HomeMy WebLinkAbout02192003 CEB AGENDA SEBASTIAN CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19TM, 2003 2:00PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 2 3 4 5. 7 8 9 !0 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Reguia~ Meeting 01/15/03 NOTICED HEARINGS A. FALSE ALARM VIOLATION - PERMIT¢1090 APPEAL OF FINE MR. CLARK BRILLHART - 662 JENKINS STREET SECTION 39-39 CODE OF ORDINANCES B. FALSE ALARM VIOLATION PERMIT~1363 APPEAL OF FINE MR BOB PERRY-CAPTAIN HIRAM'S 1606 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE · SEC11ON 39-39 CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS MEMBERS MATTERS CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER'S MATTERS ATTORNEY'S MAT FERS ADJOURN IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED CItY OF SEBAS'I lAN (?ODE ENFOR(]EMEN 1' IIOARI) (iO[ N(?II, CH AMBEI~.S 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN. FL 32958 M1NU I'ES Ol~' RE(;IiI.AR 5.'IEETING FEBRI:ARY 19. 2003 Chairma~ gant3~skirk called the meeting to orde~ al 2:00 p.m ['hc Pledge oCAIlegiance was recited. [~.0! 1. (Al_L: ( hairmall VanBuskirk M~, Neglia Mr. Simmons ['VIE. (OSCO Mfs. garczyk M~. ~.)akcs MI, Scclcy Ms. Schol~eld Mr. (~ri/'iiH l;.ict~ Stringer. (itv Allome¥ Police (7apt. Dave Pnsche~ (!ode I;nli)~ccmcnt Ol'l'ice~ A~ltomc Va~ McH I)om~a (Tyl-Wi]liams. Secretary .lea~ette Williams. I>.ecording Sccrctat'y ,:5?['R()VA [ ()1, MINI I II!S: //I 5:03 Mcctmg MOTIOJ% hy ("osc<*,'SeclcN x{~) [](;E[) [ I I ;.,,\l,tliX (iS: ! Al ,51 ,\I.ARM \,IOLA, 1 I() PERMIT #1090 ,,\PPEAi O1, FINE \.,IR (IARK[3RII.IIIAItT 662JENK[NSSIItEE~l' Scctiim 3~)-39 ( ~ocle oJ Ordi~anccs ",'lt. l?,rill[larl was s~,~orn m and stated lhat his a Jafra h~td a matJtmclionit~g "sender" which hc IOtlnd ottt af'ter he had i~ icctmiciall make a scrvict~ ()Clicer Va~Meit ;,,as sv, o~n m a~ld tccommc~]ded that the fi~qcs l'()r Nov 19 a~d Dec. 2 l. 2002 remain but l[le one o~ Ja~uary 9 and the 1;',o on .[am~at3,' I0. 2003 bc l'orgix e~ because they could be conlribt~tcd Io thc lcclmiciarl's ['indillgs. lhis ,,~ould bt-Jng lhe tmmbcr ol'x, iolatiol~s to £odc Enit~ccmcnl F;oa~d Meeting Fcbmmy 19, ZI)OS Page Txko MO I ION by £ osco/Oakcs "I'd like lo make a motion lhal v,,e accept thc ( ity's :econmv,'ndation/' ROIJ CAt,l: Melton Ca~ied ? 0, Mt Ncglia -aye MI. ('osco -aye MIs. Barczyk -ayt Mr. Oakcs aye M1. Seelcy -aye Cl~aiunan VanBusku'k -aye FALSE Al ,ARMV1OI.ATION PERMIT/t1363-APPI:'AI OF blNk MR. BOB PERRY CAP'I.HIRAM'S 1606 INDIAN RIVER DR1VE Section ~939 Code of Ordinances Mi. Bob Perry and Mt. Phil Suetch were sworn m. ('haim~an VanBuskuk stated their lenc~ indicated lbe first couple of alarms were because of a new manager which is contributed m human CFI'Or. MI'. Perry stated ihulty cquipmc~ll, the installation iff a new sprmklc~ syslcm and rodcms have caused thc false alarms, lie ihrthcr stated thai the rcstaunmt has 33 zones which gives way lo a greater chance lm [aisc alarms and tbcy ask Io repeal live instances of I~Ise alarms in addition to m leniency because et thc number oi zones. ML Perry then explained thai tile restaurant is upgladtng lhc magnclic c,,mtacts to motkm dcleclors and they hope m [Snd a new company that can handle thc alarm syslem alii[ thc splinklcr system Mr Oakcs asked what instances would bc reasonable Nov, '~0, 2002. Dec 8, 2002, Jan. 7. 