HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-75-04 Building Codes WHEREAS ,' the' '.CITY. :OF SEBASTIAN ,'. :FLORIDA, .has 'adopted and is 'enforcing a' Building Co'.de,· Cbfap~er.. 7 Of the. 'Code '.of Ordinances · of. the. ·City of Sebastian, and. WHEREAS ,' section .743 of the'. ·aforeSaid Building Code Pr.ohibitsl any person, firm. or corporation from erecting,: ·constructing, larging, altering,: .repairing, .improving, moving or demolishing any building: or structure 'withoUt :first obtaining: a separate ibu:ilding . permit: '.for eachl 'bUilding or .structure ·from 'the' '.City Cle'rk,:. and ~HE'REAS ,' the'. 'City Building Inspecto'.r must· leX.amine '.all plans · and specifications for the' Proposed constructi'on when application is made '~to the'. '.City .for a building permit;: NOW,: TPLEREFORE,'. BE. IT RESOLVED, BY THE. CliTY OF SEBkSTIAN, FLORIDA, B~ AND THROUGH ITS 'CITY..COUNCIL, .as 'foll'owS:' 1. ' That '.thel Building .InsPeCtOr of the' 'City .of Sebastian shall :reView all .building permit :appli'cations 'for new .construction . or su'bstan%ial improvements 'tol determine whether, proposed building sites will' be 'reasonably safe from ·flooding. Ill a proposed· building site 'is 'in a location that .has a flood hazard, any 'proposed new construction or .substantial improvement (including. prefabricated and mobile ·homeS.)· must i(.i.), be 'designed (or modified·) and anchored· to 'preven~ :flo'tat.ion ,: .coll'apse, .or late'ral movement of the'. '. structure.,.. (ii) use .constr. ucti'.on materials 'and utility .equipment . that 'are resi'stent tol :flood dama'ge,'..and (iii) use .construction metlho'ds and. prac.ti~ceS ~tha't. will' minimize ··flood damage;' and: 2.. : That. :the Building: InspectOr of the. '·City· of Sebastian shall reVieW subdivi:sion proposals 'and other proposed, new develop- ments 'to. assu~e. ~.tha. t :(i)all Such proposals 'are .consistent with '. the. ·need. to minimize '.flo'od damage,'. (ii)all' public Utilities 'and facilitieS,' .suck 'as 'sew~er.,~ .gas,: .electrical,' and water, systems,· late located, el'.evated, and constr, ucted to minimize or eliminate flo'od damage',' and (iii)adequatei~draina~ge is pr~ovided, so as tc reduce ' eXp~sure to'. flood hazards;- and . 3.' Tha'.t ~theBuilding In.sPeC~tcr of the'city .of Sebastian shall'requirenew Or~rePlacement~wa't.ersupply systems.and/or sanitary Sewa.geSystems'tol beldeslgned' to' minimize ~orel:iminateinfiltr.ati.on of flood wa.%e~rS inta tkesystems-and dischargesfrom .the. Systems intol flood waters, and requi~re. On-sitelWaste~disposal..systems.to~ be located, so' as to avoid impairment. 'of them 'or contamination from · them duringflo~ding. ATTE~S'T: Tkeforegoing.ReSotution wasduly passed and adopted by' the'city COunc~il of .the'City of Sebastilan, Florida,, this' ~',~ · d~y of' '. ~L~,,,,1975. City ,Clerk