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An Agreement to Furnish
A Government Information Management Application
Building Permits Manager
Application Tracking Module
The City of Sebastian, Florida
Information Management Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 3720
Ormond Beach, Florida 32175
(386) 677-5073 (office)
(386) 446-0255 (sales)
inl~-'orma'rlon ~~ services
This document is copyrighted by Information Management
Services, Inc.~ Ormond Beach, Florida, and is for the exclusive use
of the City of Sebastian, Florida,
Distribution for use by any other parties without the written
permission oflMS is prohibited.
inPorml)?lon msRsr ff r ser¥ ces
Information Management Services, Inc., (IMS) will provide the City of Sebastian with a
Govenunem Information Manager Software system (GIM) tailored to meet the City's unique administrative
needs. This doounent details the services IMS will provide and what the system will accomplish for the
City of Sebastian.
IMS will provide the City of Sebastian with an Information Manager consisting of the following:
(1) One Pervasive SQL IMS Building Penmts Ma~age~ soilware program license, currently version
4.423 or higher, to include the Application Tracking Module.
(2) IMS wilt provide the City of Sebastian one Pervasive SQL 20-user ti~mse to be installed onto
your Network Server and Work Stations by your carrem Hardware Administrator.
(3) IMS will assist with the installation, and conduct operator training for the I/viS Building Penults
Manager Application Tracking Module and the newest features of the lmpordExpordMerge
module, Tmin~ and implementation of the program will be scheduled as required by the City
of Sebastian. The number of training days required will be determined by the City staff, and may
vary dependant upon the proficiency of thc staff and time spent for initial setup and data ona'y.
The City of Sebastian Information Manager
A Package Designed Especially for Your City -
Several selected systems have been incorporated in this package to meet your most immediate needs.
This package includes all elements from either option of the preceding section of this proposal, "What IMS
Will Do," as well as the following business systems.
EMS has developed a new module that is now offered in conjunction with the EMS Building
Permits program, the Application Tmcking/Plonuing module. This module allows usem to start the
planning and penultting process from the time the site plans and penuit application are brought to the
monicipality. Each potential penuit is sl~ted in the tracking program, and given on application numb~ to
be catxied throughout the process, allowing quick reference back to the tracking program from the
Permitting program. A parcel/property ID number can also be attached to or assigned to the application.
When a specific type of permit is entered into the parmitling program, the system will test to check if the
permit type requires application tracking If Tracking is required, the user will get a message that an
application is required.
inPorms?lon rl'EtrE .q r'VlC S
Information Mmmgement Services, Inc. now offers Building Officials and Insp~ors in the field The
Import/Export/Merge module - giving users the ability to take the Building Permits program and data into
the field to perform inspections and then merge that data back to the main server dam This feature
provides users the abili¢' to export Building Permits da~a omo a laptop computer for use by building
officials in the field. All permit/pm~rty/enntmctor information as of the time of export will be available
on the laptop computer. With this module, Inspectors in the field have the ability to add/scbeduie new
inspections for existing permit data as well as add their inspection history, and cam print their inspection
report fight on site.
With the Impox~JExport module installed, users set a data path for the Imported/Exported rlvaa, such as a
separate path/directory/folder for each inspector where the system will impotffexport the data. This path
may also be a path to removable media (such as a Zip disk) if the media is capable of holding the entire
Building Permits database.
Users must specify the laptops to be nsed in the field as a portable computer and must assign each laptop to
an inspector (via the inspector selection list within the Building Permits program). The system recogdizes
those inspector initials for impoRing/exporting the inspection data performed by that particular inspector,
and will export data to the individual inspector's folder. The Import/Export function will display a warning
message ff a previous export exists that bas not been merged. Only a potable compotcr may use the
Impo~t function. The Merge function is used only on the base (host/server) computer. The merge process
fxom laptop data to host/server data will merge only inspections by the specified inspector, and merges
inspection data only. This Merge function can be set up to automatically merge data from the separate
inspector folders after a determined numt~x of minutes each day, continuously updating inspector data to
the hnsffserver, based on a set number of days. The time between merge intervals is displayed for the users
on the top of their main menu.
Using the Scbeduied Inspections calendar, gsuups of inspections can be marked to be assigned to a
particular inspector, so~mg those scheduled inspections by Sulxlivision to make assignment of duties
easier. Once inspections are all assigned, the data is ready for Exporting fxom the server/host for Importing
into the Portable computer, and then current scheduled inspections can be updated by the Inspector in the
While in the field, inspectors may add additional inspections to the permit data, and add their inspection
history, accepting or ~jecting inspections and adding in comments on those inspections. Inspectors can
also schedule inspections, or add remspeetion fees as requin~d to a permit. Permit Inspection History can
be added fight through the "Scheduled Inspections" calendar, making it unnecessary for inspectors to
switch between screens when reviewing scheduled ~ons, inspecting and recording inspection data.
Standard Inspection Notes can be added te Rejected Inspections for consistency in comments, elimw~
typing when in the field. All of these items are merged to the host/server data when inspoefions are
merged. Data that is merged can be viewed in the Peffonmed Inspections calendar, as well as on each
individual permit.
