HomeMy WebLinkAbout03162006 LPA CITY OF SEBASTIAN LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY /' HAlRMAN '" - (PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION\SOARD) .e; ~ Cetvl~l S ~td'-... AI':'':lR'~VCO~- OATe''1I" lov, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ,.. ,),~ I~~- ..... APPROVED SUBJECT TO MARCH 16, 2006 ---.-..- .... Chairman Allocco called the meeting to order at 7:46 P.M. and noted for the record since the pledge, roll call and announcements were done at the start of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, it will be waived at this time. PRESENT: Mr. Buchanan (a) Chmn. Allocco Mr. Paul Mr. Oakes Mr. Celli Mr. Keough Mr. Mahoney EXCUSED: Mr. Kidde Mr. Simmons;a( ALSO PRESENT: Rebecca Grohall, Growth Management Director Jan King, Growth Management Manager Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Linda Lohsl, Recording Secretary Rich Stringer, City Attorney Lorraine Tappen, lIer Planning Group NEW BUSINESS: REVIEW AND MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL REGARDING REVISIONS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Ms. Grohall introduced Lorraine Tappen of the lIer Planning Group. Ms. Tappen gave an overview and brief history of the project. She presented a Powerpoint slideshow, which is attached. She noted the updated elements to be Future Land Use, Transportation, Housing, Public Facilities, and Capital Improvement. These were the only elements being updated at this time. Each element has two sections, the data inventory analysis which is a survey of existing conditions and proposed conditions in the city and the second half is the goals, objectives and policies which basically lays out the city's intention for land use and for maintaining concurrency and managing growth in the city. Under the future land use data inventory analysis, Ms. Tappen focused on the population projections. The State of Florida DCA requires that data is taken from the Shim burg Center at University of Florida and they use historical projections to calculate population. Ms. Tappen noted undeveloped lands and 400 acres of conservation area. She noted the city remains largely low-density residential and the high density was stricken out of the future land use element. Another change was the commercial 512 land use was added to the table. The Community Redevelopment Area is defined within LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 16,2006 the future land use element. She suggested the city should amend the land development code to reflect the Community Redevelopment Master Plan. The transportation element is based upon the future land use element. Ms. Tappen displayed a table showing adopted and actual levels of service and explained the letter coding system of A to F. Ms. Grohall added that she has been in meetings with the county to coordinate traffic impacts from city and county projects. Ms. Tappen continued with roadway capital improvements. The housing element requires the city to analyze housing extensively in the city, find out about ownership, affordability and in the goals and policies lay down certain policies and objectives to make sure there is a variety of housing within the city. As of the 2004 census, 94% of the homes in Sebastian were owner occupied, which creates a stable community. The density incentive was removed from the housing element. Indian River County provides sanitary sewer to select areas of Sebastian. Ms. Tappen reviewed the figures allowed for residential and commercial/industrial uses. Most of Sebastian utilizes private wells however; many are on the county water system. The county has more than sufficient capacity to provide water to the city. A new policy that is important, from the community redevelopment master plan, is that the land development code should be amended that any new development within the community redevelopment area be required to hook up to Indian River County utilities. This is important due to the proximity to the Indian River Lagoon, especially the chance of septic systems leaking into the lagoon. Solid waste is contracted with Waste Management, which brings the refuse to the