HomeMy WebLinkAbout05202005 EB ~ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES FRIDAY, MAY 20,2005 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1 . Chair Adams called the meeting to order. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Present: Trish Adams Patricia Beckwith AI Davis Michael Kidde Mary Ann Krueger Therese Miller Michael Mugas Also Present: Terry Hill, Public Works Director Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - 5/3/05 Meeting Ms. Adams requested that her media experience be clarified to say that she coordinated neighborhood meetings as opposed to being involved in her neighborhood association. On a motion by Mr. Davis and a SECOND by Mr. Mugas the minutes were approved by a voice vote of 7-0 with the noted clarification. 5. MEMBER PRIORITIES A. Trish Adams, Chair Ms. Adams stated her career is with the US Fish & Wildlife Service and she has seen local governments make a difference in the development of Florida's pristine environment. She stated many citizens feel the state or federal government can only make environmental decisions but that is not true. She would like to see more open space linked such as a greenway trail or corridor in Port St. Lucie. Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee May 20, 2005 Page Two B. Mary Ann Krueger, Vice-Chair Ms. Krueger stated she comes from a sand county in Wisconsin, which is very similar to Florida's sand. She would like to see a reduction in the use of fertilizer and the ban of phosphate fertilizer. She would also like to see a moratorium on paved parking lots and an impact for gopher tortoises that will be destroyed by development. C. Patricia Beckwith Ms. Beckwith is a master gardener with the county extension service. She would like to see natural resources conserved. She stated many people over fertilize. She would also like to see an ordinance mandating "Florida Friendly Landscaping Practices" and no clear cutting lots for homes on the weekends or holidays when city officials are not working to impose fines. Ms. Adams clarified that she spoke with her colleague about the gopher tortoises and development. She stated the tortoises are compensated for by the developer making a contribution to a fund and perhaps an additional impact fee is needed or the tortoises with the virus can be quarantined to one area. Ms. Krueger added the clear cutting should be prohibited when birds are nesting. Ms. Adams said they are protected but there is no teeth to the regulations and perhaps bird surveys can be done at the beginning of a project. D. AI Davis Mr. Davis recalled the environmental courses he took in college and wanted to participate on the committee to prevent some of situations he witnessed in school. E. Michael Kidde Mr. Kidde stated he is a newcomer to the area but would like to address the quality of life and direct growth that will happen. He stated Volusia County has strong landscaping ordinances. He would also like to see more mature landscape required for the new developments and integrated pest management such as the release of ladybugs and wasps to kill insects. He would also like to see more bikeways so people use their cars less frequently. He also favors the village concept that concentrates density in one area. He also mentioned the use of power blowers puts pollutants in the air and perhaps people can use brooms to sweep mowed grass. 2 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee May 20, 2005 Page Three F. Therese Miller Ms. Miller would like to see more preservation of wetlands cattails, scrub jays and gopher tortoises. She would also like to see the bike path continual on US Highway 1. G. Michael Mugas Mr. Mugas would like to see more public awareness such as signs on sewer drains indicating they flow into the Indian River Lagoon. He asked about oil separators in parking lots. Ms. Adams stated Melbourne has their drains painted and she can check with SJRWMD on the process of marking the drains. Mr. Davis asked if colleges or governmental agencies could come to the committee to explain processes and regulations. Ms. Adams stated she would like a brief stormwater overview. Mr. Kidde pointed out Cap't Butcher's clean marina flag. Ms. Beckwith stated the county extension water quality agent can speak to the committee. Ms. Adams stated through research of her neighborhood ponds, SJRWMD prefers retention ponds mowed to the water line, cattails generally clog water channeling and there was an instance of a lateral shelf in the pond but the pond is there to trap the harmful runoff which can be passed on to the wildlife. Side II, Tape I, 6;47 pm The Public Works Director expressed that he had the same feelings as the committee members. He stated there would not be any opposition to safer or better ways to handling anything within the City. He also stated that SRWMD prefers canals mowed to the water line. He invited members to contact him with any questions on the city's procedures or practices. Ms. Krueger asked for the mowing and herbicide budget. Mr. Davis asked if the pesticides are compatible to the environment and the Public Works Director pointed out that the Parks Superintendent who overseas the spraying is licensed to spray pesticide and herbicide. He also pointed out that the City has taken environmental friendly steps such as installing a baffle box on Main Street. 6. DISCUSSION ON INCLUDING PUBLIC INPUT Members asked to include an article in the next Pelican Brief newsletter. The Public Works Director advised them to contact the City Manager's Executive Assistant, Jean Tarbell. Ms. Adams offered to write an article. Members may also want to put PowerPoint slides on the City's Channel 25 and website in the near future. 3 Temporary Environmental Advisory Coplmittee May 20, 2005 Page Four . 7. ADDRESS/REPORT TO COUNCIL TtW Committee. also agreed by consensus to; come to the June 8th Council meeting and ask Council if they could paint stormwater receiver drains indicating they flow into the lagoon. The Public Works Director stated he has been contacted by a Boy Scout troop that can maybe take the project on to earn their conservation badge. 8. SET NEXT AGENDA Discussion began on focusing on a topic to research and bring to the next meeting. Ms. Krueger and Mr. Kidde advocated stronger tree ordinances. The Public Works Director pointed out that the City has a stronger ordinance than the county. Mr. Kidde would like to see the Triangle landscape improved. Ms. Krueger suggested paying the salary for a forester through an impact fee. The Committee agreed by consensus to research the tree and landscape ordinance and look for ways to improve it. 9. Being no further business. the meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Approved althe June 7, 2005 ~ meeting. 4