HomeMy WebLinkAbout05032005 EB CI1Y Of SEBA!iTIAN ~ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MAY 3,2005 - 6:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. The City Attorney called the meeting to order. 2. Present: Patricia Beckwith Michael Kidde Mary Ann Krueger Trish Adams Michael Mugas AI Davis Absent: Therese Miller Excused: Also Present: Mayor Nate McCollum Council Member Sal Neglia City Attorney Rich Stringer Deputy City Clerk Jeanette Williams 2. Each member introduced themselves and gave their environmental background. The Mayor advised that all committees start out as temporary to determine the usefulness to Council. He stated that they would look at the use of pesticides on city properties; meeting with vendors; endangered species and he would like to receive recommendations and see enforcemenUpenalties/fines by council action of what is being done wrong. The City Attorney suggested a chair be picked and Ms. Krueger asked if anyone had media experience. Ms. Adams stated sh* is~moIYed;ifl-fler-flei!:fflbeFReod-~~ and has chaired town meetings. has coordinatEid nei:ghborhood meetings On a motion by Ms. Krueger and a second by Mr. Davis, Ms. Adams was appointed chair by a voice vote of 6-0. On a motion by Mr. Davis and a second by Ms. Beckwith, Ms. Krueger was appointed vice-chair. The City Attorney advised the committee to focus on three goals: -the city's use of its own operations -city policies that should be developed for future development -intergovernmental initiatives and programs such as buying conservation land with another agency The City Attorney went on to explain the sunshine law, one-way memos, public records and voting conflicts. He said a city employee would be assigned to be a staff liaison and the meetings could be informal. He also said the committee can make recommendations but council might not concur with their recommendations. Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee May 3, 2005 Page Two The Mayor stated the committee would report to council by either the staff liaison, chair or committee report. The City Attorney invited the committee to call him if they have questions. The committee advised they would like to receive agendas and packet information bye-mail. The City Attorney advised them to do one-way e-mails only. Side II, Tape I, 6:44 pm Ms. Krueger asked who would be notified if the committee went on a field trip. The City Attorney advised that the trip would be posted with a meeting location and minutes should be taken. He further advised that the committee could speak to other entities stating they are a committee member to establish credentials but not representing the committee. Ms. Krueger suggested meeting again in two weeks and May 20.h was picked. Discussion followed regarding the agenda and the members agreed to summarize their first meeting, set individual priorities, decide a way to include public comment, address council concerns and set the next agenda. Ms. Krueger handed out a list of her concerns. (attached) Discussion followed on holding meetings vs. workshops. The City Attorney advised that meetings would be more appropriate for an advisory committee and the only difference between the two is that a workshop can be held with less than a quorum. Ms. Krueger would like the public to contact the committee with ten minutes each speaker. Ms. Adams suggested holding a charette-type meeting with same-concern groups formed. Mr. Kidde agreed with Ms. Adams. Mr. Mugas suggested having a public meeting in six months after the committee gets to know each other and hears from Council. Ms. Beckwith Inquired if Council had any assignments for the committee. The Mayor excused himself at 7:05 pm. Ms. Adams asked about the Coilier Creek bulkheads. Council Member Neglia advised there was to be a meeting the next evening on the bulkheads. The City Attorney gave a history of the City's stormwater master plan, the need to repair the Collier Creek bulkheads and the Filbert Street stormwater park. Side I, Tape II, 7:30 pm Ms. Adams asked who owns the water's edge and the City Attorney stated the concern is more who pays not owns the edge. She asked if grants were available and he stated the City did receive a water quality grant. The City Attorney reminded the committee to stay focused that the tree count is a Building Dept. function. Ms. Krueger asked if each department could present their duties to the committee and the City Attorney stated Public Works is responsible for the city lands and facilities and might be the best department to speak first to the committee. Ms. Krueger asked if scientists could make presentations to the committee and expressed thanks to Council for quality committee membership. Approved at the May 20, 2005 /~ meeting. * as amended /tb. W~'m4 Mary Ann Krueger: ** Suggested Plan of action for Sebastian Environmental Advisory Ccmnittee ** 1 Have City review all energy use. 2 Have the city instruct the City Manager to search f= grants for testing water quality in stODll ponds, canels and private wells. 3 Have the City do a tree , and natural plant inventory. 4 Ccmnittee hold a public hearing to hear citizen concerns. 5 Ccmnittee canpose a letter to be sent to every resident and business regarding their part in conservation of resources. 6 Ccmnittee to place an informational article in every City newsletter. 6 Invite Audubon, County Extention, Friends of the St. Sebastion River and other experienced in resource protecion to attend our meetings and give imput. 7 Ccmnittee to do news releases regarding good conservation practices. 8 Ccmnittee to meet with city departments such as parks and growth management to learn more about their conerns and needs and to give our imput. 9 urge City council to adopt the new county Tree and Landscape ordinance.And to look at updating all ordinances regarding building plans. 10 Ccmnittee to take sane kind of action at every meeting. I hope you will consider my suggesstions. We have absolutely no time to lose! The many meetings I have attending since moving to Florida to get enlightned about conservation issues make me have cause for worry about the futre of the Indian River lagoon and for our way of life here.