county landfill. Chmn. Allocco questioned Ms. Tappen's figure of the landfill being usable through 2052. He asked if that figure was calculated before or after the hurricanes, because we have lost eight years of capacity since the hurricanes. Ms. Tappen did say the figures were comprised prior to the hurricanes and said she would check into the revised figures. In 2004 the city adopted a master stormwater management plan and set a stormwater level of service for onsite drainage of a ten-year twenty-four hour design and for offsite drainage, a twenty-five year twenty-four hour design. Within the management plan the city expects to purchase specialized equipment in order to help with stormwater management, develop a contour to delineate sub-basins and flooded areas and interlocal agreements with the county to maintain the Wentworth ditch and some baffle boxes. The capital improvement element was updated in 2002 and that is why there is fiscal year 2003 and 2004 information within it. Basically, the capital improvement element wraps up the whole comprehensive plan starting with the future land use element, transportation, parks, public facilities, inter-governmental coordination sets all the things needed to support existing and future development and the capital improvement wraps it up. Ms. Tappen noted in 2005 the Florida Legislature passed significant growth management legislation, which affects comprehensive plans. One is the potable water element must be updated within eighteen months of the updated regional water supply plan. The St. John's River Water Management District just approved that plan February 8, 2006 so eighteen months from now the city does need to update the potable water element of the public facilities element to adapt to alternate water supplies and a few 2 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 16,2006 other state requirements. Before 2008 a public schools facility element must also be adopted so that the city will then be establishing a level of service standard also for public schools as well to assure that there's enough schools for existing development and new development in the city. Finally the capital improvement element starting December 2007 will need to be revised on an annual basis, including the schedule of capital improvements. The capital improvement elements from that time must show financial feasibility, meaning that the funding source for any capital improvement must be shown as a definite funding source whether it comes through the general revenues or from some other special funds in the city budget. As an example, you have a capital improvement that is dependent on a grant, you must show where you would get the money if you don't actually get the grant. In terms of mitigation, if you ask a developer to pay for roadway improvements or a new park or piping for potable water or wastewater, you must show the amount they are paying will be proportionate to the benefit they will get out of it. The next steps are your recommendation to city council for transmittal to DCA. Then DCA reviews the plan and will issue a report of objections, recommendations and comments on the update. Once the comments are addressed, the comprehensive plan update will then be brought back to the city council for final approval and adoption. Chmn. Allocco asked about the public school facility element and that schools are not built unless there is a need. Ms. Tappen responded that this forces planning between the city, county and the school board. If this public school element was in place, then before new development could happen schools would need to be in placed. Mr. Stringer added that, according to the state, we are to have the planning, the financing and location all in place before the developments are approved and then wait until the student population need moves into the area before actually building the school facility. Mr. Keough asked if the developers planned for the Powerline/Main Street to CR 512 section of the transportation element. Mr. Stringer said the developers built two-thirds of it and the city obtained financial contributions towards the final third. Mr. Mahoney opened