2003, Feb. I i, 2003 and let',. 12, 2003. Mrs. Barczyk asked about uammg staff'and ball Sgctch replied the ~eslamant has weekly staff' ()fficci VanMcn staled thai he has mspcctcd repairs and tile restaurant has a history of working xxitb tile City. Officer VanMcir rcconmlcnded a $750.00 to cover the human error instances m which thc restamant agtccd with. Ms. Cyr-Williams stated an additional $10.00 is needed ten thc alarm permit renewal. ( hau'nmn VallBuskirk icnlindcd lhcm dmt an ~dlSccr mum be dispatched regardless each time ML Perry replied d~ey nndetstood but ( 'apl~ Hiram's is one of Sebastian s large*l tax bases replied lhal must be addresscd by (:ouncil, MOT[ON by Neglia/Oakes "I'd like 'to make a raimon that we go with this recommendation el stall' with the fines of $700.00 l(~ (}'apt, I l iram's." R()iJ {'Al.i: Mellon Carried ML Ncglia -aye Mr. ~iI//l/lon s -ay(.' Mr. ( o~,co aye Mrs. Bmczyk aye Mi. Oakcs ay,. Mt'. Scclcy aye ( hailman VanBuskirk ~ayc Parc Ihlc~ 6. CltAIRMAN'S MAF['F;RS Chairman VanBuskirk reporled thal he atlended hldian River County's (ode J;nibrccmcnt Meeimg and was imprc~,scd with the qualily of the I>owcrPoiul slides ap.d thc Fact that they swear everyone io al once !lc fllrthcr u.,pcu'ted that it was a long meeting with 100 cases ar, d it was a lria[ seltitlg Itc went o]) lo sa',, linc (it},' of Veto Beach is scheduled to hold timir meeting o]1 March 10I' and that ( c, uncil had approved the polo shirt req'4osl so he: inviled members Io ,.,isit other cities anti wear thcll shirls oiice thc shills COnle in. ~. ¥IiMI~,KR'S MA'ITERS Mis. Bal c×yk expressed concern ip. lhe number of appeals lot lhles ovm $230.00 and that sbu behoves in Los Angeles an oFIice~ docs not respond unless c'.)ntact is nladc with thc ov./ne~ Thc (ity Attorney slaled the code provides that lhe ('hieFcan rclhsc response alicr so many lhlse aimms howcvt:r Ihere is I~esitancy iu dome tins. [)iscussion lbilowcd on reqttiring thc owners to be mm< :mingcnt wdh lhei~ systems and the alarm techntcians' ability to isolate problems. 11 was suggcsled thal a leclmicinn address lhe bomtl. COl)l:: I{NF()R(:EMIt N I OFI:/CER'S \,'lA ITliRS (apl Pusc]lcr stated lhat people should be given ;/11 OppOrlLH/il}, 10 state thcir case and That ii is ilol in thc best intcrcst to "not resp,.)nd" ~o an}, calls. Mr. NcgLia slaled thc $250.(}0 fine shoulr-t bca gtmd ,:lcterrcnl m lake ca~e oFlhcir s},sterllS. 0 ,,5~ Itl ()j{N[!y'~.' M,\] TERS ell. airman Va ~ 3usk k s atc~- he ~.i y et X/'cro IJ, each ailo~,~..s ! lalse alarms bcfl)rc a Line and $25 O0 on thc fk~ttrth. $50.00 tm thc filih and $100 i)() (m thc sixth, lie stated thc S750.00 [mc is a lot of money and lhal is ~h> people appeal Lite ~illCS. N,']l~ Oakes thanked c~,cl3onc Ibr making his tenmc on lhc hoard a pleasure. Chaimlan VanBuskuk stated there ;',ere som~: expirations t omlng tip on lerms and that X.'ls~ Scholield pply ['oi a ]cgular llielllhel' pnsltlOn 10. Being ii() li;rLhet business, (ihamnan \,'a]ll~uskirk adjoLiJ'ncd the meeting Approved al lhe mecm~g. }'~on \.'anl~tmkirk, t'haLinh.ln Jcancltc \¥illiams. I,~ecording Societal5'