HomeMy WebLinkAbout08012002PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: MINUTES OF REGULAR AUGUST 1, 2002 Chairman Barrett called the meeting to order at 6:59 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Mahoney Mr. Blessing (a) VC Smith Ms. Reichert Chmn. Barrett Mr. Rauth Mr. Faille (a) EXCUSED ABSENCE: Mr. Svatik, Ms. Monier ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Dorri Bosworth, Secretary/Zoning Technician ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chairman Barrett excused Mr. Svatik and Ms. Monier's absences, and stated Mr. Faille and Mr. Blessing would be voting in their place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (7/18/02) Chron. Barrett noted a correction on page 9 under Chairman Matters. He explained why "with the City Council" should be deleted. MOTION by Smith/Rauth "I'11 make a motion that we accept the minutes as presented with the deletion on page 9" A voice vote was taken. 7- 0, minutes approved. OLD BUSINESS: A. Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing - Request for Waiver of Section 54-4- 21.A.5(c)(8), Riverfront Overlay District - Sebastian Retail Shoppes The applicants, Mr. Larry Maxwell, project engineer, and Mr. Brad Mack, PAVCO Construction, and staff were sworn in. There were no ex-parte communications from the Commissioners. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST I, 2002 Mr. Maxwell presented two solutions for the missing rear parapet wall. Mr. Hass stated both options satisfy code requirements, have a 4-inch clearance at the bottom of each wall to allow for drainage, and meet Commissioners' previous requests. Mrs. Reichert questioned if the lattice wall would comply with the code to screen the roof equipment. Mr. Hass explained that the waiver request was for the continuous parapet wall required in the Riverfront District. The stucco wall would match the existing three sides but the lattice wall might be more decorative. Mr. Ra~th asked what color the wall would be painted. Mr. Maxwell stated the stucco wall would be painted to match and the lattice to compliment, possibly white. Mr. Blessing questioned how the wall would be anchored and wall material. Staff explained that certified construction plans and wind load information would be reviewed by the Building Department. VC Smith felt he liked the stucco wall better. Chmn. Barrett agreed, and was appreciative that the applicants took the time to find better solutions. Chmn. Barrett opened and closed the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. There was no public input. MOTION by Smith/Reichert "I'd like to make a motion that we accept the proposed parapet alternate A, which is the stucco parapet, in lieu of the rear parapet wall at the Sebastian Retail Shoppes." Roll call: Mr. Faille - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes Mrs. Reichert - yes VC Smith - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes Mr. Blessing - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: B. Accessory Structure Review - Section 54-2-7.5 - 181 Delmar Street- 12' X 18' Prefab shed - Eugene Evans The homeowner, Mr. Evans, was present and stated that Ted's Sheds would be delivering the building and that it would meet all hurricane requirements. Chmn. Barrett verified the color of the shed. Mr. Evans stated white, same as the house. Staff gave their presentation and recommended approval. Mrs. Reichert questioned if the trim on the shed would match the house and what the shed was being used for. Mr. Evans stated the house did not have any painted trim to match and he wished to clean out his attic. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 1, 2002 MOTION by ReicherURauth "I'11 make a motion we approve a 12' X 18' shed for Mr. Eugene Evans at 181 Delmar Street." Roll call: Mr. Faille - yes Chmn. Barrett - yes Mr. Mahoney - yes VC Smith - yes Mr. Blessing - yes Mr. Rauth - yes Ms. Reichert - yes The vote was 7 - 0. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn. Barrett questioned when the Capital improvement Plan would be brought before the Board for review. Staff stated they would check with the Finance Director. MEMBERS MATTERS: Mr. Mahoney had questions regarding the plans for an adntinistration building at the airport. Mr. Rauth wanted to know about the clearing of property next to the Yacht Club. Staff explained it was for a single-family residence applying soon for permits. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Mr. Hass stated that a proposed telecommunications ordinance and revised accessory structure ordinance would be presented to the Board at the next meeting. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None Chmn. Barrett adjourned the meeting at 7:27 P.M. (8/5/02DB)