discussion regarding the annexation issue of the land use element. He noted the two philosophies of the city regarding residential and/or commercial annexation. Ms. Tappen said she used the language staff follows for annexations procedures and just cleaned it up to fit current procedures. Mr. Celli was concerned that the language referencing "Old Florida Fishing Village" could be misconstrued and wondered about the aesthetic guidelines enforcing the old fishing village. Ms. Tappen referred to the overlay district and added that specific guidelines for the old fishing village had not been established yet. Ms. Grohall added that some of the guidelines would include metal roofs with standing seams, the soft muted colors, many features already defined in the overlay district. Answering Mr. Celli's question regarding annexations, Mr. Stringer explained that annexations do not go before Planning and Zoning, just the land use designation and zoning category if the land were to be annexed. Chmn. Allocco asked the commissioners if they wanted more time to review the document. Ms. Grohall said it was her intent that tonight P&Z would move this item on to city council for numerous reasons. First, this has been in the works for some time, and once it is passed there is a whole new set of items that need to be worked on to 3 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 16,2006 insure the city is in compliance with state regulations. Secondly, the city's contract with lIer only gives our consultant tonight to be here. A lot of the items correct things that are stated in the Land Development Code but not in the Comprehensive Plan or contradictory in the Comprehensive Plan, so we are bringing the two documents into agreement with one another. In response to Mr. Paul's request, Ms. Grohall and Ms. Tappen highlighted key points of each section. First, this is an approval to forward to city council for transmittal to DCA for their review and comments. The Comprehensive Plan comes back so the DCA comments can be included and the revised copy is presented to city council for final adoption. Major changes in the future land use element are changes to the densities. The creation of a new estate density of three units per acre, removed the high density character, which allowed twelve units per acre, and preventing mobile homes from coming back if they are "blown away" and not expressly permitted by the current code. With transportation, setting an overall level of service standard of D for the city for major roadways. Also, the city will need to complete a pedestrian/bicycle plan as well as create parking strategies for the Sebastian Boulevard CR512 area and support the current program of continuing the sidewalk program. The most important change in the housing element is the density incentive for affordable housing be taken out. The density incentive allowed up to twelve units per acre for affordable housing and that does not fit with your character at this point in any other land use densities. The new policy for an affordable housing project would allow the developer to ask for a deferment or waiver of fees. In the public facilities element, current level of service standards set by the county will be brought into the current public facilities element and at the same time also require any new development within the CRA hook up to potable water and wastewater systems. Capital improvements section is basically just summing up the level of service standards proposed throughout the comprehensive plan. Some of the other changes are minor such as changing a completion date. There was discussion regarding hooking up the sewer and water for existing residential lots. Mr. Stringer pointed out the Code of Ordinances require new construction hook up to potable water when available. Rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of historically significant housing is an existing policy in the original comprehensive plan and allows the city to support preserving historical resources. An example would be if there was an historical home in the CRA and someone wanted to make it into a gallery, it could be turned into a gallery as long as they preserve the character fayade of the home. Ms. Tappen explained mixed use is allowed in the CRA and Sebastian Boulevard triangle area and was already in the comprehensive plan. Ms. Grohall added that mixed use could be commercial on a first floor and residential on the second, or commercial on the first and an office on the second. 