HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-17-2005 PZ Minutes CITY OF SEBASTIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN (BOARD) ~[~:>~ ~- Q"o-~1~4 ~,~,~.--._ APPROVED MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 17, 2005 Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Mahoney Mr. Seeley Mr. Faille Chmn. Smith Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. Oakes (a) EXCUSED: Mr. Paul Mr. Keough Mr. AIIocco Mr. Hughes, School Board Representative ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Director, Growth Management Department Jan King, Manager, Growth Management Department Susan Lorusso, Secretary Richard Stringer, City Attorney Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician ANNOUNCEMENTS: The following commissioners are excused: Mr. Paul, Mr. Keough and Mr. AIIocco. Mr. Simmons and Mr. Oakes will be voting. Mr. Hughes is also excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 3/3/05 MOTION by Smith/Simmons to approve the minutes of 3/3/05. A voice vote was taken. Motion carried unanimously, NEW BUSINESS: QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - Site Plan - Modify Existing Single- Family Residence Into 1,533 Sq. Ft. Classroom, Office and Preparation Building for a Dining and Ecological Charter Boat Tour Business - 1550 Indian River Drive - Commercial Waterfront Residential (CWR) Zoning District Chmn. Smith opened the hearing at 7:06 p.m. and swore in staff and the applicant. Mr. Stephen Moler, P.E., Masteller & Moler, 1655 27th Street, Vero Beach, Florida presented the application. Mr. Moler described Mr. Pinson's business, the tour boat and dinner cruise which had operated out of Hurricane Harbor. Mr. Pinson is looking to have a more permanent facility and would like to convert the single-family structure to a commercial use within the riverfront district and continue to operate his riverboat tours. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF MARCH 17, 2005 Mr. Hass added this is an adaptive reuse of an existing site. He added the most outstanding issue of this site is the need for parking. As patrons would all be on the boat at the same time, the engineer recommended stacking parking spaces on the south side of the site, which would be a valet-type system. The plan is designed to preserve a large oak tree located on the site. In addition, porous brick pavers would be used to permit grass to grow through them, which also permits the drainage to percolate through them. The storm water system will be a typical retention pond but with a deck over it. Mr. Hass noted that there are two conditions in his staff report for the Storm water Utility Engineer's approval of the storm water management maintenance plan agreement and the above agreement shall also include a suitable alternative design for capture of floatable materials to prevent intrusion into the storm water system. Mr. Mahoney had strong concerns about the valet-type stack parking and thought the plan was inadequate with regard to protection of the lagoon. Other commissioners commended the site plan and the preservation of the trees. Mr. Stringer confirmed the parking ratio for retail is 1/200 sq. ft. and this is a 1,500 sq. ft. building. If in the future this building were to become strictly retail, then only 8 spaces would be required not the 13 spaces as shown on this site plan. No one from the Public spoke. Chmn. Smith closed the hearing at 7:30 p.m. MOTION by Oakes/Seeley to approve the site plan as presented and include the two conditions noted in the staff report by Tracy Hass, Director of Growth Management (report attached). ROLL CALL: Chmn. Smith yes Mr. Faille yes Mr. Seeley yes Mr. Mahoney no Mr. Cakes (a) yes Mr. Simmons (a) yes The vote was 5-1. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: Chmn. Smith inquired what was being done at the site for the hotel/condo. Ms. King said it was their de-watering process. Chmn. Smith also asked about Park Place and Ms. King explained that the last phase final plat did not match up to the preliminary plat and they are in the process of working this out. MEMBER MATTERS: Mr. Mahoney asked where does the city stand with the proposed annexations that have been sent on to DCA. Mr. Stringer explained there have been no cases where a judge has forced a city to add land to it. Mr. Simmons asked if there were any further information regarding the Advance Auto Pads. Mr. Stringer said he put a call out but they have not responded. Mr. Seeley asked if council members have to give a reason to decline an annexation application and Mr. Stringer said no. DIRECTOR MATTERS: 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF MARCH 17, 2005 Mr. Hass discussed the Maytag facility on CR-512. When it was approved for development in 1998, they proposed a dumpster enclosure on rear of the project site. After complaints from the resident at the rear of the site, the consensus of the commission at that time was to eliminate the dumpster location. The business is under new ownership and the new owner has placed a couple of dumpsters at the rear, one for recyclable materials and one for cardboard trash. The neighbors complained and code enforcement has been to the site and gave the owner seven days to remove the dumpsters. After speaking with the owner, he would like to go through any procedure to obtain approval to place dumpsters on the site. After discussing this with the city attorney, it was felt that it should be presented to the commission. Mr. Stringer added that the approval for the dumpster placement can be done as an administrative amendment to the site plan, but since the commission specifically removed this from the plan we felt the commission should discuss the issue and direct us. MOTION by Cakes/Smith to take a consensus to support the recommendation by Tracy Hass regarding Maytag at Sebastian Boulevard. ROLL CALL: Mr. Faille yes Chmn. Smith yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Seeley yes Mr. Oakes (a) yes Mr. Simmons (a) yes The vote was 6-0. Motion passed. Mr. Hass informed the commission about a new subdivision at CR510 and 66th Street in the county, which is a 900-unit subdivision and recently the office received information about two other projects. Both of these projects will access their sites through Schumann Drive. Mr. Hass announced that Susan will be leaving and going to be working with the city attorney. Mr. Hass added that he would be out of the office for the next week attending an AICP conference. ATTORNEY MATTERS: Mr. Stringer reported on the final presentation to the oversight committee regarding the impact fees. They were ready to get it done and after getting a consensus of everyone there until he pointed out that our city council had not even met yet. He said we would not be vouching for their methodology as they have stated in the interlocal agreement. We will discuss with them the transportation impact fee zones. Our district goes down to Winter Beach Road and west to Okeechobee County. By law the impact fee districts are supposed to be rationally related to the transportation impact of the people pulling the building permits and paying the fee. Since ninety-five percent (95%) of the money that has gone into that district has come from the City of Sebastian, we don't feel this has been a good deal. Mr. Stringer added that this is a good chance to protect our own interests and we need to have that district changed in the near future. He feels it is time to go back to a smaller district. Chmn. Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:18 p.m. (~21~5SB~ 3