HomeMy WebLinkAbout12052002 HOM[ OF IFJJCN~ ISLAND 1225 MAIN STREET · SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (772) 589-5537 · FAX (772) 589-2566 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2002 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of 11/7/02 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Ordinance O- 02-20, Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan - Goals, Objectives and Policies, Chapter 9: Capital Improvements Element, Objective 9-1.1 B. Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing - Site Plan Review - Sebastian Municipal Airport, Airport Drive West - Aviation T-Hangars 8. CHAIR_MAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 11, ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE ON THE ABOVE MATTERS, WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH APPEAL IS TO BE HEARD. SAID APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE OF ACTION. (286.0105 F.S.) IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA}, ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561)-589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. CITY OF SEBASTIAN MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 5, 2002 Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chnm. Barrett Mr. Mahoney Mr. Blessing (a) VC Smith Ms. Monier Mr. Allocco (a) EXCUSED: Mr. Faille Mr. Svatik Mr. Rauth ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Secretary/Zoning Technician Susan Lornsso, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chron. Barrett welcomed Andrew Allocco to the board as the new alternate member who will be voting along with Mr. Blessing tonight. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (11/7/02) MOTION by Smith/Monier 'Tll make a motion we accept the meeting minutes of 11/7/02." A voice vote was taken. 6- 0, minutes approved. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: A. None Public Hearing - Recommendation to City Council - Ordinance 0-02-20, Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan - Goals, Objectives and Policies, Chapter 9: Capital Improvements Element, Objective 9-1.1 For the record Atty. Stringer asked Chron. Barrett to convene the public hearing in his capacity as the Land Planning Agency for the City of Sebastian because that's what the hearing is to be held PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 2002 as. Chmn. Barrett opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. under the auspices of LPA, the Land Planning Agency of the City of Sebastian. Chmm Barrett sworn in Mr. Craig Bencz of Iler Planning Group in Palm Beach Gardens, FL and staff. Atty. Stringer clarified, as Mr. Hass pointed out, the term should be Local Planning Agency. Mr. Hass reminded the board the need for the community to go ahead and update the capital improvements element of our comprehensive development plan was discussed at the last meeting. What is before the commission tonight is an outline consisting of an updated capital improvements element including a new table of proposed projects within the next five years and those currently programmed and budgeted for. Mr. Bencz apologized for the confusion on the various document revisions. This is the first task in a larger project to complete an update to the comprehensive plan element by element. The proposal is for the removal of table 9-2.1, entitled "Five Year Schedule of Capital Improvements" and replaced with an updated table of capital improvements covering fiscal years 2003 through 2007. This is to bring the city in compliance with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and get more updated information in the comprehensive plan. Also proposed is the addition of table 9-2.2, which are items already approved for funding. There are several miscellaneous scribner's errors to be amended and noted throughout with underline and strike-through format, i.e. changing dates, changing the name of a drainage improvement plan to Master Drainage Plan for consistency. Between this meeting and the City Council meeting there may be a potential addition of a financial feasibility table showing revenues and expenditures when the DCA reviews this for compliance. The public facilities element has one policy that relates directly to the capital improvements element and that is Exhibit B (a copy of which was passed around to the commission members and is attached as 'Exhibit A'). There's language for a stormwater management plan implementation project chart and we are proposing that chart be removed from the plan at this time and included later on as possibly part of the update to that particular element. Atty. Stringer added this has been expedited because there weren't going to be any more projects signed off on until this was done. One problem with expediting this is the advertising requirements, it was already advertised in accordance with the DCA requirements and it specifically said the capital improvements element. It didn't name any other element so we couldn't properly do this clean-up an~endment that is Exhibit B at this time. Mr. Blessing asked about the figure for sidewalks and bikeways. Mr. Bencz answered that the information included in the chart was from the financial fiscal management office. Mr. Hass said the figure is adjusted yearly. He also apologized for the lateness of disbursing the information and agreed with Atty. Stringer that there is a time crunch in order to meet deadlines to continue with some capital improvement projects currently programmed for this current fiscal year. With the state review pending it was needed to process this before the board as well as city council so it