HomeMy WebLinkAbout09102002SE, I nST HOME OF P~.MCAN ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET · SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 58?-5537 · FAX (772] 58?-2566 SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOARD REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER l0T 2002 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ~NNOUNCEMENTS OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: REG. MEETING - 8/13/02 EXPERIOR EXAM: BON1N, GORDON G./MASTER ELECTRICL~N MULLEN, KENDAL B./ELECTRICAL SIGN MASSIMO, CHRIS E./PAINTING BRESETT, GEORGE S./MASONRY/CONCRETE HARRIS, BRY CE L./CARPENTRY JOLLEY, WENDY/ALUMINUM UNLTD. VIOLATION HEARINGS: BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS: BOARD MATTERS: ATTORNEY MATTERS: RECORD SCORES IN SCOREBOOK 15 MINUTES TO PUBLIC ADJOURN NOTE: IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSLFR~ THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PP~OCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY IN EVIDENCE ON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. TWO OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE I2'4 ATTENDANCE. CONAGEN.DOC revised 1/4/02 CITY OF SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BO~ ~TES OF ~GUL~ ~ET~G SEPTE~ER 10, 2002 Chai~oman Fox called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Alle~ce was said. ROLL C~L: P~SENT: ~. Nicolini VC Allocco ~. G~l~d, Jr. ~. Wolge ~. Taylor C~. Fox ABSENT: ~. Mo~s - excused Mr. Sc~itz - excused Mr. White - excused APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Re~lar meeting- 8/13/02 MOTION by Taylor/Allocco I would like to make a motion that the Bo~d approve the m~nutes ogthe Re~lar Meeting held September 10, 2002. A voice vote was t~en. 6 - 0, motion c~ed. A~O~CE~NTS: None OLD BUS,ESS: None NEW BUS.ESS: EXPE~OR E~M: Bonin, Gordon G.~aster Elec~ci~ ~. Bonin was sworn in by Chai~om~ Fox. MOTION by Taylor~olfe I would Iike to m~e a motion that we approve Gordon G. Boron m take ~e Expe~or Exam for Master Elec~ci~. Roll Call: Mr. Taylor -yes Mr. Garland-yes Mr. Wolfe -yes Motion carded 6 - 0. Mullen, Kendal B./Electrical Sign MOTION by Allocco/Garland VC Allocco -yes Mr. Nicolini -yes Chmn. Fox -yes Masonry/Concrete. Roll Call: Chmn Fox -yes Mr. Taylor -yes VC Allocco -yes Motion carried 6 - 0. Mr. Wolfe -yes Mr. Nicolini -yes Mr. Garland -yes I'd like to make a motion that the Board approve Kendal B. Mullen to take the Experior Exam for Electrical Sign Contractor. Roll Call: Mr. Nicolini -yes Mr. Wolfe -yes Mr. Taylor -yes Mr. Garland -yes Mr. VC Allocco -yes Chmn. Fox -yes Motion carried 6 - 0. Massimo, Chris E./Painting MOTION by Allocco/Wolfe I make a motion the Board approve Chris E. Massimo to take the Experior Exam for Painting. Roll Call: Mr. Taylor -yes Mr. Nicolini -yes Chmn. Fox -yes VC Allocco -yes Mr. Garland -yes Mr. Wolfe -yes Motion carried 6 - 0. Bresett, George S./Masonry/Concrete MOTION by Taylor/Garland I make a motion the Board approve George S. Bresett to take the Experior Exam for Harris, Bryce L./Catpentry MOTION by Taylor/Allocco I make a motion that the Board approve Bryce L. Harris to take the Experior Exam for Carpentry. Roll Call: Mr. Nicolini -yes Chrnn. Fox. -yes Mr. Garland -yes VC Allocco -yes Mr. Taylor -yes Mr. Wolfe -yes Motion carried 6 - 0. Jolley, Wendy/Aluminum Unltd. MOTION by Taylor/Nicolini I make a motion that the Board approve Wendy Jolley to take the Experior Exem for Aluminum Unltd. Roll Call: Mr. Nicolini -yes Mr. Taylor -yes VC Alloccco -yes Chmn. Fox -yes Mr. Wolfe -yes Mr. Garland -yes Motion carded 6 - 0. VIOLATION HEARINGS: None BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS: None BOARD MATTERS: The Board Secretary read a letter of resignation from Jim Morris stating that he did not want to be reappointed but wanted to thank the Board members and give them his best. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None RECORD SCORES IN SCOREBOOK: Scores were recorded by Mr. Nicolini and Mr. Taylor. ADJOURN: Chwnm. Fox adjourned the meeting at 7:37 P.M.