HomeMy WebLinkAbout01152003 CEB AGENDA SEBASTIAN CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY t5TM, 2603 2:00PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA i 2, 3. 4. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL :APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Meeting ~ */29f02 NOTICED HEARINGS A FALSE ALARM VIOLATION - PERMIT #1539 - APPEAL OF ;'!NE ,VIP,, WARREN DILL. DILL & EVANS. LC - 1515 U.S HWY I, STE# 201 SECTION 39-39 CODE OF ORDINANCES B. FALSE ALARM VIOLATION - PERMIT#1697 - APPEAL OF FiNE JEWELRY BY RENE -- 945 SEBASTIAN BLVD,, UNIT ~I SECTION 39-39 CODE OF ORDINANCES C. FALSE ALARM VIOLATION - PERMIT#~ 94.4 - APPEAL OF FiNE MS BECKY CARMODY COUNCIL ON AGING. !NC -815 L3AVIS STREET SECTION 39-39 CODE OF ORDINANCES ? CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS 8, MEMBERS MATTERS 9, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER'S MATTERS I 0, ATTORNEY'S MATTERS 11 ADJOURN iF ANY PERSON 3ECIDES ¥O AP°EAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ~BOVE MATTERS. HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD ,DF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT * VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY iN EVIDENCE CN WHICH THE APPEAL iS BASED {'ITY O1: SEBASTIAN (?OIIE ENFOP.(!EMENT BOARI) 1225 MAIN STREE'I, SEII. ASTIAN, FL 32958 MINUTES OF REGI/LAR MEETING JANIJARY 15. 21103 al.. C//ai~,.X¢mlan Barczyk called lhe inc~ ting to o~dcr al 2:00 '[lac Pledge oF Allegmncc was lecitcd R()I i C,\i l: Cha ir,,vm¥,a n BarcTyk I~'~ 1. (OSCO MI'. \,el, ha ML Scelcv Mr'. VanBuskirk MI. Simmons ML Oakes Mr. Sehofield Also Present: P, Jch StungeL (it5, Attomcy I'olicc l.i. Bob Lockharl (ode i ntbrccmetd Ol'ticcr Warren [ indqttist Code lmtb~ccmcnt O[]iccr Ai/lt)ii/c Vail Men I)onna Cyr, Secretary Jcanctte Will/ams. Recording Secretary APPROVAl O1' MINI iii!S: 11"20,'02 Mcclmg MO II()N by ('osco,,(h'ifl'in NO I[C[':I) III!ARINGS: 'N' F'\I.Sk Al M~,M VIOl.,\ I'ION PER\,i[ [' ~'1-~3t) APP[!/\I OI; }q: Id MP, \¥ARI;,I{N I)ll ] , l)llJ, & I'¥ANS. I ( i515 LJ.$. IIW¥ 1. SI'Ii #201 ,%cction 29-39 ('()dc or Ordinances Chairwoman Fkuczvk swole in Warren Dill and hc stated the poiicc did indeed respond to his Ihisc alarm on I)cccmbcr ?. 2002. [lc stated thc system, which was installed in July 1995, went off' that nighl Ihree limes in 62 mmtttcs. Mr. Dill had thc syslem inspected Ihc next dav and thc technician believes a lizard ot spidc~ scl off thc alarn~ since ii was thc same sensor each time. lie submitted the technician's ~cpon lb] the record. Mr. Dill stated the responding o[]Sccr called partner. Mr. }waos. andteportedthalthc~e was nncvidence ol'a break-re. Mr. [vansdidnol answer ihe Iblloxxin~ two I}dsc alarm calls. ML Dill slated hc had his building sprayed lbr iosect~ and gave additional contacl nunibct s Io thc police department Ilo requested the thicc alarms be reduced 1o one almm with a smaller fk~c. I)tscussion lbllowcd on thc lechnician~s nalnc and his visit. Mr. VallFluskiik a:,kcd il'Mr. I ;an*. met the police et'liter at thc oli~cc and Mr Dill responded that he did nol because hc was Iold thc plCmtSes wctc secure MC)3 ION by gcclcy/('oscl, ~q'd ]ikc to make a inolion that wc dismiss thc tlnce lhlsc alarm.,, and considcl it one \'aisc alarm and secondly disnnss the $5i)d)0 fine." ROIl (Al.I: MO~II()N CAP, I{II D ? 