HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter 5 - Facility Requirements I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FACILITY REQUIREMENTS OlTOf Sf. ]PG-IJ;\r', '-::::""'""0c---, ~~~ HOM~ OF PFJJr.AN l"LAWO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update <lIT.. SEBASTIAN ~."C-< __ or' ____, '-'~'-~ ," HOME OF PWCAN ISLAND Chapter Five - Facility Requirements INTRODUCTION To ensure that Sebastian Municipal will adequately accommodate demand expected during the twenty-year planning period, this chapter is intended to establish facility requirements for the future development of the Airport. The principle challenge facing any growing airport is that of meeting future development requirements. Airport development is often costly and since each project is typically planned to last many years, care must be taken to ensure that each development project will help satisfy the projected level of airport needs. Increasingly, the nation's airports are facing serious deficiencies in their ability to provide the requisite facilities necessary to meet the public's demand for aviation services, both commercial and general aviation. It is important that airport owners and managers make sure they do not overlook valuable opportunities to develop facilities and resources. When these opportunities are missed, the airport loses potential revenues, tenants do not receive maximum benefit from their leases, and the users experience a lower level of service than might otherwise be obtainable. Conversely, it is equally important that owners continue to consider the quality of life of local residents around the airport when planning development. Meeting the growth demands of an airport in today's world routinely is balanced with the community's desire for aesthetics and environmental conservation. The planning process for Sebastian Municipal is no exception. This facility requirements analysis evaluates existing airport facilities (airfield and landside) against the projected level of demand to determine the ability of the airport to meet the forecast of future activity. The output of this analysis is the identification of excess or deficient capacity for the array of individual facilities comprising the Airport. Before facilities for Sebastian are evaluated, it is important to review criteria that are employed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the planning and design of airports. These criteria establish certain benchmarks that are used in the definition of adequacy or inadequacy for specified airport areas and facilities. Airport Role and Service Level The FAA, through publishing the National Plan of Integrated Airport System (NPIAS), establishes the role and service level of each airport included within this national planning document. The role for each airport identifies one of five basic service levels, which describe the type of public aviation service the airport is expected to provide to the community or area it serves. The role and service level also define the funding category set up by Congress to assist in airport development and to compete for federal funds. In past and the most recent NPIAS, the Sebastian Municipal Airport has been designated as a General Aviation airport. Airport Reference Code and Critical Aircraft A key element in defining airport development needs is establishing development guidelines that are directly associated with the size and type of aircraft activity the airport will be expected to serve. By determining the aircraft types expected to use the Airport, it is possible to establish a critical design aircraft that is then used for facility planning and design purposes. This critical aircraft is usually the most demanding aircraft using the Airport. There may be different critical aircraft(s) for different airport components, identified, if necessary, by approach category, by wingspan, and/or by weight. To be considered a critical aircraft, there must be a minimum of 500 annual itinerant operations conducted at the Airport by the aircraft. Itinerant operations are defined as flights originating at Sebastian and flying to a facility a minimum of 20 miles away or those operations terminating at Sebastian from an airport more than 20 miles away. 2002 5-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update <lIT.. SE.BASTY\N ~-' ,', ._ .,r> -...;: __.. --,'- '" -- HOME Of PtI.lCAN lSlAND Once the critical aircraft has been determined, an Airport Reference Code (ARC) is established based on specific characteristics of aircraft operating at the Airport. The two characteristics defining the ARC are critical aircraft's wingspan and approach speed. Because some aircraft may have large wingspans and relatively slow approach speeds, while others have high approach speeds and short wingspans, it is sometimes necessary to establish critical aircraft for specific airport design parameters. Likewise, the aircraft defining the critical wingspan for design purposes may not be the critical aircraft defining the runway pavement strength requirement. The ARC is identified using an alphanumeric designation, a letter designation followed by a Roman numeral. The letter designator is used to identify the Approach Category and the Roman numeral designates the Design Group in terms of wingspan. Table 5-1 and Table 5-2 delineate the criteria used in defining Aircraft Approach Categories and Aircraft Design Groups according to FAA Advisory Circular (AC) l50/5300-13 Change 6, "Airport Design." TABLE 5-1 AIRCRAFT APPROACH CATEGORIES Category Approach Speed (knots) A < 9l B 9l - l2l C l21 - 141 D 141 - 166 E > 166 Source: FAA AC 150/5300-13 Change 6. I TABLE 5-2 I AIRCRAFT DESIGN GROUPS Design Group Wingspan (feet) I <49 II 49 - 78 III 79 - 117 IV 118 -170 V 171-213 VI 214-262 Source: FAA AC 150/5300-13 Change 6. At Sebastian there are two active runways having similar physical dimensions. These two runway alignments ha ve historically been designed utilizing the same critical aircraft. The 1993 Airport Master Plan shows Runway 4-22 and Runway 13-31 as having both an existing and future ARC of B-II. This ARC was tied to the use of these runways by an operator having a Beech King Air C-90 (the King Air F90 has an ARC of B-1). As reflected in the aviation activity forecasts, the possibility of this aircraft and other larger aircraft still exists at Sebastian. However, as reflected in the inventory, the crosswind runway at Sebastian Municipal is only required in order to provide the appropriate wind coverage for the smaller and light aircraft (1 0.5-knot coverage). This includes the aircraft with an ARC of A-I and B-I. Currently, the critical aircraft operating on these runways on a regular basis is a DHC-6-300 Twin Otter with an ARC of A-II. Discussions are ongoing and significant potential exists for the basing of similar aircraft in the future. Based on visual observations it is known that the runways do experience operational activity by various aircraft, some of which are outside of the A-II and B-II classification, but are allowed to operate on the runway at the pilot's discretion. Given the physical characteristics of the runways and the preponderance of activity by the 2002 5-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update <lIT.. SlBAST!AN ~.~ .- ","-' '" --." .