HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-85-70RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, Section 4-2 (a) of the Code of Ordinances sets forth
the hours during which the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited within the
City; and
WHEREAS, Section 4-2 (b) authorizes the Council to extend the
hours of pwrmitted operation on New Year's Eve (New Year's Day); and
WHEREAS, the Council desires to authorize the extension of said
hours for this occassion.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of
Sebastian, Florida, that alcoholic beverages· may not be sold, consumed, served,
permitted to be served or permitted to the consumed in any place holding a license
for the sale of alcoholic beverages during the following hours:
JANUARY 1, 1986.
Deborah C. Krages, City Clerk~
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly
passed and adopted by the Ci~ Council for the City of Sebastian, Florida, on
this day , 1985.
Deborah C. Krages, City Clerk
PI:'<C?Cf_'I3U] LAL
No.: 28
Date Issued:
11, 1985
Tine following procedurre will be adopted by the Sabasti~al Police Dep~rtment to
establish a %miform procedure for the officers of the Sebastian Police DeparOx~e~t.
It shall be the -policy of the Sebastia~a Police DeparUnont that all m~nbers shall
ex~.aus[t eve'Ny other reas{wtable me~s of apprehension before resorting to the use
of "Deadly Force".
The officer is giveu special powers 'to use force by physical, means and be fireamms
and other weapons, With the rapid gr'~h of the co,Tries ~d cities, the citizenPy
have ~creasingly ~t~sted-to t~ emforc~ent agen.cies, their rights to use
necess~el force. Not to have done so~ would, ha~e cont~ued ~d perhaps made worse
the lawlessness and general ~oNmce vfnich was c~man before the appe;~an.ce
growth of organized law e~orc~nt departT~nts. The st~es' for the proper ~ecuti~
of the responsibility to hold weep{ms and use them. ~nly with restraint and mfnen
· ~,~r,.~aa,:,~:~r)", ...... "~, are ve..tI high. Abuse by law enforc~em.t officers of the use of deadly
force violates the t~mst the public has given to law enfo'rc~ent .officers and leads
citizens, ~'~j~-cd. or offm~ded by s'uch abuse, to revoke that tzmst. Once this happens,
people i'ncreasfmgly take matters ~rto t'heir o~ b~ds and. disperse [o'rce and ~..olence
Eh~l~selves. e ,~-
ouch a situation has disastrous consequ~ces for the peace and order-of
any modern civilized c{sm~unity. Ne {}tiler area ef 1~ elforcemen.t weS~ is so sensitive
8s Ehis er as important to the implementation of the depar~nen~s peace keeping missis.
In ne ether area is the ~<ercise of so~nd j'uds~I~ent by the ~di2vidmal law ~fo'rcement
off~icer and "~ f"-, .... " .
cen...o.~.,,~mty ~e the depar'~nent policies snd procedures mere nec. essaiy~.
GI)iq2 P~I, O'RDER
The order consists of d',e followi-ng nu[~bered sec¢i~s, which shalz govern the use of
firea:~-ns by delpart~nent members:
I. Authorized Us.a
ii. Unauthori z a.d. Us e
L_i.R.q}oz ~ of Use
137. Weapon Safety ~.~d other con.sidarati{x~s
An Officer shall not draw or display Nis/her fireaum~ except for a legS,1 use or
official inspection. An officer should never draw his/her firearm unless he/she
plans 'to and is ready to use the fiream~. 'It~e officer may draw his/her weapon in
a defc,s, sive mode while d'mck:i~Tg open buildings,' suspici, ous vehicles, etc., where
'the i?ossibil:ky of danger e:<ists or se~m~, to exist. Ween i't is necess~:rzy to 'use
firea:m'~s, it Shall. be fired for effect, not 'to wound.
0c'l~olber 11., 1985
No.: 28
Date Issued:
Date Revised:
DEADEY i~I!R.CE ~. coni;' d
Jt~ officer tm%r discinarge his/her weapon itt compaction with the perfo~mce of his/
'her law {~lforcament duties for 'l~c:.[~ ~ followimS reasons or circu~nstances:
A. At the pistol range for tm2q~et practice or when autmor~,zed for 'trai~ting
B. Te kill a seriously womlded or d~pgerous rmirsil when other disposal is
C. To defend 'himself from deaSn or serieus injury.
D. Te defe~td another person uala~gfully a-~-tacked fran death or serious init.elf.
The 1~ enforcenent officer act~ in his/her official capacity must confomn to
certain provisions gove'i~-~ed 'by Florida Statutes before dead].y force is used:
The Officer re:dst reasongbly 'believe that a. fel¢~_~Z involving the actual
infliction or tl-m-eatened infliction of serious Physical b~erm has been
canmitted by the pers~t to be earested, such as nmrder, forceable rape,
robbery, kidtapping, arson when a person was in a bmil.d.img or structom~e
that was set on fire, o-r -'~V other felony ghich involves the actual
infliction or thr~:ate~ned i:~fliction of serious physical harm to
dividual, such as 'torture or tr~7'hem, etc..
~]l~e person being arrested is actually threatening serious physical harm
to thc arresting officer or any otb.er persc~ while attempting 'to flee
or resist arrest. These ~are cases where the fleeing person is an-ned with
a dangerous weapon and is threatening a police officer or another parson
~{.i. th serious physical ha~. There may be cases where'a fleeing person
may seriously threaten serious physical harm to a police off~icar or ~nother
person without the use of any weapon~ such as threatening to th.row a person
off of a roof of a building or out of a mo'vq=ng 'vehicle.
