HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-2005 PZ Minutes ~/P ,CHAiRMAN (BOARD) f.~7M.M1~C;;1~ . CITY OF SEBASTIAN APPROVED I. DATi ""lIas , APPROVEf> SUBJECT TO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 16, 2005 Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mr. Paul Mr. Celli Mr. Faille Mr. Keough Mr. Allocco Chmn. Smith Mr. Simmons (a) Mr. Oakes(a) Mr. Mahoney EXCUSED: Mr. Hughes, School Board Representative ALSO PRESENT: Tracy Hass, Director, Growth Management Department Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Rich Stringer, City Attorney Linda Lohsl, Administrative Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Smith expressed his regrets to Tracy Hass on his resignation, thanked him for his service to the city and the commission, and complimented him on his ability to present himself in a calm, polite, courteous and professional demeanor at all times to everyone. He wished him good luck on his new position. The Planning and Zoning Commission agreed and with the audience applauded Mr. Hass. Mr. Hass thanked everyone for their sentiments and said how he has appreciated working with the board over the years. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None NEW BUSINESS: Chmn. Smith noted that there were many people in attendance for the Philipson Airport Lease application and asked if there were any objections to moving it up on the agenda. Hearing none, the item was moved up. Ms. Bosworth asked if item A, the accessory structure could be addressed first as it would not be lengthy. Chmn. Smith agreed. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW - Section 54-4-7.5 - 40' X 25.6' Detached Garage - 1602 Quaker Lane - M/M Eden Virginia Eden, 1602 Quaker Lane, Sebastian, requested permission to construct a detached three-car garage. Ms. Bosworth explained it is before the commission PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 16, 2005 because of the 998 sq. ft. size. It will identically match the house and a planting detail is included in your packets. In accordance with the building department's new fee collection schedule, the fees will be paid upon issuance of the permit. Staff recommends approval. Mr. Mahoney confirmed that the landscaping requirements would be adhered to upon final inspection. Mr. Paul asked if there were going to be any rooms proposed in the upper level of the structure. Mr. Eden confirmed there would not be any rooms and detailed a second phase which would be a bonus room above the existing garage, which would be blanked off and the existing driveway taken out. MOTION by Paul/Oakes to approve the detached garage at 1602 Quaker Lane. ROLL CALL: Mr. Allocco Chmn Smith Mr. Celli yes yes yes Mr. Faille Mr. Mahoney Mr. Keough Mr. Paul yes yes yes yes QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - Site Plan - Philipson Airport Lease - Mini-Storage, Outside Vehicular Storage & Retail Landscape Material - Airport Drive West - Industrial Zoning Chmn. Smith opened the hearing and explained to the people in attendance that they must approach the podium, state their name and address first before speaking. He asked everyone planning to speak to stand so they may be sworn in along with staff and the applicant. Mr. Todd Smith, P.E., 121 Hinchman Avenue, Sebastian, represents Mr. Philipson. The proposal is for development on an industrial parcel at the airport consisting of several open storage yards for boats and rv's. Other areas on the plan are designated for mini-storage/self-storage buildings with an incidental office at the front of the property. They have provided a 50 Ft. buffer along Roseland Road, preserved all the jurisdictional wetlands on the site and also preserved an additional 25 Ft. band around the wetlands. Archeological studies have been conducted. Mr. Hass offered a brief presentation deferring to questions and concerns people will rise. He said this is a multi-faceted site plan, industrially zoned located at the airport along Roseland Road and is the first project to be constructed in the Corporate Park West. The main drive bisects the property. There will be an area for containment of landscape materials, a dump station for RV's, which does have some outstanding issues, outside storage for large boats, and rv's and containment area for mini storage facilities. The project design satisfies the minimum standards of the Land Development Code. The number of trees to be preserved exceeds the minimum standards for landscaping; however, we have required a landscape hedge along Roseland Road. The commissioners agreed to hear the public comments before posing their own