HomeMy WebLinkAbout08072003 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 7, 2003 Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. There was a moment of silence in honor of Commissioner Charles Barrett, who recently passed away. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Faille Mr. Mahoney Ms. Monier Mr. Blessing (a) Chmn. Smith Mr. AIIocco Mr. Svatik ALSO PRESENT: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Rich Stringer, City Attorney Susan Lorusso, Secretary NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 7/17/03 MOTION by Faille/AIIocco "1 make a motion to accept the minutes of the 7/17/03 Land Planning Agency" A voice vote was taken. 7-0 minutes approved. MOTION by Smith/Al]occo "1 make a motion to accept the 7/17/03 minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission" A voice vote was taken. 7-0 minutes approved. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing - Site Plan Review - Stadnik Industrial Site - Contractor Trades/Industrial Facility and Renovation - 137 Sebastian Boulevard Chmn Smith opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. and swore in the applicants and staff. Present were Mr. Randy Mosby of Mosby and Associates, 2455 14th Avenue, Vero Beach, Florida, and Donald Stadnik, 13815 N. Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida. PLANN1NG AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 2003 Mr. Mosby gave a brief description of the location and scope of the project. Mr. Hass detailed the renovation to existing buildings and construction of two new buildings at the site adding that this is located in the CR 512 overlay district. He noted that there should be the inclusion of fenestration to the front fag:ade facing CR 512. Mr. Mosby presented an amhitectural rendering of the site showing this fenestration. Mr. Hass also mentioned the alternating 4 Ft. wall and enhanced landscaping providing an additional appeal to the property. The redevelopment area does not incorporate the entire site at this time but it is staff's understanding that Mr. Stadnik desires to come back for future redevelopment of the remainder of the site. Mr. Mosby added that the owner informed him if the wall is a problem with the Commission, he is willing to remove it from the plan. Mr. Mahoney asked if the setback for the wall would affect the aisle and driveway and Mr. Mosby said it would not. There will not be an additional curb cut, as the existing one on CR 512 will be used. Mr. AIIocco was interested in the extent of renovation to the existing buildings. Mr. Stadnik described the renovation as to uniformly tie in the look of the whole block. They will be putting on metal roofs and unifying the color scheme. Mr. Hass added that this is being done as a phased development and will be consistent with the overlay district. Mr. Smith asked if the buildings were grandfathered and Mr. Hass agreed. Mr. Stringer explained the unique grandfathering provision between non- conforming uses and non-conforming structures. On structures a person is allowed to make changes towards improving or coming closer to conformance on a building, which is what Mr. Stadnik is dong here. If he changed the use, then he would have to bring it totally into conformity. There was discussion about site plan review and construction plan review. Ms. Monier wanted to know who was responsible for the swales and Mr. Hass said they are in the county right-of-way. Mr. Blessing asked about the type of truck traffic that this facility will produce and Mr. Mosby replied small truck use as it is for contractor trade offices. Mr. Svatik asked for the details of the work phases and Mr. Stadnik said the roof work on existing buildings would be started within the next month. There were no comments from the public. Chmn. Smith closed the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. MOTION by Monier/Smith "I make a motion we approve the site plan for the industrial complex on Sebastian Boulevard [Stadnik industrial Site], contingent with the recommendation from staff that all landscaping be complied with according to item number 15j." Roll Call: Mr. Faille yes Mr. AIIocco yes Mr. Mahoney yes Chmn. Smith yes Mr. Blessing (a) yes Mr. Svatik yes Ms. Monier yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried. B. Public Hearing - Site Plan Review - Kirrie Industrial Development - Manufacturing Facility - 129th Street Chmn Smith opened the public hearing at 7:41 p.m. and swore in the applicants and members of the public wishing to speak. Present were Mr. Randy Mosby, Mosby and Associates, 2455 14m Avenue, Vere Beach, Florida, Mr. C.N. Kirrie, P.O. Box 144, Roseland, Florida. Mr. Mosby opened his presentation stating that he has been working 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 2003 with staff and Indian River County for over five months and that this application will need a variance for the landscaping. Mr. Hass gave a brief history of the site and described the Styrofoam manufacturing facility to be a 50,000 Sq. Ft. building to be built in phases and utilizing on-site well and septic. The site consists of 15 acres with 21% proposed as open area. The only legal public access to the site is from 129th Street. There has been discussion about Mr. Kirrie accessing the site from 130th Street however in order to do so there would have to be some type of easement or