HomeMy WebLinkAbout06142005 CB t1J~~J4 . ~CIiAlflMAN (BOARD) ~D . APPROVED. OATr:~O,r SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOAIlUIPROVED SUBJeCT TO - REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 14.2005 - 7:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Jean Carbano at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: Present: Mrs. Carbano Mrs. Lanning Mr. Mitchell Mr. Nagy (a) Absent: Ch. Garland - excused V.c. Morris - excused Mr. Conover - excused Ms. Falco - excused Mr. Wolf - unexcused Also present: Wayne Eseltine - Building Official Rich Stringer - City Attorney APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of 5/10/05. MOTION: Lanning/Carbano I make a motion we approve the minutes of meeting held 5/1 0/05. A voice vote was taken. - Passes unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Unsafe Structure Hearing: 1120 Louisiana Ave. - Failure to demolish structure within allotted time. Mr. Dillard, owner of the property was sworn in by Acting Chairman Jean Carbano. It was noted that in March a letter was sent to Mr. Dillard regarding this property and he was asked why it hadn't been taken care of. Mr. Dillard said it is in the process right now. It was under contract to be sold before he received the certified letter, but the buyer got sick. The Health Department has been notified and it will be taken down. He said that all he needed was a month. Attorney Stringer said he could confirm what was being said. He was contacted by a person who had it under contract. They were set to close a week after the deadline for this hearing. He said he tried to work with the potential buyer to put it offfor an amount of time that would give them a reasonable amount of time to take it down when they closed because they already had a pending contract with a set price which included the structure being factored in there, so it was altering the agreement between the two parties. Wayne said he had contacted the Health Department and knows that Mr. Dillard is working on getting the environmental issues cleaned up so that they can get approval, that without the approval, a building permit cannot be issued. Based on that information, he recommended that a 30 day extension be given. MOTION: Carbano/Lanning I make a motion that we give Mr. Dillard a 30 day extension. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Mitchell - yes Mr. Nagy - yes Motion carried 4 - O. Experior Exam: Mrs. Carbano swore in all of the applicants at one time. Gamble Jr., RobertlBuilding Construction MOTION: Mitchell/Lanning I make a motion that Mr. Gamble be accepted to take the Experior Exam for Building Contractor. ROLL CALL: Mr. Carbano - yes Mr. Lanning - yes Mr. Mitchell- yes Mr. Nagy- yes Motion carried 4 - 0 Britton, Kurt M.lCarpentry Mrs. Carbano noted that the only license showing verification of experience expired 2001. Mr. Britton said it was the only one he could find. He said all of his work was done in Long Island. He said he was locally employed but he did not have a letter from his employer. He said he was not told he needed a letter. The Board Secretary corrected him noting page 4 in the application and a letter on letterhead showing supervisory expenence. Mr. Mitchell suggested that Mr. Britton remove his packet from the Board tonight and reapply at the July meeting with the proper paper work filled out. Mr. Britton withdrew his application. Giorgilli, Thomas/Concete MOTION: Carbano/Mitchell I make a motion that Mr. Thomas Giorgilli be allowed to take the test for specialty contractor for concrete work. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Mitchell - yes Mr. Nagy - yes Mr. Carbano - yes Motion carried 4 - O. Wallace, Eric S./Drywall It was noted that Mr. Wallace was back before the Board due to lack of information at the May meeting. Mr. Wallace told the Board that he again, was unable to get any documentation from anyone up north. It was noted that there was a copy of the "Warning Citation" issued by Dawn Bradford, I.R. County. Mr. Wallace said he was planning to move to Florida as soon he was able to get a license and could start working. Mr. Mitchell asked to see some work history in his packet. Mr. Nagy suggested a resume'. MOTION: Mitchell/Lanning I make a motion that Mr. Wallace be accepted to take the Experior Exam upon bringing Kathy a letter from a previous builder and a resume' and then have one Board member come to review and sign off. ROLL CALL: Mr. Mitchell - yes Mr. Nagy - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Motion carried 4 - O. Martin, Richard O./Drywall MOTION: Carbano/Lanning I make a motion that we allow Mr. Richard Martin to take the test for specialty contractor, Drywall. ROLL CALL: Mr. Nagy - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Mitchell- yes Motion carried 4 - O. Alaimo, Louis N.lHurricane Protection MOTION: Lanning/Mitchell I make a motion that we approve Mr. Alaimo to take the specialty contractor license and exam. ROLL CALL: Mr. Nagy - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Mitchell - yes Motion carried 4 - O. Cohen, Jeremiah/Ltd. Insulation MOTION: Mitchell/Carbano I make a motion to approve Jeremiah Cohen to take the Experior Limited Insulation Exam. ROLL CALL: Mr. Nagy - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Mitchell- yes Motion carried 4 - O. Olszowski, Piotr/Roofing MOTION: Mitchell/Carbano I make a motion to approve Piotr Olszowski to take the Roofing Experior Exam. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Mitchell - yes Mr. Nagy - yes Motion carried 4 - O. Heidenreich, Steve/StuccolPlastering MOTION: Lanning/Carbano I make a motion that we approve Steve Heidenreich to take the StuccolPlastering Exam. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mrs. Lanning - yes Mr. Mitchell - yes Mr. Nagy - yes Motion carried 4 - O. DeWeese, Michael A./Stucco/Plastering MOTION: Lanning/Carbano I make a motion that we approve Michael DeWeese to take the StuccolPlastering Exam. ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Lanning - yes Mr. Mitchell - yes Mr. Nagy - yes Motion carried 4 - O. VIOLATION HEARINGS: None BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS: None BOARD MATTERS: Mrs. Carbano read a letter ofresignation from Ken Mitchell. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None RECORD SCORES IN SCOREBOOK: Scores were recorded by Mrs. Lanning and Mr. Mitchell. 15 MINUTES TO PUBLIC: Mr. Troy Hering, Air-Tight Insulation, a spray foam insulation company spoke to the Board. He explained that everywhere they work at the present time is through an occupational license. He explained that each office is independently owned. None of the owners would be able to prove two years experience. Only the people who did the training would be able to do that. The Board explained that the only way they could do business in Sebastian was to take and pass an insulation exam. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.