--C >--, '" -- HOME Of PWCAN ISLAND Twin Otter, it is recommended that the current ARC be A-II. However, in the future, only Design Group II standards are required for the primary runway. Thus, since aircraft with an ARC ofB-1l are projected later in the planning period, the criteria associated with this ARC will be used for Runway 4-22 design purposes. For Runway 13-31, the current ARC A-II standards can be maintained, but only the standards for A-I and B-1 are required. AIRFIELD REQUIREMENTS The demand capacity analysis in Chapter 4 indicates that Sebastian should not experience significant capacity related problems associated with the existing airfield facilities during the planning period. However, the demand/capacity assessment did note that enhancements to the airfield taxiway system should be given consideration to address operational activity and enhance the safety of ground movements by aircraft operating to and from the runways. These taxiway enhancements also act to enhance the capacity of the existing runway system by allowing aircraft to move on and off of the active runway system in a more efficient and safer fashion. The following sections discuss this airfield improvement as well as others at Sebastian that are deemed necessary facility requirements to optimize the airfield configuration. Runway Requirements As the primary airfield facility at any airport, a runway must have the proper width, length, and strength to safely accommodate the critical aircraft expected to use the airfield. Runway width requirements for airport design are delineated in FAA AC 150/5300 Change 6, "Airport Design." The design standards are based on the critical aircraft's Approach Category, Design Group, and the airport's approach visibility minimums. FAA AC 150/5325-4A, "Runway Length Requirements for Airport Design" and the FAA Airport Design software, Version 4.2D, provide guidelines to determine the ultimate runway length required at an airport facility. These guidelines consider airfield conditions including airfield elevation, mean daily maximum temperature, and effective runway gradient at the airport. Length determinations also consider critical aircraft data such as takeoff weight, length of haul, payload, and aircraft landing weight. Airport pavements are evaluated for several reasons. Evaluations are needed to establish load bearing capacity for expected operations, to assess the ability of pavements to support significant changes from expected volumes or types of traffic, and to determine the condition of existing pavements for use in the planning or design of improvements. Projects to rehabilitate runway pavements are routinely conducted every 15 to 20 years after the previous major rehabilitation, strengthening, or new construction. These projects, which repair damage to the runway pavements resulting from normal wear, need to be conducted even at airports with regular pavement maintenance progra~s. Runway 4-22 Recently the center 75 feet of Runway 4-22 was reconstructed while the remaining 37.5 feet on either side (originally 150 feet wide) was rejuvenated and resealed. A more recent lighting project changed this primary runway to 100 feet wide. Criteria contained in FAA AC 150/5300-13, Change 6, "Airport Design" states that for ARC B-Il, a runway width of 75 feet is required. The width of Runway 4-22 obviously complies with this requirement, but it can also accommodate aircraft with an ARC of B-III. Although Runway 4-22 will remain 100 feet wide, the Airport will remain a B-II designated facility. However, this 100-foot width allows the Airport to explore the future possibility of a precision approach to this runway as well as enable it to accommodate aircraft in the Design Group III category. 2002 5-3 I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. S[BAST~ ~~~ HOME Of ffi.ICAN iSLAND I In addition to issues associated with the width of the runway are other design related criteria tied to the requirement for a Runway Safety Area (RSA) and a Runway Object Free Area (ROF A). Both of these are defined surfaces that run laterally along the runway edge and off each runway end. These two surfaces are defined by the FAA as: I Runway Safety Area - A defined surface surrounding the runway prepared or suitable for reducing the risk of damage to airplanes in the event of an undershot, overshoot, or excursion from the runway. The RSA needs to be: (1) cleared and graded with no potentially hazardous ruts, humps, depressions, or other surface variations; (2) drained by grading or storm sewers to prevent water accumulation; and (3) capable, under dry conditions of supporting snow removal equipment, aircraft rescue and fire fighting equipment, and the occasional passage of aircraft without causing structural damage to the aircraft. Finally, the RSA must be free of objects, except for those that need to be located in the safety area because of their function. I I I Runway Object Free Area - The ROF A is centered on the runway centerline. Standards for the ROFA require clearing the area of all ground objects protruding above the RSA edge elevation. Except where precluded by other clearing standards, it is acceptable to place objects that need to be located in the ROF A for air navigation or aircraft ground maneuvering purposes and to taxi and hold aircraft in the ROF A. Objects non-essential for air navigation or aircraft ground maneuvering purposes are not to be placed in the ROF A. This includes parked airplanes and agricultural operations. I I The size of the RSA and ROF A are a function of the Approach Category and Design Group as well as the minimums associated with the most critical approach to the runway. Both ARC A-II and B-II require a 150 foot wide RSA (75 feet either side of the runway centerline) that extends 300 feet beyond each runway end, when the approach minimums are visual or not less than % mile visibility. The ROFA for Runway 4-22 is 500 feet wide (250 feet either side of the runway centerline) and also extends 300 feet beyond the runway end. Runway 4-22 meets the FAA width and length requirements for both the RSA and ROFA criteria. I I I Using FAA AC 150/5325-4A, "Runway Length Requirements for Airport Design" and the FAA's Airport Design software, runway length requirements were initially calculated for the critical class of aircraft using Runway 4-22. The runway length analysis was conducted utilizing the following Airport and runway data: I I I Airport Elevation: Mean Daily Maximum Temperature of the Hottest Month: Maximum Difference in Runway Centerline Elevation: Average Length of Haul Runway Conditions 23 feet 910F 1 feet 500 miles Wet and Slippery The results of the FAA software program are presented in Table 5-3. I I I 2002 5-4 I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. Sf-BASTIAN ~~ __._,r- -..;: __< -- '--..' . HOME OF Pf.IJ(AN ISlAND I I TABLE 5-3 FAA RUNWAY LENGTHS RECOMMENDED FOR AIRPORT DESIGN I I I Small airplanes with approach speeds of less than 30 knots Small airplanes with approach speeds of less than 50 knots Small airplanes with less than 10 passenger seats 75 percent of these small airplanes 95 percent of these small airplanes lOO percent of these small airplanes Small airplanes with 10 or more passenger seats 300 feet 800 feet 2,510 feet 3,080 feet 3,640 feet 4,260 feet I Large airplanes of 60,000 pounds or less 75 percent of these large airplanes at 60 percent useful load 75 percent of these large airplanes at 90 percent useful load 100 percent of these large airplanes at 60 percent useful load 100 percent of these large airplanes at 90 percent useful load 5,350 feet 7,000 feet 5,500 feet 8,320 feet I Airplanes of more than 60,000 pounds Approximately Source: Chapter 2 of AC 150/5325-4A, Runway Length Requirements for Airport Design. 5,020 feet I The current length of Runway 4-22 (4,024 feet) satisfies the recommended runway lengths for all small airplanes with less than 10 passenger seats. Runway 4-22 is just 236 feet short of the recommended 4,260 feet for small airplanes with 10 or more passenger seats. However, as was previously mentioned, although some of the larger business aircraft utilize this runway, it is only on an occasional basis. Due to the pavement strength ofthe runway, currently rated at 22,000 pounds for single wheel type landing gear, the larger heavy aircraft would conduct no operations on this runway. Calculations for the larger aircraft were included solely for comparison purposes. The runway length analysis was conducted under a worse case scenario assuming wet conditions during a hot summer day. Therefore, the current length of Runway 4-22 is considered adequate for the traffic expected to utilize the runway during the planning period. I I I I In addition to the runway length calculations, the chief pilot of the Twin Otter provided runway lengths and takeoff weights for this critical aircraft. Based on the information provided, the Twin Otter only requires 2,000 feet of runway with a takeoff weight of 11,595 pounds. The maximum allowable takeoff weight for this aircraft is 12,500 pounds. Because the Twin Otter is a Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) aircraft, it is very suitable for sky diving operations at airfields with short runway lengths. Based on this information, the current length of Runway 4-22 is able to accommodate all takeoff configurations of the Twin Otter critical aircraft. I I I Perhaps the most limiting feature of Runway 4-22 is the pavement strength. Based on data in the current Southeast U.S. Airport Facility Directory, Runway 4-22 is published as having a maximum strength of 22,000 pounds for single wheel aircraft. However, the runway can accommodate the largest ARC B-II aircraft analyzed with an average weight restriction of approximately 20 percent of the maximum allowable takeoff weight. However, for commercial charter and jet operations, the strength of Runway 4- 22 is not sufficient even at reduced operating weights. I I Due to the recent reconstruction of this runway, the pavement is rated in excellent condition. Therefore, no improvements are required for the Runway 4-22 pavement surface during the short or intermediate 2002 I 5-5 I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. S[BAST~ ~~ " ~_. ,r- ............ - -- ---:- '-'."". -" KOMi OF mlCAN ISlAND planning periods, although this does not preclude the need to undertake routine maintenance on a continuing basis. Pavement rehabilitation is anticipated to be necessary towards the end of the long-term planning period (15 to 20 years) to address normal wear. Runway 13-31 Currently Runway 13-31 has the standards required for the same class of aircraft (ARC A-II and B-II) that operate on Runway 4-22. As such, Runway 13-31 currently meets the width and length requirements for both the RSA and ROF A. Because the runway is only required to accommodate the crosswind requirements for smaller aircraft, these standards could be reduced those required for ARC B-1, if the City of Sebastian desired. Design Group I requires the RSA to have a width of 120 feet, a ROF A with a width of 400 feet, and for both the RSA and ROF A to extend 240 feet beyond the runway ends. As long as the airport can maintain the higher standards, it should do so. The criteria in FAA AC 150/5300-13, Change 6, "Airport Design" requires that runways serving aircraft of Design Group I or II have a width of75 feet. The current 150-foot width of Runway 13-31 meets this criteria; however, during the next pavement project, it is recommended that this runway be reduced to a width of 75 feet. The same runway length analysis was conducted for Runway 13-31 as that conducted for Runway 4-22. Because both runways have a length just over of 4,000 feet, the outcome of this analysis was the same. Therefore, the current length of Runway 13-31 is adequate for the planning period. As with the length of the pavement, the strength is the same as that for Runway 4-22 (22,000 pounds- single wheel configuration). However, Runway 13-31 has not been recently reconstructed. Cracks observed along Runway 13-31 allow for easy infiltration of water into the pavement structure. Extensive protrusion of grass through these cracks provides a visual depiction of the deteriorating condition of the pavement. Many of these cracks are as much as Yz inch in width in addition to multiple low spots where water accumulates causing hazardous conditions for aircraft. Therefore, while the existing weight bearing capacity for Runway 13-31 is sufficient for the critical aircraft, it still requires either a major rehabilitation or reconstruction of the pavement during the short-term planning period. Taxiway System Requirements A good taxiway system is designed to provide freedom of movement to and from the runways and between aviation facilities at an airport. This taxiway system includes entrance and exit taxiways, taxiway run-up areas, apron taxiways, and taxi lanes. Some of the basic design principles for a taxiway system as delineated in FAA guidance include the following: + Provide each active runway with a full parallel taxiway. + Construct as many by-pass, multiple access, or connector taxiways as possible to each runway and runway end. + Provide taxiway run-up areas for each runway end. + Build all taxiway routes as direct as possible. + Provide adequate curve and fillet radii. + Avoid developing areas, which might create ground traffic congestion. 2002 5-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. SI.BAST~ ~ ~~~ HOME Of Pf.IJCAN ISLAND Currently the taxiways at Sebastian have no formal identification; therefore, it is recommended that such a formal designation of existing taxiways be accomplished as part of this study. Recommendations for these designations are included in the alternatives chapter. Because Runway 13-31 and Runway 4-22 have the same ARC, the width of taxiways serving the two runways will be the same. As such, the current and future ARC requires all taxiways to have a 35-foot wide pavement. Each taxiway is also required to have a Taxiway Safety Area (TSA) and Taxiway Object Free Area (TOF A). For aircraft in Design Group II the TSA, which is centered on the taxiway centerline, is required to be 79 feet in width while the TOF A has a width of 131 feet. These dimensional requirements need to be kept in mind when reviewing the existing and proposed taxiway system that is delineated in the following sections. As with runway pavements, the rehabilitation of taxiway pavements is anticipated to be necessary over the course of the planning period. Given the fact that all of the taxiways at Sebastian are original and have never been rehabilitated, it is anticipated that most will require such rehabilitation during the short-term planning period. Routine maintenance will continue to be necessary on an annual basis to ensure the protection of the pavement and to enhance the life expectancy of the taxiways. The configuration of the existing airfield, including the location of the existing taxiways, was delineated in Exhibit 2-3. North-South Taxiway The north-south taxiway at Sebastian is located between Runway 4-22 and Runway 13-31 serving the departure ends of Runway 4 and Runway 13. As a result of the airfield's original military configuration, the current north-south taxiway is aligned along a 150- foot wide pavement. This pavement used to be one of four 4,000-feet runways on the airfield. What was then Runway 18-36 is now utilized as an assortment of various functions to include apron parking, taxiway, and airport access. Even though the taxiway has a visible taxiway centerline stripe with hold short lines located at the required locations, there are no distinguished markings designating the taxiway portion from the other functions. The alternatives chapter of this study will identify alignments of a 35-foot taxiway along this 150-foot pavement. In addition, designated apron and tiedown locations will be addressed. Due to the increasing age of this taxiway, the reconstruction/rehabilitation of this pavement in the near future will be required, along with the appropriate taxiway and apron markings. East-West Taxiway Similar to that of the north-south taxiway, pavement from the former Runway 9-27 is also being used as a taxiway. As such, this taxiway is 150 feet wide. Located between both active runways, the taxiway provides east-west airfield access through the intersection of Runway 4-22 and Runway 13-31. Due to the deterioration of the existing pavement, rehabilitation will be required in the near future. Markings along the east-west taxiway also need to be maintained on a regular basis. Before rehabilitation begins, there are various development issues that may limit or reconfigure this taxiway in the future. Likewise, the proposed full-length parallel taxiways to Runway 4-22 and Runway 13-31 (described in a later section) will affect the configuration of this taxiway. Therefore, the status of this taxiway in relation to a new taxiway system will be addressed in the alternatives chapter. Partial Parallel to Runway 4-22 The third taxiway is a partial parallel taxiway to Runway 4-22, located on the northwest side of the runway. This taxiway connects Runway 22 with Runway 13-31. The taxiway is 50 feet wide and 2002 5-7 I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. SEBASTIAN ~ ~~~ I HOME Of PWCAN ISLAND I assumed to be original airfield pavement, as the condition of this pavement is consistent with thatalready mentioned. Taxiway centerline stripes, with hold short lines located at all of the required locations, are visible; however, no side striping is depicted. I I I Typically, airports with the level and type of operations similar to those at Sebastian are sufficiently served by one parallel taxiway for each active runway. Currently, neither of the runways have a full- length parallel taxiway. Development of a parallel taxiway system for these runways would increase the level of safety related to aircraft operations at an uncontrolled facility and provide the airfield access necessary for future development. Due to the vicinity of the Sebastian Municipal Golf Course, a taxiway for Runway 4-22 would need to be constructed on the northwest side of the runway. I I I Currently the