4 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 16,2006 Mr. Mahoney asked for an explanation of when concurrency is applied. Ms. Tappen replied when a development application is submitted, the planning department takes a very active role in concurrency management, particularly with transportation, insuring that level of service D is maintained and not increased to a level E or F. This city is already surpassing its level of service for parks. At this point the county has sufficient capacity to manage potable water and sewer. Answering Chmn. Allocco's question regarding qualified grant writers, Ms. Grohall said the city has several people on staff qualified to work with grant programs. The city does actively pursue a number of grants at any given time. Some examples include the CDBG, Community Development Block Grant project for Louisiana Avenue, which was a roadway improvement type of project with new lighting. Another is Florida Department of Recreation, which is an annual type of grant source and some city projects coming up that will use those funds are a new deck built in the Riverview Park area, as well as the splash pad children's interactive water playground area. Mr. Stringer added that the airport director had obtained grants, as did the stormwater department, recreational department and other department heads do it under the direction of the City Manager. Commissioners commended Ms. Tappen and Ms. Grohall on the presentation and thanked them for the informative synopsis. Mr. Stringer noted that the initial comprehensive plan in 1991 won awards, however the 1999 update did not make many changes. He added the structure is good and it appears they have gone through the document and fixed a lot of the out dated areas. Mr. Celli noted areas in the plan that mention change by 1996 or 1998 and asked if they want those areas identified so they could be updated or removed. He asked what the time frame would be between the plan going to city council and the transmittal to DCA. Ms. Grohall asked if they could get any corrections to her within the next week so it could be fixed. MOTION by Oakes/Keough approve the transmittal with the exception that the minor issues as far as dates will be updated and that the transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs be given to the City Council for consideration. ROLL CALL: Mr. Buchanan Mr. Mahoney Chmn. Allocco Mr. Celli yes yes yes yes Mr. Keough Mr. Oakes Mr. Paul yes yes yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried unanimously. ATTORNEY MATTERS: Mr. Stringer apologized to Mr. Keough that he was not aware Mr. Keough was not at the meeting on the boat ramp. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Ms. Grohall thanked the commission for their work the issues presented. She added that once this has been worked out there are numerous issues that will come before them with regard to recent changes to the legislature. 5 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 16,2006 Chmn. Allocco adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m. (3/21/06 sbl) 6 . ",,~0-7 7-0--'---0-- -'-+-'-~--'-,"",--O-.... . . ~. Ca~ital,lmpr~\l~m~nt L.ipdatedin 2002 Qompr:ehensive Plan Update 1 . . . .;,.,,'< ~!~~R3!?t~~~~~!~~c_+--_._-~+~~t,;~I. .<< LaQ9yage cUmber~.b{Tle,contr~~iictQo/"- <<Policies do ndt-r~flectla.nd devela:p'inent code or Qurre'lt Cityiniti.atiVe.s. << Incorporate2006Censllsinforrnlatf'0n . . -. . ..' , <<:Ke~p..up'with futur~.~rowth , . \ ."".. -..; . .. ; - .,-:, .,':: \: << .Co,{lSi~te.ncyWith..~C ~(\Plan <<.Remove .com pl'eted.obj.~ctives', j~ ',.' ''''''''KACH,,",,_ ~ . GomplJ~hensive Plan Update Elements Updated _ _.J,~ :-.~~; _ --2-,~._ _~ _,_ ___ _....:~._._,>_:~ ~,~~ .Futur~ La,ndUse - << TranspoJtati6n. ~ Ho~sing . Rublic Facilities ..'c;apitallmprovemenf Comprehensive Plan Update . lEG ~~-.. 