HomeMy WebLinkAbout03062006 EB ~ HOME OF PELICAN ISLAND TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2005 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1225 MAIN STREET, SEBASTIAN, FLORIDA 1. Chair Adams called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. ROLL CALL Present: Pat Beckwith Michael Kidde Mary Ann Krueger Trish Adams Kristi Yanchis Therese Miller Jim Slattery 4. PUBLIC INPUT - none. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. 1-3-06 Meeting B. 2-6-06 Joint Meeting On MOTION by Mr. Kidde and a SECOND by Ms. Miller both minutes were approved by a voice vote of 7-0. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Tree Board & Environmental Committee Joint Meeting Chair Adams reported that on behalf of the committee, she attended the February Council meeting and received approval from Council to post the Environmental Advisory Committee's letter on the City's website and mail out the Tree & Landscape Advisory Committee's letter to new property owners. She also reported that Council was pleased with the Committee's achievements this far. She asked how long the Committee was temporary and the recording secretary reported that she would look into it. 1 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee March 7, 2006 Page Two She stated Council Member Neglia suggested putting a contact phone number on the Environmental Committee's letter and include pictures of invasive plants on the Tree Board's letter. B. Status of the proposed Environmental Specialist position Chair Adams reported that she met with the City Manager who stated that enforcement of city codes would be more appropriate than hiring an environmental specialist this year. She explained the enforcement would playa dual role with building and environmental concerns. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Rebecca Grohall, AICP, City of Sebastian Growth Management Director Ms. Grohall introduced herself and invited the Committee to contact her with any concerns. She stated that she has many projects underway, including the scrub jay habitat plan. She stated she has some ideas on improving City services which include the possible hiring of a college intern and expanding the environmental training of staff. She explained that she was previously with the City of Coral Springs and she assisted with the posting of tree pictures on that City's website and offered her assistance with what the City may post. Ms. Miller also offered her expertise with the pictures. Ms. Adams asked her to report this to the Tree and Landscape Advisory Committee. Ms. Grohall reminded the Committee that the development boom and hurricanes have affected the City's tree canopy which cannot be replaced overnight. She explained the Department is involved with anything affecting the physical growth of the City. B. Beth Powell - Conservation Land Manager, Indian River County Scrub Jay Presentation Side II, Tape I, 6:47 pm Ms. Powell introduced herself and gave a PowerPoint presentation. (attached) Side I, Tape II, 7:35 pm C. Janet Bargar, IFAS Ext. Agent II, Water Quality/Pesticide Class Coordinator Pesticide/Herbicide Education Ms. Bargar stated that after learning the City would provide the facility and staff attendance as an in kind match, she applied for an Integrated Pest Management grant RFP from the University of Florida Institute of Agriculture Services. She explained the City of Fellsmere and the Town of Indian River Shores will attend classes to be held at City hall on April 28th. She said a brochure and poster will be developed to advertise the class. Ms. Adams suggested providing this information to homeowners and Ms. Bargar stated the extension office is short staffed at the moment. Ms. Krueger asked what kind of pesticide information the extension office provides to homeowners. Ms. Krueger suggested a workshop on the same topic with panel speakers, open to the public, in the future. 2 Temporary Environmental Advisory Committee March 7, 2006 Page Three Ms. Adams asked Ms. Krueger to brainstorm for the workshop and the Committee can make it a priority at the next meeting. She also suggested giving Council a "Year in Review" at an upcoming meeting. D. 2006 Itinerary (a.k.a. Environmental Committee Priorities) Due to the lateness of the evening, it was decided to carried this item to the next meeting. 