runway centerline to taxiway centerline spacing is 400 feet. According to FAA AC 150/5300-13, Change 6, "Airport Design," the separation standard for Design Group II aircraft on a runway with approach visibility minimums not less than % of a statute mile require 240 feet of separation. Therefore, 240 feet should be the minimum separation; however, because this runway is 100 feet wide, a 300-foot separation may be desired. At 300 feet, Runway 4-22 would have the ability to serve ARC B-II aircraft with approach visibility minimums lower than % of a mile. This may benefit the airfield beyond the planning period of this study if it is felt that a precision approach will eventually be established. Partial Parallel to Runway 13-31 I The fourth taxiway is also constructed to a width of 50 feet and provides partial parallel access between Runway 4-22 and Runway 31 on the south side of Runway 13-31. The condition of this pavement is consistent with that mentioned above and there are visible centerline stripes with hold short lines, but no side striping. I I I I I A full-length parallel taxiway will also be required for Runway 13-31 for the same reasons as for Runway 4-22, but this taxiway will not be immediately required. In addition to replacing the existing partial parallel to the south, the future demand for a parallel taxiway on the north side of Runway 13-31 will be necessary. This taxiway will be required to provide access to future airside parcels located north of the runway. Both parallel taxiways to Runway 13-31 need to have a runway centerline to taxiway centerline spacing of 240 feet. Connector Taxiway The fifth taxiway at Sebastian is a connector taxiway and is located in the easternmost portion of the airfield. This taxiway provides access between the primary east-west taxiway and the departure end of Runway 31. This originally paved, 50-foot wide taxiway is consistent with regard to condition and markings of those already mentioned. Therefore a reconstruction/rehabilitation should occur as soon as possible for this pavement. When the reconstruction or rehabilitation occurs, it should be to a width of 35 feet. I New Taxiways and Taxilanes I Additional taxiways and taxilanes will be required to access future airfield facilities as they are developed. This will include apron taxilanes to provide access to areas of the airfield developed during the planning period. The primary location for these will be in the West Quadrant, North Quadrant, North Infield Area, and South Infield Area. The final configuration will be dependent upon the ultimate hangar and ramp development in these areas. While the taxiways are required to be 35 feet wide, all future I I 2002 5-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. S[BAST~ ~~' - --.""'" -- '. --- - ~ --- HOME Of PtuCAN ISlAND taxilanes should be constructed to a width of 25 feet. The layouts of these additional taxiways and taxilanes are depicted in the alternatives chapter of this study. Run-Up Areas Although limited, both runways at Sebastian have areas available for aircraft run-up operations. Nonetheless, designated run-up areas will be required once full-length parallel taxiways are constructed and the north-south taxiway is reconfigured. All future run-up areas will need to be constructed to a size capable of accommodating Aircraft Design Group II aircraft. Pavement Markings Airport pavements are marked with painted lines and numbers in order to aid in the identification of the runways from the air and to provide information to the pilot during the approach to a runway phase of flight. There are three standard sets of markings used depending on the type of runway: 1. Basic -For runways with only visual or circle to land procedures. These markings consist of runway designation markers and a centerline stripe. 2. Non-precision - For runways to which a straight-in, non-precision instrument approach has been approved. These markings consist of runway designation markers, a centerline stripe, threshold bars, threshold markings, and aiming point markers. 3. Precision - For runways with a precision instrument approach. These markings consist of the non- precision markings plus touchdown zone stripes and side stripes indicating the extent of the full strength pavement. Runway pavement and displaced threshold markings are painted white, while taxiway pavement markings are painted yellow. Taxiways generally have a centerline and pavement edge stripes, plus holding line markings at the entrance to a runway. FAA AC 150/5340-1G, "Standards for Airport Markings," contains the precise details of these markings. All runway and taxiway markings periodically need to be remarked so that they remain visible to the users of the airport. Runway 4 is currently marked with designation and centerline markings. Although not required for visual approach runways, the runway does have a threshold bar. The only limiting factor for Runway 4 is the lack of runway side stripe markings. Runway side stripe markings provide a visual contrast between the runway and the surrounding terrain and delineate the width of paved area intended for use. Threshold bars are not required on visual runways or on runways where there is no pavement before the useable runway surface. The opposite end, Runway 22, is marked the same as Runway 4 with the exception that there is no threshold bar. It is anticipated that through the use of Global Positioning Satellites, Runway 4-22 will have at least one non-precision instrument approach, as well as the potential for a precision instrument approach. Therefore, consideration should be made to upgrade the pavement markings, to that required for non-precision instrument runways. The FAA allows runways to be marked one level higher than the existing approach for that runway; therefore, the Airport can upgrade Runway 4-22 to non-precision instrument markings at any time. Both ends of Runway 13-31 are marked as a visual runway. Depending upon the final runway configuration after Runway 13-31 has been reconstructed/rehabilitated, the addition of threshold bars would assist pilots in delineating the useable runway surface. Otherwise, Runway 13-31 will only require the addition of side striping and the periodic remarking for visibility. 2002 5-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. SlBAST~ ~~~ HOME Of ptUQ"N IStAND Pavement Lighting Only Runway 4-22 has a pavement lighting system installed that consists of Medium Intensity Runway Lights (MIRL). These lights are operated through the use of a pilot controlled system. According to FAA AC 150/5340- 24, "Runway and Taxiway Edge Lighting Systems," Medium Intensity Taxiway Lights (MITL) should be installed on all parallel taxiways that serve runways having High or Medium Intensity Runway Lights. Therefore, it will be necessary to install MITLs on the proposed full-length parallel taxiway for Runway 4-22. It is recommended that later in the planning period, MIRLs be installed on Runway 13-31. This improvement will enhance the safety of operations at the Airport by providing pilots with the option to land on either runway at night and during times of lowered visibility. Once MIRLs are installed on Runway 13-31, MITLs will also need to be installed as the proposed parallel taxiways are constructed. In the long-term, all of the remaining taxiways serving the airfield should be lighted. The addition of lights should be considered during the time that these taxiway pavements are being reconstructed, rehabilitated, or realigned. Airfield Signage Currently there is no airfield signage at Sebastian Municipal. As additional facilities are constructed or relocated on the Airport, airfield signage will be imperative to ensure the efficient and safe movement of aircraft to and from the runway environment. The signage will also be required as the overall level of operations increase. An increase in operations at the Airport will include an increase in itinerant traffic, which in turn indicates that the number of pilots not familiar with Sebastian will also increase. Airfield signage should be added with each runway and taxiway lighting project and at a minimum, should reflect the formal designations assigned to each runway, taxiway, and hold short location. Precision and Non-Precision Instrument Approaches The ability of the Airport to accommodate aircraft traffic, especially corporate and business aircraft, would be greatly enhanced if the airfield had one or more instrument approaches. Currently there are only visual approaches