HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRING Vol. 1, No.2 5 rin 2006 GREETINGS FROM THE CITY OF SEBASTIAN On behalf of our community, I invitL' vou to Sebastian's Independence Dav Celebration. During the 1,1St II years, the City of Sd1astian has worked in conjunction with the Lions Club of Sebastian to host this highly regarded event, to lw enjoyed by families and friends within the area in an effort to cL'lebratL' America's Birthda\ safely and wholesomely. We give thanks to all the people who work so hard to organize the parade, fireworks and all other planned events and activities. The City of Sebastian is also most appreciative of the numerous governmental, business, group and individu,ll partners that contributed to respective fund raising efforts. Such financial assistance is most viable to successful events such as this, as it is our hope th,lt such partlwrship is maintained. In short, 11appy Birthd,lY to the gre,ltest nation on earth' Enjo\', be safe and Cod Bkss' A joyous occasion to al!! I-Jonorable Nath,lIl B, McCollum, Mayor of Sebasti,lIl 2006 SEBASTIAN JUNIOR GOLF ACADEMY Beginning \tll I , 2UU6 all sUllllller junipr golf informatioll Ilill be avail,lbil', \'ia our golf course websik ( or b\' stopping bv the golf shop elt Sebastian Colt COurSI', This yeelr el slight changL:. will be m,lde to the academies structure, This changl' II'ill result in one major objective: mOI'L'indi\iduell and "01w-on-onl''' instruction, CelCh acadelllV will entail ,1 three. day session, with each daily sessiolllasting two hours, There will be approximaklv twenty (20) academies, with each acadellll taking a maximum of five (5) juniors. Ob\'ioLlsly, fivI' studl'nts per ,lCademy II'ill (reatl' ilnd enhallce ,ln environment where till' golf professional" offer plent\' of persoll,llizl'd instructioll, D,lI's and times will 1,l!'V, which will allow for fk'xibilit\, in schedules, Some arademies II'ill be offered in tIll' Illllrnings, elndsoll1l' in the afternl)ons, [,1(h thrl'I,.dav ,lC,ldenw II'ill cost S.t':;, which Ilill . , include elll instructinn and Sebasti,lIl Junillr (;nlf h,lt. INDEPENDENCE DAY TUESDAY, JULY 4TH "FIREWORKS FUND" OPENS FOR 2006 Once again, the City of Sebastian is gearing up to plan kstivities for the 200e, 4'h of July celebration and our Gllllpaign tl) raisl' 'Ji12,OOO to pay for till' traditional Sebastian Community Fireworks display oVI'r tIll' Indian River Lagoon is underwa\', The fund-raising campaign allows till' Independl'nce Day firl'works to continue as a f,lmilv eVl'nt clnd as a salute to freedom. The fire\vorks displ,lY drclws thousands to Rivl'J'view Park, where conCl'rts and other entertainment are also offered. Donors will be recognized in a printed hand out on Iuesdav, f ulv 4,i,. Contributions Ill,l\ be forwMded to tl1l' City of Sebastian, Finance Dep,lrtnwnt, 1225 rvL1in Street, Sd1astian, FL :1295S. r .- - .-- -,.., -. - .- _. ~ ...- -- - ""'U ,~... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CELEBRATE INDEPENDENCE DAY WITH FIREWORKS AT RIVERVIEW PARK SUPPORT your fireworks with a contribution. YES, I would like to help support the fireworks display. NAME ADDRESS Please list your nallle, as you would likl' it to appear in the printed Program distributed on July 4"'. Anyone intL'rcstL'd in participating in the parade, please feel free to cont,lCt Jack Hawkins ,11663-1:194. t~ current invI'stnlL'nt portfolio is appro'\illlalL'lv 520 million. The invcstmcnts consist of lJS govcrnment securities, St,lte investmcnt pool, and certifiGllL' of deposits. Anothn important function of this Department is financial reporting, In order to dl'1l1Onstr,lte accountabilitv, till' Cdv has contraded cxkrnal ill(kpendent ,luditors to rcvicw Citv's financial rccords and render an opinion on thl' fairness of the City's accounting practicl' and its fin,lncial records, The City has reccived clcan opinions since I t)H7. A Comprelwnsi\'L' Annual financial Report is ['ruduced bv till' Findncc DqJartment cach YI'a!". The City h,ls rl'ccivcd a Certi ficalL' of Ach ie\'L'llwn t for Excelll'nce in !