questions and comments. Jack Spitzer, 11615 Roseland Road, he referred to a letter composed by Tim Glover, Irene Bush and AI patter(?) and read it into the record. The letter addressed increasing the buffer area. Bob Denton, 11245 Roseland Road, as part of a homeowners association felt that they should have more time to review the proposal to compile their questions and concerns. He listed some as follows: a 50 ft. buffer between the right-of-way of Roseland Road 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 16, 2005 and the development area; beyond that there would be another 12 ft. setback but it was stated as 10 feet in the presentation; lighting; signage; possible sewage spills. Jim Linus, 11725 and 11705 Roseland Road, concerned about lighting being visible from his property. Holly Dill, 11675 Roseland Road, supports the letter from the three different organizations and thanked Mr. Philipson for meeting with them. She is concerned about landscaping and the buffer, rv pumping station, and understood there would be no sub- leasing of the storage units to individual businesses. Frank DeJoia, 11625 Roseland Road, noted how important he thought the berm is to the project. C.N. Kirrie, property owner in the Roseland Road area, talked about the future of Roseland Road and industrial growth in general. Mary Ann Krueger, 121 Miller Drive, wrote one of the letters submitted and is concerned about lighting. Noted that the Environmental and Tree Committees are looking at a new tree and landscape ordinance. Steve Philipson, 415 Live Oak Drive, Vero Beach, identified himself as the developer and agrees with concerns presented and has worked with staff to develop a project that is sensitive to environmental and architectural designs. Mr. Hass explained the 50 Ft. buffer between Roseland Road and any development site is sufficient and in accordance with the airport and Land Development Code. Regarding the lighting issue, Airport Manager Jason Milewski reviewed the shoebox lighting design and was satisfied with the plan. Chmn. Smith asked if it was FAA approved and Mr. Hass said he would find out the answer. As mentioned in the staff report, the vehicle wash and rv sewer area the health department has raised some concerns and they have not issued their final authorization, which is not uncommon and if the application is approved building permits would not be released until health approval is obtained. Mr. Stringer added that he has negotiated almost every lease at the airport and it is made clear that the 50 ft. buffer area is part of the lease agreement. Mr. Smith described the calculation process for retaining and replacing the required number of trees according to code and explained that they did not take credit for the trees in the wetland and upland buffer areas. Mr. Oakes asked if the lighting would project up or down, Mr. Hass said down. Mr. Mahoney questioned the lack of fire department comments and Ms. Bosworth explained that they actually do two reviews, the first for this commission pertains to fire hydrant placement and a road turning radius. The second is for the actual construction plans, which would cover fire suppression within buildings. Mr. Keough asked about the watchman's house and if someone would be living there all the time and the applicant responded yes. Mr. Allocco wanted assurance the site would not be used as a flea market and the applicant said there would be no sub-leasing taking place. Mr. Simmons inquired about any changes from landscape material area to rv storage and the applicant said notes were on the plan and either use would not increase the lighting. Mr. Paul asked about a time line of the project and the application thought it would be over a five- 3 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 16, 2005 year period. Mr. Celli asked what the number of potential jobs that would be generated by this facility. Mr. Philipson said it would not be a significant number. (Tape 2 malfunctioned.) Mr. Celli also asked if the environmental board was part of the review process and Mr. Stringer said it is not within their realm to review development plans. Chmn. Smith called for a motion. MOTION by Keough/Smith "I make a recommendation on the growth management department's approval of the Philipson airport industrial development site plan approval for multi-purpose site with recommendations that as soon as the sewage is available by the county that they connect and with any other provisos that staff recommends are adhered to noted in the staff report." ROLL CALL: Mr. Keough Chmn. Smith Mr. Celli yes yes yes Mr. Allocco Mr. Mahoney Mr. Faille Mr. Paul