HomeMy WebLinkAbout04122005 CB ~/. lr/0?2//: .( :.'L'-,(,:",_'.""~""c,--...,,,--"~- "~~,,~~t\~)t~\)Q: SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOAii'~~~~~ ;US~E~~~~E \ 'J ~.Q.)- REGULAR MEETING ..~.- u_ __......." ,--,'- ~ APRIL 12, 2005 - 7:00 P.M. Meeting was cal1ed to order by Chairman Garland at 7:00 P.M. Thc Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: Present: Mrs. Carbano Mr. Conover Mr. Gil1igan V.C. Morris Ch. Garland Ms. Falco Mrs. Lanning Absent: Mr. Wolf- excused Mr. Mitchcl1 - unexcused Also present: Wayne Eseltine - Building Director/Official APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Workshop Meeting held 3/29/05 MOTION: V.C. Morris/Ch. Garland I make a motion that we approve the minutes of the meeting held 3/29/05. ROLL CALL: Mr. Conover - yes Ms. Falco - yes Ch. Garland - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes V. C. Morris - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes Motion carried 7 - O. OLD BUSINESS: None 1\EW BUSINESS: Experior Exam Ch. Garland swore in all of the applicants for the Experior Exam. Thc Board Secretary told the Board that she had pulled two of the applications. Mr. Dahlberg who lived in Michigan and called to say he was not able to come to Florida for this meeting but would be at the May meeting. Mr. Eric Wallace who called and said he would not be able to make it to this meeting but that he would be at the May meeting. McClure, George/General Contractor. MOTION: Morris/Garland I make a motion that we approve George McClure to take the General Contractor Exam. ROLL CALL: Ms. Falco - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes Motion carried 7 - O. Bayle, RichardlResidcntial Contractor MOTION: Gilligan/Ch. Garland Mrs. Carbano - yes Ch. Garland - yes V.C. Morris - yes I make a motion to allow Richard M. Bayle to take the Experior Exam for Residential Contractor. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes V.C. Morris - ycs Motion carried 7 - o. Reising, Joseph/Residential Ch. Garland - yes Ms. Falco - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes MOTION: Morris/Carbano T make a motion that we approve Joseph Paul Reising to take the Residential Contractor Exam. ROLL CALL: Mr. Conover - yes Ms. Falco - yes Ch. Garland - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Motion carried 7 - o. Hodges HI, Richard/Electrical Contractor MOTION: Morris/Ch. Garland Mrs. Carbano - yes V.C. Morris - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes T make a motion we approve Richard Hodges to take the Electrical Contractor Exam. ROLL CALL: Ms. Falco - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mrs. Lamling - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes Motion carried 7 - O. Rizio, Leonard/Plumbing Contractor MOTION: Conover/Falco Mrs. Carba.l1o - yes Ch. Garland - yes V.C. Morris - yes I make a motion we allow Mr. Rizio to take the Plumbing test. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes V.c. Morris - ycs Motion carried 7 - O. Rodigues, Jonathan/Carpentry MOTION: Carbano/Conover Ch. Garland - yes Ms. Falco - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes I make a motion that we approve Mr. Jonathan Rodrigues to take the carpentry test. ROLL CALL: Mr. Conover - yes Ms. Falco - yes Ch. Garland - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Motion carried 7 - O. Cantu, A lexi/Carpentry MOTION: Morris/Garland Mrs. Carbano - yes V.c. Morris - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes I make a motion that we approve Alexi Cantu to take the specialty contractor exam. ROLL CALL: Ms. Falco - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes Motion carried 7 - O. Mrs. Carbano - yes Ch. Garland - yes V.c. Morris - yes VanTassel, Duane, E./Hurricane Protection In going ovcr the verification of experience, Mrs. Carbano said that she had some knowledge of Palm Coast Shutters & Railings and that at the time being shown on both verification sheets, Mr. Robert Graunke and Mr. VanTassle were not employed by Palm Coast. Mr. VanTassel said he collected a paycheck from Palm Coast until December 30, 2004. V.C. Morris noted that it was possible that he may have left employment in November and had an agreement that he could collect a check until the end of 2004. Mrs. Carbano said that Mr. Graunke leti in October. Mr. VanTassel said the he was and still is the qualifier for Palm Coast Shutters. MOTION: Morris/Garland I make a motion that we approve Mr. VanTassel to take the Experior Exam for Hurricane Protection with a letter that is dated that shows the qualifier of the corporation at the time of the date of the letter with a minimum one year experience of supervisory and with a minimum two years experience, but the letter must be dated and whoever the qualifier is at the time of the date of the letter must sign the letter. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano ~ no Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Gilligan ~ yes V.C. Morris - yes Ch. Garland - yes Ms. Falco - yes Mrs. Lanning - no Motion carried 5 - 2. Ch. Garland told Mr. VanTassel that perrnission was given to take the test but first the letter must be redone and the proper dates and proper signatures must be on it. When this is returned to Kathy, she will call a board member to come in and sign off. Your registration will then be given to you. Korth, David/Irrigation Mrs. Lanning noted that she did not see any letters ofreference or any supervisory experience being documented. Mr. North said there was documentation showing that he was an irrigation contractor without lapse from 1988 to 1997. Ch. Garland asked about the federal drug conviction that was on the application. Mr. North explained to the Board what had happened. MOTION: Morris/Carbano I make a motion that we approve David Joseph North to take the Irrigation Exam, Specialty Contractor. ROLL CALL: Mr. Conover - yes Ms. Falco - yes Ch. Garland - no Mrs. Lanning - no Mr. Carbano - yes V.c. Morris - no Mr. Gilligan - yes Motion carried 4 - 3. Royer, David/Marine Construction The Board felt they needed more verification of experience. Mr. Royer said that he taken the general contractor test in Tennessee. He was requested to provide a letter showing a test had been taken and passed. MOTION: Morris/Garland I make a motion we approve David Royer to take the Marine Specialty Contractor Test with an acceptable letter approved by a minimum of one board member giving him the proper verification of employment to meet the requirements. ROLL CALL: Ms. Falco - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes Ch. Garland - yes V.C. Morris - yes Motion carried 7 - O. Rymsza, Joseph/Masonry/Concrete MOTION: Gilligan/Carbano I make a motion that we approve Mr. Rymsza to take the Experior Exam, Specialty Contractor, Masonry/Concrete. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes V.c. Morris - abstained Ch. Garland - yes Ms. Falco - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Motion carried 6 - O. For matter of record - v.c. Morris was not asked to fill out a form because his reason for abstaining did not meet Florida Law. Chaloux, James/Painting & Decorating Since Mr. Chaloux was in business for himself and since Connecticut does not license painters, income tax forms were attached for verification of experience. V.C. Morris felt this was not enough and felt a letter of experience written by himself would be acceptable to complete the verification. MOTION: Gilligan/Conover I make a motion we approve Mr. Chaloux to take the exam contingent upon the proper paper work to complete the package showing experience and be approved by one board member. ROLL CALL: Mr. Conover - yes Ms. Falco - yes Ch. Garland - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes V.C. Morris - yes Mr.Gilligan Motion carried 7 - O. Re-activate Painting License Raffa, Michael/Painting MOTION: Morris/Garland I make a motion that we approve Michael Raffa to reactivate his license as a specialty painting limited contractor. ROLL CALL: Ms. Falco - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes Ch. Garland - yes V.c. Morris - yes Motion carried 7 - O. VIOLATION HEARINGS: None BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS: Mr. Eseltine told the Board he was at the meeting because of the workshop that took place on 3/29/05 to discuss the penalties for violations, possibly changing the City Ordinance regarding penalties for unlicensed activities and work without permits. He said he was working with Rich Stringer who was also at the workshop meeting. V.C. Morris asked what the Boards function would be in the future. Mr. Eseltine was hoping to see more violations go to the Board and working in conjunction with the Police Department. A new Code Enforcement Officer is going to be hired to help track down unlicensed activity. At the meeting Rich Stringer had talked about several methods, one being through the State Stahltory Requirements. We would go out and issue a violation that has a fine attached to it. If they want to appeal it, then it comes to the Board. At this point they are not only subject to the tine of the ticket but it can also go up to $1,000.00. Right now there are unsafe structures. We have begun to give notice to these hurricane- damaged structures that are not getting fixed. Ifwe order them to be demolished and they don't do it within the time frame we give them, usually 60 days, then they would appear before the Construction Board and it will be your decision if the City will take action, demolish the structure and then lien the property. V.c. Morris asked Mr. Eseltine to give his feelings on fines and penalties. He said that he tried to summarize it on the paperwork he put together. As a quick deterent, work without a pennit - an owner, $100.00, a licensed contractor, $250.00. You can also impose a tine on a contractor using an unlicensed person on ajob. V.C. Morris about homeowners who hire unlicensed contractors. Mr. Eseltine explained we eould pursue the statutory requirements. When pulling a permit, they sign an affidavit at the counter for owner/builder pennit as per statutory requirements. If they fail to adhere to it, they can be arrested for doing contracting work. Mr. Eseltine asked the Board where penalty fees are concerned, what they wanted to recommend to be put into the City Ordinance. MOTION: Morris/Conover I make a motion as a Board, we accept Waynes' letter as a basic principal letter to go to Richard Stringer for adoption to the ordinance. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Conover - yes Mr. Gilligan - yes V.C. Morris - yes Ch. Garland - yes Ms. Falco - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Motion carried 7 - O. BOARD MATTERS: None. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None. RECORD SCORES: Mrs. Lanning and Mr. Conover. 15 MINUTES TO PUBLIC: None. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.