-"i na IKia I Reporting from COI'crnllwnt Financc Officer Associ,ltion for (, \TarS since ]LJl}t), TIll' CertificalL' of Achil'll'nwnt is a prestigious nation,ll award-rl'cognizing conformdncc with the highest standMds for prepar,ltion of St,llL' and local governmcnt fin,lncial reporting, In 20ll", the lin,lncc Uepartllll'nt has coordillatcd ,1Ild pursul'd FEMA ,1Ild Stall' reimburscnwnt for Ilurricane I ranccs ,1Ild Jean. Thc reimbursl'lllcnt prucess was actualh cUlllpll'tcd withid thirtecn (13) months after till' :,torn1S. TuL11 rl'ali/l'd re\'L'nlll' frum feder,ll and SLllL' ,1ssisLlIlCI' is 5.),'\7-+,:126. In addition, the !-"inancc DI'pMtnwnt also secuI'L'd S-+IS,7LJO grant funding from Fedl'ral Ilighll',w i\dmini'->tration for fednal highwav damagl's. Currentlv the FinanL'l'1 )I'pdrtllll'nt is pursuing till' reilllbursl'nlL'nt for hurric,lIll' \Vilma. The prucess is LJt)'; nllllplL'tl'. rill' toLll rl'illlburSelllL'nt rl'cl'i\'l'd to lbtL' is appro\im,lll'lv SF)(),(){){) frulll I'TiVIA ,1Ild S"lS,()(){) from l'I'lkr,ll Highlla\' Administl\ltion. GRANT PROGRAM FOR BUSINESS "FSL" (Facade, Sign and Landscape Improvements) The Citl' is offcring grant funds to businessl's within the COllllllunill Rcde\'L'lopnlL'nt I\rca (CRA) bOUllLLlrY for laGldl" Sign and LlIldscaping (FSL) I III pru\'L'llll'nts, TIll' purposl' of the ISL Crant I'rugram is to provide funding to l'ncourage improvcllll'nts tl1 a 11\' existing building (residential l1r comlllercial) and to encour,lge pril'alL' in\'L'stlllL'nt to impl'lll'e thl' elPlW,lr,lnCe ,lnd functionality l1f buildings in thl' Scbastian Communitv RI'dc\'L'loplllL'nt Are,] 1',Kade, signagc and landscaping (1St) grants Illust suppmt the goals l1f till' OI'I'rl,lY District for the CRA Mea to ,1chie\'L' till' "Old 1111rid,1 Fishing VilLlgC" theme, rill' progrdm prmidcs up to S15,000 of public funds per building to Illatch pril'ate funds to p,w fm tIll' design ,1Ild compll'tion of fac,lde impro\'l'llll'nls II'ith the Sl'bastian CRA. rill' P rog r,llll is funded ,1Ilnu,1Ih in the CRA budgl'l, dnd prugram funding isal'ailablL'on a fj rst-Cl1llll' fi rst-sen'l' basis, ,lnd tIll' funding of ,111\ 'lppl iC,lt ion IS l'ont ingent upon c1V,lil,lble progralll fu nd i ng. rllL' ISI. program IS c1\'ailabiL' to busilll'sses d ndur bu i Id i ng l1\1'Ill'rS that drl' 10c,lted within till' (1\.\ district nf the Cill l1f Sebasti,ln. l'rogrdlll Illform,ltillll pack,'['-, ,Hl' ,)\,lilabll' ,11 Citl Ildll in the Cw\\'th \bl1agl'I1ll'111 Ik'[1c1rtl1ll'nt ,1Ild on till' Cit\'s wl'bsite: I'rogram Informatil1n p,ld:l'ls are also avail,lble through tIll' Sebeh! ia n 1\ i vcr A rea Ch,llll bl'r of Cl1lllmercI'. TIll' p,lCket lontdillS inforlllation regarding tllL'critcria, the grant selectioll ['roL'l'Ss ,1Ild the g r,lIlt appl ic dt inn. The fj rst round dl'dd line is IUllL' I. 21lt 16. ( 1\: or" S~h:l'illalll-R \ :::_=" l'ruIJl'rt\ (l\lnns Ilithin the ("I\A Ml',l I\ho Ml' inlL'rl'sted in till' pl't1gr,lm aI'L' Wl'!cI)JllL' to make an ,lppointllll'nt II'ith Rebl',c,l (,rnhall, Crowth \Llllagenll'nt Director, t,l discuss the c1pplic,ltion and selL'ctinn process, EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER OFFICER THOMAS POORE Officer Thomas Poore was selected "Employee of the 1" Quarter 2006" by a unanimous decision. During his 18-year tenure as a Police Officer with the City of Sebastian, he was a Field Training Officer for 13 years and Acting Sergeant on several occasions. In his current assignment as Marine Officer, Officer Poore's primary duties are restoring order and safety to the boating public in Sebastian's portion of the Indian River Lagoon. ELECTION 2006 Bv Sillh :VLlio, City Ckrk TIll' Milrch 14,2006 Municipal Election resulted in re-I'!cctioll of Council MClllber Sal Negliil ellld l'kction of l11'\\'COml'r AI Pakrlloster to two-veal' lL'rms. Incumbent Lisanne Monier lost her ilttempt at a sl'cond krm, Also dL'lealL'd was first time Gmdidate Eugene vVolft', Brief biographil's, photos and contact information Illr our nl'IV City Council C,lIl be found on tlll' Citv website . . \: ,~ TIll' other threc Illembers of Council \\'ho were elected in M,Hch 200::; and rL'lllainon Council for one Illorc \I',H III tl1l'i I' krms alT Nilthan McCollum, Bri,m Burkl'I'n, ilnd Andrea CO\', Following the swearing-in ceremony on March 20ti" Cit\, Council onCl' again l'IeclL'd Nathan McCollum as \Ll\'or and Brian Burkl'I'n ,1<; Vice-lvlavor for Onl'-\'ear lL'rJl1S to March 2007. Cit\, elections are conducted annualh on the Sl'Clllld Tuesdilv in March. Two seats arl' filled in l'ven-numbered ye,lrs ilnd three seats are filled in odd-numbered \l'cHS, Citv Council terms are two yeMs and elections cHl' ,1t-lcHge and nlm-pcHtisan, Tlw next Cit\, ekction Ivil! be held on Tucsdav, :vlcHl'h 1:1, 2007 for thrl'l' Clluncil SCilts. The ChcHll'r Revie\\' COlllmittel', first est,lblished in !lil)L) tel nlL'et once l'\'e!'