioned sewerage facilities at any reasonable time.
SECTION ]06. Franch.ls~ Consideration.
Within thirty (30) days after the first anniversary date of this grant and
within thirty (30) days after each succeeding ann.tversarw date of this grant, the
Grantee, its successors and assigns shall pay 'to Grantor or its successors an amount
which added to the amount of all taxes, licenses, building permits and other impositions
levied or imposed by the Grantor upon the Grantee's water and sewerage property,
business or operations for the preceding tax year, will equal 3 percent (3~) of the
Grantee's revenues from the sale of water and sewage collection and treatment services
to residential and commercial customers within the ~imits of this franchise for the
twelve (12) months preceding the applicable anniversary date..
SECTION 107. ~nment.
It is mutually agreed that the Gra.ntee, subject to the approval of Grantor,
has the right to mortgage, lease, convey, transfer or assign all of the property
which it owns, including any and all equipment pipes or appurtenances utilized in
connection with the sew~.rage collection system and sewerage treatment plant, subject
to the fo]lowing conditions:
That thirty (30) days written notice of Grantee's intention to do so shall be
communicated to Grantor, together with the original signed document evidencing said
conveyance, ;.ease, mortgage, assignment or transfer which shall indicate the name
of the person or persons or legal entity to whom said land has been sold, mortgaged,
leased, assigned or transferred; and in additionthereto, said deed, lease, mortgage,
trust deed, assignment or other instrument, shall contain language which shall indi-
cate to the lessee, mortgagee, assignee or transferee that said conveyance, lease,
mortgage, assignment or t,'ansfer is subject to the terms of this franchise and all
of the obligations and duties conta,ined herein; and that said lessee, mortgagee,
assignee or t-ransferee shall, b~ accepting a conveyance, ;ease, mor~yage, assignment
or transfer of the same, agree to assume the obligations of this fr,~nchise as part
- 2 -
of the consideration therefor.
SECTfON 108. "AS Bui]t" Drawings.
Upon the completion of all cOnstruction of the water and wastewater treatment
plants and distribution and collection systems, the project engineer for the Utility
shall certify, under seal, that the system has been constructed substantially in
accordance with the plans and specifications previously approved and that the systems
meet all of the standards required by the City. The certification shall include sub-
mission to the City of two sets of "as built" {as defined by the City) drawings, con-
sisting of one set in reproducible vellums and one set of regular blueline prints;
and that the systems meet' all of the standards requ.ired by the City, including pressure
and leakage tests, chlorination and bacterlo]ogical tests, infiltration and exfi;-
tration tests.
SECTION 109. Rate Adjustmen.~.
it Is recognized b~ the parties that the rate charged by Grantee for the disposa~
of Grantor's sewage and the providing of water under this agreement represents
covery of variable costs and fixed costs, as well as amortization of return on Grantee's
investment in the respective systems. Over the term of this agreement, it is recog-
nized that variable costs may fluctuate.
With the possibility of ~his fluctuation in mind, the parties agree that aa the
end of any three (3) ~ear term hereof, either party may, upon the ~dvice of it~ con-
sulting engineer, request a rate revision for the next ensuing three (3) year term,
to reflect changes in variable costs. Such variable costs shall include energg,
water, chemicals and labor used in the normal operation of the systems. The consult-
lng engineers of each of the parties shall meet and determine whether a rate adjust-
ment is justified after reviewing all such costs.
In the event the engineers cannot agree on a rate adjustment, they shall, b~
agreement, appoint a disinterested engineez' who shall ,'eview the cost figures and
shall determine whether a rate adjustment is justified, and if so in what amount.
Such determination shall be binding upon the parties. However, in no event sha;l a
rate adjustment for any three (3) year term exceed twenty percent (20~) of existing
rates. Rate increases are subject to the approval of the City Council after public
hearing thereon.
SECTION 110. S~stems Cost Data.
As construction of said facilities progresses and when the construction is
completed, Grantee sha~l furnish the Grantor annually within thirty. (30) days after
the anniversary date of this grant, proof of the costs and expenses of such construction
If Grantor seeks to purchase the facilities as is hereinafter set forth, said cost
or expense of figures or cost or expense items shall not be conclusive as to a
reasonable purchase price but sha]l be evidence thereof.
