HomeMy WebLinkAbout11202003 CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 2003 Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Faille Mr. Mahoney Mr. Keough (a) Ms. Monier Mr. Svatik Chmn. Smith Mr. Blessing Mr. Seeley (a) Mr. AIIocco ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Susan Lorusso, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 10/16/03 and 11/6/03 MOTION by Blessing/Monier "1 make a motion we approve the minutes of 10/16/03 and 11/6/03." A voice vote was taken. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: NONE AJ QUASI-JUDICIALPUBLIC HEARING-CONDITIONALUSEPERMIT- NEW MODEL HOME-DOUG SCOTT CUSTOM HOMES-1859 BARBER STREET Chmn. Smith opened the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. and swore in Mr. Doug Scott, Ms. Jan King and Mr. Tracy Hass. Mr. Scott of 971 Sebastian Boulevard, Sebastian, Florida presented the application. Ms. King added that three additional parking spaces will be provided in the road right-of-way on Barber Street and staff recommends approval. The hearing was closed at 7:04 p.m. MOTION by AIIocco/Blessing "1 make a motion we approve Mr. Scott's application for a model home conditional permit." PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 2003 ROLL CALL: Mr. Faille yes Chmn. Smith yes Mr. AIIocco yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Svatik yes Ms. Monier yes Mr. Blessing yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried. Bo QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - COMPLETE ELECTRIC - 633 SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD Chmn. Smith opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. and swore in Mr. Garrett Guidroz, Complete Electric, 633 Sebastian Boulevard, Sebastian, Florida and Mr. Bruce Moia of Mosby & Associates, 2455 14th Avenue, Vero Beach, Florida. Mr. Moia described the project as an additional building to the west side of the site with additional parking, landscaping and retention. Mr. Hass added that the addition would mirror the existing building in design and size. There will be a small expansion to the parking area to accommodate the additional office space. The design incorporates a connection of the parking area to the alley in the rear of the property, which is a one-way alley to the north. The storm water retention area on the south side satisfies the city's engineering department. The existing CR 512 curb cut will be used for this expansion. Mr. Mahoney asked about the separation between the two buildings at eight feet (8') and requested it be wider. The building could be moved westerly to give twelve feet (12') between the buildings and not affect the retention area. Ms. Monier asked if moving the building would infringe on the landscaping that buffers the alley and Mr. Moia and Mr. Hass said it would not. Chmn. Smith closed the hearing at 7:10 p.m. MOTION by Monier/Smith "1 make a motion we approve the site plan modifications for Complete Electric at 633 Sebastian Boulevard with the amendment as discussed." ROLL CALL: Mr. Faille yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Blessing yes Ms. Monier yes Mr. AIIocco yes Chmn Smith yes Mr. Svatik yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - SITE PLAN - DR. BLECKER MEDICAL & OFFICE BUILDING - SEBASTIAN BOULEVARD/SO. WIMBROW DRIVE Chmn. Smith opened the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. Mr. Bruce Moia presented the application as an office building just less than 4,000 square feet with access to South Wimbrow. Mr. Hass added that the application complies with the code and 512 overlay district criteria. They incorporated parking in the rear of the site based on medical use and staff has required that parking in the rear be for employees only so there won't be a lot of in/out traffic along the alleyway. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 2003 Mr. Mahoney pointed out that the east side setback is noted as eight feet (8') but should be zero feet (0'). He also asked about the trash receptacle and Mr. Moia said it would have to be hand pick up and brought out to the curb on trash day. Mr. Blessing asked about the retail designation shown on the plans. Mr. Hass explained it is all part of the same building and that there is a portion of the building designated for future retail. Chmn. Smith closed the hearing at 7:20 p.m. MOTION by Monier/AIIocco 'TII make a motion we approve the site plan for the medical/business complex lots 5 and 6 block 485 Sebastian Boulevard." ROLL CALL: Mr. Faille yes Mr. Svatik yes Ms. Monier yes Chmn. Smith yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Blessing yes Mr. AIIocco yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN - REVIEW AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL REGARDING CONSISTENCY OF COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mr. Craig Benz of Iler Planning Group, 11211 Prosperity Farms Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, was present. Chmn. Smith requested that the presentation be waived. Mr. Benz pointed out future land use objective calls for the promotion of community appearance, natural amenities and urban design principles throughout the city, which the CRA is promoting and also another very significant objective is meeting the encouragement of redevelopment and renewal within the city. This plan is a re-write of the 1995 plan. Last year there was a finding and necessity for redevelopment for the 512 Sebastian Boulevard triangle area between the east and west split and that area is being added to the existing CRA, which goes east of the railroad track right-of-way to the north and to the south and to the east that follows the city limits. Mr. Stringer informed the commission of the difference between the CRA plan, which looks thirty (30) years into the future and the Comprehensive plan, which looks twenty (20) years into the future. Mr. Benz reviewed the area wide recommendations, the CRA area, where the city should reinforce the current community design guidelines so that the old Florida fishing village design theme is kept up and see a continuance of a double frontage for buildings backing up to Indian River Drive. They are also recommending the retention of the two to three story maximum height limits for buildings within the CRA and also the eight dwelling units per acre maximum development density, which is already allowed in the area. Other recommendations are for new buildings along Route 1 to be constructed along the front lot line, not necessarily for big box structures but for ancillary buildings. A long-range change is for the land use and zoning designations within the Sebastian Boulevard triangle be changed to a commercial and residential mixed use. Mr. Mahoney would prefer the parking area at the boat ramp remain grass and not be paved. Ms. Monier suggested height restrictions along the riverfront to 25 feet. Mr. Blessing wanted to make sure Mr. Benz would be able to implement the suggestions made by the commission and Mr. Benz would receive a copy of the minutes. Mr. Stringer suggested that the commissioners might want to write down their concerns and get them to City PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 2003 Council prior to their December 10th meeting. He added that, as there is not a provision in the CRA or in the Land Development Code for a Planning Commission review and recommendation on the plan itself but a requirement to be reviewed for consistency determination. Mr. AIIocco questioned the eight units per acre and Mr. Hass explained that was for the multi-family use and the density issues for the recent annexations are for single-family use. Mr. Stringer said if they were to take out the multi-family aspect of the Comprehensive Plan the state would never find them in compliance. Mr. Hass has reviewed the CRA Master Plan and found it consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. MOTION by Blessing/Smith "1 make a motion that we find and recommend to City Council that the Community Redevelopment Agency Master Plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan." ROLL CALL: Mr. AIIocco yes Chmn. Smith yes Mr. Blessing yes Mr. Faille yes Mr. Mahoney no Mr. Svatik yes Ms. Monier yes The vote was 6-1. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: MEMBER MATTERS: NONE Mr. Mahoney asked about the profile lighting at the Flagship Marina and Mr. Hass said it is not permitted and he would notify code enforcement. Mr. Keough asked in reference to the CRA, does the city have the power to make the existing buildings on U.S. 1 change their fa(;ade. Mr. Stringer said only when they come in to do a major change to the use or a significant change to the site. Mr. Blessing asked for the status on the old Carpenter's antique store and Ms. King said they have been working on it and are currently having the septic installed. DIRECTOR MATTERS: None ATTORNEY MATTERS: Mr. Stringer encouraged the board to write out their remarks on the CRA and forward them to City Council. He added that they should point out that they have been provided a copy to review. Chmn Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. (11/21/03 SBL)