\' seven \I'MS to rl'\'iew the Citv ChcHtn, 11,1<; . , been 1'L'-l'stablisllL'd for six months ,lnd \\'ill begin nll'L'ting mllllthh folhl\ving an orgelni/atiulldl Il1cL'ting in April. ,\11\ recomnlL'ndl'd ch'lnges a pprO\'I'd bv Cou ncil in till' fall wi II bl' pbced on thc \'larch 2007 b,llloL Charter Review Committee meetings will be tekvised on Conll'elst Channel 25, as ,11'1' dll Cil\' Council and Citv board and committel' Illeetings, A sclll'dulL' for live meeting broadcasts is provided on Channcl 2.'1, Candid,lk p,lCkL'ls will be ,w,lilabk in tilL' filII, II \oU have anv questions regarding Cit\, elections or candilLlC\ plc,lse cont,lCt Cill' Clerk, Sallv \lilio at 5SLJ-:::;JJO or SJl1ilio(li ci tyofsebast ia n ,I)rg, Officer Poore makes every effort while on duty and on his personal time to clean debris from OUr shoreline and as a result, minimizing pollution from occurring inthe Lagoon. His extensive knowledge about boating safety, boating regulations and fishing laws, enables him to share with the public his passion for what he loves to do the most, not to mention the numerous public life-threatening situations he has been able to circumvent, Thanks Officer Poore, you are a real asset to our community. CITY OF SEBASTIAN NEW WATER RESTRICTION PLAN 'To com ph' with the mand,lto!'\ SL lohns I\i\'l'r '"v,ltl'l' Management District Rule as 01 April ]2,2006, The full tl'xt c,m be found on thc City website: !' or bv requcst in Cit\, Hall. 1.,\'-I)S(\1'1. IRIW t\f Ii)\, "C}l[()UU Landscape irrigation at odd numbered addresses must only occur on Wednesday and Saturday and must not occur between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. daily. This means odd-numbercd addresses CAN ONLY \VATER trom 12:01 ,1m to 10 am and 4:t)() pm to midnight on Wednesdays dlld S,lturda\'s, Landscape irrigation at even numbered addresses or no address must only occur on Thursday and Sunday and must not occur between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. daily. This ml"lIlS 1'\'l'll-Ilumbered ,ldd ressl'S CA NON L Y WAIER from 12:01 ilm tll 10 ,1m and 4:00 pm tn midnight on Thursdays and Sunda\'s, IXCI!'! !()\,,, l() L\'dlS( \1'[ !lm!C\flO\i SC HIDUII Llndsca~x' irrigation shall be subjl'ct to the following irrigation scheduk excepfillllS: · Irrigation using a Illicro-irrigation S\'stem is allO\I'ed anvtinlL', · Irrigation of 1ll'1\' bndscapI' is ,lllowed at any time of liel\ Oil alw da\' for thl' initial:10 dill'S c1lld l'\'e!'\' other dav for the Iwxf 30 - ~ v y _ dews for a total of one 60-day period, provided that the irrig,ltioll is limited to the minimum ,1moullt necesscHY for such landscilpe establ i"h nlL'nL · WalL'rillg in of c1lL'miclls. including insl'cticicks, pesticides, fertilizL'rs, fungicides, and herbicidl's when requirl'd h' lal\, the lllanuf.1cturl'r, Llr bcst mallagellll'nt l)ractices is allO\\'l'd an\tilllL' \\'ithin 24 htlurs Llf appliGltion, · Irrigation systL'ms ma\' be Llper.1tL'd anvtillle for lll.1inknc111ce .1nd rq)elir purpLlses not to eXCl'l'd ]() minutes pL'r hour pl'r /IJlll', · Irrigation using a h,lnd-held hose l'l]uipped with ,m automatic shut-off nozz!P is ,lllo\\,l'd anvtinlL', · DischMgl' of \\'alL'r from a \\'alL'r-tlhlir air-conditioning unit or otllL'r W,llL'r-dependl'nt cooling s\'stl'm is not limitL'd, * · TIll' use of water from a rL'c1aillll'd w,lter svstl'm is ,lilt 11\L'd anvtimL', For the purposl' of this p'lI'agr'lph, a reclaillll'd 1\.1kr s\'stL'm i ncludl's s\'stL'ms in II' hich thl' pri ma ry sou rce is recb i med water, which m,l\' or may not be suppiL'mented from another source during ~)L'ak dL'mand periods, · TIll' use of l\'c\'c1l'd