0 FAISI!AI.ARM VIOLAI'ION PIiRMI]//1607 APPI,.AI OFFINE JIWI'IRY BYRiNE 945 S[~BAS'I'IAN BIVD.,IIN[~ Section ~9 39 ( ode ol'()rdinancen Jill bmst, OWllCl' of the Pink Pelican, which is connecled lo Jewchy by Rcne, represcntcd Rcnc t'ix, ctta. I he Pink Pelican is located al 945 Sebastian lind call i't)r lhu Mt. (kil'fin asked how many alalm cilalions wcrc paid. Ms Frost replied two this The City Attc, rnc5 clarilicd thai Ms. Civella came last lunc to show she icpaned and adjusted system and the Board reduced he~ ilne to $5().(J(J aid subscquc~t to that the back dool alarm today to show lhey immedialcly lixcd thc pnoblcm. MO'lION by: Cosco/Vanlhisku'k "Fhcsc people have been vcly rcs. pc, nsiblt. :,.e had thc police chief at the lad mccPng ~ccommcndcd Ihai :x,e don'l fine them at all. I a?ecd with t]'~at, they still had a $50.00 fine, ~,ouJd iccomnlend that wc dismiss this case.- ROll ("\I!: Mr Ncglia aye ML (Tosco aye ( hai~woman Barczyk -aye M~ VanBuski~k -aye Mt. Gri flirt -uay Mr. Seelcy aye MOIiON CARRIED I'hc City Attorney pc, inted out that staff' did m)t gel lo respond to thc appeal. I'agc '[hl cc C. FAI,S} ALARMVIOI,A~ION I'ERMI'I #1044 APPLAI el;FINE MS. BI~(KYtARM()D¥.COLN('II ONAGING, IN(; S}5DAVIS Section 39-39 (ode of Ordinances Becky ( ,~rmody and Ken Michaud were sx~Orl~ m. Ms. t amlody stated lhat she was hcI~ on bchall'ol'lhc Council on Aging ~o request a wawer el this fillc which happened dtumg the hohday season. She lmlhe~ slated that they have [eccivcd Ibtn Ihlsc aialllls since August which have been paid but lh]s alarm ~as an accident. ( hairwoman Bal'czyk asked how tills alann happened. Mi. Michaud stated a rcntcr who did not have the Marm (:()(lc set Ibc alarm olE Mr Smlnlons suggcslcd tile training of renters. Mr. Michaud staled it is an easy procedure whidl requites thc punching in ei'lbur numbers and [he rcntm did not have i11~ code. Chairwonlan Balczyk asked where tile pad is. Mi Michaud Mated n is in thc kitchen a~cu. Olliccr VanMeir suggested mandatory periodic mamlenancc (il'thc syMcms, which might ieascn (hc iltllllbel et Jblsc alarlll calls Mr. VanBuski~k askcd ifa ilcighbol <ouid call olTthc mspondm~ ofi]cc~ lt. I ockhart was sworn in and allSWCl'e([ that off]cots will always respond itlllcss contacted by lhe aimm company tle iurlhcr clarified thai lhc alarm company called M~. lvans fi'om thc liisl case presented and told Iron not lo mcel the officc~. Mi' (itiffin exprcssed conccin regarding lhc I~ning o/'a publicly ihndcd mganizalion Discussion Ikllloxk ed on covering thc keypad with a locked shield, thc amOUlli oi'limc you have io enlcr a ct)dc and having the tenters pay thc fincs. M~. Gnflht petaled out that thc accumulated fidse alarm~ would be clmunaicd in the March purge. MOTION by: Grillin "1 would make a motion that in a