HomeMy WebLinkAbout08022005 EB ~ ~~ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2005 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Present: Patricia Beckwith Michael Kidde Mary Ann Krueger Trish Adams AI Davis Absent: Therese Miller Excused: Michael Mugas Also Present: Council Member Sal Neglia City Manager, AI Minner City Clerk, Sally Maio, MMC Public Works Director, Terry Hill Recording Secretary, Jeanette Williams Neil Lagin, Sebastian Tree & Landscape Advisory Committee Member Charles Cardinale, Sebastian Tree & Landscape Advisory Committee Advisor 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - 7/19/05 Meeting On a motion by Mr. Davis with a second by Ms. Beckwith, the minutes were approved by a voice vote of 5-0. 4. REQUEST TO CITY MANAGER FOR AGENT TO ENFORCE ENVIRONMENTAL RULES & REGULATIONS (CITY EMPLOYEE) The City Manager stated environmental regulations are enforced by agencies such as the St. Johns River Water Management District and the Environmental Protection Agency. Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Augusl2, 2005 Page Two Ms. Adams expressed concern that structure safety is the building inspectors' priority and not required landscaping as stated at a recent workshop. Mr. Minner explained the inspectors are trade specialized. He stated that a revised tree and landscaping ordinance is moving forward and if the Committee is unhappy with the final product, it can be changed again. Ms. Adams asked why all concerns are not incorporated into the upcoming change. Mr. Minner invited the Committee members to give input at the upcoming Planning and Zoning hearing and Council public hearing when the revision is on the agenda. He also stated that Council hears their concerns by reading the monthly minutes. Mr. Minner stated commercial requirements can be addressed at a later date. Mr. Minner then reported on the new Growth Management Director to the Committee. Ms. Adams asked how the Filbert Street Stormwater Park is coming. The Public Works Director stated it is near completion, the pump needs to be installed and then it will be done. Ms. Krueger asked the City Manager for an environmental planner (employee) to be under the Building Department and read for the record the duties and qualifications of such an employee. Mr. Minner recognized that the City is not enforcing ordinances to an acceptable standard by the Committee but stated he did not include such a position in the budget. He explained the Building Department funds are governed on how they can be spent which may be only on construction services. He stated because he has so many other priorities that he would not approach Council with the position unless the Committee made a formal motion to this end at which time he would put the position on the 'cut list' for consideration during the budget workshop. He stated the budget meeting dates are Sept. 8 & 20. Ms. Adams suggested to voting on the top priorities to see if the position makes the top list. Side II, Tape I, 6:47 pm Ms. Krueger stated the employee would save the City money because the ordinances could be enforced. 2 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting August2,2005 Page Three 6. TALLY OF MEMBERS' PRIORITIES/PICK TOP FIVE Each member gave their top five priorities and the following were ranked with #1 being the most important priority. (see attached tally sheet) #1 - Strengthen the existing Sebastian tree and landscape Ordinance (residential and commercial), including strengthening the tree replacement requirement for commercial and industrial properties. #2 - Strengthen the Sebastian Waterfront Development Ordinances to promote conservation and avoid/ minimize impacts to the Indian River Lagoon. #3 - Investigate means within City budget (eg. building and land clearing permit fees) or other to hire a person to handle environmental code/rule enforcement. #4 - Review and strengthen developmental ordinances (P & Z) with emphasis on environmental conservation. #5 - Develop a program for treatment of drainage swales; fill where possible to collect and stormwater centrally and provide suggested plant palette relative to groundwater levels. Ms. Adams pointed out that #6 melds with #5. #6 - Reduce stormwater pollution from finding its way to the Indian River Lagoon through prohibiting chemical pesticides, fertilizers, etc. on landscapes of properties (commercial and residential) built on the east side of Indian River Drive. 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS Ms. Adams asked for assistance in completing the grant paperwork and work with staff for drain markers and Mr. Kidde offered his assistance. Ms. Adams also stated the County is also applying and perhaps the City can piggyback with the County. It was noted that the grant paperwork would also be coordinated with the City Manager. 