In every case where de~.dly force i.s used the officer us±rig the deadly force
n~st 'h~v'e reason.able cause to believe [':hat the 'use of deadLy.force is rea-
sonsbly necessar'y to either pr~;v'ent serious physical hann to the' officer or"
any other person, or to pr(rvent the escape of a felon who the officer 'be-
]_ie~es has alrea.d};-~hl~mit'lzed a felony as specified in paragraph one (above)
wherein th.e actual infliction of serious physical, h~aTn has already occu~ed
or has already been threatened.
The Officer n-ust i~tform the person(s) to be. arrested of the fact that the
an~es'hi:~ officer is a "police officer" and that the person fleeing or
· eo~.st.:..,~ ~'' --.'~o.o arrest ~.~ith. deadly force is "rudder a~Yest.". The only exception
[:o 'this ~P~m-~ouncement of authority ~m~d the fact of arrest is when the cir-
cunst~mces make it :h~:possib].e to wa'm'~, the suspect or that such a. wa-~ing
w{x:~ld, in all liklihood, render ~ arrest impossible. The 'warning shall
be given ~ all cases where possible.
· - 2 --
Sober: ti~ln Police
No.: 28
Date issued:
Da'he Rewised
1i., 1985
DEADLY FORt,t, ccra't ' d.
ii. U~alI£iiORtZED USE:
A ]..aw officer shall not fire upon or as a w'~ir~% to a person unless
the police officer has prd}ab!e cause te believe the person fleeing
has ccxm'~tEed a '~ ~&id'~ involved the infliction ef serious bodily
haxm er the threatened~-~ serious physical ~ml to a person, or the per-
s{~ is ~lhen oosis~. ~ , ~ a serious '~hreat of p'hysical ha~n:n to the officer or
a~'~other person. For ~{~ple, a person fleeing after the c~missien of
a misd~e~mor~ i2i~!S!~D~, p~se snatd~S, d~g cases', embezzl~nen'c,
forgely, or a:V other cr~ne not involving 2he acE~u~l ~fliction of
serious 'pIvsical ha~ er the threatened inflicti{x~ of serious pI-vsical
hs~m~L shall not be cause for 8'he d:isch~:ge of ~ officer's firea.~n er
ether use of deadly' force by ~zy police officer.
A. law enforeexnent offic, er She1.1 not disdnarge a firea-un or otherwise
apply deadly force agalns~-lT}~l~%o~-to n~t~e an arras2 or to stop the
fligh.~ of a.ny pe'rson who has c.~mdltted a n-~sdemeanor, or has c~mit'~ed
a felo~v ~d the felony did not involve actual or threatened serious
physical ha]:m to anod~er pe. rs{x~ 'or does not involve the threat of
serious physical h;imn to the off~Ser or Sly other person during the
attcT}'ted ~.~rres ~.
C. A la~,~ e_n.forc, ement officer sl-iall not di. scharge her/her firea'm~ merely
to a.~.~ec.,_, an ~icrest or to Sto~ the ft_ight of a person.
A law enforc:~nent officer shall not ca.r~f or have in his/her, possession
any f:'irea~-n while off duty and e'ilsssed i'n activities invo]..~l~S the con-
s~nption of alcoholic beverages. This includes the off duty patronizing
of bars, atuendiNS parhies, etc...
P~y ].a~v cn.forcemenh officers who discharges his/her firea~m accidentally or
inte-ntier~al]_}~, either WNile G~ er off duty (.except at a fireaxms range), sI'Pnll
mane a verbal repor~ te bis supervi, sor as' soon tls circun-s'tances, wiI1 pe'z~mit and
wiI]. reporP it: Jx~ writ±nS to his supervisor and forwarded by chain of col'mend
to t-lie Chief's office. Should any ll~ ~ferc~nent officer fire his/her wesN.x~.
net i.n ct~nforn~n'~.ce vri{:h this policy, he will be subject to disciplinar.y action.
...... ~_~,~[_.~_co show that a large .n~nber of ia:w en. force:nent snoot-mss are 'accidental or
n.on-intentional in na.~ra, tn z~ effort to mir~uize the possibility of accid~tal
.L~charge.~ of ~_~:.,p~.n~, tile folio,sinS 'weapons h,~dlirlg guidelines shall app]:y to all
ll.a~,~ enforc{~nent officers of ffhis deoartmcnt:
klan Police L~-"pt.
No.: 28
Da'he Issued:OCt.
Date Revised:
DgP, DLY F 02CE cent' d
(1) At no ,_.im~ stroll a. weapon (handgm~) be placed in a sin.~{le action
mode, except approved range trainimg sessions.
At no 'ti'~:e shall a shotgun have a shell placed :in the ch~nber unless
· the need to possibly use the weap{~, in accordance with established
umae.l_1_n .... and policy, is J~mzinent
U]:)~ conp,!eticm of use, shotguns ti;at ha-ye the live rounds, will be
r~no'ved :?~om the chan~er, the we. apon made safe amd the live shell
will be returned to the magazine.
(4) At no 't~n.a will any law e~forc.ement officer engage in "h.orse-play",
" ; ' cl ''
quzo~-~raw exercises or other activities involving amy wes:pon.
All. si.dean'ns ~d_ll be housed in se~:~ce holsters which are_ to be kept
~: good repair so as to preclude accidental droppi~g of the weapon.
Special care should be paid to snaps, straps, ~td closures' and
repair action needed to maintain the holster in serviceable condition
at all times, will be
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