HomeMy WebLinkAbout11012005 EB 01Y OF ...... . . """'l ... . ~~ - ~~;p <- ~-: ~"'.;;:1:~~ HOME OF PEUCAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2005-6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chairman Adams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Trish Adams Patricia Beckwith Michael Kidde Mary Ann Krueger Jim Slattery Kristi Yanchis Absent: Michael Mugas Therese Miller' Also Present: Terry Hill, Director of Public Works Jeanette Williams, Recording Secretary 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - OCTOBER 4, 2005 On a MOTION by Ms. Beckwith and a SECOND by Mr. Kidde the minutes were approved with a voice vote of 5-0. 5 NEW BUSINESS A. Tim Glover, President, Friends of St. Sebastian River Not present. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Review Extension Services Material Ms. Beckwith distributed numerous pieces of literature for the members to review. Discussion followed on when new residents should receive landscaping 1 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee November 1, 2005 Page Two information. It was decided that Ms. Beckwith would obtain a new homeowner packet and review information provided in that and compare it to the literature she distributed. B. Changes to Residential & Commercial Landscape Codes Mr. Kidde distributed the Committee's recommendations for the residential landscape revision. (attached) Ms. Adams requested the addition of stringent regulation of mangrove trimming. Side II, Tape I, 6:47 pm. Ms. Beckwith requested no clearing when City Hall is closed be included. Ms. Adams requested that development at the airport require scrub-friendly trees. Discussion followed on controlling and eradicating exotic plants and whether the City could police everyone's property mandated by ordinance. Mr. Kidde will revise the Committee's recommendations for review by Council. Mr. & Mrs. Pat Purcell, 134 Columbia Street, asked if the pine trees removed because of Hurricane Wilma at the Wimbrow Street area park would be replaced. The Public Works director explained that seedlings maybe put in but the area is slated to be a passive recreational area. Ms. Adams asked if Council would consider mandating a 10 or 20 foot buffer on unimproved lots to prevent the spread of invasive plants. C. Tweak New Resident Brochure Ms. Adams asked that one sentence be corrected and then the brochure could be given to Council for approval. The Committee will attend the November 16th Council meeting to request a standing column in the Pelican Brief and a slide presentation for the City's PowerPoint presentation on Channel 25. Side I, Tape II, 7:30 pm Mr. Slattery pointed out mangrove language in the commercial code. D. Tweak Environmental Planner Job Description & Justification Ms. Krueger read her justification for a planner. Ms. Adams and Ms. Yanchis suggested the position be called an environmentalist specialist which is broader and better than environmental planner. Ms. Adams reported that at a recent meeting attended by her and the City Manager it was suggested that a specialist would aid in compliance matters and the job descriptions be sought from other cities and counties for review. The Committee planned to attend the November 16th Council meeting to request support for an environmental specialist. She suggested the specialist could implement an environmental GIS mapping system for the City. 2 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee November 1, 2005 Page Three 7. CHAIRMAN'S MATTERS The Chairman's concerns regarding undeveloped lots and the specialist position were addressed under the preceding items. 8. MEMBERS' MATTERS Kidde - none. Krueger - Would like to form a county wide S.W.A.T. team (Save Water Animals and Trees) made of experts; spoke on the proposed fishing village and the Paradise Marina and Resort; a moratorium on development on the east side of Indian River Drive; requested observation of Brevard County's crew and kayak license fee proposal; stated we needed to keep the density down so environments are not destroyed in storm situations. Side /I, Tape /I, 8:20 pm Miller-not present. Mugas-not present. Slattery-suggested the Sebastian High School Environmental Academy help with the SWAT team; pointed out the biggest areas left to develop are the Airport and Golf Course. Ms. Adams suggested vegetating the Airport with scrub trees. Ms. Adams reported the re-alignment of Barber Street will impact some of the lots the Pelican Island Elementary School Eco-Troop purchased for the scrub jays in 2003. Yanchis-none. Beckwith-none. Mr. Davis' resignation was discussed and the two alternate members would like to be considered for the regular member position. 9. PUBLIC INPUT None. 10. The Chairman reminded everyone of the pesticide class to be held at McKee Botanical Gardens November 12th and being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Approved at the 6 ~ec Z005 meeting. ~h11;/jj UJ~~ Janette Williams, Recording Secmtary 3 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE TREE PROTECTION AND LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Date: 1 November 2005 1. Increase the number of permitted canopy trees to promote biodiversity. 2. Provide a standard for the inclusion of understory trees into the ordinance to help alleviate the loss of wildlife habitat. 3. Increase tree replacement requirements for commercial and industrial properties to encourage the retention of existing trees. In addition the tree credit for saving existing trees on site could be increased to further emphasize this ideal. 4. Allow for increased tree credit for the transplant of existing trees on-site. 5. Increase the use ofxeriscape principles in landscape and irrigation requirements such as the separation of irrigation system zones for sod areas and planting bed areas and the encouragement of the use of diverse shrub masses in lieu of hedges. 6. Decrease the sod area percentage maximum to 35% to provide for better screening, increase the areas biodiversity and to reduce the need for sod maintenance. 7. Increase the restrictions on scrub habitat destruction. 8. Require home builders to provide landscape ordinance to home buyer, preferably before construction starts. This could be accomplished by requiring home buyer to pick up ordinance from Building Department prior to issuing Clearing Permits.