8. MEMBER'S MA TIERS Ms. Yanchis suggested putting pictures of exotic and invasive plants on Channel 25. Side II, Tape II, 8:22 pm Mr. Kidde asked if the committee became permanent, would he have to resign since he has recently been appointed to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Mr. Kidde would have to resign from one of the committees when the Environmental Committee becomes permanent. Ms. Adams encouraged the public to attend the Pelican Island Festival. She will be in attendance at the confiscated wildlife booth. Ms. Beckwith suggested partnering with the Tree & Land Advisory Committee in setting up a booth at next year's Pelican Island Festival to provide landscape and pesticide use. Ms. Krueger liked the PowerPoint slide stating "Please drive slowly, Scrub Jay flight zone". She asked if the City could provide these signs. The recording secretary advised the request should go to Council. Ms. Adams stated the signs could assist with City's incidental take permit mitigation. Ms. Miller also liked the sign but would prefer a rustic, wooden sign as opposed to a metal sign. 9. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. 3 Bet" Powell SEBASTIAN AREA-WIDE SCRUB-JAY HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN .~ . The Florida Scrub . Scrub Animal Species . The Florida Scrub Jay . The Florida Scrub Jay in Sebastian, FL . Description of the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) . HCP Guidelines and Requirements . Mitigation . Current Status of Sebastian's Scrub Jay Population . Recommendations for the City of Sebastian and its Residents 'SetlltPoweUt COfl4e4"Yca-Wf\I LaniW M~ I t'\d.l.an,'R.Wu" COUtIty . Occurring on the Sandy, Well- DrAined Soils of Rehet Coastal and Inland Dune Systems . Unique to Peninsular Florida . Habitat Loss Due to Commercial & Resldenltal Development . Ranked by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory as Imoeriled Globally & in the State of Florida 70~S5% lost since pre-settlement timL'S (Bergen 191)..1: Fitzpatrick cl al 1994a) and 90%.. los..~ in Indin Rhcr COllDI~; (Fernald 19S9) . . Pyrogenic Community (Fire Dependent) . Dominated by Evergreen Oaks (Quercus spp) h4- -~ -<~-~ ~:. ~ 'J!O ...... -i~- ~;';..~ -.,(,-,.,. .:;"""",,- Scrub Species Threatened Status - USFWS & FWC SEBASTIAN AREA-WIDE SCRUB-JAY HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN 1 Beth Powell Scrub Species Species of Special Concern - FWC Scrub Species . South Eastern Five-Lined Skink (Eumeces inexpectatlls) Scrub Species . Florida Scrub-Lizard.(Sceloponls It'oodl) SEBASTIAN AREA-WIDE SCRUB-JAY HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN Scrub Species . Eastern Indigo Snake (j)rymarclwn corms cOllpl!n) Threatened Status - USFWS & FWC Scrub Species . Gopher Frog (Ran(/ capito) Species of Special Concern - FWC The Florida Scrub-Jay . Blue & Gray Crestless Jay 00 dlff\"n'uce III ~ize or color bdw~t se'~ Listed as a Threatened Species by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in 1987 . Only Bird Endemic to Peninsular Florida . A l'el1lge Territory - 22 acres . Falnil) Size Ranges from 2-8 Individuals . Naturall) ~Fearless~ 2 Beth Powell The Florida Scrub-Jay . llnique Social System permanent monogom): year~round territo.-iality cOOllerative breeding intrafamilial dominance heir.archy delayed dispersal- juveniles sta:y with parents 1-2 years and help with . tcrritori1l1 defense . scanning for predators . feeding the ncstlin~s & fledglings food caching sentinel system The Florida Scrub-Jay Family size averaged 3.0 individuals Ilel" group Clutch sin ave..-age 3.8 Median incubation daft' April 7th Median hatching date April 24th Success ....ate at 72'% nestlings fledged MUD annual productivi.)' 1.9 young fledged per pair, per year J\'Jedian fledging date l\b)' 10th 70~/Qo nesting attempts were successful in fledging at I("ast one ):oung Scrub-Jay Nesting Success Study in Sebastian, Florida . .. Optimal Suboptimal Ancillary SEBASTIAN AREA-WIDE SCRUB-JAY HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN ... . _' _ The Florida Serub-Jay . Optimal Habitat Requirements: >50"/" shrub hl~'cr hein~ comllriscd of scrub llllk... 10-30%. ollen Sp<lCC (barc sand or sparse \cgetation 0-15'% Iline C<lnOll) COH"r shrub height or 3.9- 5.6' >328' from II forest The Florida Scrub-Jay in Sebastian, Florida . Between 1991-1998 the population of Sebastian's scrub-jays declined 45% - from 35 breeding pairs to only 16 . Reasons for population decrease: habitat loss (dt'vt'lopmt'nt) habitat fragmentation decrt'3sed nesting success dtcreased dispt'rsal success dt"graded habitat quality caust"d by development & fire exclusion inel"t"llsed predation bJ cats. dogs and othrr Jlredators not DOrman)' found in optimal xerie oak serub habitat Description o~: ~,,;;;~'! ~ . Allo\\'s for lncidtutal Tak(' P<<mits (rIPs) to be Is.sued on '''scrub'' lots III the Seba5tian BtghlanJs 317 l/~ ant' 101S toraHng (79.3 acrt's) nps are mlt,gattd b:y tb(' cons{'tvation land acquisitions & lllanagemt"nt of 32.:t acres babitabk by the Florida SCnlb Ja)' North Sebastian C\msenatton Area {,406 acres,t Sebasuan Hlghl,'!.nds ('onser'.atlOo Area \ 10 acrest Wabas5() Scrub Conservation Ar..:a \ t II a-:res.