HomeMy WebLinkAbout08222000� J • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 `� Y � �� L" �i� V� ,�� � t �`�� P �q 5,�♦ City of Sebastian 1225 MAIN STREET ❑ SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 32958 TELEPHONE (561) 589-5537 ❑ FAX (561) 589-2566 AGENDA 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2000 4:30 PM CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: ANNOUNCEMENTS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NEW BUSINESS: 8/8/00 and 8/15/00 A. Roger Robinson will speak on obtaining entertainment for Street Party in December OLD BUSINESS: A. Project reports; 1. Essay Contest — Barczyk(a) 2. Health Fair - Fielding 3. High School & Middle School Concerts - Coniglio 4. Street Party, Parade, Juried Art Show — Osmundson, Coniglio 5. Clock Tower — Paver Brick Program — all members 6. Finance Report - Veidt 8. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: 9. MEMBERS MATTERS: 10. STAFF MATTERS: 11. ATTORNEY MATTERS: 12. ADJOURNMENT: IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), ANYONE WHO NEEDS SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY'S ADA COORDINATOR AT (561) 589-5330 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ONE OR MORE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAY BE PRESENT. • • • CITY OF SEBASTIAN � . , - %' - �� / �et,z � ' ' , 75'"'��,vy�i , Cdr�, � � � -� " 5'/��z /�r 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE �' %YjL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 22, 2000 Acting Chairman Julianne Barrett called the meeting to order at 3:15 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. dc_?`*�y°� �c�h.t.� � ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Inez Fielding Julianne Barrett Charles Cardinale Jayne Barczyk(a) VC Louise Kautenburg (late arrival) EXCUSED ABSENCE: JoAnn Osmundson, Betsy Connelly, Chmn. Coniglio ALSO PRESENT: Nancy Veidt, Finance Department Ann Brack, Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION by Barczyk/Cardinale 8/8/00 and 8/15/00 I'd like to move that we approve the minutes of the 75`h Anniversary Committee, August g'n A voice vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. MOTION by BarretUCardinale I'd move to accept the minutes of 8/15. A voice vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: A. Acting Chmn. Barrett introduced Roger Robinson to speak on entertainment for the December 16`h & 17`h Street Party & Art Show. Mr. Robinson, entertainment agent and musician, gave a presentation and noted his experience of musical director for the Grant Seafood Festival for 22 years, many 4�h of July events for the City of Sebastian, and in the entertainment business for 48 years. He is licensed and bonded in the State of Florida through Frank Parkenfield's office in Vero Beach. He inquired about the Committee's budget, and offered recommendations and 75`h ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2000 answered questions. There was much discussion on this issue, and he indicated that a budget of $2,000 has secured entertainment for previously mentioned events. He stated that he will not charge any commission to the City, and suggested that jazz music seems to go with art shows. He mentioned that heat is an issue for musicians and recommended that they be placed where there is some protection from the sun. He noted that he makes all the arrangements including a contract, and asks that a good public relations person be assigned to cover advertising in the newspapers. He indicated that he has contact with clowns that blow up balloons, strolling musicians, puppeteers, and storytellers. There was comment made about the "Ashley Gang". There was discussion about how much advance notice is needed and Mr. Robinson replied "as soon as possible", the sooner the better. He noted that he started planning for the 4'h of July event as much as a year in advance. The fact that the Sebastian Art Club has reserved Riverview Park for their art show the same weekend was mentioned. The Committee's budget was noted to be an unknown factor. Mr. Robinson indicated that he would work with the Committee on this. He also asked that good communications be kept up between the Committee and himself in planning this event. He also noted that parking is very important for the musicians so that they may move their gear easily because it is very heavy, approximately 2,000 or 3,000 Ibs. He also • indicated that there must be insurance to cover this event, and he wasn't aware of any permits that would be needed. • Mr. Jerry Osmundson, Vice President of the Lion's Club, and co-chairman of the 4`h of July celebration for the last three (3) years, was present and noted that the Lions Club obtained a large tent from the County for a donation of $100. It was noted that the County also has a stage available. He also highly recommended Mr. Robinson, having worked with him for the past four (4) years through the Lion's Club. Inez Fielding mentioned a steel band in Melbourne made up of high school students, who donate their services, and Mr. Robinson indicated that he will check on them. He fielded several more questions from Committee members and indicated that cost for a group with their own PA system could run around $300 to $500 for one evening. Mr. Robinson was thanked for his presentation. At this point, Acting Chmn. Barrett turned the gavel over to VC Kautenburg. OLD BUSINESS: A. Project reports: 1. Essay Contest — Barczyk(a) � 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2000 Jayne reported that with the new school year starting, she will get back to the schools in a couple of weeks and will contact the new Charter School for participation. She will report at the next meeting. 