SECTION 111. Financial Reports.
The Grantee shall submit to the Grantor annual financial statements showing
its financial condition and its operations for the preceding year, including customer
accounts, operational expenses, gross and net income. Grantor may use these data to
determine the earning capacity of th~ facilities, the reasonableness of its rates,
and the advisability of Grantor purchasing the facilities, and for other lawful
p u rpos es.
SECTION Il2. Right to Purchase.
Grantor shall have a right to purcl]ase the faci]it.ies of Cra~tee at anw time
- 3 -
SECTION 113. Restoration.
The Grantee shall restore all streets, alleys, sidewalks, highways, easements,
bridges, and other public places to the.ir original cond.~t.ion after excavation or
other disturbance bg Grantee. In case any obstruction caused by Grantee shall remain
longer than three (.]) days after notice to remove same, or in case of neglect of the
Grantee to protect dangerous places by proper guards, the Grantor may remove the
obstruction or alleviate the danger and charge the Grantee for cost .incurred thereby.
SECTION 114. Subordination Provision.
The construction, maintenance and operation of the said facilities shall be
subject to all of the ordinances of the Grantor relating to construction and zoning.
SECTION 11 ~. Indemnity.
The Grantor shall .~n no way be liable or responsible for any accident or damage
that may occur in the construction, operat.ion or maintenance by the Grantee of the
systems hereunder, and the acceptance of this Ord.inance shall be deemed an agreement
on the part of the Grantee to indemni~y the Grantor and hold it harmless against any
and all liability, loss, cost, damage or expense, which may accrue to the Grantor
by reason.of the neglect, default, misconduct Or strict liability of the Grantee in
the construct.ion, operation, or maintenance of its facilities hereunder.
SECTION 116. Severab.il itq.
If any part of competent jurisd.~ction sha;; determine that an~ provision, hereof
is invalid, illegal, unenforceable, or otherwise proh.ibited, or if any federal or
state governmental agency shall estah;lsh or interpret any law, rule or regulation
by which any provision hereof become inval.id, ii.~egal, unenforceable or otherwise
prohibited, such portion shal.! be deemed a separate, distinct and independent pro-
vision and such holding shall not affect the va~id.lty of the remaining portions
hereof; except that the Grantor may declare th.is franch.ise terminated if it f.inds
the invalidated provision to be an essential part of this franchise.
SECTION 117. Service Standards.
Grantee will maintain and operate all of said fac.ilit.ies .in good work.lng order
in accordance with establ.lshed eng.ineering pract.ices and recommender.ions at
and will, at its cost, make such additions and improvements to its plants and facili-
ties as are necessary to provide adequate service to all of the area covered by this
franchise. The provision is subject to a~l other provisions of this franchise per-
raining to the construction of facil.ities.
SECTION .118. Construction Schedule.
Grantee shall proceed expeditiously to construct such part of the plant and
systems as shall be necessary to serve water and wastewater demands in the area
covered b~ this franchise as needed, and to maintain said plants and other faci.li-
ties in a suff.icient capacity to handle the requirements of the then utility service
demands in the area covered by this franchise.
All of the facilities to be owned and operated by Grantee shall be planned and
designed by profess.lone.1 engineers of the State of Flor.ida. The contract or contracts
for the construct.ion of all facil_tties shall be awarded by Grantee to reputable con-
tractor or contractors. The Grantee shall have the right to examine and concur in
the des.ign of all facilities, but concurrence shall not be arbitrarily or unreasonabJg
withheld. Fa.ilure by Grantor to advise the Grantee in writing of .its non-concurrence
in the design 0£ any facilities and to assign in writing Grantoz"s specif.ic reason
O.r rea$on~ for ~uch non-~oncurreuce wi~hl~ ten ( ~01 d~$ a[te~ Grar~tee has submitted
to Grantor such design she;1 be deemed a concurrence b~ Grantor in such design.
- 4 -
SECTION 1 19. C~it_$. to Serve.
Grantee will, at its own expense, provide the necessary capacity ~o servic~
~he area.