case {)ill'ds organizalion where they have lessees Il]at ifs pmlly difticull to cnlb~ce that clause I mcan iL'~ prelly difl'~cult ik)r !ne to do il, when they haw lessees who have paid thc fine but mm they're being assessed a larger line lbr thc cumulative total they have no conlroi ove~ lbe lessees, lessees pay tile fine . Counselor-Mr. Slringcr?" '[he City Attorney replied that it is a <lift]cult situation howcvc~ they me not pcrmanent lessees ~e Ihey cannot apply lb~ a pcrmd on their own but the 13omd could lower their fine. ( hairwontan Barczyk reminded that ptcponderancc of both sides must bc considered She called M()llONby: VanBusknk/fosco "I'd like to make a ~nolion lo have them attend a [arm lhmiliat izalion school." l)iscusslon [ollowcd on disnlissmg lhe fine. Mr. tosco suggeslcd placing a clause m rental agreements that renters would be liable up to $25!)00 Ib~ ihlsc alarms. Mr. VanBuskirk cladficd that the motion included Ihe dismissal of thc linc. ROLl CALL: MI. Ncglia nay Mr. Simmons nay Mi'. (?osco -aye Chairwoman Barczyk aye Mr. Van Buskirk aye ML Griffin aye Mr, Secley aye MOTION CARl,tileD fl-2 7. ( HAIRMAN'$ thank thc Board for thei~ service, the City ,,\ltoutey, the Police (7[1ic12 Ix. I ockhart, thc officers, Donna Vv'itliams~(?v~ and Jcanctle Williams. Chall~{lll]alt Ba~czyk then opel/cd thc floor l~1 nominations ofchaimlal~. Mr. Nog]ia nonlinated Mr Sccicy bul thc~c was not a sccoud. N'h. Cosco nominated Mr. \.'anltnskitk. 'lite oonnnation was seconded b3 Mr. Neg]ia and approved by a COllS¢llSUS vole. (haiHnwonlao Barcxyk then lurncd thc gavel o~er to Mi. VanBuskitk. ( hah'man VanBuskirk then nominated Mr. Scclry to bc lhc vice chairman and Mr. Ncglia seconded the nomination. :;e was approved by COllSel~sm;. MEMBERS MA l'q IiRS Mr. Neglia stated that thc thlse alarm c, dinancc lllig}lt need looked at. Ken (osco, .h spoke on possible solutlollS to lhisc alauns to inchldc traiBillg, a fiat $250.00 per Ihlse alarm per lessee unless tccllnical service was nccdcd and proved. Mrs. Bmczyk slated thc ordinance is gtven Io the permit hoklcr upon application and Mi. (osco pointed out that people do not lypically read handouts~ ( OI)l': I{NI'()R('ITMEN'I OFI I(iER'S MAII'Ii:RS Of goer VanMen' asked aboul thc budding nLnl]bers and the City Attorney stated it bplme (!OMIICll Oil ~kedncsday night. Discussion Iollm~cd on size und placement of house (17Y AI'TORNE'I~'S MA I Ii{RS I'hc (ity Attorney stated in the past thc alarm ordinance was going to be looked at. Hc agreed Ihcre have been quite a J~'w appeals and perhaps cerlain situation~ should be exempted and how many alarms m so many hours apalt should be ad(hesscd ill lbo {1~ dmance, lie suggested lhe junlp flora $I 00. Io S250. and high stafFtumaround m thc businesses is probably lhe reason there are so many appeals. Mrs. Barczyk asked if thc ()flier cities ate having tile same problem. Lt. [.ockhart stated lhat lhe Police I)cpartmcnt was excusing manv false alarms but upon lhc hirin~ t}l' Ms t vr \¥illiams fl~cy discovcmd thcy did not have tim power to do this. Chamnan