HomeMy WebLinkAbout02202003PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 2003 Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Faille Mr. Mahoney Mr. Blessing (a) Ms. Monier Mr. AIIocco Chmn Smith VC Barrett Mr. Carroll (a) Mr. Svatik Jan King, Growth Management Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Susan Lorusso, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Smith welcomed Mr. John Carroll to the board as an alternate member and congratulated Mr. AIIocco for his appointment to a full member. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 02/06/03 MOTION by Barrett/Faille "1'11 make a motion we approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 6th.', A voice vote was taken. 7-0 minutee approved, OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: A. NONE Quasi-Judicial Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Model Home Permit - Mercedes Homes - 1970 Barber Street Chmn. Smith swore in Mr. George Ruff, 900 11th Avenue, Vero Beach, Construction Manager for Mercedes Homes and Ms. Jan King. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 2003 Mr. Ruff said Mercedes Homes would comply and do everything they can to work with the City of Sebastian. Ms. King repoded that the model home is currently under construction and the adjoining lot will be used for parking. A unity of title has been provided. She advised Mr. Ruff that a second driveway permit will be needed to access the parking area as they already have a permit for the driveway to the house. Staff recommends approval. Chmn Smith opened and closed the public hearing at 7:04 p.m., as there were no members from the public in attendance who wished to speak. Mr. Mahoney asked about the illumination of the sign and what was allowed. Mr. Ruff said it would probably be a little spotlight. Ms. King quoted the code, "...for security purposes only and shall not cause a glare or infringe on neighboring property." Mr. Mahoney added that the walkway should be "pervious" and not "impervious" as noted. Ms. King agreed. Mr. Blessing inquired about signage and Ms. King clarified that the sign presently at the site is the construction sign, not the model home sign. She added that the applicant must acquire final inspections and certificate of occupancy on the home, driveway and drainage before the model home permit is issued. Mr. Ruff said the sign presently on the site is not permanent. Mr. Svatik asked if Mr. Ruff would put up a sign that complies with code when the c/o is issued and Mr. Ruff replied, "absolutely." Mr. AIIocco asked if the 5' X 6' construction sign was normal to all their construction sites and Mr. Ruff said there isn't enough room on other lots but because there are two adjoining lots here they have the room on this site. Mr. Barrett was adamant that the word "office" be struck from item 6 on the Supplemental Information Condition Use Permit, Model Home form. Ms. Monier wanted to acknowledge the concerns received from two citizens and clarify that it is a traffic problem that is not in this commission's jurisdiction. Mr. Stringer said, "The road situation has been on the Municipal Planning Organization (MPC) list of something to be done and its been sitting on the fifth year of the five year plan and they keep bumping it back to the fifth year." He added that he believes the county will be looking at it again. Mr. Barrett added information from the MPC Study Advisory Committee on Truck Traffic Routing, which he has recently been assigned to; this item was brought up at the meeting two days ago, about the kink in Barber Street. Ownership of the properties on the southeast corner of the turn or what is the right-of-way with respect to the possibility of straightening out or smoothing the transition at that intersection. Ms. King informed him that she has many files on this issue, and invited him to come in to the office to review them. Mr. Blessing asked how long the model home would be used as a model and Mr. Ruff responded less than five years. Mr. Blessing suggested that the residents in opposition of the application be contacted and sent a copy of the site plan to allay their concerns about traffic. MOTION by Monier/Barrett "1 make a motion to approve the Model Home Permit [for Mercedes Homes] at 1970 Barber Street." ROLL CALL: Mr. Faille yes Mr. AIIocco yes Chmn Smith yes Mr. Mahoney yes VC Barrett yes Mr. Svatik yes Ms. Monier yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 2003 CHAIRMAN MATTERS: MEMBER MATTERS: NONE Mr. Barrett mentioned that he would be out of the country and not available for the March 6 meeting. Mr. Blessing inquired about the parapet wall at Sebastian Retail. Mr. Smith asked Mr. Stringer what can be done to get the matter resolved and Mr. Stringer replied that the cio agreement was with council and he will report to them on Wednesday that this commission is "getting fed up". Mr. Blessing asked Mr. Stringer if he could ask for additional information on the site plan for Seawinds specifically he would like to have "all of the equipment that is going to go into that building and where it is actually going to be placed. If we could see a scaled drawing of that I'd appreciate that very much. I'd like to know exactly what the equipment is, its size and where it's going to be placed inside that building." Mr. Stringer said, "If it was here as a site plan probably not but since it is also coming in as a conditional use then I think that opens up your area of inquiry and I'm sure Jan can pass along that the applicant know that that is something at least one of the commissioners is going to be knowing." Mr. Mahoney added to the above discussion the public notice regarding Seawinds application to the state. Ms. Lorusso interrupted and advised that this should not be discussed outside of the public hearing and Mr. Stringer advised not to worry and explained that like a lot of state agencies they first do an intent to issue. There was discussion about whether the permit was issued by the state. Mr. AIIo¢co added that he has done some research and will be presenting additional information at the next meeting. DIRECTOR MATTERS: NONE A'rI'ORN EY MATTERS: NONE Chmn. Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. (2/21/03 SBL)