SECTION ~20. Rates,
T~e ra~es and charges for use of said facilities b9 the Grantor, and Its
successors, and the inhabitants, propert~ owners and corporations within the limits
of this franchise, sha;l at all tim~s be reasonable and subject to such regulations
as mag b~ provided b~ ;aw. The init.~al w~t~r and wastmwat~r rates sbu;] b~ as set
forth in Exhibit "B" h~reto.
SECTION 121, Public Nuisanc~ Prohibitmd.
Said systems shall not be constructed, maintained and operated so as to cause
pollution of anH kind to the waterways, wet)ands or ground water aquifers within the
limits of the franchise area and said facilities shall not emit dust, dirt, smoke,
noise, odor, fumes, or vibrations in quantities and constitute a public or private
nuisance of substances which possess an abnorma; explosion hazard.
Grantee shall landscape the plants to be ~r~ct~d bg it so as to screen the
facility from view in an attractive manner and shal~ maintain the same in an a~tract-
ire manner at al] times.
SECTION 122. Rul~ Making.
The Grantee mag issue from time to tlm~ nec~ssur~ rules and regulations re]at-
ing to the maintenance and operation of its facilitie~ and relating to ~he tlme,
manner and place of collection of its authorized charges and rates, and the Grantor
will further assist therein by enacting such ordinances as sha~; reasonably be neces-
sarw and in the public interest in order to aid and assist th~ Orant~ in co]letting
its authorized charges and rates and prevent tampering with, injuring or destroying
the Grantee's property or interference in any wa~ with the operation of th~ Grantee.
SECTrON 123. Comp;a.~{.ts.
A~.complaints shall be resolved by Grantee within ~wentg-four (24) hours.
Grantee shall, upon reques~ by Grantor, supplg Grantor With copies of a~l complaints
and indicate the disposition of each. Such records shall be available to .inspection
bg Grantor at ail times during bus~nes$ hours specified herein. The form sha~] indi-
cate the dug and hour on which the complaint was received and the day and hour on
which it was resolved. When a compla.~nt is received on ~he day preceding a ho~id~
or on a Saturday, it sba;1 be serviced on the next working day. The Grantee sha}l
establish procedures to insure that all custom, rs are notified as to the complaint
SECTION 124. MO~.itoring Performanc~ and Comp~.i~pc~.
In order to fully implement the provisions of this franchise, a panel for the
review of the qualitg of services provided for in this contract shall be created to
consist of three {3) members, one (1) member represent.ing the Grantor, one {1) msmber
representing the Grantee, and third independent member chosen by the previouslg named
two members. It shall b~ the function of this committee to review, rsport and m~ke
r~commendations to th~ Grantor regarding the quality of services provided for here~n.
For the purpose of ~his function, "Service" shall be defined as the p~rformance of
the duties, tasks and obligations of the Grantee enumerated herein and the Performance
of such .other duties, tasks and obligations ~s are g~nerallg and reasonab;g regarded
as incident to the safe and satisfactory discharge of responsibi]ities in the water
and sewer industry.
- 5 -
SECTION 325. Termination of Se. rvic~-.
Grantee shall have the right to discontinue service to any consumer who is
found to have violated any valid rule and regulation prescribed by Grantee under
this franchise and approved bg the Grantor or who shall fail to pay, within s.~xty
(60) days after the same comes due, any charges lega;ly made by the Grantee for
services supplied, Grantee shal.; not be ob1 igated to renew service after such d~s-
continuance, unless and until the customer shall hav~- reimbursed Grantee for its
expense incurred in the discontinu,~nce and r~new~; of s~rvicm.
A consumer whose service has been discontinued at one residence, or place of
business, will not have the right to require service to be renewed at another resi-
dence or place of business until all demands of the Grantee for legitimate charges
and expenses against said consumer shall have been met.
SECTION 126. Fire Hydrants.
In consideration of the rights and privileges herein granted, Grantee shall
install fire hydrants along the water mains located withln the geographical limits
of the Sebastian Lakes Subdivision at locations as will meet the standards specified
by City ordinances.
SECTION 127. Taxes.