VanBuskitk requested the police ollicc~ testily. Ih'si. File (lily AUomey state l ~ey ( o oil standard cases bnl nol on appeals because thc citntion is presumed to be cmrect. I lc fiuthcr stated tt~at lhe reason tb~ appeal is to be m the subnlittcd appeal paper work. I I Being no thrthc~ business. ( 'haitman \.'anBusku'k adioulued the mcclmg ;it k l0 p.m. Rou VanlJ~,ski'-k Chaitnlan Jcanctte Wilha:n!:. Recording Secrcta~y Inte!la -Hom e. In e p.o. so× 780a02 AGREEMENT 24 HR U.L. MONI I ORING ] his Agreement made on the date accepterl and approved bel(?w hy and belween lntclla-ltomc., lm (ar~ lndependenl Florida Cms~ratJon hereinafter rel'erre( to as "IH') and: Billing I ~'l/ ............. .address_. /,5/0 ~' ~'~ ff ~ ~'~) / City/St.fZip ,~ Z-/~j/ //flX~.z / c ~.22 }~2:.3 hereinafter refe~ed to as "Customer ~ "Customer" agr~s to purchase and authorize ' IH" under ~e terns of this agreemem IJst~ on ~e front and the attached form to install, service and monkor the secu~ty equipment listed ~low at ~e l~a ioi~ listed a~ve umiet "g ng Address" unless otherwise indicated here:: No. Lqmpment . i Qty. Prme AmL ~ EQUIPMENT INVESTMENT Sub TolaI , INS [ALLAI1ON I ACKA(,}. 15% /i.5/G ' 1 ALL S5 STF~MS INCLUDe,: Ccmra[ S ation '?ns. Window D(:x:a~. ~Us~ Year Parts a,d 90 Day Se~ice Warraniy:(cxcept Lighmmg) in.stallation requested for: ..... Color Window/lhx)~ Frames: .,xs; cousidcration tm Tho inslallatior~ ;md s(;~viccs lidcd hereto "Customer" ~ gmcs o pay 'IH" irc lol[ox~ing amounly: Monlhly Service ( cntml Slatilm Monitoring tnspectiou Service [mr Rci>air Service 5 . ~ ..... Monthly Antounl PAYABLE1NAI)VANCE ~Quarlcrly t2 Anaua! ~ Check ~ Cash ~ Mastcmard/Visa ~ Special ~' Cttstonler*s' Right of Recision: rt this agrecmem was made in your ho,m ye;, t, avea/:~gal right nndc, ledcra] law to ca,lcd trix ~ransac~ion, if you Cu'~ton}~'~ ackno~ , that he ~tas' ' rc~ul" and' understands lh~s . terms, au~ co)~dmonsrr ~hls _-+ ,: '~ q ~. 4> .>',,':>. .,: /t'~vA:' lntella-Home lac P 0 BOx 780392 ~,~ ........ l Sebas~/at~, FL J2978 Intetla¥oice 561 589-0970 "Now E~,.ez¥ Automated Ht~}II[IG Call Ser¥ice Memo For: Dill & Evans, LC 1515 Us t #201 Sebastim], F! 32958 ..A.!.a_rm..[O..ci~de__..nt Follp_w-.up ,alarm System Inspection Rel}ort; System has beer~ fulb? respected and tested r:'~Jl S/d'llSOI'S and main comrol fbunO m m~rIcct ~vorklng order Xio indicatiotl of operator, c~lo~ visib[e ~.as,' ' ll'ls;pecle<l' ' l[lile 20{12 Alarm System Repmr: No repair reqmred All Motions dusted and cieancd o£a ~v spider' webs Recommendations: Tlus iype el alarm is very difficult to pin down i know wc a~e keeping all empiovee~ t~amcd and aware of system code cha[tges Evc~,one understands about balloons and any hanging obiects, wi~ch where not presertI ~br this alarm. T[Us event seems re be ~zaused bY. a spidcr. [t:sec~. lllOt}l or the. !ik[: wl~ch may. haw: becm moving acn~ss 'he detecIor ~loI S [~ iS recommended fiaal pest se~%~lcc ,mke a complete building check and treatmem & lhat the detector lewises be Keep clean air me ~1 vnn need ans~thlng thrthe Fra Ik Vamter Wiedc