to all four runway ends at Sebastian. Instrument approaches can be either precision or non-precision. There are two types of precision instrument approach systems that are viable for installation at airports: an Instrument Landing System (ILS), which is the conventional system used at airports around the world today, and the operational capabilities that can be achieved through the use of the Global Positioning Satellites (GPS). The installation of a precision approach helps alleviate delays experienced at an airport during instrument meteorological conditions, thus increasing the airfield's overall annual service volume or throughput capacity. In addition, many aircraft operators prefer a precision approach when operating into and out of an airport facility. Current FAA standards require a 50: 1 approach slope surface to any runway that has a precision instrument approach. Although it is not required, a precision instrument approach to Runway 4-22 would greatly enhance the ability of the airfield to accommodate operations during poor weather conditions. The addition of a precision instrument approach is not required due to the level of operations conducted at Sebastian. In order to obtain the proper clearance and safety criteria associated with such an approach, the Airport will have to incur significant costs. These costs could include an Environmental Assessment, land acquisition, and obstruction clearing, to name a few. Additionally, due to space constraints, the Airport will never be able to accommodate the equipment required for a conventional ILS installation. However, the newer GPS technologies might make it possible for a precision approach to be established into Runway 4-22. GPS is a satellite based navigation system that consists of a 2002 5 -10 II I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update CIlY.. SlBASTL\N ~-' ;,.- ,-.,"" .---- --, ~-" .- HOME Of PUlCAN tSLANO network of satellites known as a constellation. This constellation provides a celestial reference for determining the position of any point on or above the Earth's surface. By analyzing the time delays of signals received from some of these satellites, a ground or air based receiver is able to determine latitude, longitude, and altitude. The basic GPS service provides users with lOO-meter accuracy 95 percent of the time. This level of service is appropriate for en route navigation and non-precision instrument approaches. However, in order to meet international standards with regard to such factors as accuracy, availability, and integrity of the GPS signals, augmentations to the basic GPS service are necessary. Two augmentations have been defined: wide area augmentation system (W AAS) and local area augmentation system (LAAS). W AAS provides the required accuracy, availability, and integrity to support GPS use as a primary means of navigation during all phases of flight through Category I precision approaches. Minimums for Category I approaches enable the properly equipped aircraft and trained pilots with the ability to descend as low as 200 feet before having the runway environment in sight. The W AAS will improve the basic GPS service to approximately seven meters vertically and horizontally. On-airport systems are not required to achieve a W AAS supported Category I precision approach. LAAS is intended to support approaches to Category I minimums in those instances where W AAS cannot provide the necessary satellite coverage to achieve Category II and Category III precision capabilities. LAAS accomplishes this by using ground stations at the airport to transmit corrected signals to the aircraft in less time. LAAS is expected to have aircraft positioning capability to within one meter or less. Full operational capability of W AAS is expected by 2003. LAAS capability will follow; however, the FAA in concert with two selected contractors is testing LAAS standards. Certain airports in the U.S. have or are in the process of establishing Special Category I (SCAT-I) approaches based on the LAAS architecture. These are private use approaches designed for a specific runway end, aircraft type, and crew and are established without Federal funding assistance. The results of these SCAT-I procedures will serve as input to the final determination of the LAAS standards. In addition to the precision approach capabilities of the GPS system, non-precision instrument approaches are also possible. The implementation of at least one non-precision approach is recommended for Sebastian. An approach slope surface of 34: 1 is required for all non-precision approaches. While it is possible to establish such an approach to each runway end, a detailed analysis should be made to determine which runway end would provide the most advantageous approach minimums as well as which would be the most feasible with respect to implementation costs, frequency of use, and its compatibility to surrounding land uses. Development of a non-precision instrument approach procedure will require the close coordination between the City of Sebastian and the personnel of the regional FAA Flight Procedures Office, in this case Atlanta (ATL FPO). The process to apply for such an approach requires that the Airport Sponsor establish its eligibility, request the approval for a new approach, and then actually formulate the instrument approach procedure. A questionnaire identifying the specific facilities and services available at the Airport will also need to be completed. Data requested in the questionnaire is based on the requirements of FAR Part 77, FAR Part 157 "Notice of Construction, Alteration, Activation, and Deactivation of Airports," and FAA AC 150/5300-13, Change 6, "Airport Design." It is recommended that the City of Sebastian begin the application process for such a non- precision approach to Runway 4-22 as soon as possible. Visual Landing Aids There are very few visual landing aids available to the pilots that operate aircraft into and out of the Sebastian Municipal Airport. As part of the runway lighting system, the identification of the runway end, or threshold, is of 2002 5-11 ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. SlBASTY\N ~ ~~ HOME Of PWCAN tSlAND major importance to a pilot during landing and takeoff. Therefore, runway ends and thresholds are equipped with special lighting. The identifying lights make use oftwo-color (red/green) lens, located at the runway end. When landing, the green half of the lens faces the approaching aircraft, indicating the beginning of the useable runway. The red half of the lens faces the aircraft on takeoff, indicating the end of the useable runway. Only the ends of Runway 4-22 have runway end/threshold lights as part of the current lighting system. Runway end/threshold lights should be included as part of the lighting system recommended for Runway 13-31. Runway End Identification Lights (REIL) provide pilots with a rapid and positive visual identification of the approach end of the runway during night, instrument, and marginal weather conditions. REILs also aid in identification of the runway end in areas having featureless terrain. The systems consist of a pair of synchronized white flashing lights facing the approaching aircraft, which are situated on each side, and a beam of the runway landing threshold. The beam axis is orientated 15 degrees outward from the line parallel to the runway edge and inclined at an angle of 10 degrees upward. The REILs emit a white strobe light simultaneously at a rate of one per second. A REIL system should be installed at both ends of Runway 4-22 during the short-term planning period, while REILs for Runway 13-31 can wait until much later in the planning period. The systems for Runway 4-22 should be installed before a non-precision instrument approach is established for this runway. Visual glide slope indicators provide the pilot of an aircraft with visual descent guidance information during the approach to a runway. These lights are typically visible from three to five miles during the day and up to 20 miles or more during the night. A Precision Approach Path Indicator (P API) system consists of two or four identical light units which project beams of red and white light. Depending on the aircraft's angle in relation to these lights, the pilot will receive a combination that indicates his position relative to the desired glide slope. The row of lights units is normally installed on the left side of the runway. As with the REIL systems, it is recommended that Runway 4-22 have a P API system installed on each runway end intended to receive a non-precision instrument approach. Runway 13-31 should also have a P API system for each end; however, these units are not needed until later in the planning period. There is only one lighted windsock at Sebastian located to the southwest of the runway intersection, approximately midway down the length of Runway 4-22. Lighted windsocks at each runway end would provide aircraft taking off or landing with visual wind information and should be programmed during the intermediate- term of the planning period. If a precision approach becomes available at Sebastian, the need for an approach lighting system may exist. A Medium-intensity Approach Lighting System (MALS) is recommended for Category I precision approaches when there are at least 300 actual instrument approaches made to the runway. It is assumed that if a precision approach existed at Sebastian, not enough approaches under actual instrument meteorological conditions would be made to justify an approach lighting system during the planning period. Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) services are dictated by the type and level of operations conducted. An index is based on the longest commercial service aircraft conducting five or more daily departures. Because Sebastian has no airline, regional/commuter, or charter aircraft that conduct five or more daily departures, the Airport is not required to have on-site ARFF facilities. Currently all Airport fire and rescue services fall under the Indian River County Emergency Service Special District as described in the inventory. 2002 5-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update all.. SEB~T~ ~ ~~~ HOME Of PWCAN IS1.AND Electrical Vault There is a need for the Airport to construct a facility dedicated to housing the airfield electrical equipment. Currently, the single voltage regulator for the Runway 4-22 lighting system is located on the east side of the Airport in the JS Aviation hangar. An electrical vault constructed and owned by the Airport is needed during the short-term planning period. The following chapter will identify potential locations for this facility. GENERAL AVIATION FACILITIES General aviation facilities addresses the aircraft parking and storage requirements for the Airport as well as the pilot/passenger space required. For planning purposes, based and itinerant aircraft requirements are usually considered separately since they serve different functions. At Sebastian, some aircraft parking areas accommodate both itinerant and based aircraft. However, for this study, the two will be analyzed separately, and then the total requirements of each will be combined together as a summary of the total aircraft apron required. In general, the aircraft parking and storage requirements at an airport are typically provided through the combination of some or all ofthe following facilities: Apron Area Small aircraft - an outdoor parking space with tie-down capability, sized to accommodate single-engine and light multi-engine aircraft. Large aircraft - spaces on a paved apron suitable for parking the larger business type aircraft, such as the Gulfstream, Learjet, and Falcon aircraft fleets. Hangars T -hangars - a fully enclosed building housing individual stalls, each capable of storing one aircraft, typically a single-engine or a light multi-engine aircraft. Clearspan hangars - a fully enclosed building typically capable of holding multiple aircraft each; these are often referred to as storage hangars. Corporate hangars - similar to clearspan hangars, but typically have an attached office. These hangars are assumed to hold one large jet or turboprop aircraft each. Shade hangars - a structure with a protective roof but no walls, typically capable of holding numerous aircraft each; these are often referred to as aircraft shelters or shade ports. With the exception of T-hangars, the Sebastian Municipal Airport currently utilizes all of the types of facilities described above to accommodate aircraft parking and storage. 2002 5-13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. S[BAST~ ~ ~~~ HOME Of PWCAN tslAND Itinerant Aircraft Parking Apron Area Requirements The requirement for itinerant aircraft parking can be derived by using the guidelines provided in FAA AC 150/5300-13 Change 6, "Airport Design." Based on these FAA guidelines, the itinerant parking demands for Sebastian were computed using the following steps: 1. Find the peak month average day itinerant operations. This figure is obtained by multiplying the figures in Table 3-7 with the corresponding locallitinerant split. 2. Add 10 percent to the above value to find peak day itinerant operations. 3. Find the total number of peak day itinerant aircraft. This is half of the peak day itinerant operations since it is assumed that each aircraft will make two operations. 4. Assume that 50 percent of the total number of peak day itinerant aircraft will need to be accommodated at one time. 5. Increase the final calculated amount by 10 percent. The FAA suggests that the value should be increased by 10 percent to accommodate expansion for at least the next two-year period. The final value is the total calculated demand for itinerant aircraft parking spaces. In order to determine the requirement for large aircraft parking (business jets) as opposed to small aircraft parking (single-engine, multi- engine, and rotor), the national growth rates for aircraft mix from Chapter 3 (Table 3-6) were applied. Table 5-4 reflects the results of these calculations. TABLE 5-4 ITINERANT AIRCRAFT PARKING SPACE DEMAND Year Single Multi Jet Rotor Total Itinerant Engine Engine Parking Spaces Base Year 2000 4 3 0 0 7 Forecast 2007 5 4 0 0 9 2012 6 5 0 0 11 2022 7 6 1 0 14 Source: THE LPA GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. Itinerant aprons are intended for relatively short-term parking periods, usually less than 24 hours (could be overnight), and are primarily for transient aircraft. Such aprons should be located as to provide easy access to the terminal, fueling, and ground transportation facilities. AC 150/5300-13 Change 6, "Airport Design" suggests that for planning purposes, the size of an itinerant apron should be based upon a minimum area of 360 square yards (SY) per itinerant aircraft. This includes a reasonable amount of room for the maneuvering and taxiing of aircraft. This area is appropriate for the type of general aviation aircraft that utilize Sebastian Municipal. Using the required number of itinerant aircraft parking spaces, the value of 360 square yards was applied for each single-engine aircraft, multi-engine aircraft, and rotor aircraft, while 1,000 square yards was applied per each itinerant jet expected. Table 5-5 reflects the itinerant aircraft apron area demand expected at Sebastian. 2002 5 -14 I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. SEBASTIAN ~-' .- .'r"..... _ c._ -........,....,v_ " HOME Of PWCAN ISLAND TABLE 5-5 ITINERANT AIRCRAFT APRON AREA REQUIREMENTS Year Single / Multi / Rotor Jet Total Itinerant Aircraft (SY) (SY) Apron Area (SY) Base Year 2000 2,520 0 2,520 Forecast 2007 3,240 0 3,240 2012 3,960 0 3,960 2022 4,680 1,000 5,680 Source: THE LP A GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. Based Aircraft Parking Apron Area Requirements For based aircraft, AC 150/5300-13 Change 6, "Airport Design" suggests that a minimum area of 300 square yards be used for planning purposes. This figure is lower than that used for the itinerant aircraft because it is assumed that a tighter spacing between based aircraft can be achieved. The actual area per aircraft on the apron will most likely vary, depending on the configuration and layout of the parking positions. It is also assumed that all of the existing and future based business jet aircraft will be stored in the hangar facilities. As with the itinerant aircraft calculations, the 300 square yards per based aircraft allows for sufficient clearance of wing tips and maneuvering. Table 5-6 provides the forecasted based aircraft parking demands and their related mix. TABLE 5-6 BASED AIRCRAFT PARKING DEMAND Year Single Multi Jet Rotor Total Engine Engine Parking Demand Base Year 2000 32 10 0 0 42 Forecast 2007 39 12 0 0 51 2012 45 14 0 0 59 2022 57 17 2 3 79 Source: THE LPA GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. To determine the amount of apron area required for based aircraft parking, a few considerations must be made. First, it has been estimated that