HomeMy WebLinkAbout05042006 PZ CITY OF SEBASTIAN <J~ ~-'- ./ .cHi\IRt~AN .... '( BOARD) e~"'1 ~S!,""'-- APF'ROV::.q '"DATr::reJ' jpj; APPROVED SLlBJECT TO _-....- PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION -....... -w. ,I'll - -~.____ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING All ('(( {J Mr.J?ao1Called the meeting to order at 7:00P.M. MAY 4, 2006 The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chmn. Allocco Mr. Simmons Mr. Paul Mr. Cardinale Mr. Oakes Mr. Kidde (a) Mr. Mahoney EXCUSED: Mr. Buchanan (a) Mr. Keough ALSO PRESENT: Dorri Bosworth, Zoning Technician Linda Lohsl, Recording Secretary ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chmn. Allocco announced that Mr. Keough and Mr. Buchanan are excused and Mr. Kidde will be voting. He also noted that Mr. Kidde will be relocating out of the area and has submitted his resignation. Chmn. Allocco thanked Mr. Kidde for the time and effort he has given to this commission. Chmn. Allocco welcomed Charles Cardinale as the new regular member. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: P&Z Regular Meeting 4/20/06 Mr. Oakes explained his view on the discussion regarding the color of the awning and the drop-down windows stating he had only approved the waiver for the awning but not the expansion of the restaurant or color. MOTION by Mahoney/Allocco to approve the minutes of April 20, 2006. ROLL CALL: Chmn. Allocco Mr. Kidde (a) Mr. Oakes Mr. Paul yes yes yes yes Mr. Mahoney Mr. Simmons Mr. Cardinale yes abstained yes The vote was 6-0. Motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: Ms. Bosworth reported on a new model home permit approved at the last meeting for Giglio Construction on Concha Drive. She said they had two parking spaces in the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 4,2006 driveway and three that would back out onto Concha Drive. Staff was unaware from the site plan that the bridge was right next to the site and the Engineering Department had a problem with the front yard parking. They felt that since an employee vehicle would not be backing out on a regular basis during the day, staff gave them credit for three spaces in the driveway and two in the front yard. Engineering agreed with this solution. Ms. Bosworth wanted this site plan change noted for the record. NEW BUSINESS: QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE - MODEL HOME PERMIT RENEWAL - 909 LANDSDOWNE DRIVE - NORTH-SOUTH BUILDERS Chmn. Allocco swore in staff. Ms. Bosworth reported they are open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. part of the week. There have been no violations or complaints in the past year. Staff recommends approval for another year. MOTION by Simmons/Oakes to approve the renewal of the conditional use permit for North-South Builders for a model home at 909 Landsdowne Drive. ROLL CALL: Chmn. Allocco Mr. Kidde (a) Mr. Simmons Mr. Cardinale yes yes yes yes Mr. Mahoney Mr. Paul Mr. Oakes yes yes yes The vote was 7-0. Motion carried. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE REVIEW - SECTION 54-2-7.5 - 1662 CORAL REEF STREET - 24' X 30' DETACHED GARAGE - TODD JESSUP Ms. Bosworth reviewed the staff report. He applied to for his accessory driveway permit. The accessory structure should match the existing house. He meets the height and setback requirements. Staff had Mr. Jessup sign an affidavit attesting that no commercial activity would be done out of the garage. Ms. Bosworth answered commission questions regarding the structure height, business affidavit, landscaping, tree retention and windows. MOTION by Oakes/Kidde to approve the 30' X 24' accessory structure at 1662 Coral Reef Street ROLL CALL: Mr. Mahoney Mr. Oakes Mr. Paul Mr. Cardinale yes yes yes yes Chmn. Allocco Mr. Kidde (a) Mr. Simmons yes yes yes The vote was 7-0. Motion passed unanimously. CHAIRMAN MATTERS: NONE MEMBERS MATTERS: 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 4,2006 Mr. Kidde expressed his regret on having to leave. The members offered their best wishes to Mr. Kidde. Mr. Paul noted discussion from the last meeting about state statutes versus local statutes. His question was do local statutes in fact supercede state statutes because they are usually stricter. Ms. Bosworth offered her interpretation, as local codes cannot be less restrictive than state codes but can be more restrictive. Mr. Paul thanked Ms. Bosworth on the fact that the Welcome to Sebastian sign is back up on 66th Avenue. Mr. Cardinale expressed his appreciation on being a member of the board and looks forward to working with everyone. DIRECTOR MATTERS: Ms. Bosworth said there would be no meeting on May 18, 2006. ATTORNEY MATTERS: NONE Chmn. Allocco adjourned the meeting at 7:21 p.m. (5/4/06 sbl) 3