} Pell..:an Island Elememary School S..:rub Lots {.,... 12 acres) SebastIan AH],.X\rt Scrub A.rea (38 acres) 3 Beth Powell HCP Guidelines & Requirements Habitat Restoration/Enhancement for the Florida Scrllb~Ja)' mechanical enhancement (timbering, etc,) prescnbed burl1lng exotics remov'al . Protection of the Conservation Areas eg fencing, monitoring, patrolling, ete . Monitoring of the Florida Scnlb- Jays and Other "Key" Species report findmgs to US Fish & Wildlife annually Manu:emeDt Activities Takinl! Pla~: Nol'tb Sebastian Conservation A.... Wobasso Scrub Conservation A.... Sebosdon IIlahlonds Conservotion A.... Pelitlln Island Elementary School Scrub Habitat Sebostian Airport Scrub Habilat Timbering/Pine Canopy Thinning Fencing and Gating Access Points Prescribed Fire/Burn Mechanical Habitat Enhancement Public Lse Improvements Exotics Removal (Flora & Fauna) Monitoring Fencing and Gating Access Points SEBASTIAN AREA-WIDE SCRUB-JAY HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN IRC Conservation Areas \ '" .It. nliMRMrc-r..........c~L.-(NartllCauntwl lL..c~10l11lOS) Monitoring Scrub Jays 4 Beth Powell Mechanical Habitat Enhancement The Florida Scrub-Jay in Sebastian, Florida - 2006 . Consists of2 Sub-populations ,,'pm',,' b, "1<,,,,, miles) ~~\r~~'-~J.i'," North population = ~~ '" . 4 famili., at North Sebastian CA ~~.' . I Family on the Airport property~ South population = . , . . 3 families at "'abasso SeA . 1 kno'\\'" Camil)-' at linits 10 & 17 of St-bastian Highlands SEBASTIAN AREA-WIDE SCRUB-JAY HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN Mechanical Habitat Enhancement 5 Beth Powell Ways that the City of Sebastian can assist the SJ Population in Sebastian: Conduct at Scrub Jay Survey to update the J 997 SUf'.'ey and band all birds found during survey Vacant lots owned by the City of SebastIan could be burned or roller- chopped by the Division afForestry using mItigation funds No cost to the Cit~ PrO\-idcs fire protection \0 ad.laccnt homeowners Encourage land owners to use native scrub landscapmg - offer them an incentive to not clear entire lot, or to leave vacant lots in their native state until clearing is necessary Encourage land Q\\l1crs to remove pine trees and to keep their landscaping low gro\\ing. lca\c as much scrub as possible Encourage residents to drive slowly in scrub-jay populated areas lnstall-- "SLOW - Scrub Jay Flight Zone" signs Publish information to residents to assist in scrub-jay monitoring; informatIOn mcluding photo of scrub jay, how to read bands and who to call if they should have them m their area SEBASTIAN AREA-WIDE SCRUB-JAY HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN ~>~ ''\. ~N MY BACKYARD! ~N~ -::;t",!, .. "!,,ci~ ~tK~ 6 Beth Powell ~~>>..'/ ~N MY BACKYARD! Ways the City Residents can keep Florida Scrub Jays in their neighborhood! Clear only enough to build home, leave existing scrub habitat Remove tall pine trees from their property Landscape with scrub spp. (if lot isn't entirely cleared, that "landscape buffer" will already be there) Vacant lots -leave in their natural state - remove vegetation only as needed; remove all tall pine trees; trim scrub oaks to 5' or less Call the Humane Society to pick up feral cats and keep house cats inside or on a locked screened enClosur2i ~ Drive slowly through scrub habitat areas '~K ~~f " ~,>",\) ~N MY BACKYARD! Ways the City Residents can keep Florida Scrub Jays in their neighborhood! Clear only enough to build home, leave existing scrub ,~tKK "..1:' ~'l..~ 'i~ ...h(i; ~N MY BACKYARD! Ways the City Residents can keep Florida Scrub Jays in their neighborhood! Remove tall pine trees from their property Landscape with scrub spp. (if lot isn't entirely cleared, that "landscape buffer" will already be there) ~N MY BACKYARD! Ways the City Residents can keep Florida Scrub Jays in their neighborhood! Vacant lots -leave in their natural state - remove vegetation only as needed; remove all tall pine trees; trim scrub oaks to 5' or less ,~tKK " 8:J:. ~'l..' . ~ l~.t< ""'it ..... " 8:J:. ~;l... '~;/i'i\ / ~N MY BACKYARD! Ways the City Residents can keep Florida Scrub Jays in their neighborhood! Call the Humane Society to pick up feral cats and keep house cats inside or on a locked screened enclosure Drive slowly through scrub habitat areas ~NmolJ~ otdp~ otMe/ Please Drive Slowly Scrub Jay Flight Zone ~~K,,-: "..,. ~'l::' SEBASTIAN AREA-WIDE SCRUB-JAY HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN 7 ;I.' .. l~)( tl1 Po Cue { I 58{1- (i22 3 lopuLuel/ @ IrC30i/, CGVll