c1earspan hangar facilities at Sebastian accommodate approximately 38 percent of the current based aircraft. Of the 42 based aircraft counted at Sebastian, 26 (62 percent) were observed to be stored outside. Discussions with the City and Airport Management indicated that new tenants will arrive and that plans for hangar facilities were included as part of the lease negotiations. These plans, along with the discussion about constructing T-hangars in the near future, indicated that the Airport would experience a shift towards more aircraft stored in hangar facilities than stored outside. Second, the weather in Florida is hot and wet year round. These facts, when taken into consideration with the cost to own and operate private aircraft, supports Florida's trend of a high demand for private aircraft hangars. In the past ten years, the demand for hangars has increased dramatically in Florida. Aircraft owners prefer facilities such as T -hangars if they are provided at a reasonable rate. In fact, there are airports in Florida that have 90 percent of the based aircraft stored in hangars. Therefore, approximately 60 percent of the based aircraft parking demand will be met through the use of hangar facilities by 2002 5-15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. SEBASTIAN ~ HOME Of PlUCAN ISlAND the end of the planning period. Table 5-7 shows the amount of apron area that will be needed to accommodate the remaining based aircraft. TABLE 5-7 BASED AIRCRAFT APRON AREA REQUIREMENTS Year Percent of Based Aircraft Total Based Aircraft Apron Total Based Aircraft Stored Outdoors Parking Spaces Apron Area (SY) Base Year 2000 62% 26 7,800 Forecast 2007 55% 28 8,400 2012 50% 30 9,000 2022 40% 32 9,600 Source: THE LPA GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. Summary of Itinerant and Based Aircraft Apron Area Requirements Table 5-8 provides a summary of the total apron area requirements for itinerant and based aircraft at Sebastian. TABLE 5-8 TOTAL APRON AREA REQUIREMENTS Year Total Itinerant Aircraft Total Based Aircraft Apron Total Aircraft Apron Apron Area (SY) Area (SY) Area Required (SY) Base Year 2000 2,520 7,800 10,320 Forecast 2007 3,240 8,400 11,640 2012 3,960 9,000 12,960 2022 5,680 9,600 15,280 Source: THE LPA GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. An estimate of the total amount of existing apron space at Sebastian is reflected inTable 5-9. These areas do not include the individual aprons located in front of private hangars. TABLE 5-9 TOTAL EXISTING APRON SPACE Airport Area Apron Area (SY) West Quadrant 1,200 East Quadrant 600 Total 1,800 Source: THE LP A GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. The sum of the existing apron areas is 13,480 square yards less than what has been calculated to be required by the end of the planning period. While at the Airport it appears that the current demand for apron space is being met, the existing configuration does not allow for the proper FAA taxiway and taxilane object free areas. Therefore, additional apron space for the parking of aircraft will be required in the short-term and throughout the planning period. It should be noted however, that even more apron area may be required as new tenants begin 2002 5-16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update <lIT.. SfJ~~T~ ~ ~~~ HOME Of nucAN ISLAND operating at the airfield in different locations than those possessing the available aprons. Floodlighting is recommended for any future aprons. The strategic location of apron area floodlighting will add safety and security to night operations and overnight parking conditions. The following chapter, which deals with alternatives for the development of the airport, will provide additional detail regarding the location of additional aircraft parking facilities. Hangar Demand As previously mentioned, the demand for based aircraft hangar space at Sebastian is expected to increase from the current level of 38 percent to 60 percent by the end of the planning period. Since only a very small percentage of itinerant traffic (maintenance and occasional overnights) utilizes an airport's hangar facilities, only based aircraft demand has been used to plan hangar space requirements. Table 5-10 reflects the number of based aircraft that will require hangar space in the future. TABLE 5-10 TOTAL HANGAR REQUIREMENTS Year Percent of Based Aircraft Total Number of Total Number of Stored in Hangars Based Aircraft Hangar Spaces Base Year 2000 38% 42 16 Forecast 2007 45% 51 23 2012 50% 59 29 2022 60% 79 47 Source: THE LPA GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. During a field visit to the airport, there were 16 of the 42 based aircraft stored in hangars. Of these 16 aircraft, none were stored in T-hangars, six in private clearspan hangars, and the remaining ten aircraft were distributed among the three larger clearspan hangars. This distribution of hangared aircraft has been applied to represent what the future breakdown of hangar type will be. The resulting figures include the assumption that 40 percent will be stored in T-hangars (beginning in 2007), 30 percent in corporate/private clearspan hangars, and 30 percent in FBO/large c1earspan hangars. Table 5-11 reflects the number of hangars required during the planning period in addition to the existing hangars. TABLE 5-11 REQUlREMENTFORHANGARSPACEBYTYPE T -Hangars Corporate/Private Clearspan FBO/Large Clears pan Hangars Hangars (5 aircraft per) Year Based Aircraft Units Based Aircraft Number Based Aircraft Number to Use (40%) Required* To Use (30%) Required* to Use (30%) Required* Forecast 2007 9 9 7 1 7 1 2012 11 2 9 2 9 0 2022 19 8 14 5 14 1 Source: THE LP A GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. *Note: Column represents the total number of additional facilities required during that planning period. 2002 5 -17 I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update "".. SEBASTIAN ~"C-< , . r;, -...:::, - -,- - HOME Of PUIC.AN ISLAND Demand for General Aviation Pilot and Passenger Terminal Space Currently there are two FBOs on the airfield that provide an undetermined amount of pilot and passenger space. However, eventually the Airport will need a terminal building that can become the primary focal point for the itinerant traffic coming into Sebastian. Whether such a new terminal facility is operated by one of the existing FBO tenants is not a topic for discussion in this study. Instead, this study addresses the size and location for such a building. The following analysis was conducted to estimate what size of a terminal facility would be required to accommodate the pilots/passengers expected during the planning period. The actual location of such a facility will be addressed in the alternatives chapter. Peak hour pilots/passengers for general aviation operations project the highest average number of pilots and passengers that use an airport during a one-hour period. To estimate the peak hour pilots/passengers for the Airport, the following assumptions were made: + Only itinerant operations would require terminal space at the Airport. + Since arriving and departing general aviation pilots/passengers could use the terminal at the same time, the number of peak hour itinerant operations was not adjusted (i.e. was not split in half). + Each general aviation operation (arriving or departing) was estimated to have an average of two people on board (passengers and pilots). + An area of 200 SF was used for each pilot/passenger to determine the terminal space requirements. This value per pilot/passenger incorporates all functions of a full service general aviation terminal building such as FBO counter, waiting area, snack room, pilot's lounge, restrooms, etc. The results in Table 5-12 show that 2,800 square feet (SF) of terminal space will be required by the end of the planning period. These estimations are based on the projections of the forecast chapter. TABLE 5-12 GENERAL AVIATION TERMINAL SPACE Year Peak Hour Peak Hour Number of Total Terminal (AD PM) Itinerant Ops Pilots/Pax Space (SF) Base Year 2000 13 4 8 1,600 Forecast 2007 16 5 10 2,000 2012 18 5 10 2,000 2022 24 7 14 2,800 Source: THE LPA GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. AIRPORT ACCESS, UTILITIES, AND AUTOMOBILE PARKING An integral yet often overlooked aspect of an airport's operation is that which is not related to aircraft or air travel. The landside facilities such as local street access, automobile parking, airport circulation roads, etc., are of major importance to the airport user. Since the landside components are the first and last impressions a user of the airfield receives, they are important to the overall perception of the airport facility. 