HomeMy WebLinkAbout11082005 CB r -. ...'."_..,""'.......,..,.-:-~.,.......~.,.,.----._,.~.,..-~..:...--.':-.,;;-_..,.~..:,,,....- --, -'--'~' .,_.~~y"_... -.- ~1~~~fR"AN _ (80ARD}=~~ :IDou APPROVt::D'''''~~L="","""",D/},TE. ~ SEBASTIAN CONSTRUCTION BOABJ),ROVES ~itH:;j;;:CT TO__ REGULAR MEETING -~..=~_~~~c,___...........,_ NOVEMBER 8. 2005 -7:00 P.M. Meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Morris at 7:00 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: Present: V.C. Morris Mrs. Carbano Mr. Dalessandro Mr. Nagy Absent: Ch. Garland Mr. Conover Mrs. Lanning Ms. Falco All are excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meetings held 7/12/05; 10/11/05. MOTION: CarbanolDalessandro I make a motion we approve the minutes of July 12, 2005 and October 11, 2005 as written. A voice vote was taken - passes unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Experior Exam: Meyer, Karl E.lGeneral Construction Mr. Meyer was sworn in by V.c. Morris. In reviewing Mr. Meyer's application the Board felt that there was no proper verification of experience. MOTION: CarbanolDalessandro I make a motion that Karl Meyer be allowed to take the General Construction Exam contingent upon a letter from Albert Marine Construction stating his dates of employment and what he actually did. -----.'.----.-.,..-----' ---,.-.:-'!'""":~-.-.:''7. ' '~-._'-_...,. >_,-,-, ,m, "{" ROLL CALL: Mrs. Carbano - yes Mr. Dalessandro - yes Motion carried 4 - O. Kouns, Donnie J.lIrrigation Sprinkler Mr. Kouns was sworn in by V.C. Morris. MOTION: Carbano/Morris ~. :'''" "'~-""'H1i1"'-.'" .7)!:[""<,'~~:~\'"::;~':'""-.~~':'; :!:<~Y' ''f "'~""V:W' Mr. Nagy - yes V.C. Morris - yes I make a motion that Donnie Kouns be allowed to take the exam for Irrigation Sprinkler. ROLL CALL: Mr.Dalessandro - yes Mr. Nagy- yes Motion carried 4 - O. Maresca, Scott/Tile Mr. Maresca was sworn in by V.C. Morris. MOTION: Carbano/Nagy V.c. Morris - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes I make a motion the Mr. Maresca be allowed to take the Tile Exam. ROLL CALL: Mr. Dalessandro - yes Mr. Nagy - yes Motion carried 4 - O. Holycross, Curtis R./Tile Mr. Holycross was sworn in by V.C. Morris. MOTION: Morris/Nagy V.C. Morris - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes I make a motion that we approve Curtis Holycross to take the Tile Exam. ROLL CALL: Mr. Dalessandro - yes Mr. Nagy - yes Motion carried 4 - O. VIOLATION HEARINGS: None. V.C. Morris - yes Mrs. Carbano - yes r'-'~"'T'-"-" -. "' ~._.........,.- BUILDING OFFICIAL MATTERS: None. BOARD MATTERS: The Board Secretary told the Board that the City Clerk asked the secretaries who had night meetings to see if their boards would be willing to meet earlier in the day. V.C Morris noted that since we only had 4 members at the meeting that this be discussed at the December meeting. He also requested a letter from the City Clerk's Office explaining the reason for changing the time of the evening meetings. ATTORNEY MATTERS: None. RECORD SCORES IN SCOREBOOK: MorrislDalessandro 15 MINUTES TO PUBLIC: None. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.