water from I\L't dl'tcntion treatment ponds for irrig,ltion is allowed anvtinll' pro\'ided the pLlnds Me not ,1ugml'ntL'd from ,In\, ground or ofl-sik surface \\"ltl'r, llr public supph sources, rill' ordinance furthl'r pro\'idL's for \ariances ,md pen,lltil's ; Cit\' (nde prl'\'l'nts runoff of disch.1rgL'd w,ltL'r into '>1\ all''>, drainage dikllL's c1nd onto all\ public pmpert\', SEBASTIAN NOW HAS A ONE STOP PERMITTING PROCEDURE Effective May 1, 2006 there will be only one stop required to obtain permits related to building construction from the City of Sebastian. The Building Department will now be the central intake for all building permit needs. Previously, in order to obtain a new building permit, the builder was required to go to the Engineering Department and apply for a Driveway I Drainage permit. After the Driveway I Drainage permit was reviewed and approved, \\'hich took approximately one to two weeks, the builder could tllL'n apply to the Building Departnll'nt for the Building Permit, which takes about another three to four \veeks, The Engineering Department is still reviewing the Driveway I Drainage permits and performing the associated inspections. I10wever; when the builder submits their Building Permit to the Building Department along with their Driveway I Drainage permit application, the entire package can be reviewed simultaneously, thus shortening the over all review process. This will be made possible by the Engineering Department sharing the Building Department's computer software, where permit data, plan revil'w comments and inspection results are recorded daily, all of which Me readily available to anyone having access to the system, The benefits to the builder and the public will be the shortening of the turn around time for Building Permits issued by the City and the ability to schedule all inspections at one location, Centralizing the plan review comments and inspection results in one computer database will mean increased abilitv to retrieve this information, The Building Department's goal is to also provide on-line capability to the svstem before the end of this fiscal vear. The online services . . will allow users to view plan comments and inspection results along with being able to schedule inspections through a link on the Citv's website, TheCity looks forward to this new procedure and future advances that enable us to provide excellent customer sen'ice tn the community, Wayne Eseltine, CBO, Building Director DEPARTMENT SPOTLIGHT \Velconll' to the Finance Department. Our department currently has five (5) full-time employees, Finance Director, Assistant Finance Director, Payroll Specialist, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, F/(1!1i I/'ti Il! K(liiKli!l'':'~~ f,,\((IJU f>; !\I'C'i'it'lll1h'J, S/!ili r !":lill"L':' (FiJidi!d'L)i!"('( l/,Ic O,-hti ('\~-;,hitlilt Fiill?fl(( [!:u'l"f(l}<), ill.! (/\ c'ci)[ i! it.'"' \'('ldt '-" . ! This department reports directly to the City rvlanagl'r and serves the Mayor and Council and City Man<lgement Team as Financial Manager, Budget Officer, Accounting !vIa nager, Investment Officer, Risk Manager. Besides the daily routine such as revenue collections, accounts payables and bi-weekly payroll, the department assists the City Manager in preparing the City's annual operating and capital budgets. Current City's annual operilting budget is approximately $23,5 million, In addition, the Department prepares budget amendments four (4) times a year to utilize new revenue sources and adjusts budget details to reflect changes during the Cllurse of a year. After the City Council adopts the annual budget, an annual budget document is submitted to the Covernment Finance Officer Association Budget Presentation Award program for re\'iew. The City has been a Budget Presentation Award recipient for the past two vears. Thanks to all City emplovees for their valuable inputs and involvenlL'nt in the budget process, As an Investment Of(icl'r, the Finance Department follows the investment guidelines adopted by the City Council to make sound investment decisions, The City's I'RSRT STD ICRWSS Le,.I'OSTI\CI PAID \11,0 BEACI!, 1'1 I'Fl\\llT '\(), 215 POSTAL PATRON Sebastian, Florida 32958