yes yes yes yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried unanimously. A five-minute recess was called at 9:15 p.m. All members present when meeting reconvened at 9:25 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING - RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL - PRELIMINARY PLAT - REVISED - KOZLOWSKI SUBDIVISION - SOUTH LACONIA STREET - RS-10 ZONING - 39 LOTS, 2.12 UNITS/ACRE DENSITY Chmn. Smith opened the hearing and representing the applicant was Jason Saunders, Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard, Vero Beach, Florida. He explained that the application was previously presented as a 34-lot subdivision. Since the City of Sebastian no longer wants to purchase Tract A, the owner added five more lots. Mr. Hass added the land that was to be purchased would have been used for a stormwater retention lake. Warren Fuller, 1672 Sun port Road, asked what is the highest and lowest elevation points. Mr. Hass responded the lowest point is 11.75. Mr. Paul asked if Mr. Stringer would comment on the reason the city is not purchasing the land at this time. Mr. Stringer explained it had nothing to do with the applicant but when the city was recalculating to find more money looking at the canal projects, they analyzed which ones gave the least amount of pollution reduction for the expense involved and this project had the least "bang for the buck". Chmn. Smith closed the hearing and called for a motion. MOTION by Keough/Simmons "Recommendation to the City Council that we approve the revised preliminary pi at approval of the Kozlowski subdivision." ROLL CALL: Mr. Faille Mr. Mahoney Mr. Allocco yes yes yes Mr. Paul Chmn. Smith Mr. Celli Mr. Keough yes yes yes yes 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 16, 2005 The vote was 7-0. Motion carried unanimously. QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLICHEARING - SITE PLAN -1069 MAIN STREET- LULICH OFFICE BUILDING - COMMERCIAL GENERAL ZONING Mr. Aaron Bowles, MBV Engineering, Vero Beach, FL presented the application. The proposal is to remove the existing building and construct a new building as presented to the commission. Mr. Hass added the site currently houses a small law office and there is a proposed expansion to create a new two-story facility of 5,863 square feet. The drainage is incorporated under the parking area. The architectural design will be keeping with the theme of the community and the project would be a nice addition to Main Street. Staff recommends approval. Mr. Mahoney inquired if the application would be permitted to have an apartment on the second floor and Mr. Hass said it would be permitted. Mr. Celli asked if the hedge would be a visual hindrance for traffic. Mr. Hass explained that the applicant would have to post where the footers would be poured for the sign and the area would then be inspected to meet codes. There were no comments from the public. MOTION by Oakes/Allocco "I would like to make a motion that we accept the site plan approval for the office building at 1069 Main Street, Sebastian, Florida given the conditions that they meet based on what the staff has recommended in section 26 page 7." ROLL CALL: Mr. Allocco Mr. Keough Mr. Celli yes yes yes Mr. Faille Chmn. Smith Mr. Mahoney Mr. Paul yes yes yes yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried unanimously. CHAIRMAN MATTERS NONE MEMBER MATTERS Mr. Mahoney asked about the building just south of the Davis Street plaza, which was rebuilt but now is entirely asphalt with almost no landscaping. Mr. Hass said the applicant decided to redevelop the site by enhancing the appearance of the facility itself. He just overcoated the pavement that was already there. DIRECTOR MATTERS Ms. Bosworth posed a question that came in the growth management office. A resident wanted to purchase a POD to utilize during his hurricane repair work and then put it in the rear of his property to be used as a permanent shed. The code does state that truck trailers are not allowed and although a POD is not a truck trailer it is similar. Mr. Allocco 5 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 16, 2005 said they are not that heavy but are much lighter than they appear. The consensus of the board was they should not be permanently used as sheds. ATTORNEY MATTERS Mr. Stringer reported on the joint CRA/City Council meeting. They went through a similar review process of the uses for the triangle as this commission had done. The final outcome is very close to what this board wanted and it will be on for second reading on Wednesday. Chmn. Smith adjourned the meeting at 10:11 p.m. (6/20/05 sbl) 6