HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-75-11 IR Sheriff's CommunicationR E 'S-O L U T' ,I
the City Oouncil of fhe City. of Sebastian
Flor.ida., herein c'~'l.l"ed "the appl.~cant", '.af'ter thorough.' ~on. sidera~
tion. O~ the Problo~m and avsi~l.~bl.e data, -has hmrebyi.Oiete'~m,ined '
that the proj.ect'..de~cribed-below iS:; in the best inteZ~st .of
the general publ. ic;".
The indian River County. ~iheri:ff','s Office is presently pr, o~
~i. sing communications for all of indian River COUnty, includ- ".
i'ng...Sebas.tia.n, F'ellsmere, I.ndian River Shor6s, 'and the Voluhtee~.-.:'~
Ambulance Se~'V.~e~~ ~ equi~.men,t-, will enable ;',the ~ ,
to provide vas~Y .improved ser~%i.ce~.'~ We wahl. be, ,a~b,le .to'
~h'ave a rela~, s~,~'.~.:~,n ?O~,der that.' vehicles~ can d~Spa.t~h ~-... ~
to-car while ~.-:,~.~:-:.,..,'~fi~l?~, Th~ Sebast~n:.::'Police Headquarters '
will als~.:,.be,.: : 'a'~5le to.',di~g~'ch., . it's. cars., direc~l~: This e ~'~.'~;,,
ment Will ~ei'imi,nat~ ~the pra.cti,'ce of any and all .~rsons : ~' '.~,
mou~tom~'ng::-:t'h~' Po.. ind. Thais pro:Jed~ will provide th
.. '~ . :.~. . ..... ~
necessar~ funds to al. low'the, Cit~ of Sebastian .Pbi'~'ce Depart-I
with the State D~-Visi'on. ,~- of-Communi..ca~ions ,Plan. FlOrida: ~
counties an8 mun'~cipalit:ies..'-l:aW,, enforcement :agencies.', The
purpose-':::of'this ,grant is,,:tO obtain modern equip.m~n~?:to r. eplace
obsolete presently in u~se, and .to improve our
s.e~vi.'ce to the ge.'.~eral pu:bllc...:,.This proj,eGt wil:l insure good
~omm'~nications '~.t'ween th~ Sheriff'.s Depa. rt'ment..'and the City
o'f Sebasti.a'n P.ol. ice Department; A N D, ?
W.H E R E..A S', under the...terms o.f ~Ublic L-aw 90~351, as
amended, the unii~e;~".'States o£ Ameri'ca has a.uthoriZe'd the Law
'Enforcement Assi~St'a'nce Admini.s~rat. io,n, through ~he Bureau Of
..:/i Cri.~inal Justi'ce. ~lanning and ~Assistance , ~to 'make FedS.rat . Grau.,t$,
to ~:~i~t 1,'oC,~i~.governmentS,lih the ~Impro.v~men'e ~f crimi.~.at'
justice; A N .D, :
!. W H E R E A S, the 'applicant has examined.'a'nd.:~uly con-
~-si'der.ed such ~iCt~'.'and the app:li'cant considers it to'-"b'~., in the
public in'~re.st and to its 'be~efi'~t to fi:le an a.ppl:ication under
s, ai~d Ac~ and act:ion i:n con'n~:ctio.n'..the,rewith;
City Council Of the City of Sebast'ian, Flori'da, i~ ORen meeting
assembled in the Ci'ty of Sebastian, Florida, 'lO~h d~a.y of
November, 1975, as follows: -
1. That 'the p~oject generalig described abov'~ is in the
best interests of the. applicant and the general Public.
2. That L. S. "Tommy" Thomas, County Grant Co-ordinat-Or,
-iS hereby authorized to file i~n behalf of the"'appli~cant an
al~plication in conformity.with sai~d.Act~ for a grant to be made
to ~the applicant to assist in defraying the cost or-.the project-
.dEscribed above. ..,,
3. That i's~su~h gr.a~'t.~i'l~'mad~,' the a~,pti,~an~ sha~l pro'vide
q~ired by the nut to defrag~ the cost of the ..pro~ject generally
described above.
i! 'i~s hereby authorized to furnish such information and take such
That sa:~,d L'. S~,. ','~ommy'" Thomas.,, ~-."'.O'~i~.'.t~,'-,¢Grant Co-ordinal'
,~ii ~ther action as ma9 b~ neces'sary~'..'~'en-&ble the appli',,cant, to ~
~i!' q~'!:ifY for said grant. " i: '
5',. That the official designated in~,:,:,:t'he preceding paragraph)~.
is hereb'~ ,de-signat~dJ as the authOrized representative, of the
applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the Bureau of
C:~i"minal Justice .Planning and Assistance such information, data
and documents pertaining to the .application,'fo~ said g~ant as may
be' required.and Otherwise to act as the autho.~iZed re.presentatiVei
of the applicant i.n connection with this ,application.
6. That certified copies of this resolution .be included
~ .part of the applica tion for said grant to be submitted to
the Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance.
- 2 -
7. ~hat'~:i£ such grant be made, ~th'~ applicant "Or offi~cial
designated;~n paragraph 4 above,, shall m'a.i'~n~a"in s.uc.h rocor'ds
necessary and furnish, such ihf~rmation., data and':doc~men, ts as
reqUire'd..'bY the-B'~reau .of Cr~imi~at~:- Ju'~.'tloe .~lannlng. and Assistanc~
generally described
F. Eu9
; i~ ATTEST: ~
-' Florence L. Phelan, City Clerk'
The foregoing resolution .wa$ duly passed and adopted by 'i
ehe City CoUne'il d£ the:ditY of 's~b~asti~n~,
d ag Of ~,,~~ ~:"
Flores.ce L. '.Phe~a~3 , C~i ty:,"Clerk
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