Wednesday August 28, 2002, 6:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers
1225 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida
Mayor Barnes called the Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
City Council Present:
Mayor Walter Barnes
Vice Mayor James Hill
Mr. Joseph Barczyk
Mr. Raymond Coniglio
Mr. Edward Majcher, Jr.
MOTION by Coniglio/Hill
"1 move we accept the minutes,"
ROLL CALL: Mayor Barnes - aye
Mr. Hill - aye
Mr. Barczyk - aye
Mr. Coniglio - aye
Mr. Majcher - aye
(see City Council agenda packet pages 111-162 for backup)
A. Presentation by City Manager and Growth ManaRement Director
The City Manager cited pages 22 and 23 of the Community
Redevelopment Plan relative to goals and objectives, specifically goals 5,
6, and 7 (see attached) as they correlate to the extension of Jackson
Street. He then distributed a memo from the City Engineer dated August
28, 2002 and read it into the record (see attached). He then referenced
page 162 of the Regular City Council meeting agenda packet relative to
"Jackson Street Costs/Values" (see attached). He stated that both the
city and the developer would benefit from this agreement.
CRA Meeting
August 28, 2002
Page Two
John King addressed City Council on the proposed agreement for the
extension of Jackson Street, cited their reasons for the proposal, and
exhibited a conceptual drawing.
The Growth Management Director reiterated that this proposal had been
originally recommended by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning
Council to ease traffic flow through the corridor and support development
in the neighborhood.
The City Attorney said this was a meeting of the Community
Redevelopment Agency, and there was no restriction on whether or not
public input is taken. He said this is coming to them as the planning
committee for riverfront development, and that they would have to vote on
an issue to send it on to Council for expenditure of the trust funds.
Becky Hoch, adjacent property owners, 1724 North Central Avenue,
stated two sides of her property abut the subject property. She requested
assurance that she be given access to Jackson Street if this matter is
approved, noting that her property is zoned commercial. She asked if
there are any impact fees that would impact her property, and was
advised that the only impact fee was the recreational impact fee for
The City Attorney said he would anticipate that her property would have
access from both streets, and some of the parking spaces would be lost.
He said he did not see that any access would be denied. He said there is
an implied dght of access, and denial would have to be based on specific
engineering problems.
Mrs. Hoch asked if she could request a driveway permit at this time. Mr.
King said Ms. Hoch did not own property adjacent to Jackson Street right-
of-way, but that Mr. Adams owned the 20 feet between row and her
Discussion took place on whether she will be impacted if she cannot use
Jackson and wants to develop further. She said she then questioned
whether this is serving the public.
CRA Meeting
August 28, 2002
Page Three
Mr. Majcher expressed concern for the city making this purchase and
limiting other people from using it.
John King said Ms. Hoch has never had access to the subject right-of-
way and that the development could not take any proposed parking away.
The City Attorney cited the angle that Jackson comes into North Central,
and that at this point, with her not fronting on the right-of-way there can
be no assurances made, and if agreed to would knock out required
parking for the development. He noted that she would reap a profit for
her property by being able to use the public parking on Jackson Street.
Mayor Barnes said without an agreement such as this, the city won't get
the street.
Mr. Hill said without the street, the developer will make this a private
parking lot, that the twenty feet in question will be developed as pdvate
parking if the development does not go through.
Tut Connelly, offered a solution, citing the Council's favorable response to
the Parks and Recreation report; suggested tabling this matter and
establishing a new Community Redevelopment Agency.
Fred Mensing, agreed with the extension of Jackson Street, and also
suggested extending it over the railroad tracks to the west.
Each Council member offered his input on the proposal. Mr. Barczyk said
if the extension did not occur, the developer would end up building a
private parking lot and no one else would benefit by it. Mr. Majcher
suggested scaling down the development or paying for moro of the road
construction. It was noted that a groat portion of the funds will come from
tax increment funds which are derived specfically from the riverfront for
the riverfront.
CRA Action
MOTION by Coniglio/Hill
"1 move that we accept the Jackson Street extension as proposed
by Capt'n Butchers, Inc. and as developed by the Community
Redevelopment Agency."
CRA Meeting
Page Four
Mr. Hill
Mr. Barczyk
Mr. Coniglio
Mr. Majcher
Mayor Barnes
- aye
- aye
- aye
- aye
- aye
Being no further business, Mayor Barnes adjourned the CRA meeting at
6:58 p.m.
Approved at the 9/10/03 CRA meeting.
W~Jt~-'r'~W; Barnes
S-~i[-y A. I~io, CMC
City Clerk