could be transmitted to the state and get moving as quickly as possible. He appreciates the boards' understanding and cooperation. Ms. Monier asked if these were just projections. Mr. Bencz replied that table 9-2.1 is projections and table 9-2.2 is adopted funding for projects. Atty. Stringer said the key element is at this point. That's what the financial feasibility is. If there's an area you're deficient in, and you suddenly start adding another project, DCA will look at the financial feasibility and say you know you don't have enough money to do that project and this one. Mr. Smith said he knew this was coming and thinks it is great because it is now going to be legal. Mr. Mahoney questioned the discretionary sales tax for riverfront. Did we create a separate category for the riverfront just to fund that project? Atty. Stringer answered that would be the CRA tax increment financing trust PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 2002 fund. Within the CRA any additional tax money coming in to either the city or the county goes into the riverfront redevelopment trust fund and then has to be spent for improvements that further those goals. This is the total reimbursement and what we are going to spend separately. Mr. Blessing asked why there was no mention of swale maintenance. Mr. Bencz said these are capital improvement projects not maintenance. Chnm Barrett noted more scribner's errors on page 10, should be CR 505 Roseland Road, and item 12 there is no East Street that should be Easy Street. Ms. Monier wanted to know if future parking comes under capital improvements. Mr. Bencz said it could be something listed in the capital improvements element. Mr. Mahoney asked about the yacht club and community center signs and Mr. Hass said there would be identification signs but was not aware of any other type to be proposed. MOTION by Smith/Blessing "VIi make a motion that we accept the recommendation to City Council of Ordinance O- 02-20 Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan." Roll call: Chmn. Barrett yes Mr. Allocco yes VC Smith yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Blessing yes Ms. Monier yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carried. [The public hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m.] Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing - Site Plan Review - Sebastian Municipal Airport, Airport Drive West - Aviation T-Hangars Chmn. Barrett opened the public hearing at 7:24 p.m. Present and sworn in by Chmn Barrett was Jason Milewski, Airport Director, 833 Gilbert St., Sebastian, FL. Mr. Milewski apologized that Mr. Todd Anderson from Sheltair was unable to attend this meeting due to an illness. This application is a public/private sector partnership. The project is a T-Hangar complex. T-Hangars are aircraft storage units completely enclosed with a door. The hangars will be located at the southwestern side of the airport along taxiway alpha. A separate issue from this matter is the extension of Airport Drive west to the south and then out to Roseland Road directly across the street from Wimbrow Park. This will be the access to the T- Hangars. Also, a water line will run along there for fire purposes. There are two buildings proposed, A and B, each consisting of 20 T-Hangars. Access will be on the west side of the proposed Airport Drive West extension. Vehicles will come through an electronic security gate to the ten parking spaces. After numerous meetings with the fire department, this project was designed in accordance with their standards. Mr. Allocco asked how the airplanes would access the hangar and Mr. Milewski said by manual pushing, as you cannot run an engine inside a hangar. The floors inside the hangars are flat with a six-inch concrete curb for fire protection so fluids cannot leak to the next unit. Sprinkler system is not required because there's no maintenance taking place within the hangars. Also, all the walls are fire rated with a two-hour fire rated in between. Building height is about 14 feet with PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 2002 the doors having a 12-foot clear height. There will be signage for storage only, no maintenance. Wind load meets the new building code of 130 miles per hour. Mr. Hass clarified it as 1 l0 miles an hour with three second burst at 130 but those are issues that will be reviewed during the building permitting stage. Mr. Milewski described the proposed landscaping, with more trees and shrubs on the street side than in the back. Ms. Monier inquired about the parking requirements and why there were only ten spaces, one of which handicap. Mr. Milewski said people put their vehicles in the hangars where their planes were. Tenants will be responsible for taking their own trash in and out; there are no trash receptacles on site. Also, there are not a lot of outlets in the unit to deter people from doing repairs and setting up shop, which is not the intent of these units. Mr. Blessing wanted an explanation as to why the building straddles the taxiway. Mr. Milewski explained this is an old World War II airport so all the pavement is 150 Ft. wide, with the master plan we shifted the taxiway to the eastern edge along the north/south taxiway because we don't need a 150 Ft. wide pavement. By doing this it will make more apron space available to existing tenants if they want to lease that out. It looks like it is straddling the taxiway but we're actually shifting the taxiway over. Mr. Mahoney asked about Sheltair Sebastian's financial commitment to the project. Mr. Milewski said Sheltair is using our FDOT grant dollars and paying a return every year on the money that they use so the airport is sort of financing them to do this and Sheltair pays a matching amount. Chmn. Barrett asked about the blank areas on the application and Mr. Milewski said because it is city property we already have the right to go on our own property. Chmn. Barrett closed the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. MOTION BY Monier/Smith "I'll make a motion that we approve the site plan for the City of Sebastian Municipal Airport Aviation T-Hangars." Roll Call: Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Allocco yes Mr. Blessing yes Chmn Barrett yes Ms. Monier yes VC Smith yes The vote was 6 - 0. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMBERS MATTERS: Ms. Monier announced the upcoming Art Show and asked if anyone wished to volunteer to see her and that tickets for the Preview Party are still available through the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Mahoney asked if Atlantic Coast had built their tower and Mr. Hass confirmed they had. Also, Mr. Mahoney mentioned that Captain Hiram's has a very large neon lighted sign in the window where they just completed the elevator shaft. Ms. King suggested that maybe after the first of the year there could be discussion on certain elements of the sign code. They need to 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 2002 either make a firm stand for these elements in the code in order to enforce them or take them out of the code. Mr. Blessing brought up discussion on upcoming meetings and the board's attendance. He will not be available for the next meeting [December 19, 2002]. Mr. Smith said he would be away for the two meetings in January. Mr. Hass suggested moving the January 2nd meeting to January 9t~ instead of canceling because there are items pending for these meetings. Chmn. Barrett polled the board to see who would be available for the December 19th meeting, as Mr. Blessing will not be in attendance. It appeared there would be no problem obtaining a quorum. Chron. Barrett suggested canceling January 2na and moving it to January 9, 2003. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Mr. Hass said there are several items pending for the December 19th meeting and he would certainly appreciate the board's attendance for that meeting. Sebastian River Landings, the annexation project, is moving forward and it sounds that the state is going to be issuing their findings quickly. We have already received a favorable recommendation from the regional planning council and also other state agencies that have reviewed the project. Staff has met with some developers in the last fe~v weeks concerning some potential multi-family housing. One project is looking at a parcel off Louisiana Avenue, one looking at a parcel off Barber Street across from Park Place. Regarding the CRA Expansion Plan, the consulting group, Iler Planning Group, is working on the CRA Expansion, which is the triangular portion of 512. We have been under moratorium for development in that area and have been in the process of studying that area to determine if it qualifies for inclusion within a CRA. The study was completed this past week and it satisfies state requirements for determination of qualifying for blighted area and therefore can be included ~vithin a CRA. On December 11th we'll be providing City Council with an update. Once that is done we hope to get council direction to go ahead and move forward with Phase II, which is development of the actual plan. This will incorporate the triangle as part of our CRA but a part of that plan is to go ahead and revise the existing CRA. We have a very weak system in place right now for actually collecting the taxes within that area and actually supporting development and infrastructure improvements in that area so we hope to strengthen the actual development plan that we have in place and one of the things the legal description is horrible and it actually doesn't take into account all of the properties on the east side of Indian River Drive. The legal, if you read it, goes right up the middle of the street so that is something we want to correct so we can take advantage of all the properties that are on the east side of Indian River Drive and we also need to correct the north and south boundary lines so that will incorporate more of the conmaunity. ATTORNEY MATTERS: There are going to be a lot of things on the City Council agenda for December 11th, which is the only council meeting for nine weeks. Some of the items will be the Stormwater Master Plan, the CRA, discussions on approving the new city hall and police station expansion project, almost anything that's been talked about over the last six months is on the agenda. Mr. Hass added that the accessory structure ordinance is on that agenda for adoption and the telecommunication ordinance is up for first public hearing. Clmm. Barrett adjourned the meeting at 7:55 P.M. (12/06/02 SBL) Exhibit B Proposed Related Amendments to City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan Note: Proposed amendments are presented in underline/strikethrough format. Exhibit B - Related Amendments to City of Sebastian Comprehensive Plan Note: Proposed amendments are presented in underline/strikethrough format. Chapter 4, Public Facilities Element Policy 4-2.1d.1: Stormwater Management Plan Implementation Projects. The City shall work towards implementing over the next 10 years t.h.e fe!!ewing projects identified in the City's Approved Stormwater Management Cenc~txa! Master Plan: PROPOSED WOP~t5 PHP~E EST. TOTAL~ COST EST. Ax?C YEAP.~ Y COST o~, ~ .......... +~' ~"*~- Systems South ef CR 512 · ~ ~ ~aa nan ¢ ~ ~ ~a aaa