2002 5 -18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. SE.BAST!AN ~."~'~ ~~ HOMI Of PWCAN lSLAND Airport Access The City of Sebastian should continue to maintain the eXIstmg access roads to accommodate the actIvIty anticipated during the planning period. In addition, future access improvements will be required in the following areas: North Quadrant With the exception of a significantly small portion of the golf course, there is currently no development on the north side of the airport. Any facilities that may be located within the north area will require access that either stems off of Airport Drive West or directly off Roseland Road. Currently the northern half of Airport Drive West is paved, but any significant development in the North Quadrant will require an extension to this road. The other option is to run the new access straight out to Roseland Road. This will have to be evaluated in the alternatives chapter since it would create an additional curb cut. Nonetheless, whichever access route is chosen to open the North Quadrant for development, it must include bringing the proper infrastructure into the area. Water, sewer, power, and telephone will be required if the property is to be developed for aviation related and non-aviation related commerciallindustrial tenants. South Quadrant No future development is expected to occur in this area. This is due to the fact that the Sebastian Municipal Golf Course occupies all of the space directly adjacent to the airfield. Currently the proximity of the golf course to the airfield precludes any facilities (aviation related or not) to be constructed on this portion of the Airport. East Quadrant Airport Drive East is a dead end road, which comes off of Main Street to provide access to the East Quadrant. Main Street ties into Roseland Road to the west and U.S. Highway 1 to the east. Roseland Road feeds to County Road 512 (Fellsmere Road) providing immediate access to Interstate 95. However, this route runs traffic through a significant portion of the high-density neighborhoods that bound the airfield on the southeast side. The present Airport related traffic along these roadways is not considered significant. As mentioned in the inventory chapter, JS Aviation is the only tenant on this side of the airfield. Immediately to the south and east of JS Aviation is the Sebastian Municipal Golf Course, which occupies a large portion of the Airport property. While improvements to the existing access into this area will depend on the development alternative chosen, it is not expected to change significantly due to the potential for incompatible uses. Depending on the final layout for the East Quadrant, utility upgrades into this area (primarily water and sewer) mayor may not be feasible. West Quadrant The West Quadrant is the most developed area and is accessible via Airport Drive West. Airport Drive West has two entry points off of Roseland Road. Although most of this access is paved, the southern portion, which ties into Roseland Road at the end of the east-west taxiway, is unpaved. As additional facilities are developed in the West Quadrant, Airport Drive West will need to be extended south and ultimately provide a third tie into Roseland Road. An option may be to abandon the existing unpaved portion of Airport Drive West to limit the number of access points off of Roseland Road. This and other 2002 5 -19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. SI.BASTIAN ~-' <"- r" .--. - -:-~-" HOMI Of PtUCAN tsl.AND options will be evaluated in the alternatives chapter. Likewise, any access alternatives/improvements in the area need to include bringing water and sewer services to the existing and future tenants. North and South Infield Areas At some point in time, the Airport infield will need to be developed. This area affords some of the largest and best aviation related space available for development at Sebastian. The ultimate development of this area will dictate how landside access and airfield access can co-exist without impacting one another. All alternatives for this area are depicted in the following chapter and will require basic utility extensions for future tenants. Automobile Parking It is assumed that each of the individual FBOs, as well as any private clearspan hangars, will provide their own parking spaces based on their own anticipated demand. In laying out the future facilities, an adequate amount of space shall be allotted for automobile parking in these areas. This includes separate parking lots for any small clearspan or t-hangar facilities, despite the fact that owners or users of these facilities typically park their automobiles in the hangars. Adequate parking is currently available to both the East and West Quadrants of the airfield and provide sufficient space to serve the present needs of the Airport. Perimeter/Access Road Currently the Airport has a limited interior perimeter access road. As airfield facilities are developed, the ability to use these existing service roads will diminish. A new layout for an unpaved airfield perimeter access road is needed. The layout of this road must remain out of all of the runway and taxiway object free areas. This road is depicted in the alternatives chapter of this study. SUMMARY OF FACILITY REQUIREMENTS Table 5-13 provides a summary of the facility requirements that were determined necessary to satisfy the forecasts of aviation demand presented in Chapter 3 of this study. This table also includes some additional facilities, which have been planned to enhance the Airport. The order in which these improvements are listed does not have any relation to the priority or phasing of such projects. 2002 5-20 I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I SEBASTIAN MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Master Plan Update art.. SE.B~T!AN ~ HOME OF PWCAN ISLAND TABLE 5-13 SUMMARY OF FACILITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Clearing of obstructions to obtain RPZ requirements for non- precision approach (or approaches) to Runway 4-22. 2. Major rehabilitation or reconstruction of entire Runway 13-31 pavement. Runway width should be reduced to 75 feet. 3. Install Medium Intensity Runway Light (MIRL) system to Runway 13-31. 1. Reconstruct north-south taxiway to a width of 35 feet and add Medium Intensity Taxiway Lights (MITLs). 2. Reconstruct east-west taxiway to a width of 35 feet with MITLs. 3. Construct full-length parallel to Runway 4-22 to include MITLs and run-up areas. 4. Construct full-length parallel to Runway 13-31 on the south side to include MITLs and run-up areas. 5. Construct full-length parallel to Runway 13-31 on the north side to include MITLs and run-up areas. 1. Remark Runway 4-22 to include upgrade to non-precision runway markings. 2. Remark Runway 13-31 after rehabilitation/reconstruction to include upgrade to non-precision runway markings. 3. Remark all taxiways as they are rehabilitated/reconstructed. 4. Install lighted airfield signage. 5. Periodic remarking of all airfield pavements. 1. Establish non-precision GPS approach (or approaches) to Runway 4-22. 2. Install Precision Approach Path Indicators (P APIs) to both ends of Runway 4-22. 3. Install Runway End Identifier Light (REIL) system to both ends of Runway 4-22 and Runway 13-31. 4. Install Precision Approach Path Indicators (P APIs) to both ends of Runway 13-31. 1. Construct a total of 13,500 square yards of aircraft parking space. 1. Construct an airport administration building. 2. Construct an airfield electrical vault. 3. Construct 20 t-hangars. 4. Construct 8 corporate/private clearspan hangars. 5. Construct 2 FBO/large clearspan hangars. 6. Construct a 2,800 square foot general aviation terminal building. 1. Provide access into the North Quadrant off of Airport Drive West with water, sewer, power, and telephone utilities. 2. Extend water and sewer into the East Quadrant. 3. Extend Airport Drive West to the south. 4. Provide water and sewer utilities into the West Quadrant. 5. Provide access into the North and South Infield Areas with water, sewer, power, and telephone utilities. 6. Enhance interior perimeter road. Source: THE LP A GROUP INCORPORATED, 2000. Runways Taxiways Pavement Markings and Airfield Signage Navigational and Visual Landing Aids Apron Space Buildings Access and Infrastructure 2002 5 - 21