2 . ,.. :~ Comprehensiv~ ;Plan,Element~. -~- ----------- --------~-~- --~--~- ---_\ . . . " __~_-"'_ -',' _,' ',', ,.,' -~'~'__.-.. - _ ': ,': ,_:'_ :'_'" .,:<':~" "\'_'"'-\_.:.,'7\'-'-~-: Co'_":' <<Da....ta.I...nv~nt.o....ry. '. a..n...,.'.d. A..n..,.. alys.. i.s. '.'... {. ,'. 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"V' '.'.~'-"',; ~"* .,,'" , , ", '-". ". H<;rusing; Eleme1,1t , ..,.,,' ..;;' _~~ _~___~__~~__~___~~_.~~_~~_+~__~i .. .. c..',,' ,- . ". ',' ';' ,.'-, ',", ' ".' -.:' .-.' .....\,." , "it:;;.:'- '. Building P efm it Activ!ty. . , " \. ~' . ""',i , '\ " ..."," ~',::;" ~", ~ ,:;":,:,'} ~'.. . : '.:;~,., y:~~.: ~~"<L ~i;~t{::/ ' Q~mprehensive Plan .upcJate . """, ''':.. ....~-<< . ~_. '---- ' iIll . ,.:;: -,;, -r;,~);t~,,>',',:; ,~:.~!;,k t;,;-:,;~.'",,' ~'\; -I'R; "';-:'_""0 ,~c;,:\.','j u.-..-... 7':IY,~.,;: 1,>,_.iAOl~ . . Year-round hou~ingunits Occupied housing unlls' O~(,occt4pied'6nitS " Rent '.,occupied units Vacant' housing units 'VaC!lrit for-slll,a Homeqwrier vacanqy rate "'acant forZ~ent R'ent€r vacancY rate Seasonll!:or~sional use"'_;" ~ Otherit~caril Source: U.S. BureAu ofth,e Census Comprehensive Plan, Update 8 . , , lffC()Q1~ (, - ',-'," ,:- " .', ~ 'Sep.9$tl~n,. ~ Indian River COOr.lt~ , .<' ; '-., " '-::\1' . ,'. YOIJ1PfJJhensive PianPpdate . . 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C;ompr,ehensive PlanUpdat~ ..... .. \, . liR7 ; ~":lOAIlO:: . . 'Faclll North Re . lanai South Re lanai " otal. . 130urce:. Jn~ian River County UtilitieS'Dflpa~rrient, 2'004., '.' .' . , . Level of S~rvice- ... '." ........... .... '21,5. O. 9a." Hons Pl3r da.y.p.....e.... ...L4.lJ.it..(....t.\e.. '.' sIg.e..n.]j.ali.:~" 2,50o.g~lfqD$ per':dqy per-~:~~~A .. .."', '. (co'rntnerQiaI7i'ndustriaI) , '.>\, , "<-. . ...... " . -, ~.', ,,-'-':,: ", ,"'>:>,"-', -.,':-,' , ,:,~":':-'-':' ,-",\ .'Primary.sour.ce of potable:w~t~r-:'private"wells' . . Comprehensive Plan Update . lEG ~~- 10 . "Public Facilities Element --...:~ -:,::~-~-;-,,-- --.;-- --,":-::-:-,-.;..:-:-.;,:;.,- --,----.;--': ..:,::~.;c:,;, ,~ N~yv~.polipy for'eRA Deye16pment,,>~ ' .., " . . Am !3 lltl land develdpni~nt' code, torequira.hook-up''to In,dii:II:1 RlverUtilifies ' (J;?()tableWater and' Wastewater) . Qomprehens;ve Plan ,UP,dMe ' . . , Comprehensive Plan, Update " '. ,~IFG .' -~, "", ' ......-~ "",.-:p_l.UO<~ 11 . " -- Public Facilities Eletpent ,. --,:,-:-,~.-~~~-\.- ~,--:-'-.~.~-.~---:~!.-~~---"~~';-'---:- -,--.- -~~ \'. ',- ~,,'~; '<,. Stormwater Level bfSeJvi.ce-\Lt, , ..J6~yJar/24-hOuLQe$ign:(~n~sjle)' ',: \ . " .>- ...~:,;; '... , ,',' "~~\-'-':""';::-' '. 2o'"year/2.4-hour design (off-~jfe) .;:~;:,: :_, -c. '-' "':"':":. "", ---,'\,,:, ,":'--'~, ..:'A~:':>:,'':''.>;:;';-~<' ',~~'.~ ;, -~:-'_':'._",.' \..,0;"'<(,:,': .:~--.".'.~:-,::::,_:<,.::~..:.,-":,',:~,,~,~,.;,-'> . StQJ\mwater Management PI'an adopteQ;in.. ',' "', 2004 . ' \ ' "\ . ":. :,--'.- ':"- .','>-,,:,-- "'.:' " '-,,'>': ,\-:,',-,,:','< . . F>urChase'spe~iaH~q eqyiprl't~nf , , '\ , .,' \ \,:-. '. ~. ..~E>'ev'etop contour tode!ineBt~sub-ba5In~:,an.dlIC?pde,~f~reas'. .' . '. l(l,terlpcal~~reement With ~oli.nty~tQ mainta'jn W~ri~~~ "v_ , . .. \D_'tq,h~'~ nd' ,bafflyJ?o~es, <~:: ., " . '4 '", ;. ' < ':~, ",,~,,~~ . "" ~~l:. -,: ", >',' "", ";"':'<',.'1. , ~. '\, :'"""-',';<,, t",_:,',----'f..:,;";~,: ComrJreh~nsive Plan .UpcJat~ ,--.'.., , ,,,",, ',' ","_, _ " __. ' e . "-In.. \--~ rC':::' ',' ",;,:"'~'" ,",,:,',_N.OICM~ . . ,-::. :\, ,:":<\::, .:'i' ,':',,' ,::",'",',' ,>, ,-'_ 'i::,::',:',,:,"'<,t , PuolicF acilities Element' ':':; --.1,,:" :-:::~-"'::i\'-_'':''+_ _+.J, -:-.:-!:-~__~,_ ..:...~.~-:.:..:-. "'~,StormY"at~r Prbb.l.emAF~as; '." " ,We!jlwbrth 'Oiteh, . '. ~ ' ~: ,':,:i"" , ","_ ",,:,,:, ",_,,' ~ _':.'_'. , ' ~' Lake Hardee .~re,a River. ' . "Main Street Oftbh.., i~:,,"'\ ',,' ,::''-,'-.' ",_ ':,:, : ''', __:'., Periwinkle. Drive A'rea ' C_..,,':'::::_,' "\',": :,C;~ ',,' , ';,::~ ._-",:\.: - "\:"~ Midd/~\ StbnecriJp':Area. :\,,:,:,,:""~~'<,' - ,.1,':':' " ',:" . ,:~,,-_ ',:,':' -,:~,: ': ?,,:,",P\. ,fOlfl{ifJr.: StQnecrof(Areil, Comprehen$ive PlanUpcJate 12 . .pompr:ehensive Plan )jpdMe "nRi >, '" .;i :::.":co.: . . 13 . . . 14