An inspection form that supports the Citizen CMP-10 mobile primer is now available. The CMP-10 is a
small, battery operated thermal Printer that may be clipped to the inspector's belt. It prims on a 2 1/4" wide
tape similar to many calculator and receipt printers, and communicates with the computer via either IRDA
infra-red or a serial cable. From the screen shown above (located in the Scheduled Inspections Calendar),
inspectors can print their selected form and history to post fight on the job site.
inPorms?lon services
After inspections are merged from po~qable computers, inspections performed are purged from the
Scheduled Iusl~ctious sehedule. The basis for detennini~ag whether a scheduled inspection is 6~crlier or
later than an actual inspection is determined by an internal date and time s~a~p. The default date when
inspections are entered or scheduled is the current system date flora the computer/laptep used.
With this module, inspectors have complete Permit/Cootraotor/inspccfion data avaJinble at their fmgartips,
eliminating the need to call into the office for information on permits, property, contractors, or inspections.
Inspectors also have the ability to import/export and merge their data as often as needed to the main system
- and with the use of wireless technology or "hot spots", inspectors can have access to inspections that are
scheduled immediately.
Information Management Services feels that ~ training is one of the most important steps in
assuring a successful computer installation. Each of your application systems is handled as an individual
training unit. Traditionally, IMS prefers to complete initial training on one system before beginning
instruction on another system with a single user, or, if the City has multiple users of multiple programs,
training will begin with several programs initial data enlry and with each separate user for each program, ff
the City has multiple users for one program, all users can be Imined in the same training session.
Based on our experience, the recommended number of training days recommended for Building
Permits Manager A4~plicafion Tracking Module / ImporffExport Merge Mo&fie is 2 days, at $800.00 per
day. Additional training can be scheduled as required by the users. Training days may need to be
increased based on users skill level with Microsoft Windows products, the number of users to be trained, as
well as the amount of uninterrupted training lime, and the amount of set up and data entv/that is completed
by the users between tmiulng dates. Initial training consists of four steps.
1. Gather Background Data
Before a City can begin daily irfformation processing, background data needs to be gathered, For
example, in Building Permits, there may be fees to be charged for each Application. The Types of
Applications, the Review Types, and the Stains of those reviews, as well as the ~s to perform
those reviews, will all need to be set up. Inspection Notes for why an Inspection Type is Rejected or
Accepted can also be set up, and then inspectors can select from those standard types when entering their
Inspection History in the field.
2. Load Background Data
At the City's convenience, the IMS Customer Service Representative begins initial training at your
location. All instruction is done in a "hands on" manner. The Iminee sits at the keyboard and with
immuctions from the CSR begins using the system. By the end of the first day, the trainee is entering
actual background data into the computer. The Application information is entered, along with the various
reviews, and how to schedule and track those reviews as well as produce reports, and then add in a Permit
from that Application will be reviewed.
3. Normal Prnee~ing
The trainee alerts thc CSR at the completion of data entry. After all background data has been input,
you are ready to nm normal processing. For example, in Building Permits, normal prneessing might be
adding new applications and tracking the review process. Inspections can be scheduled and then inspection
information entered as these iaspec~ons are performed, and the Impurt/Export/Merge process will be
reviewed and set up to automatically merge the inspector's updated data.
inPormBTion rrtsrl services
4. Moultoring Progress
Now that the initial data has been loaded and c~t processing is nmnmg smoothly, the final phase
of trniniag is a monitoring phase. The CSR and the trainee keep in contact to discuss progress and handle
any unusual situations, ff additional training beyond the recommended ll'aining sehedRle is nO~l~ IMS
will provide it to the City of Sebastian at our cmTem training COSt of $800.00 per day, which typically
consists of a 6-hour day. This trMniqg rote is honored for ane-year from the date of this agreement.
Ongoing Support
As long as the City of Sebastian maintains the Total Performance Agreement, IMS will continue to
support any operator who has progressed through the four steps outlined under Initial Training. This
support nicludes program updates, telephone suppon and updates to on-line help and manuals. IMS
encourages cross training and simultaneous initial training fur additional operators can be arranged, at the
quoted lrahaing rate. It has been IMS's experience that when application trami~4~ has been properly
completed, employes are able to pass initial training on to new employees without the assistance of
Information Management Services. If a new employee is successfully trained by present staff to run all
parts of the system, IMS will continue ongoing support for these employees just as if they had gone through
initial training with the CSR. EMS recommends ongoing training for present and new staff members, to
review any questions, update users with new features aud how those are utilized, and ensure efficient use of
the software. If the City of Sebastian and EMS determine that a new employee has not received adequate
training from the staff to enable the same level of processing as previously trained employees, EMS will
provide initial Waini~g for all new employees on a fee basis. Learning new things about a system should
never stop so training should never stop. As the operator becomes more accomplished in using the
Information Manager, EMS is on staadl~y to offer guidance for getting the most out of each systenL
Updates to the programs are made available, along with the release notes, llmaugh the IMS website, and the
on-line manual, in the Adobe Acrobat format, ia updated to reflect new additions and features to the
programs. Tlfis manual is also available on the IMS website, located at www.ims-florida.com.