If, during the life of this franchise, or anw extension thereof, Grantor shall
elect to levy a tax upon the charge made by Grantee to .its customers for the sale of
water or sewerage wastewater, Grantee sha]; co];ect the amount of such tax from its
customers for use and benefit of Grantor at the time of collecting the price charged
for th~ sale of water. All such taxes levied and collected during the preceding
month shall be reported and paid over on or before the fifteenth {l§th) day of each
calendar month to Grantor less any administrative costs, agreed to by Grantor from
time, to time, incurred by Grantee in the col]ection of such tax.
SECTION 128. Renewal & Replacement Account.
Two and one half percent (2-1/2~) of the gross receipts of the Utility shall
be placed in an interest bearing renewal and replacement account for purposes of
renewal and/or replacement of the capital assets of the water and/or wastewater
system of the Utility. Additionally, the Utll.ity shall initially fund said account
with two thousand dollars ($2,000) which will also be reserved for capital main-
tenance items. Interest shall accumulate in said account until the account reaches
twenty five thousand dollars ($2~,000); thereafter interest shall be paid to the
Utility annually. Said funds shall be used as a sinking fund and applied only for
renewal and/or replac'ement of the water and/or wastewater system by the Utility as
the need arises; the percentage required to be p;aced in the renewal and replace-
ment account may be amended after review b~ the City as necessary to maintain a
sufficient account balance taking into account the general condition of the system.
The City is granted the r.~ght to make necessary repairs using said funds in the
event of default on the part of the Utility in maintaining proper quality standards.
SECTION 129. Contractual A~reement.
It is specifically agreed by and between the parties hereto that this franchise
shall be considered a franchise agreement between the Utility and the City and as
such contractual instrument recognized under the Statutes and Laws of the State of
Florida. This franchise agreement is not intended to create rights or actions
runni~g in favor of third parties, except as herein specifically provided.
- 6 -
SECTION 130. Default of Franchise.
If the Utility fai;s or refuses to promptly faithfully keep, perform and
abide by each and all of the terms and cond.itions of this franchise, then Council
shall give the Utility written notice of such deficiencies or de~'aults and reasonable
time within which the Utility shall r~medg the same, which notice shall specify the
deficienc~ or default. If the Utility fails to remedy such deficiency or dekault
within a reasonable t~me, the Counci; mag thereafter sch~du]e a hearing concerning
the same with reasonable notice thereof to th~ Ut~l~g, and after such hearing ~
which all interested parties sha~l be heard, ~he Cour~cl{ mug levy liquidated damages
of up to fifty dollars ($~0) per day tha~ said d~ficienc~ or default exists from ~he
da~e of said h~aring held bg ~he Council and the Council mag further ~imit or restric~
this franchise or franchise territory or may t~rminut~ and cancel th~ sum~ in whole
or in part if proper re=son thereby are found b~ the Council. If the Council enters
an order pursuant to such hearing and the Utility feels aggrieved b~ an~ such order,
the Utilit~ mag seek review of Che Council's action by filing a petition for Wr.~t
of Certiorari in the Circuit Court of the County.
SECTION 131. Execution of Franch.ise.
If any word, sections, clause or part of this Ordinance is held invalid, such
portion shall be d~emed a separate and independent part and the sam~ shal~ not .in-
validate ~he remainder.
Within a reasonable time after the City has notified the Utilit~ of ils intent
to terminate the franchise and to acquire ~he system, the franchise holder shall con-
ve~ all of its facilities together with all easements to the City. Said conveyance
b~ the U~ilitg shall be without encumbrance. At ~his time th~ franchise holder shall
convey unencumbered all of its facilities together with all easements ~o the City,
wi~hou~ charge as to all propert~ contributed ~o th~ Utility, provided further,
however, that ~he City shall h~ve the right to purchase the remaining assets of
the Utllit~ based on the ave&age of the net original cost and u price as computed
and agreed uBon b~ three (3) competent and qualified appraisers. The Cit~ shall
select an ~ppralser, the Utility Shall se~ec~ an appraiser, and th~se two appraisers
shall mutuallg agree upon and select a third independent appraiser and these three
appraisers $hall arrive at the value of the Utility and the sales'price involved.