right-of-way cut across through the conservation district and that is going to require state approval. If in the future there is potential for another access, Mr. Kirrie will have to coordinate that with the county. Regarding landscaping, they are proposing to do a bamboo buffer as opposed to the standard type hedge material and this will provide an extremely dense buffer for the neighboring residential properties to the east and west. No additional canopy trees will be required on the south side abutting the conservation district. Enhancement of the landscape buffer along the north side is desirous and has been incorporated in the plan. There was discussion on noise, number of employees and fire protection. The Code of Ordinance will enforce any noise and/or nuisance issues, Mr. Kirrie said there would be approximately 10 to 15 employees and Mr. Mosby said the fire protection will be determined by the fire department when construction plans are submitted to the Building Department. Ms. Monier asked if the city could make a formal request to the county regarding 130th Street. Mr. Stringer explained the history of this property, the issue of accessing it from 130th Street and the involvement of the county, who most recently made a cost-sharing offer of the repaving. Mr. Blessing asked about the manufacturing process and Mr. Kirrie described it as a steam heat process. There will be two or three trucks to the site per week. Public Comments: Fred Mensing, 7580 129~ Street, Sebastian, Florida made reference to lots 14, 15 and 13, the retention pond and access issue. He added that he is willing to work a deal with the county for a read to access the property. Margaret Herndon, 7775 129th Street, Roseland, Florida requested the commission not give a variance to modify the landscaping. She was also concerned about safety around the retention pond. Laurie Lanfair Lacourt, 7700 129th Street, mentioned that the site was to hook up to water and sewer if accessing 130th Street and was concerned that if Mr. Kirrie uses 129th Street for access, would the residents have to bear the cost of water and sewer being run on 129th. Also concerned that semi trucks using 129th Street during the late evening hours. Cerise Seibert, 1760 129th Street, doesn't want to see bamboo buffer and would like the access to the site be on 130~h Street. Chmn. Smith closed the public hearing at 8:40 p.m. MOTION by MoniedBIessing 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 2003 "1 make a motion to approve the site plan for the industrial complex on Mr. Kirrie's property and if the commission so desires I'd like to make it know that we would really like the county to continue their efforts in making 130th the right of way." Roll Call: Mr. Faille yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Svatik yes Mr. Blessing (a) yes Ms. Monier yes Mr. AIIocco yes Chmn Smith yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried. Mr. Smith asked Mr. Hass about the variance and he responded that the variance will be presented to the Board of Adjustment and we will report back to you once that has occurred. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chron. Smith thanked those members and staff that attended the memorial service for Mr. Barrett. MEMBER MATTERS: Mr. Mahoney added his appreciation to those that attended the service for Mr. Barrett. Mr. Faille asked why on the vicinity map for the Kirrie application was 129th Street also shown as 129~h Avenue. Mr. Hass explained that the county maps are not consistent. Mr. AIIocco requested that Mr. Hass add the one statement to his staff report pertaining to fire suppression. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Mr. Hass gave a brief update of applications recently received by Growth Management. They include seven land use amendments, five of which are through annexations and there is always rezoning associated with those applications, three new site plans, two final plats, Fisher Lake Island Phase V and Park Place Phase I1. The department is still currently working on the CRA revisions and it is anticipated that adoption of that will be ready by October or early November. The consultants are still moving forward with the rewrite of our comprehensive plan and hopefully it will be ready for review the early part of next year. ATTORNEY MA'n'ERS: Mr. Stringer gave a history of the county offers to Mr. Kirrie. Initially there was a deal to move the road as far away from the wetland and to the north as possible. When it shows up at the [county] commission it has a page of conditions with things like run a fence for a mile and a half, run sewer and water for two miles. The commission votes to do the swap and forget the conditions. When the minutes are released suddenly the conditions are put on as an item of approval. The commission approaches Mr. Kirrie, who makes a best offer and agrees to a few of the conditions. It is reported to the press Mr. Kirtle has rejected negotiating with the county so all deals are off. 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 2003 Mr. Stringer advised the commission that Mr. Mosby was correct when he said, with regard to site plans, the commission basically gets the footprint and site related issues generally do not have anything to do with what happens inside the walls. Chmn Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. (8/11/03 SBL) 5