3 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting August2,2005 Page Four A motion was then made by Mr. Davis and seconded by Ms. Krueger to ask the City Manager to create an environmental planner position to look at land clearing practices, bird migration, protecting species and wetlands, etc. This position would fall under and be funded by the Building Department. The motion passed on a voice voted of 5-0. Ms. Beckwith then made a motion that the Committee's top five priorities should be submitted to Council. Mr. Kidde seconded the motion which passed on a voice vote of 5-0. Mr. Minner offered to report the Committee's priorities to Council at the August 10th meeting. At the request of Ms. Krueger, Ms. Adams requested an alternate position for the Committee. The City Clerk stated she believed the Code provided for two alternates and if so, she will advertise for two more members, and bring the applications to Council for appointment. Discussion followed on the Paradise Marina Resort scheduled for the Board of Adjustment the following night. Ms. Adams expressed concerns for the reduction of setbacks which will increase run-off and point source pollution to the Indian River. She was also concerned with the precedence this would set. The Public Works director invited the Committee to come the Board of Adjustment meeting as citizens to express concerns. 8. PUBLIC INPUT Neil Lagin stated the Tree and Landscape Advisory Board is very concerned with the enforcement of the revised code and invited the Committee to their upcoming meetings. He also stated that they are helping the master gardeners get a County-wide agent with petitions. Ms. Krueger asked if trees are planted for new construction and then die soon afterward, shouldn't they be replaced. Mr. Lagin said he believed they should and in those cases Code Enforcement should be contacted. 9. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m. 4 Environmental Committee Priority Ranking* *The drain marker project will be done; therefore, it is not included in the ranking 1. Promote pedestrian transport or multi-modal paths throughout Sebastian (City). 2. Strengthen the existing Sebastian Tree and Landscape Ordinance (residential and commercial), including strengthening the tree replacement requirement for commercial and industrial properties. 3. Investigate means within City budget (e.g., building and land clearing permit fees) or other to hire a person to handle environmental code/rule enforcement. 4. Initiate a moratorium to ban the use of pesticides and herbicides on City property. 5. Have an alternate environmental committee member appointed by council in the event a member is absent. 6. Conduct a natural resource inventory throughout the City of Sebastian. 7. Have City Department heads meet with Environmental Committee to gain a better understanding of how the City operates. 8. Increase outreach (e.g., public/internal workshops, a standing column in Pelican brief, page on city website, drain markers, etc.). 9. Require aU pest management and fertilizer companies to become registered in the City. 10. Promote "smart" development or curb development east of Highway US 1. 11. Strengthen the Sebastian Waterfront Development Ordinances to promote conservation and avoid/minimize impacts to the IRL. 1 12. Reduce stormwater pollution from finding its way into the IRL through prohibiting chemical pesticides, fertilizers, etc on landscapes of properties (commercial and residential) built on the east side of IR Drive. 13. Promote the hiring of an environmental consultant similar to an environmental horticultural agent. 14. Develop a program for treatment of drainage swales; fIll where possible to collect and stormwater centrally and provide suggest plant palette relative to groundwater levels. 15. Promote sustainable building practices: use recycled material products; recognition of site context; integration of native landscape; promote biodiversity, design building relative to ecosystem and cultural context. 16. Provide recognition to businesses and individuals that exhibit sound environmental practices (possible tax breaks, advertising on City channel, etc.). 17. Review and strengthen developmental ordinances (P&Z) with emphasis on environmental conservation. 18. Gain a better understanding of Sebastian's proposed Stormwater Park, review and possibly provide comments. 19. Strengthen protection of State and Federal listed species and their habitat (e.g., gopher tortoise, scrub-jay, etc); possibly establish a fund that could be used to purchase/manage land for relocated species (gopher tortoises). 20. Establish a road bond. July 22, 2005 2