HomeMy WebLinkAboutProperty Dedication n E SOL tr ! lOr. -. ~.. WHE!iE'ASIO lq R"$olutlol'l h$NtofoH adopted bl' the 01t,' Co~~~1. of' the ctty or Sec.nutiat::\# P101"1u.. ~1" Q,ll!t;ec Qt nee... 28. 1.. .a to at! c4 the~llJot propert;w :b.ol'lnathr "$~ the Bo.~d of e~t1 C01llm1$$lQlWra of' Indlan.R:l.vel' C~t.7. F1Q:r:l:.da pur.SQIM"t W tluJ ~.lsi('):aaot: Cha.pte.l' 22019. Laws 01' 1<'1or1da. did &:Iti1fUlt. t.o pu.blic n.i!l~ ~ ptlf'p.ol!le. by tlhe eit, of S."."l_. F10l'1ds... .llor tho p~n or pl-Q.jiI&1"t.the1."\!l1nafter d"'l"J:~ by- RfHlolut.;1on of aaid BQIlN Illdoptad J annal''' 2, 1946,. ami app&..... ine; in CotWt:r COJlll11iss.l~rs t Milmteaook 3at pe:ga 245' .. u to all 01' tt-Jil paroo1s of' pJ."op<trty M~:tn:lltt;~r ~ali>r!beQ,J and" Wrllimj,~A5. '.!.'he C!ty ot Sebllst1M" Florida. has delhe1>.ell to this Botn'd 01" ~t1 C0Bm11eeloners o,r Indian R:b'lJr CQuHty" IPlorlda. Il dt11YMrti.f1oo oopy of ResolutionlHiGpted by the. C11>1 Council o1'said City uoo.r daw ()f April 18, l~. r'ee1ting that. stUd City h$# no ~sent oti" ~peet1ve u.s.a rot" JlubUc pUI'pOlileS of the pa)'eelsGf propel::"t;1 herll1aftel' d.e$er~:b~d$ and "au~ e.11c:laim of e.ddOlty ~tl). .J!lnd re9ilealli:ag al1liiauthorb~ that tb1$ 13O:lWd "Yoke its d~e.t:1oaot 8.&1<1. pe;reels or p:rl1Jpar bareld.th aeliJl:u,"1'bed for pubUQ use am ~O.". find to ture;u.pQl'} handle nnd dUpol\l(l the:raoru provided by said Chapter 22'079' tb&rer~_ BE IT RESOLVED that the noard of' County COll!;1l'tisslone1"$ of !1"td1I'm River IJoonty, Florida, dO~8 hereby reYQke ita dedica- tion for pubUeu$1!l fiend !,'ll'ilOSM of the p!u"e'!)1.s or p~rt7 here at'ter duer1nd..anti lioes h,pew1tb ln1!ltNe.t th& 010';rk of: this 1108.%"4 lIlnd 'the Clark (It tb& Cll!'<lU1t CO'lU'tot !lJld$an IUver Oount:7, 1"101"11.\.... t;o",a:wse: his reCl>rds to ll/ibQ'Ir ~ne;lT. - end to ",<<aM aa1d parcels of property to be me.de ~vdlQb16 for sale lUll prov1d 4 by !'Ie.1d Cha,pter 22079 <>f the Laws ot FlorUa. sndto f'o't'w!l.rda certified eOP7 of .this IleaoluUQu to the To: AllSiiSBOl' ot Ixldian RiVer CountT Ulli to .tbe 'I'a AallleS50l' ot the Oity or Seba$t1an, Florid... BE It l;'(1R'.1:HFJ1 RESOLVED, t<hat. the {l1en ot ~ Cirouit Cottrt. in d.l')te.rm1nlng the balilie ~ )IlIini.,lilll pr:1ce 1"01' wW,ch the .- ,. r ..' .' -,,, ",- ',. lan4a __~J'de.cJ'1b.e:d s:b.t,ll be off'ere41 to'!!' lIalil. sbal1' "' .'-' Q~t. t11ae ana o~ eaoh 01: liIe1d 1'l!U'ee~f.t and the to'tllll lilJ'&tI. ar tl;M, par_'- .,r ~ot or which it 18 n pa1"t, obtain the ~tap that ~ !l.\J."eltc, 01: wh1:eb dedioation h k.r.with !:'6V~1c bHil"ff to the total e~8. 011' the pl!\%'Ofl:l Oil" lot or whloh it is a ptlx>tl 1i!l!lld P'9l"~t~e sOall theN\:tpon be ~p).ie.(t to the t,Qhl biItI.. oX' /' ! m1n11ll:Um 1'1'1_ t"ixclll by law 1"011" slUd entll-e :parcel or lot" awl tbe, N#\ut 81ul.11 " the ll'lin.1mlm pr1-ee far wnieh sdd pare\JI.. dtl>dl';; cn'cfIl,o,tr .t~,la _~\tIh "~d. tlUl1"be o1'it'~ 1:Q,\tH"~"", BE IT FUIl'mM nESOLYHID ~t the pGt>Ce1.t11 or propeX't'y. th& 4e<.UcGion of which 1.. herewith end hereby :revok$d.. .are thQ/J. parQ$la Qf 'property sitluated in the City of Seballltian in In41an RlvliJl" Ooon-t;y.. Flarida.. tI.$ per reCO!"ded plat tber'eot'. I!.M U speol f'leally dtfserlbed 1&$ fol1owtl,. to-Tit: ~f!tinning Wh$N ?a1!1l~tto ~ven--1e lntweects t:b.e We.\ 11M of F,..Jl'....C.. Ra11..:road rtght..or- way tbAtnoe r\m "H'estor1l' dong the l~o'Uth line 01: P41metto Avenue fa) the East l1D9 of LouisilQl.B AV!!t'Oue.. 100 !'",.t. t.beMf) tfoutherly al01l6 tn0 Eqt line of' LoW,a1an4 AV'erme 90 t~et. taenee efilster1y et r18ht angles to Lo~isjana J'f'enuo 100 filet. to ll'.ll.C.. Ra.1.bead. l'1a;hti-ot'-wAY" ~$ lW'l'thN'1;r llUong tbe Wellt l1ntl of F.E.C. Rail1'Oa<1,. ;rlght-nt'!"''llfay till ,poi.nt of beg1~. in 5ecticm 6. ;r~b.ip 31 Smlth. :a~ ,h Eflsti {1- .~~ i} 1} {~ {} * * -t~4 if. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER lit DOUGLAS BAlCER, Clerk of the Circuit Co.vt 1n ed for Indian Bive1' County" Flo1'lda. Illld ex orficio Cle1'k of the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County. Florilia. herehyc$l"tify ths,t the above and foregoing is a true and. corr.~t copy of e. Resolution regularlY adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian Rtve1' County. 1<10r1d$;. in a meeting assembled on the 2nd day of May, 1950, .!lnd that the llama has been duly indo:rporated 1'0 themnutes of said meeting. offieial IN WiTNESS I~P. I haveJaeretoaff1xed rq hand seal this dal' of . It 950. and (Se-.l)