HomeMy WebLinkAbout09192002 CITY OF SEBASTIAN MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Faille (a) Mr. Mahoney Mr. Blessing (a) Ms. Monier EXCUSED ABSENCE: Mr. Svatik ALSO PRESENT: Mrs. Reichert Chmn. Barrett VC Smith Mr. Rauth Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Secretary/Zoning Technician ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Barrett announced that Mr. Svatik was excused and Mr. Blessing(a) would be voting in his place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (8/15/02 LPA) MOTION by Reichert/Smith 'Tll make a motion we accept the LPA meeting minutes of 8/15/02." A voice vote was taken. 7- 0, minutes approved. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: A. Accessory Structure Review - Section 54-2-7.5 - 918 Gulfstream Avenue - 12' X 24' Prefab Shed - Ted's Sheds The homeowner, Mr. Richard Mazoumk, was present. He stated he would not be applying for an auxiliary driveway and that no trees would have to be removed. Staff verified with the homeowner that the color of the shed would match the house, light cream or white, and recommended approval. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 MOTION by Smith/Monier "I make a motion that we approve the 12' X 24' utility shed located at 918 Gulfstream Avenue." Roll call: Mr. Mahoney - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes Mr. Blessing(a) - yes VC Smith - yes Ms. Monier - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Mrs. Reichert - yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried. B. Quasi-Judicial Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Model Home Permit - 1290 Barber Street - GRB Construction, Inc. The applicant, Mr. George Boyd, 730 Krogel Avenue, Sebastian, was present and sworn in. Chmn. Barrett commented how nice the parking area was landscaped. Staff discussed the application and recommended approval. Mrs. Reichert questioned if the sign would be lighted. Mr. Boyd stated possibly in the future. Chron. Barrett opened the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. There was no public input. The hearing was closed. MOTION by Monier/Smith "I make a motion we approve the model home at 1290 Barber Street by GRB Construction." Roll call: VC Smith - yes Mr. Blessing(a) - yes Ms. Monier - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes Mrs. Reichert - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. Quasi-Judicial Hearing - Site Plan Review - Major Modification - Capt. Hiram's/Key West Inn - 1606 Indian River Drive - Additional Parking & Storage Building Addition Chmn. Barrett opened the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. Staff and the applicant, Mr. Tom Collins, were sworn in. Mr. Collins explained that they wished to pave the grass parking area located by U.S #1 because patrons were parking irregularly in the un-marked area. After checking with the St. Johns Water PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 Management District, it was determined their previous permit would allow for the additional impervious area. Paving the area would increase the parking by 30 spaces. Additional landscaping islands were to be included, along with a small fountain. The second request was for a 1-story 800 sq. ft. storage area just west of the kitchen on the east side of Indian River Drive. Mr. Collins handed out elevation drawings of the existing building with the addition. The area was for a walk-in cooler and storage shelves for dry goods. The code allows for a front yard setback of zero feet if curb and gutter exists. Mr. Collins stated they were willing to put in the curb and gutter but after talking to the City Engineer it was determined a curb & gutter system would actually be worse for the drainage in that area. The city engineer, attorney and staff agreed to still allow for the zero foot front yard setback. Mr. Hass explained that 33 parking spaces were being added with a reduction of 6 spaces for the improvements for a net increase of 27 new spaces. The storage area did not require any additional parking. Staff recommended approval. There was no public input. The hearing was closed. Chmn. Barrett suggested the plans have a more visible engineer seal. Mrs. Reichert had questions regarding the drainage for the new parking area. Mr. Collins stated two new catch basins were being added which would drain into the main site basin. She also asked if the boat parking would be relocated. Mr. Collins responded some boat trailers would be allowed to park in that area in marked spaces. Mr. Rauth asked if there would be accommodations for food purveyors and deliveries. Mr. Collins stated everything would remain the same for a short while. They have pumhased the property directly to the north and are working on plans for a delivery area and employee parking. Mr. Blessing had questions regarding landscaping for the parking area. Mr. Mahoney verified that the project still met open space requirements. Mr. Collins stated the engineers did the calculations. The requirement is for minimum 25% pervious surface. The project has 47%. Mr. Mahoney also questioned the percentage of palm trees being used. Mr. Stringer stated that a variance was granted a couple years ago for the project to have a greater percentage of palm trees. If an exact number had been granted, Mr. Collins would have to apply for another variance, but a percentage number had been granted so as long as the new amount of palm trees stayed within that percentage no new variance would be needed. Mr. Hass informed the members that because the building addition was not a habitable structure, minimum floor could be permitted below flood elevation as long as electrical construction was above. MOTION by Smith/Reichert "I'd like to make a motion that we approve the major modification to the previous approved site plan for Capt. Hiram's restaurant at 1606 Indian River Drive." PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 Roll call: Mrs. Reichert - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes VC Smith - yes Ms. Monier - yes Mr. Blessing (a) - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. D. Quasi-Judicial Hearing - Site Plan Review - Major Modification - 841 Sebastian Boulevard - Morrow Office Building - Paved Parking & Building Addition Chmn. Barrett opened the public hearing at 7:37 p.m. Mr. Bruce Moia, P.E., of Mosby & Associates, 2455 14th Avenue, Vero Beach, representative for the applicant, was sworn in. Mr. Moia reviewed the proposed project, adding a 1300 sq. fi. building for storage, additional landscaping, and paved parking, and renovation to the existing building. Tracy Hass discussed the staff report and indicated staff's displeasure with the submitted elevations and architectural drawings. Mr. Moia then submitted and handed out to the board members new, revised drawings and elevations. Mr. Hass also discussed the situation involving the 74 fi. front yard setback requirement. The existing building has a 66 ft. front setback. The two options for the addition are to meet the required setback, therefore creating a jog in the faqade line (like the adjacent Arnold's Air building) or apply for a variance for the 66 feet and have an even front line. The applicant has already applied for the variance. Mrs. Reichert questioned why the building addition was going to be for storage. Mr. Hass explained that the amount of parking could only accommodate a certain amount of retail/office space. Mr. Rauth felt the new addition should meet the required setback, creating a visual relief, instead of a long strip mall appearance when built fight next to the Arnold's Air building. Ms. Monier agreed with Mr. Rauth and suggested adding some architectural character to the roof. The Board discussed adding the setback requirement to the conditions of the site plan approval. Mr. Moia pointed out that requiring the building to be set back would not keep the cross-access easements parallel since the original Arnold building did not meet the required setback also. He offered to add a dormer or copula to the roof design to break up the expanse. MOTION by Monier/Smith "I'll make a motion that we approve the expansion at 841 Fellsmere Road based on, excuse me, Sebastian Boulevard, providing that the applicant meets with the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 recommendations as set forth, the five recommendations [and if he receives a variance the roof architectural relief is condition number 6]." Roll call: Chmn Barret - yes Mr. Blessing (a) - yes VC Smith - yes Mr. Rauth - no Ms. Monier - yes Mrs. Reichert - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes The vote was 6 - 1. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chron. Barrett had questions to the status of the rear parapet wall at Sebastian Retail Shoppes. Mr. Hass explained the wall had to be re-engineered and the Developer would be applying for building permits the first week of October. Chnm. Barrett discussed the lights at the recently finished Complete Electric building, status of the telecommunication tower ordinance, Riverfront Overlay Design Enhancements, and the accessory structure ordinance. MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Mahoney complimented those involved with the bodacious first-ever Clambake Festival. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Mr. Hass updated the Commissioners on the Sebastian Landings PUD application. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chnm. Barrett adjourned the meeting at 8:27 P.M. (10/9/O2 DB)