2. HealthFair—Fielding Inez Fielding reported that the Health Fair will be held in October and she will check with Daisy Knowles at SRMC for the date and time. 5. Clock Tower — Paver Brick Program — all members Charles C. indicated that after speaking to Nancy V., he felt that this Committee needs to know what the transportation charges would be on an order of pavers. Nancy V. provided a chart showing what the two different size pavers would cost per/hundred, and how much profit would be realized at different prices. It was commented that this program would seem to be a lot more profitable than T-shirts. Sources of the paver bricks was discussed as well as the need to have the location of the clock tower determined. Sal Neglia was present and noted that he is opposed to the clock being placed on the • riverfront, and provided photos of sites on US 1 at Riverview Park, and different areas of the median where he suggested the clock should go. He commented that "DOT said there is no problem putting them in the median or anywhere on US 1". He also suggested that a few hundred other people in Sebastian might want to have a say in where to put this clock. There was more discussion on this issue. Mr. Neglia also suggested that some of these paver bricks could be installed around the new welcome signs on US 1. Charles C. suggested that depiction of the proposed clock should be displayed on an easel somewhere at City Hall for residents to see it. MOTION by Kautenburg/Barrett I'm going to make a motion that this Committee authorize Charles Cardinale to have a copy of the clock mounted on foam board and he will also be responsible for getting it to a public place to be on view by the public. A voice vote was taken. 5— 0. motion carried. There was more discussion, and it was suggested that publicity needs to go out on the paver brick program. Jayne B. suggested that Council needs to be approached again and a commitment from them needs to be obtained for dollars toward the clock project. It was suggested that Council may want to see that this Committee is going to raise a • certain amount of money before they commit to any funding. It was also suggested that a minimum amount of money would buy a two-faced clock without installation, and if the 3 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2000 Committee made a goal to raise at least the minimum amount to fulfill the commitment to the program, then Council could be requested to match funds, or something similar to that. There was more discussion on the reasonable cost to the public of a paver brick. Sal Neglia suggested that the quality of the brick should be considered, and a selling price of around $35.00 would be a good starting point. MOTION by Barczyk/Cardinale I make a motion that we buy a full size brick, 4" X 8" X 2'/a" for our decorative walkway. A voice vote was taken. 5— 0, motion carried. Julianne Barrett volunteered to get shipping costs for these bricks. VC Louise K. volunteered to develop an advertisement for the bricks, the price can be filled in later, and ask Ray to submit it for publication. Sal Neglia offered to include some publicity on this issue in the article that he and Tut Connelly write for the Sebastian Sun. It was suggested that a phone number of a Committee member could be included for the public to make inquiries. Jayne • commented that she also wants to submit information to Mr. McGraw of 97.1 OCEAN radio station. • 6. Finance Report — Veidt There was discussion about the Anniversary banners hanging better on the riverfront, and about the location of the recently printed ones. There was also discussion about what members were contacting which businesses about the banners. Jayne read off a list of contacts she has made. It was noted that there are still businesses in town who have not been contacted. It was suggested that some kind of notice should go in the paper to let businesses know that we have not been able to contact everyone yet, and they could get in touch with us. This issue was discussed. There was discussion about the charge to this Committee for the lift truck rental for $613.00. The Committee members noted that they never authorized this expenditure and disagreed with the charge to them. There was also discussion over the number of banners and T-shirts that were ordered, and the charge for hardware to hang the banners. It was noted that Terry Hill had made a comment that he would take care of the lift truck rental, and the members wondered what this meant. It was suggested that Mr. Mason be invited to the next meeting for explanation. 4 • • � J 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2000 MOTION by Barczyk(a)/Barrett I move that we accept the income/expense report with the exception of the lift rental for banners, and the hardware for banners. A voice vote was taken. 5— 0, motion carried. Charles Cardinale left the meeting at this point. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: None MEMBER MATTERS: Inez Fielding inquired about the location of the 2-day event in December — Street Party, Art Show. There was much discussion on this issue. There was also discussion about the management team meeting on August 24�". It was suggested that this Committee should attend the management team meeting with a definite, detailed plan for the events that can be agreed with by management. A break was taken from 5:10 till 523 pm. All four previously present members returned to resume the meeting. There was a suggestion to contact Representative Charles Sembler for assistance to raise money for the Clock Tower project. Jayne B. volunteered to contact him with this request. There was discussion on making specific plans for the Parade, Street Party and Art Show in December. MOTION by Barczyk(a)/Kautenburg I move that our street parade will be held on December 17`h, and thaYs on a Sunday evening, at 6:00 pm. Roll call: VC Kautenburg - yes Inez Fielding - yes The vote was 4— 0, motion carried. Julianne Barrett - yes Jayne Barczyk(a) - yes There was discussion on the routing of the parade and a map was consulted. Consideration was given to having an area big enough for the floats to assemble in. MOTION by Kautenburg/Barczyk(a) I move that a proposed parade route be from the CAV-COR property staging 75rH 5 � C� • ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2000 Roll call: Julianne Barrett - yes Jayne Barczyk(a) -yes The vote was 4— 0. Motion carried. Inez Fielding - yes VC Kautenburg - yes There was discussion on the hours for the Juried Art Show. MOTION by Kautenburg/Barczyk I move that the hours for the Art Show be from 10:00 am till 5:00 pm on 12/16 & 17. Discussion: There was discussion on where on Indian River Drive to plan the Art Show. It was discussed that the Art Show could still be located between Hiram's and Hurricane Harbor, while the parade could take place further north on Indian River Drive. This issue will be finalized in the next week or so. A voice vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. There was discussion on the location of the Street Dance. MOTION by BarretUFielding I make a motion that the Street Dance be held Saturday evening, the sixteenth (16`h), in the vicinity of Riverview Park on 512, if it is available, and on the street of 512 between US 1 and Indian River Drive, between the hours of 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm. A voice vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. The subject of the burial of the Time Capsule was discussed. There was discussion on the Essay Contest ceremony. It was suggested to have the award ceremony separately in Council Chambers, then have a ceremony at the Street Party/Parade event, with the children participating. MOTION BY Fielding/Kautenburg I make a motion that we have a children's Award Ceremony on a week day in Council Chambers, with the City Officials presenting the certificates, and the following Sunday we have a grand finale at the Park on December 17`h, with the children participating. A voice vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. 6 • r \_ • 75T" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2000 There was discussion on the specific details of having a beer garden at this event. The secretary noted that the City Attorney is checking to determine how this event should be handled. There was discussion as to whether alcohol should be sold at a family type event, and various comments were made. The general trend of attitudes was that it was a good fund raiser. MOTION by Fielding/Kautenburg I make a motion that we postpone the decision on alcohol until the next meeting when Ray is here. A voice vote was taken. 4— 0. motion carried. Reference was made to the invitation from Beth Perez to sell T-shirts, caps and accept donations for this Committee at the Concerts in the Park. Volunteers are: Jayne Barczyk(a) Louise Kautenburg 5:30 to 7:30 pm 7:30 to 9:00 pm Inez and Julianne noted that they will also be there to help. VC Louise K. offered to sell recipes for her original Citrus Checkerboard Cake, the official 4th of July Winning Cake, and give the proceeds to the 75`h Anniversary Committee. MOTION by BarretUFielding I make a motion that Louise have recipes printed up and she can sell the recipes of our official 75`h cake and the proceeds can go to our Committee projects, to be used for anything other than that "lift". A voice vote was taken. 4— 0, motion carried. Nancy Veidt suggested that this Committee come up with a budget for the Street Party for expenses for entertainment and other costs associated with it — bandstand, port-o- lets, etc. VC Kautenburg requested that the last five motions made today need to be presented to City staff at the management team meeting on Thursday, August 24, 2000. Items for the agenda for the next meeting are as follows: Street Party expenses & costs budget Paver Brick selling price Time Capsule 7 75`" ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE � MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2000 Sale of Alcoholic Beverages at Street Party Management meeting report The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 pm. i1 � � (8/24/00 AB)