HomeMy WebLinkAbout03042004 PZ CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 4, 2004 Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: EXCUSED: ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Faille Mr. Mahoney Mr. Seeley Chron. Smith Mr. Keough (a) Mr. AIIocco Mr. Blessing Mr. Simmons (a) Tracy Hass, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Rich Stringer, City Attorney Susan Lorusso, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mr. Svatik has submitted his letter of resignation from the commission. Mr. Simmons and Mr. Blessing are excused. Mr. Keough will be seated and voting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 2/12/04 MOTION by Faille/Keough "1 make a motion we approve the minutes of 2/12/04." A voice vote was taken. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - MODEL HOME RENEWAL - GRB CONSTRUCTION - 1290 BARBER STREET Chmn. Smith opened the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. Ms. King reported that there are no changes or violations. Staff recommends approval of this renewal. Chmn. Smith closed the hearing at 7:03 p.m. MOTION by Seeley/AIIocco PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 4, 2004 "1 make a motion we renew the model home on 1290 Barber Street for one more year." ROLL CALL: Mr. Faille yes Mr. AIIocco yes Chmn Smith yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Seeley yes Mr. Keough (a) yes The vote was 6-0. Motion carried. As the representative for Mr. and Mrs. Welsh had not arrived this item was moved down on the agenda. PUBLIC HEARING - RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL - REVISION TO CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PUD (C) - CHESSAR'S GAP - SEBASTIAN GENERAL PARTNERSHIP - FLEMING ST & CR512 Chmn Smith opened the public hearing at 7:04 p.m. Mr. Joseph Schulke, Schulke, Bittle 7 Court, Vero Beach, Florida presented the application. He gave a and Stoddard, 1140 th brief history of the property and the original PUD approval. The proposal is to change approximately 14.5 acres on the east boundary from light industrial use to residential use up to eight units per acre. Mr. Hass added that this would be a better transition from the existing residential to the commercial/industrial on CR 512. This is not a zoning change and does not involve an actual density establishment at this time but by designating this section of the property for residential the applicant will have the ability to request up to eight units per acre when they design a plan. Mr. Mahoney asked direction from Mr. Stringer on where the commission's questions can go regarding this project. Mr. Stringer responded that the question before the commission is should the site be a residential use or industrial use. The "how much" residential comes in later at a future hearing. Mr. AIIocco asked staff if this could be reversed back to industrial if changed to residential now and Mr. Hass said the applicant would have the ability to file for any other request. The following people spoke: Jeanne Jessup, 115 Harbor Point Drive expressed confusion as she thought this meeting would be the one to determine the zone change and density issue. She asked for a clarification from Mr. Stringer. He responded that it specifically provides in the PUD-C the use of eight units per acre is not a matter of right but will be determined during the preliminary development plan approval, which is the second step in the PUD process. Richard Gwinn, 102 Barbara Court, expressed concerns about growth and believed that multi-family use was not appropriate. Ray Grimaldi, 114 Harbor Point Drive, stated his displeasure with 16-year-old data used with this application. Mr. Stringer explained that the data used was the original data when this property was developed into the PUD. 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 4, 2004 Maureen A. Mathewson, 108 Harbor Point Drive, said she loves Sebastian and is concerned about the density that could go on the 14 acres. Bruce Lee, 103 Harbor Point Drive, asked about the 100-foot easement on the east side and what will happen to it when this properly is developed. Mr. Hass responded that the 100-foot buffer is for adjacent industrial or commercial uses. If adjacent residential there is not a requirement for the 100 foot buffer on structures. He added that the storm-water tract Mr. Lee is referring to is part of Harbor Point and is off this property. Kathy Madsen, 115 Harbor Point Drive, said she received different information from the office staff than what is being presented here. Mr. Schulke offered a rebuttal. The 1987 approved plan shows a 100-foot buffer around the perimeter and that is not changing. The storm-water pond is part of the master storm-water system for the entire PUD. Mr. Hass clarified the permitted light industrial uses in the PUD-C and explained how much more intrusive they would be than multi- family housing. Mr. Schulke continued by apologizing if he offended anyone and explained why he and his client felt a residential use was more appropriate for this property. Ms. Jessup said that it was not the residential use that she was opposed to but the density of multi-family housing. Mr. Gwinn asked if there are preliminary plans for development in the works right now and Mr. Schulke said he had not been retained to do anything along those lines. Sharon Norris, 106 Harbor Point Drive, felt that 116 units is high density. Mr. AIIocco felt adjacent propedies should be looked at when approving commercial PUD's. Mr. Hass said the propedies adjacent to this PUD are RS~10 Zone. Chmn Smith expressed his concerns about having light industry on this property and offered his apology to Mr. Schulke who has always been professional when addressing this commission. Commissioners Mahoney, Seeley and Keough all agreed that a residential use would be more appropriate than a light industrial use. Chmn. Smith closed the public hearing at 7:56 p.m. MOTION by Keough/Seeley "1 make a motion to recommend [to city council] the revision to conceptual development plan PUD-C Chessar's Gap." ROLL CALL: Mr. Seeley yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Faille yes Mr. Keough (a) yes Chmn Smith yes Mr. AIIocco yes The vote was 6-0. Motion carried. 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 4, 2004 PUBLIC HEARING - RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL - SPECIAL EXCEPTION - SECTION 54-2-3.1 - RESIDENTIAL USE IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT - BILL AND JUANITA WELSH - 730 HIGH ST Chmn Smith opened the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Joe Graham, 805 Indian River Drive, Sebastian, Florida presented the application. The property is located in an Industrial Zone located between the twin pairs of 512 on High Street west of the tracks and next to Sebastian Rent All. The owners would like to construct a residential home. Mr. Hass said staff is in support of this application. The intention is to have an overlay in this area that will be consistent with the CRA district and promote redevelopment in a multi-level zoning atmosphere. Mr. Faille asked about the height of 38 feet and Mr. Hass said that was going to be worked on as part of the building permit. The only thing before the commission is the use. Chmn Smith closed the hearing at 8:11 p.m. MOTION by Faille/Smith '1 make a motion to recommend to city council approval of the special exception for Bill and Juanita Welsh for a residential use in the industrial district at 730 High Street." ROLL CALL: Mr. Faille yes Chmn Smith yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Seeley yes Mr. AIIocco yes Mr. Keough (a) yes The vote was 6-0. Motion passed. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn Smith asked Mr. Hass why does Mr. Hughes of the school district use two pupils per house as a criteria and Mr. Schulke used one. Mr. Hass said that the school board's figures are usually higher and we traditionally use population statistics when calculating those figures. MEMBER MATTERS: Mr. Faille asked why the site on High Street has been cleared already and Mr. Hass said that was another site not the one before the commission. Mr. Mahoney asked about the dumpster at Butcher's marina that has been there six or seven months. Mr. Stringer said it is the construction dumpster for the expansion of the restaurant. DIRECTOR MATTERS: NONE ATTORNEY MATTERS: NONE Chmn Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:18 p.m. (3/10/04 SBL) 4