However, the City shall not be required to purchase and no value will be placed on
additions or extensions to the sWs~em which were pa~d for as contributions-~-a.id-
of-construction bw an~ p~rson, firm or corporation other than the Util ~tg. ~%e City
shall not bg condemnaaion or otherwise be required to p~g to the Utility ~n~ umouna
for goodwill or prospective profit, or other intangible, and the appraised v~]ue
shall be based ~ntire]g upon physical assets on~y, ~nd provided further that in the
event said board of appraisers cannot agree as to the price tO be paid bg the C~fg,
~hen the C~tg mag file appropriate condemnation proceed.~ngs under Florida law.
- 7 -
IN WITNESS WtlEREOF, The Cit9 of Sebastian, Florida, has caused this franchise
to be executed in the name of the City of Sebastian b~ the Mayor to be affixed and
attested by its Clerk, all pursuant to the Ordinance of the C.ity of Sebastian
~,dopt~ on the II ~ d~ of ,~ , .~.
S.igned, sealed and delivered
An the presence of:
Attel : Deborah C. Krag-s ~
City Clerk
SEBASTIAN LAKES UTILITIES COMPANY, a F;orida Corporation, does hereby accept
the foregoing franchise, and for their successors and assigns does hereby covenant
and agree to comp.ly with and abide by a;1 of the terms, conditions and provisions
~herein set forth and contained.
~A2~D at Sebastian, Ind.lan River County, Florida, th is
, 198§.
/ da~ of
- 8 -
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this dag, before me, an officer dulg authorized
i~~e~d~~esaid~~~/o~to take acknowledgements, personal ;~ appeared
UTILITY COMPANY, a Florida Corporation, and he acknowledged before me that he
executed the foregoing instrument for the uses and purposes therein expressed.
WITWESS mg hand and official seal .in the State and Countw aforesaid this
Commission Expires:
Notary Public, State of Florid~
My Commission Expires Nov, ~ !~
lonclect Tht~ Troy Fal~-In~urotl~ IIIG,~
- 9 -
~st, t~t~ ~ o~ ~. Fa[tsmar. - Sabastian Ro~d ( Catty Ro~d 5t2 )
R~e 38 E~mt, ty~ ~ of the Fm~mmmere - ~U&stt~ Ro~d ( Co.tv R~d ~t~
h bs~ ~e Right-Of-Way as rm;~dmd in O.R. ~ 225, Pagm t8& a~ the
t~ ~e N~e&it c~r ot ~ctt~ 23~ Township 3t South, Range 38 ~it~
N O0 24'26" B, al~ ~e 5act~ line f~ · di~t~e of 1,398.1~ feet to ~e '
P~t~f-Blg~ f~ ~e herein de~ribed Parcel of L~;
~e~, r~ 8 37 43'43" W~ ~t~ the Southerly Rzght~f-W~Y [the of ~e
T~e, r~ a 00 29'14" ~, &long th~ Kastern 5ectt~ line of Section 23~ Township
St ~ Ra~e 38 K~st~ ·dtstance of t~329.77 feet, ~ the N~the4et c~r of
~ ~e ~ove de&crtbed Parcel of Land,
6~ct to · t~ feat wide m~mement f~ miectrtc~l p~pomem recorde tn O,R, ~K
~It P~ge 20~ ~t~c re~ of ]~n R~ver Co~ty~
Exhibit B- Sebastian Lakes Utilities Water and
Sewer Franchise
Rostd~nt%o] Uu%ta (Haxlmu~ char~o ba~od o~ m~x~um of up ~o 7,.~00
- OL,000/Ru~ld~nc/al Unit
- $12/monch (loc 3,000 aa1.)
- ~1.40/1,000 &al. (3,000 Co 7,500
- ~9/month (l~t 3,000 gui.)
Comu~rclal S1£o~ (~eolder~tl~l equZvalonc unit - 250 CPD).
Hlalmm~ . ~ 50.00
Pluo oxco~ - 120,000
9,000aalloim -
~1.40/10000 sallmm -
Total Conm~erclal bill
* To be paid from development company to utility company
at time of sale of individual unit.
As amended and accepted
City Council Meeting of
September 11, 1985.