The City of Sebastian's Govcmmeat Information Manager from Information Managemem Services
will perform the functions described above, but this is in no way the limit of the capability of the system.
The eventual goal for your Information Manager should be to utilize it wherever it will produce a
measurable benefit to the City, either in terms of cost savings, better control, or more effective information
dissemination. EMS will be on call for application utilization review and will provide a no cost advisory
service to help you find new areas of application. If additional software is needed, IMS has the expertise to
write it or find it for you.
The EMS General Ledger system is the keystone of your financial record keeping and reporting
operations. This is a tree fund accounting system that supports state accounting standards for local
government, and is equally at home as an accounting package for corporations. You can use this as a
standalone product, or as the centerpiece of your financial ~eerd keeping. General Ledger will
communicate directly with other EMS software systems, including Utility Billing, Accounts Payable,
Occupational Licenses, Building Permits, and Payroll. The program includes a cash receipts module with a
validation printer and cash drawer mterraee. Also inohided is a budget worksheet module that lets you
work with budgets on any number of levels, maintaining records of changes and justifications at each
revision. The approved final budgets are then loaded into your operating data files effortlessly. General
Ledger comes with many standard reports, plus the ability to prim custom ~aons you can create.
inF,orma?lon em rr SL3rVICL:: 3
An integra] part of the City of Sebastian's Government Information Manager is ~ Total
Performance Agreement (TPA). The TPA assures the City maximum efficiency in both equipment
operation and task accomplishment
lMS will provide software maintenance during the TPA period for the IMS software program
.d~t~l.ill thin c~traet, file Building Permits Manager Application Tracking Module. The TPA rate
quoted and TPA period is renewable each fiscal year for the City of Sebnstian~ The quoted TPA for the
so~ware prol~un module will be applicable through September 30, 2005. Updates to sof~ware other than
IMS sot~vare may be delivered at prices determined by the publisher of the software. This specifically
would include the Pervasive SQL 20-user server license.
EMS will provide universal program updates to your existing Building Permitting software during thc
life of the TPA. Umversal updates do not include product additions or new modules offering different or
new applications, these would be considered chargcabl~ itans. The TPA provides unlimited telephone
support by our customer sen, ice representatives.
This Agreement will automatically renew at file end of the fiscal year for thc City of Sebastian, for
file next fiscal year, unless IMS is notified in writing 30 days prior to file desired cancellation date.
Service is ~ at your office located at the City of Sebastian~ FL and generates from
Central, Florida.
inPormwrlon services
Under this agreement, IMS will deliver thc City of Sebastian's Information Manager for an
investment of $2,895.00 for the EMS Windows Building Pearmits Manager Application Tracking Module.
Monthly TPA for thc Application Tracking module is billed as an additional $52.11 per month, and is
payable monthly, quarterly or yearly, whichever is most convenient for your City. Paymem of the
Applicmion Tracking software module is duc upon program/license delivery. A Purchase Order will be
accepted in lieu of the deposil, and payment is duc upon receipt of invoice/installation of software.
Training wilt be billed separately, at $800.00 per day, as training days are used.
F/vIS will be purchasing the 20-user Pervasive SQL license for the City of Sebastian, at a cost of
$2,095. This license will be sent to the City of Sebastian for installation by their 1T department onto the
Server and work stations that will be accessing the I/viS Building Permits Manager. Payment of the
Pervasive SQL 20-user server license is due upon receipt of invoice.
The Government Information Manager is installed at your location with the understanding that the
CiO/of Seb~stian will use the system on one network system, with multiple compu~r workstations. The
system will be delivered in machine-readable format capable of being copied to portable media such as
diskettes or tapes. The copying privilege is for archiving and is not to be construed as a license to duplicate
the system (programs) for use at locations other than the original
If the City of Sebzstlan wishes to use the system on any additional sexver/computers in any
capacity other than Building Permits Manager, Application Tracking then Information Management
Services will charge a fee equal to 30% of the application purchase price of $2,895.00, for each new
program location. All locations for inslallafion must be part of the Cl~y of Sebastian.
The cost of yoor TPA for this fiscal year is $52.11 per month for the Application Tracking
Module. Your TPA price will begin upon installation of the software programs and continue through the
fiscal year end of September 30, 2005. The Total Performance Agreement is automatically renewed on a
fiscal yearly basis, and can be cancelled with thirty (30) days written notice to EMS prior to the fiscal year
end. The City will be notified prior to the new fiscal year of any increases to the Total Performance
Agreement rate.
inF rma?lon mar emen services
This Liconsing Agreement is by and Between Information Management Services, Inc., and the City of
Sebastian, Florida, for the following lMS Government Information Managemem (GIiVO soRwarc programs:
Building Permits Manager Application Tracking Module, as specified in the document above.
For Information Management Services~ Inc,
Sales/Customer Service
Date: Deceml~ 22~ 2004